Theories And Practices Of Motivation

Factors impacting employee motivation

1. Explore theories and practices of motivation?

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2. Primary research for employee behaviour and attitudes for Beefeater at Salford Quays?

Leaders and managers of the company are vested the primary responsibility to improve the task performance within the organization. The managers recruit the best staffs and train the members to undertake the challenging tasks at the workplace. Motivation is one of the key driving forces which encourage the employees to work towards the goal achievement.  Employee performance is directly impacted by motivation and this needs to be worked upon in an effective manner. Business houses with unmotivated staffs face challenges with improving the production activities, high turnover, and low revenue generation. The concept of motivation is related to the factors that encourage the staffs to work towards the goals of the company. It is related to the desires, psychological needs, and objectives of the individual who work for the organization. Some of the factors that motives an employee are-

  • Money requirement
  • Growth (Van Yperen& Janssen, 2002)
  • Recognition
  • Team work
  • Job satisfaction

The management is expected to improve the willingness of the staffs to work for the job improvement, which is one of the prime requirements for the successful business conduct. The role of the leader is important in analysing the factors that could impact the business activities and performance. The motivational factors are classified into three stages like –

  1. Drive need
  2. Factors impacting the motivational needs of the staffs (VandeWalle et al., 2001)
  3. Analysing the factors that needs to be satisfied and the process for goal achievement.

There are many theories that highlight the features of the motivation factors. The concept and the features of the theories differ from each other, and thus the management has to be analytical while applying the rules (Yahaya et al., 2009).

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Douglas McGregor in the year 1960 had developed the theory that as associated with the employee management and motivation. This theory is based on the X and Y factors.  X is related to the individuals who don’t prefer to work and avoid taking responsibilities at the workplace. The management usually implement rules and policies in order to encourage or improve the performance of such staffs. If required the management also adopt carrot and stick approach, where carrot denotes rewards and stick denotes punishment. Such staffs or employees needs to be constantly reviewed for the task performance and needs to be given feedback. Theory Y is related to the employees of the company who are highly motivated to perform the tasks at the workplace. In order to encourage the staffs, it is essential to provide the employees with essential tools and resources through which the tasks at the workplace can be easily performed or executed. The managers of the company need to develop opportunities for the staffs so as to encourage the members to take on responsibilities and provide better work culture for improving the performance of the staffs. Such tasks are undertaken with an intention of improving the work culture and production activities for the staffs of the company (Wong & Teoh, 2009).

Theories of motivation: Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Theory X and Y, Hawthorne effect

The policies and strategies adopted by various companies depend upon the challenging tasks undertaken by the management. In this case, it is essential to analyse different factors that would encourage the staffs to improve upon the production activities, which is one of the prime requirements for the smooth conduct of the business activities (Newstrom, 2011).

This theory was developed by Maslow, where the needs and preferences of the staffs to work within the company are based on 5 different levels. The different levels forms an important part of the business execution process, and the management are exacted to analyse the challenges and opportunities with the same. The needs and preferences of the employees differ from each other, and thus it is necessary to evaluate the challenges involved with the implementation of an effective method for encouraging the staffs to work with the organization (Schulze & Steyn, 2003).

The needs of the employees are classified on the ascending orders of the requirements. Such an alignment helps the managers and the management to analyse the requirements of the employees and provide an opportunity to achieve the same. At the bottom of the requirement list is the basic needs of an individual that is associated with sleep, food, and shelter. It is quite important for the employees to earn income for catering the basic needs. Second in the list are the safety measures where the individual work to secure their families from different aspects. In the third level is the sense of belongingness, which encourages the employees to work towards achievement (Ramlall, 2004).

The esteem and self-actualization factors are the fourth and the fifth requirement of the individual. In the esteem process, the individual work to earn respect, which encourages the members to sustain the complex work culture. Self-actualization is related to the sense of achievement, where the employees or staffs get a feel of achievement and accomplishment. Such factors have to be identified by the management and better plans needs to be implemented for the successful implementation of the process. It would make it possible for the staffs to work towards the goal achievement and achieve the goals (Shikdar & Das, 2003).

In this theory, the management introduce effective strategies through which the performance and the tasks performed by the members are measured for introducing future changes within the organization. As per this theory, the employees of the company are expected to work towards improving the productivity for the company, which is one of the prime requirements for the successful business conduct. Through this process, it is possible to improve upon the operational activities, which would enable the management to improve the performance. To improve the performance of the staffs of the company, it is necessary to adopt and implement an effective strategy through which the feedback can be provided to the employees. Consecutive and positive feedback would help in improving the performance of the staffs, and encourage the members to realize the tasks intended to be performed by the members. The theory also states the importance of recognition for the job that has been performed by them. This would motivate the staffs and encourage the members to work towards the goal achievement, which is one of the prime requirements for the company (Sempane, 2002).  

