A Report On Proposal To Wal-Mart: Increasing Employee Morale And Customer Satisfaction
Discuss about a Report on Proposal To Wal-Mart?
Public holidays are given to people to have some quality time with their family members but unfortunately, most of the businesses have been using it for their own interest. Many retail businesses are open in public holidays especially in thanksgiving and black Friday. Most of the people get off on thanksgiving but not the people who work at retail stores;they start their work from morning to late evening (Banjo, 2015). They are also supposed to work until all night during black Friday sales because stores are open late on thanksgiving through black Friday. Businesses make tons of profit on black Friday but does it help to gain positive employee morale in terms of employee’s side as well? Is it helping business internally and externally both? Does it help business in a long run? Is it healthy for business? Is it good for company image?
Wal-Mart is one of the largest retailer, second-largest corporation, and largest private employer in Unites States. Wal-Mart has been continuously making headlines about their infamous employment practice. It has been symbolic for much of what is wrong with employers and the issues in the work. It makes an enormous profit every year to remedy some infamous workplace practices like no public holidays, low pay, inadequate health care, exploitation of workers etc. Wal-Mart has not yet understood the loss they went through and still going on. Even every small and big business knows how to form positive employee morale in their work place and why it is very important (Berfield, 2014). They know the value of their talented and motivated employees and they also know that if they can’t retain them for long time, other companies will do it. Having a good employee is the best assets of every business; therefore, they should be respected and appreciated for their hard work. Wal-Mart is a popular retail Company of United States. They sell product like insulated jacket, men’s freelance, waterproof jacket, funnel neck fleece top etc. The organization has started to launch new outlets in various state of united state. But according to the company survey it has been seen that the organization facing customer relationship problem in those outlet. The employees of the organization are not able to handle the customers. It is going to be a big problem to the organization. So in order to mitigate the problem the organization should undertake a unique recruitment and selection procedure in order to hire employees who will be very much able in interacting with the customers.
This section will consist of various elements that will enable the reader to understand the exact solutions that has been recommended to the firm Wal-Mart.
For every business, the negative impact of low employee morale includes low production, excessive outsourcing, bad company image, high number of turnovers, and waste of time. It is because if employee leaves being unsatisfied, it would be a complete loss of time, money and on top of that, they will also take all the knowledge, skills and ability to another place or organization. If employee morale is not good, there will be lots of absenteeism because employee will no longer be motivated to work hard or won’t feel empower to perform well. Additionally, unhappy employee will always look for a reason or will come up with an escape plan (Felix, 2015). This reason might bring consequences like fake sick leave or emergency leave that will result in extra cost for health insurance. Wal-Mart has been known for the worse service, they do not know how to treat their employees and make them happy. That would be the only reason why they have not yet earned their good company image as well as good employees’ relation.
The article in “Think Progress” on October 16, 2014 tells us about Wal-Mart opening all day on Thanksgiving Day along with Black Friday requiring a millions associates to work. The article also informs us that they have been opening on Thanksgiving Day for almost 25 years now. Wal-Mart’s workers have actually gone in strike to demand more full time work for those who want it as well as higher pay. Workers have staged massive strike and protests on Black Friday for many years (Ferreira & Almeida, 2015).
Comparing to Wal-Mart’s news if we read article about “Apple” on Business Insider, we can tell how important it is to have good employee morale. Apple is not only a big company with huge profits but also a company with excellent employee morale. They have done so much progress with their employees morale in past few years and its one of the most outstanding company with very positive employee morale, which not only provide benefits but also appreciates their employees. That might be the reason Apple is doing so great with employees as well as their profits. The employees who work at Apple store are surely more motivated than Wal-Mart’s employees (Hwang and Park, 2015)
There are many more articles about Wal-Mart not being a good employer. These articles and news should be enough reasons for Wal-Mart to take step towards providing good employee morale to their workers. There are so many reasons why Wal-Mart should be providing positive employee morale to their employees. For example, they should understand that if employees are satisfied, they will be motivated to perform works in more efficient way and also will help them to create new ideas. If employees are disengaged, then they will be less efficient and loose productivity speed, which might result in loss of thousands of dollar for business (James, McKechnie and Swanberg, 2011). Keeping the positive employee morale high will always help business to gain loyalty, high productivity, business success and maintain a good company image. In order to develop and maintain good morale, company should understand the value of the employee and their needs which would not only help to motivate them but will also help to retain good employees for a longer time than usual.
