Organizational Behavior And Human Performance For Research Methods
Discuss about the Organizational Behavior and Human Performance for Research Methods ?
Leadership is the process of motivating people to work hard to deal with the major activities. As per Steve Jobs, leading is the major part of the process of management. It is able to interact with his vision to the essential employees and it inspires to deal with the vision. Management uses power to influence the staff members. The consideration of leadership theories are called as Great Man Theory, behavioral theory, transformation theory and transaction theory. These theories help to know and understand the vision with respect to the purpose. To understand motivation, the human nature might be simple and it is complex too. (Cunningham, 2007)
The research aimed to determine the approaches of leaders in terms of motivating his / her followers at work. The study aims to create the impact of leadership on employee motivation in an organization.
The objectives of the research are as follows:
To understand how leaders motivate its employees at work
To understand the importance of motivation
To evaluate the factors of motivation and the role of the leader to motivate its employees (Bryman & Bell, 2007)
The methods that will be used for this research are questionnaires, interviews and structured as well as semi-structured observations etc. that helps to collect information accurately. It also increases the validity and quality of the qualitative methods of the research. This section will cover the methodology of the research and also it will analyze the sample size of the research. The various methods and analysis used for the research will be included in this section. There have been numerous researches based on the effect of employee motivation with the help of leadership. (Wei & Lau, 2005)
Research methods also involve the research on secondary methods of data from newsletters, magazines, websites etc. It also involves the research on secondary methods of data. Thus, the information used will be both qualitative as well as quantitative. (Kothari, 2004)
The research will be applied in the MNC’s selected in United Kingdom. The population will involve the multinational corporations in UK. With respect to the cost and time issues, the research will not able to involve the overall population. It will focus on Tesco and ASDA. There will have questionnaires for the leaders of the MNC to measure the styles of leadership etc. It will focus on the measurement of variables called as employee motivation. (Bernard, 2011)
Data will be collected from 10 employees (leaders) to evaluate the overall motivation provided to the employees in the organization.
Leadership is an art and science to motivate the people and to influence as well as empower them. There is an ability to develop the change and to create the goals. This could be done with an increase in the commitment through proper vision and influence. Leadership occurs at multiple levels and it is strongly known as an important understanding of leader focused theories. Leaders can be charismatic, transactional or transformational.
Motivation is a psychological approach that transforms into strong focused behavior. As per the researchers, work motivation is called as the willingness of employees to provide the higher amount of efforts and energy towards goal fulfillment. (Woodward,, 2006)
As per Peter Drucker, leadership is the quality that helps to identify the work to meet the goals and to achieve greater outcomes. Leaders develop high level of priorities to meet the goals and employ human resources to fulfill their objectives. Work motivation creates high level of staff performance. A leader knows how to motivate and to encourage to perform the goals. There is a need to understand basic categories of leadership and it is important to define the likes and dislikes of the leader. A leader always examines the smart goals. (Van, 2001)
The role of the leadership is determined in different books, essays and studies. Many styles of leadership included are called as transactional, transformational and charismatic. Leaders need to hire the right people for value creation and support related activities. Good leaders help their employees to perform well and in the world of competitive environment, employees need more knowledge and perform to meet the global issues in the market place. With respect to the involvement of job, it transforms innovative ideas and creates the fair judgment to motivate its employees. (Mittal,, 2011)
Job satisfaction is an important factor that influences with the variety of factors such as supervisor association, work environment, work place etc. Job satisfaction has huge impacts on performance. There are different parameters that helps to meet job satisfaction such as:
Pay & benefits: The major importance of equal reward is known to be the fair policies and practices of equitable pay provided by the leader.
Promotion: The satisfaction level is based on the system acceptance in accordance with the job merits, outcomes etc.
Research method
Work conditions: The support of the team and the leader with respect to the safe and comfortable work environment helps to generate work satisfaction.
To motivate the employees in the organization, leader goes beyond management. Leaders involve in new change and initiatives depending on the authority, freedom etc. They show passion and focuses on effective communication with its employees. They strongly focuses on decision benefits and deals with major objectives. (Wang, 2009)
The power of a leader is essential to motivate others. It creates number of sources such as:
Personal power belongs to charismatic power. Legitimate power depends on the positions of the leader and expert power focuses on expertise that could be increased through training and education. Motivation leadership is done via right balance management with proper uses of power.
In case of autocratic leadership, leader develops proper decision making skills and focuses on quick and easy decisions. Thus, they contribute in the approach of decision making skills. This way, it will increase the level of quality.