Secondary research on comparing theories

Theories has been developed and implemented by the management to improve the production activities for the company. Money is one of the factors that encourages the members or the staffs of the company to work towards the goal achievement. However, monetary benefits cannot encourage the members too positively within the work culture. This is one of the reasons, the management needs to analyse the other factors that would improve the work ability of the staffs of the comment. Value development, promotion, recognition at the jobs, and others are some of the other factors that encourage the members to work towards the goal achievement that needs to be identified by the management (Susan, 2003).

As per the Maslow’s need hierarchy, the preferences and motivational factors of the staff’s moves on to the higher level as this is considered to be important for the individual. In this method, the individual moves on to the other level after achieving the previous one. Such factors keep the members motivated and encourage the members to the work positively (Sloan, 2002).

The Theory X and Y differentiates the members who are capable to work towards the goal achieving has been highlighted by the company. In this process, the Y type of individuals is not required to be monitored for the tasks performance. The members are highly motivated and this is one of the factors that encourage the members to improve upon the performance. However X type of individual needs to be evaluated for the task performance and corrective measures has to be implemented for correcting the members (Smit et al., 2007).

The theories differ from each other in terms of understanding the nature of the motivation and the factors that could impact the performance of the members. Team members of the company has to be encouraged to work towards the goal achievement and for this, it is essential to develop and implement an effective strategy through which the task can be achieved in an effective manner (Tang et al., 2004).

The strategies adopted by the companies to encourage the staffs to improve upon the performance differ and it depends upon various factors. There are different methods through which the company could encourage the members to work towards improving the work performance, which is required for sustaining the tough competition. Some of the tasks that needs to be handled by the managers include-

  • Positive work culture – This includes providing fair and equal opportunities to the staffs of the company to improve the performance. In this method, the management has to analyse different factors that can affect the performance and the ability of the staffs to work within the organization. Issues related to the work performance needs to be discussed and corrective measures have to be taken for introducing the changes (Griffin and Moorhead, 2009)
  • Recognize, reward and reinforcement – Employees can be motivated by introducing an effective reward system. Through this method, it is possible to analyse the challenges that are faced by the staffs while performing the work. With corrective measures and steps it is possible to introduce the correct steps through which the required changes can be introduced (Islam & Ismail, 2008)
  • Employee engagement – In this method, the staffs are involved in the decision making process, which is considered to be an important factor for the business conduct. Through this method, the challenges existing at the workplace can be discussed and corrective measures or sets can be introduced for improving the performance. Such a process increases the value of the staffs, which is quite an important factor that would contribute towards the successful business execution (Kochan, 2002).
  • Skills and potential – Development of the skills of the employees is an important factor. Through this method, it is possible to introduce effective measures through which the members would be encouraged to work better at the workplace (Hodgetts, and Hegar, 2008)

In order to analyse the factors influencing the work behaviour of the individuals at the workplace, primary analysis has been conducted. Through this method, the researchers find the answers to the questions related to motivation form the members or the staffs working with the company. This is one of the important factors that could impact the work ability of the staffs. The data has been collected from reliable sources and the same has been analysed to analyse the impact of the same on the business activities. Survey and questions has been circulated amongst the members to find the details about different factors that could affect the work ability of the staffs (Herzberg, 2009)

A theory has been developed by experts after collecting facts and figures from different resources. In this process, the relevance of the theory has been outlined. The selection of the theory and its application depends upon the management or the organization. Through this method, an attempt is made to analyse different factors that could impact the business performance and motivational factors. The process is considered to be complex and the strategies adopted by the company differ from each other (Latham,, 2003).

At the time of implementing the strategies, it is necessary to analyse the challenges and other limitations that can affect the motivational factors for the company. It is not possible for the companies to choose and apply similar type of theory from different types of production activities. The selection of the theory has to be done after analysing the future goals of the company. The process required to be followed for implementing the changes has to be analysed as this will help in improving the performance of the staffs for the company. In order to implement the changes, the management needs to outline the steps and the process that would be expected to be followed for executing the tasks related to motivational factors (Kreitner & Kinicki, 2008)

Hospitality industry is quite challenge and complex to handle. The staff’s needs to be costly motivated or else it can affect the business performance and customer services. In this case, it is necessary to develop and introduce effective strategies through which the relied changes within the organization can be implemented for motivated the staffs (Kristof-Brown & Stevens, 2001)

The attitude and behaviour of the staffs of the company impacts the performance of the organisation. In order to improve productivity for the organization, the factors affecting the behaviour and attitude of the staffs needs to be analysed. The factors that could keep the members motivated needs to be analysed and corrective measures needs to be taken to introduce the changes. Negative attitude of the employees can affect the business performance and the willingness of the members to work for the company ( Luthan, 2011).

