Cloud Computing In E-commerce System


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In today’s generation Cloud computing is the well known term that has been constructed hotly, drawing the both of derision and praise from the different sectors to the community of IT. Into this core the term that to refer the data centers outsourcing and the service of applications to the remote provider under the pay-as-you-go contact. This is the approach of metered that the lowers cost and complexity reduces, the business that allows simultaneously to the business that to consume the service additionally on-demand (Chorafas).   

E-commerce and the cloud computing are the two buzzwords nowadays. These are the popular because both of them are very much of cost effective. The cost of the organization saves by the cloud computing to the interface of IT at the time of E-commerce allows the merchants that to do the business without buying or renting the shop of entity. At the current time more of the companies of E-commerce move to the cloud. The provider of the cloud much opportunities positive for the E-commerce, but before the adopting this technology the companies must to have the off-trade.

Cause for the cloud computing

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Now a days the computing of cloud gets very much popular as this can applied everywhere like nearly into the libraries; the service of the fire; the small retailer that have to need the websites secure of E-commerce. At the time of talking about the benefits of the cloud based computing, peoples are already think about the consumers of the cloud. In fact, not only the consumers of the cloud including the end-users and the organization’s, but also the provider’s of the cloud can able to provide from this (Alam).  

Cloud computing Architecture

The majority of the infrastructure cloud computing currently consist of the delivered of reliable service through data centers that are built on the storage virtualization technologies and computer. This service is accessible from any part of the world, as the appearing cloud as the access of single point for the all of computing needs of the consumers. Offering commercial needs to meet the service quality customer requirements and typically to offer the agreement of service level. Open source and open standers software are also critical to cloud computing growth (Gorla).


Characteristics of cloud computing

 As, generally customers are do not own the infrastructure they are accessing merely or renting, they can expenditure of capital foreasgo, and the consumer’s are resources as the services, paying for what they used. Many of the cloud computing adopted the model of utility computing that is analogs to how the utilities traditional like the consumed electricity, when others are build on to the basis of subscription. By the sharing of intangible and perishable computing power between the tenants multiple, the rates of utilization can be improved that can significantly reduced the cost at the time of increasing the application speed development (Hochstein, Schott and Graybill).

The key feature of cloud computing

1) The expenditure of customer capital is minimized and the lowers barrier to entry.

2) Enables the location and device independence users to access the systems regardless of their location or to what kinds of device they are using.

3) Multi-tendency are enable to sharing of the resources among the users large pool, allowing for the infrastructure centralization in the lower cost area. Increases of the capacity of peak-load, and improvement of its efficiency and utilization.

4) Monitored and consistent is the performance (Hwang).

Applications of cloud

The application of cloud leverage the software architecture, often the need eliminating to run and install the application to the own computer of the customer, these are alleviating the software burden maintenance, operation ongoing, and support for the example of this:

Volunteer/peer-to-peer computing

Web application like face-book

Software as the service like the Application of Google, sales force

Software services plus (LaBarge).

 Cloud Clients

The cloud client is the computer software or the computer hardware, that relies on to the application delivery or which to specifically design for the cloud service delivery, and these are either to case essentially unless to without this

Thick web browser/client (like mozila firefox, Google chrome)

Thin client (like Zondu gOS based system, CherryPal)

Mobile (Windows mobile, iPhone, Android)

 Cloud services

The cloud service is the software system these are designed to support the inter operable interaction of machine to machine over the network. That may be accessed by the other components of cloud computing, endures or software directly. For the example of this is identify, integration, mapping, payments, search (Morris).

Cloud storage

Storage in cloud is the delivery of data as the service, often to build on the utility that based on computing. For the example- database (like the Amazone simple database), attached network storage, synchronization and the web service (Rashidi).   

Cloud provider’s benefit

Basically, there are many of the incentives for organizations that have to provide the service of cloud.


Investment Existing Leverage

Using the ideal existing IT infrastructure that to provide the service of the cloud, that to enables these are the companies that to have a new system of revenue. Now, for the example of this are Amazon and Google extending their private cloud and offered them to the public.

Making of money

For the business people profit is the one and only attractive thing. Ever body want to increase their profit margin (Ritu Sharma and Manu Sood).