In case of bureaucratic leadership, this leadership style is perfect for circumstances where proper standards are to be met. This style helps in maintaining their quality and increasing safety.
Charismatic leader: This leadership style helps to understand the leader and to perform well, it influences people and visualize the mission as well as the vision to involve in the success. This creates extra ordinary performance.
Democratic leadership examines to promote trust within the employees and the decision maker. It is useful in circumstances in the approach of decision making skills. This approach helps to involve proper decision making skills. It also increases the level of trust among the employees as well as the leader. (Payne & Frow, 2005)
Laissez faire leaders are the style used in circumstances where employees are skilled and focuses on sufficient knowledge to plan for decisions. They also provide opportunities and authority that could result in success of organizational goals and objectives.
This way, leadership theories are essential in controlling, managing and executing the organizational strategies. It also is useful in different organizational strategies. This also helps to satisfy the needs of the employees. (Richard,, 2007)
In this section, through the help of questionnaires, the interviews, there is an analysis on motivation focused by leader for employees in the organization. The analysis part will help to explain the questions through charts and diagrams. (Saunders,, 2009)
Questionnaire results
Literature review
Age group
As per the research survey, the participants were from the age group 20-30, 30-40, 40-50 and above 50. Among the 10 participants, 40% were from the age group 40-50 years and 30% belong to the age group of 30-40 years age.
Importance of motivation programs
When the question asked is it important to motivate the employees then 60% agreed that yes, motivation increases the level of performance whereas 20% were strongly agreed and 20% were disagreed with the point. This question is asked to know the view points and ways of the leaders in the organization in Tesco and ASDA. But the results conveyed that the leaders try to satisfy its employees.
Effective work environment
As per the chosen leaders, 80% participants believes that they offer effective work environment such as friendly environment and attitude in the organization whereas 20% felt that they need to improve on their services to increase the level of employee motivation in Tesco and ASDA.
Motivated toward work culture and practices
For this question majority of the participants said employees feel motivated with the work culture and practices. For this question 80% of the Participant agreed that their employees are motivated with the work culture and its policies such as friendly culture, equality etc. are followed in the team. 15% of the customers disagreed and said that the employees are not satisfied with the work culture and there is a need to improve because of creating satisfaction and employee retention. 5% of the leaders said that they are not sure. As per the results, it is understood that majority of the participants said that employees are happy and satisfied with the work culture as well as practices.
Equal opportunity
When the question asked relating to equal opportunity, 80% of the participants said that they provide equal opportunity to employees and 20% of them said No. The people are positive said that they offer best possible opportunities so that employees can enhance their skills and learn and grow in Tesco as well as ASDA. When 20% leaders replied, they do not offer equal opportunity, they said that, employees never participate in the events and activities. They are not interested to take the opportunity. Therefore, it is important to offer them training and understand their areas of interest for better outcomes. With this result, it is understood that leaders mainly gives importance to the employees and maintains good relation with them as leaders feel that if the equal opportunities are offered to them, then it builds relationship and helps in developing the performance of the company. (Ashford and Cummings, 2013)
Effective promotion schemes and benefits
Through the help of the diagram, it is proved that 80% leaders were agreed that employees are getting effective promotion schemes and appraisal benefits. This way, they are trying to create the level of motivation among employees. 20% of the leaders were not agreed to the point that employees are getting effective schemes and benefits because of the fact that, employees do not show any kind of outputs. Thus, as per 20% respondents, there is a need to create some form of learning activity for them to motivate them for work happily. (Shen & Edwards, 2004)
To conclude, it is evident that the research focused on the significant role of the leader to motivate the employees in the work place. The research focused on the tools and techniques to create better work performance of the employees. The work place is strongly favorable for the employees and the leaders create job satisfaction as well as brings motivation among the employees in the organization. This helps to increase the performance in the work place. It also increases job satisfaction and creates friendly environment in the organization known as Tesco and ASDA.
Thus, the leaders felt that diversity and equal opportunities are favorable for employees in terms of job satisfaction and work performance in the organization.
Based on the information, majority of respondents were satisfied in most of the cases but there were issues in some cases where leaders need to provide training and try to boost the morale and confidence of employees to participate in all kind of activities so that they could be able to perform better. (Schneier,, 2007)
There should have introduction of new bonus schemes, regular interactions, employee participation, career development and opportunities, better payment systems etc. to improve the skills and competencies that can generate high level of job satisfaction and work performance. Thus, the researcher carried the research with the help of chosen respondents from Tesco and ASDA UK. The findings presented in the paper helped to create the effective understanding on motivation, satisfaction and performance.
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