Attitude is related to the way the employee of the company feel about the organization, co-works, work culture, and others. Positive attitude would always contribute toward the successful business operational activities, while negative factors directly impact the business performance. The attitude needs to be analysed, as it affects the business performance. Beefeater is a restraint that serves good food and renders best services to the clients. The success of the company depends upon the quality of customer services rendered to the clients. The attitude of the customs can affect the quality of services intended to be provided to the members (Locke & Latham, 2002)

Behaviour is another factor that is associated with the manner an individual of the company behaves at the time of carrying out the business activities. In this process, the factors that could impact the behaviour of the staffs at the workplace need to be analysed. This will help in developing and introducing better methods through which the changes within the work culture can be introduced by the management (Mills et al., 2006).

The data required for analysing the impact of the behaviour and attitude of the customers were collected from a sample group of 15 members from the company. The prime motive was to find different factors that could impact the willingness of the staffs to work towards the goal achievement that has been decided by the management. Through survey method, a set of questions were circulated amongst the members. The answers to the questions were expected to help the management to analyse the factors that could affect the behaviour and willingness of the staffs to work towards the goal achievement for the company. The answers collected by the management from the staffs were used for the purpose of conducting the research through which the changes within the work culture could be implemented. Questions were exclusively drafted and corrective measures were introduced for increasing the reliability of the information that was collected from different members of the company. Data included points through which the factors impacting the work ability of the staffs were analysed. Through this method, an effective strategy was adopted and introduced by the management for increasing the performance (Bagraim etal., 2007).

There are different tasks and challenges that need to be handled at the time of implementing the changes for increasing the performance of the company. Motivation is one of the prime requirements through which the challenging tasks at the workplace can be easily handled by the management. Hospitality industry is quite compelling, and it is necessary to introduce effective strategies through which the changes could be introduced within the workplace to improve the work ability of the staffs. In this process, the challenges have to be analysed and corrective measures needs to be adopted for improving the performance for the company (Christopher, 2005).

Through effective leadership skills it is possible to increase the performance of the employees working the company. The leaders act as a mediator between the management and the employees. This is necessary for improving the performance for the company. Employees of the company face lots of challenges at the time of execution of the task. In this process, it is necessary to analyse the challenges and undertake steps through which the corrective measures can be introduced for improving the performance for the company. Leaders encourage the members to work towards performance improvement. This is one of the prime important factors through which the production activities, within the work culture can be improved (Abd Patah et al., 2009).

 In this process, the leaders communicate with the members and adopt effective strategies for increasing the performance. This is one of the important factors through which the changes can be introduced by the management for increasing the performance of the staffs for the company. It is quite important to adopt high performance methods through which the changes within the work culture can be introduced. This would help the management to adopt and introduce effective strategies which will encourage the staffs to work towards the goal achievement. In this process, challenges and other factors that could impact the performance of the company has to be analysed. This will help in overpowering the challenges that can impact the business performance for the company (ACNielsen, 2006).

The organizational performance is analysed on the past and present position of the company. The ability of the organization is evaluated on the basis of tasks and projects that have been undertaken by the organization in the past. Employee contribution and the relationship with the staffs are some of the factors that are evaluated by the management at the time of undertaking new projects that will benefit the company.

The profit earning margin for the company can be improved by increasing the employee contribution. For this, it is necessary to analyse the challenges that can impact the performance of the staffs. In this process, the management needs to develop effective’s strategies through which the employees can be encouraged to work towards the goal achievement. Different factors that could impact the actual performance for the company needs to be analysed as this will help in introducing effective changes through which the tasks can be achieved (Blumberg et al., 2008).

The past performance and the factors that had impacted the performance of the staffs in the past can be analysed on the basis of high or low performance. High performance denotes the ability of the staffs to perform better and the factors that have affected the performance of the employees. In the hospitality industry, the management has to undertake different challenging tasks through which the performance can be improved. Through this process, the issues faced by the members at the time of executing the tasks at the workplace are analysed, and the data are collected. This would help in implanting the changes that would help in improving the performance for the company. At the time of preparing strategic plan for the company, it is necessary to analyse the challenges that can affect the performance of the staffs. Through this process corrective measures are drafted and implemented by the management. This would help in increasing the business performance which is quite important for achieving the set target (Crossman, 2003).  