Defend franchise

Many of the application to the enterprise that are begin to make the use of computing to the cloud, the vendors motivated would be to option of cloud provided of their own if already they established the franchise.

Incumbent attack

All of the companies with the resources of software and data requisition center are always want to be established the beachhead in that space.

Customer relationships to leverage

All of the companies can get the relationships of extensive customer via their offering service, including the service of the cloud.

Become the platform

Sometimes, the organization wants to provide the cloud service into become to order the platform. The infrastructure that indeed to provide of plug-in application of face book that to application plug-in is the provider of the cloud that to called the Joyner. And the motivation of the face-books was to make their own application to be into the new platform for development (Sasikala).

Cloud consumer’s benefit

Here is the consumer to the cloud that refer to the organizations and companies that to adopt the computing of the cloud gave reasons to explain why these type of organization’s are move into the cloud (Singh and Kumar).  

Payment as per used

Maximum of the companies these are small does not need for invest into the infrastructure of the IT initial and to maintain them if adopt they are to the cloud. That’s why they can simply pay what they can use. In that particular way the companies may reduce the west of the underutilization. 

Cost reduction Operation

The user of the computing utility the virtual computer inserted of the machine physical. The hardware operation is shifted from work to the consumer of the cloud to the provider of the cloud. The organization can be reduced their cost of operation in that way. So, there are also the additional benefits that can be offered by the computing into the cloud. Instance for can skip start-ups the procurement hardware and the phase of the expenditure capital. That’s why they can able to start their business quickly (Sosinsky).

End-user’s benefit

The cloud service End-user is basically are the most important users. Just for the cloud computing user end and the incentives are the similar of those enterprises and motivating to the organizations. Basically, they are requiring for the interface of easy-to-use. Reliable appropriately and the delivery of the timely service, about the information is to their services. With the help of the end-users cloud computing can information updated and access wherever are they, rather than to having back run to their office (Tarannum and Ahmed).

Cause for adoption of cloud by an E-commerce company

There are lots of important points for adoption of cloud by an E-commerce company. These are described below


The security is the most important barrier for these e-commerce developments. Into the couple of years recent, there are very much of reports these about the database and websites hacked being into and holes security in the software. 

Lack of capital

Main requirement for the activities of e-business are the large number of computer hardware. With the customer group expedition and data flow to increased, the enterprise needs to their updating of hardware and management there to improve of those kinds of infrastructure. This is also the main problem for many of organization that they afford cannot the cost of maintaining and purchasing the equipment. 

Supply chain management of bottleneck

The supply chain management is the most important part at the time of doing business. Well relationship with the downstream and upstream organization is very much important for the successful enterprise.

Mobile terminal Bottleneck

   As, the coming era of 3G, there are the steps of e-commerce mobile is into lives. According to the statistics latest from the ministry of industry and the technology of information, the numbers of mobile 3G users is increasing day by day. Now a day’s mobile phone have daily become necessities, they become will the one of the used most terminal for the e-commerce into the very near future (Wu et al.).

Advantages of cloud computing

There are several advantages of cloud based computing


Racks imagine of servers, along humming into a data center. These services together become a massive resources pool. This pool divination is into the multiple numbers of virtual servers, and the cloud creation.

This can be easily secured

For the security utmost, create the private cloud on to the decided hardware. But the main thing is always must remember to put security appropriate measures in the place , doesn’t matter about the choosing cloud.

This is scalable and flexible

This server are not physical, they are flexible, your requirement giving you in a moment.

This can affordable and secured

This hybrid cloud gives both of the benefit private and public cloud.


At the end, of this study this is clearly seen that in this generation of computing, cloud make his own position, now a days the computing to the cloud gets very much popular as this can applied everywhere libraries nearly; the service of the fire; small retailer need that to the secure websites of E-commerce. There are lots of benefit to the cloud provider these are like investment of existing leverage, making of money, defend the franchise, incumbent attack, customer relationship to leverage.  There also the benefits of cloud consumer also like the operation cost reduction, end-user benefits. There are lots of cause for adoption of cloud by an E-commerce company these are the security, lack of capital, supply chain management of bottleneck (Alam).

Reference list

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Wu, Ji Yi et al. ‘Cloud Computing: Cloud Security To Trusted Cloud’. AMR 186 (2011): 596-600. Web.

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