Therefore, positive employee morale affects the work, commitment and productions. So, it’s every business job to keep positive employee morale levels high. For every business, employees are the engines that will either drive productivity in a good or bad way. So, in order to have good production, business should understand their employee’s needs, which would not only help to create employee morale but will also help for company’s success (K.Narmadha, 2011). To ensure commitment and increase employee morale, businesses should be able to provide what their employees deserves like providing public holidays, health insurance, sick leaves, fitness centers, good pay, diverse environment and fair compensation, student refinancing etc.
Data presentation
Graph 1: Customer rating to Wal-Mart on Black Friday
(Source: Created by author)
Graph 2: Employee rating to Wal-Mart on Thanks giving day
(Source: Created by author)
The first and foremost recommendation to Wal-Mart is to keep the stores open on Black Friday, which can be easily argued by evaluating the results of the above stated graph. The evaluation of the graph quiet clearly shows that almost 74 % of the customers responded in a negative manner regarding closing of the stores of Wal-Mart on Black Friday. Therefore, it can be quiet reasonably recommended that Wal-Mart should keep its stores open on Black Friday, which will make the consumers of Wal-Mart even more satisfied, hence enhancing their business opportunities.
Problem Statement
On the other hand, the second recommendation to Wal-Mart can be quiet easily provided from the evaluation of the graph that shows the satisfaction of the employees due to the entire day holiday on Thanks giving day. To increase the productivity of a particular store in the retail chain as if Wal-Mart, employee cooperation is very important. The management of employee engagement is very important to enhance the employee cooperation. By the process of employee engagement management will be able to engage employees in their job by reducing the conflict between them. In a store if conflict is high, then the customer will be unsatisfied and the performance of the store will come down. If the organization is successful in engaging their employees by the process of employee engagement then it will help to enhance the productivity of the employees as well as the productivity of the store will also increase. The customer will remain satisfied with the performance of the store staff and the sale will rise (La and Yi, 2015). Therefore, it can be quiet reasonably recommended that Wal-Mart should keep its stores closed on Thanks giving day, which will help the firm to increase their employees satisfaction.
There are many retail stores, which do not realize how important employees are. Employees are the important part of every small and big business because the success of the business depends on employees and their service more than employer or the company itself. Businesses do everything for its business to promote but they do not like to spend money on their employee, they do not understand how important it is to appreciate employees’ hard work and dedications (Mayer and Noiseux, 2015). Business should not necessarily provide all the benefits that employer cannot afford but it should at least provide some regular benefits, which employees needs. For example: holidays, sick leaves, health benefits, discounts etc. These benefits aren’t that expensive if employer knows how to choose the right benefits and can easily be given to employees within a budget, which would not only benefit employee but the company itself. Holidays does not have to be paid all the time if employer understands the value of holidays for their employees and is ready to provide some time off that is just good enough in order to create a good employee morale and positive relationship (Miller & Cockrell, 2015). The business, which shows their concern towards their employee’s will always get success in creating positive employee morale like Anne M. Mulcahy (CEO of Xexox) mentioned in her quotes.
Need to change the problem statement
Customer feedback system
Wal-Mart is a retail chain who is selling consumer products. The customers in this segment are very sensitive with their products and they need customer satisfaction. These types of work require highly trained employees who can perform well in front of customer (Moorthy et al., 2014). There should be a system that will document the feedback of every customer. Customer feedback form is an effective tool where customer will justify the performance of the retail staff about their behavior, ability to satisfy customer need etc. This will help to monitor the performance of the employee and their development.
The study of the entire chapter quiet clearly concludes that Wal-Mart should not close its stores on Black Friday. It has been concluded that the store of Wal-Mart should be opened at Black Friday. It will enhance the sales volume of the organization. The customers of the organization will be much more satisfied if then organization opens their store on Black Friday. The employees of the organization will give their utmost effort to satisfy their customer on that day. From the graph of the Wal-Mart it can be seen that most of the customer and employees have given views on opening their stores on Black Friday. It is recommended that the Wal-Mart should close their store at Thanksgiving Day.
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