Different methods to improve the staffs contribution and involvement with the management have to be analysed as this will help in increasing the performance for the management. Through this process, the challenges and other limitations involved with the process has to be undertaken by the management.

The staff’s contribution towards increasing the performance of the company plays an important role in improving the performance for the company. In this process, the challenges and other factors that can affect the business performance has to be analysed.

The prime objective of the management is to introduce effective strategies through which the performance of the staffs for the company can be improved. In this method, the strategies adopted by the management has been analysed so as to find the best possible methods through which the changes within the management of the company could be implemented. The management intends to improve the performance for the company, and for this different factors that could impact the work ability of the staffs has been analysed. Through this method an attempt has been made to improve the performance. In order to improve the performance for the company the staffs of the company work on the below mentioned factors –

  • Draft policies through which the performance of the employees working with different departments of Beefeaters can be improved (DuBrin, 2012).
  • Interact with the staffs of the company to analyse the reasons that impacts the work ability and performance.
  • Develop effective strategies through which the members are encouraged to work towards the goals that has been decided or outlined by the management
  • Analyse the changes in terms of technology and other factors through which the required changes within the system can be implemented.

Supervisors of the company are entrusted with the responsibilities to analyse the factors that impacts the performance of the organization. Through this method, the challenges and other opportunities are analysed. This will help in improving the performance and encourages the company to introduce effective strategies through which the changes can be introduced. Supervisors are expected to evaluate the tasks performed by the members and introduce effective strategies through which the changes within the work culture can be introduced. For this, it is essential for the management to analyse the challenges and implement the changes through which the corrective measures can be introduced within the management. Through this process, the management of the company can work towards providing best possible services to the clients (Daft, 2008).

There are different internal and external factors that could impact the performance of the restaurant. It is necessary for the management to analyse the impact of such factors on the performance of the company. Staffs performance is one of the key factors that need to be worked upon by the management. In this process, the management has to analyse the changes that needs to be implemented for increasing the performance for the company.

It is necessary to introduce transparent and effective reward system, through which the staffs of the company would be encouraged to perform towards the goal achievement that has been drafted by the management. It is essential to prove the members with the resources through which the task performance can be improved. The reward system includes better pay, incentives and recognition. Such factors are quite important and play a key role in the business development. Through this process, it is possible for the management to introduce changes that would encourage the staffs to improve performance. Some of the steps that can be implemented by the management include –

  • Creating positive work culture, through which the required changes within the organization can be implemented (Greenberg, 2011).
  • Improving the performance for the company and analysing the challenges that could impact the work ability of the staffs.
  • Adopting flawless communication process through which the challenges and opportunities involved with the system can be informed to the clients. The process includes discussing with the staffs the steps that can be followed for improving the performance (DuBrin, 2012).
  • Adopting transparent system through which the changes intended to be implemented by the management can be introduced by the human resource department of the company.

Beefeater is one of the most preferred restraints in Australia that has been serving the clients with the best possible services. The restaurant has been known for rendering the best possible services to the clients. Due to monotonous job and less motivation work culture, the work ability of the staffs is impacted. In order to tackle with the situation, it is imperative for the management to adopt and implement effective’s strategies through which the staffs can be motivated to work towards the goal achievement. In this process, different factors that impacts the work ability of the staffs has to be analysed. Through discussion and interaction, it is possible to develop and introduce effective strategies through which the necessary changes can be implemented by the management.

In order to improve the attitude and behaviour of the staffs working with ‘Beefeater’ the below mentioned tasks has to be undertaken –

  • Introduce positive work culture – This includes encouraging the members of the company to adopt and implement effective strategies through which the tasks can be easily achieved. Analyse the challenges and implement changes that would encourage the members to adopt corrective measures.
  • Provide better incentive plans to the staffs   – The incentive plans has to be realistic and practical. This will encourage the members to adopt and introduce effective strategies through which the changes can be introduced.
  • Analyse the preferences of the employees – Preferences of the liens in terms of the work hours, pay structure, equality, and involvement has to be analysed.
  • Adopt transparent method – Transparent method includes communicating with the members the actual performance that would encourage the staffs to improve the performance (Dawson, 2005).
  • Analyse the performance – the performance of the staffs has to be analysed and feedback needs to be provided to the members. This will help in increasing the performance.


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