Setting Up Classic Badges Company: Decision-Making And Stakeholder Management
Task 1: Major Decisions and Information Sources
Tasks 1
1.1: In Setting up Classic Badges Company, what are the major range of decisions to be taken? Discuss
1.2: Identify and examine the kind of information and knowledge needed to ensure that an effective decisions are taken.
1.3: List and assess internal and external sources of information required and justify their suitability and reliability for this project.
1.4: Recommend any improvements in the use of different kinds or sources information and knowledge for the setting up of this project.
Tasks 2
2.1: There are several stakeholders in involved in this project, what contributions would you expect from the different stakeholders during a specific decision making process?
2.2: An effective business relationship with these stakeholders is important. Discuss methods of contact that will enhance business relationship with stakeholders.
2.3: Prepare a plan on how to involve those identified in the decision making for this project. You may consider a stakeholder communication plan or a decision making action plan.
2.4: To improve on involving others in the decision making process for this project, it is important to improve on your personal networking skills. What strategy would you put in place to enhance your personal networking skills?
Tasks 3
3.1: Report on existing processes of communication in this organisation.
3.2: Identify the pitfalls existing in the current communication processes and design ways to improve it.
3.3: Recommend the improvements that need to be implemented to ensure greater integration of systems of communication in that organisation.
3.4: Create a personal plan to improve own communication skills.
Tasks 4
4.1: Report on existing approaches to the collection, formatting, storage and dissemination of information and knowledge in this organisation.
4.2: Discuss the appropriate changes that need to be carried out to improve the collection, formatting, storage and dissemination of information and knowledge in this organisation.
4.3: Recommend a strategy that needs to be implemented to improve access to systems of information and knowledge in this organisation.
Classic Badges Company owned by the Charles Gillbeck is in the early stage of setting up new business and they want to sell custom made badges to the local companies. Prior to setting up new business the owner of the company should have to think of the limited knowledge of the owner in the domain of the business (Caro, 2015). As the Company is going to sell badges they have to think that whether the product has a demand in the market or not; and who will be the customer of their product. Before starting the business the company should decide on the cost of the project. If the cost of the project is within budget then only the company will start the business (Dumitru, 2015).
Task 2: Stakeholder Contributions and Relationship Management
In order to ensure effective decision-making, the company should target the school, colleges, and health care customer for their product. The cost of the project should be within the budget of the business. If the product has a high demand it will increase the return on investment which will ultimately be helpful in running the business (Redmond, 2015). It is essential to have the information of the competitors. The company has to survey the market about which company is selling the badge products (Hernes and Sobieska-KarpiÅ„ska, 2015). By analysis the products of the competitor’s company Classis Badge Company should justify their product.
Information that is supplied by the government should be received always from the reliable sources. Changes in the rules of the business should also be included in the business for the long term sustainability. The Company should try to gain information from the trading group for its sustainability and reliability. The trading groups are the business groups that operate within the similar sector but not in the same location (Matt et al. 2015). They operate same kind of business. The Company should try getting the help of database to increase the knowledge of the business.
The Company should try to decide, whether they would be able to afford the budget needed by the business for their survival. The Company should try to analyze whether the personnel are able to give their best in achieving the goal of the company (Dumitru, 2015). Personnel database of the company would provide such kind of data. Administration information is needed by the organization for linking the external information to the internal information for achieving the reliability of the company. Databases used by the organization helps the administration of the organization in coordinating external information with internal information.
Online information can be use to have the greater speed as well as scope (Fei and Chung, 2015). There are many websites available that provides information about the business. Social media could also be beneficial for the company because the famous business persons sometimes post their innovative business ideas on the social media site (Reynolds and Yetton, 2015). The company can use this innovative business idea in forming their new business ideas for their sustainability. The company can use media channel as their business source. Various TV and media channel provides information about innovative business ideas (UENO, 2015).
The employees should interact with the customers on a daily basis for creating a good relation with the customers (Rast, 2013). The stock holder should provide money in setting up new business and for launching new badges to the marketplace. The products of the company should meet the needs of the customers (Asiyai, 2014). The customer of the company should provide feedback on the improvement of the business. In order to fill the order of the company on time the vendors of the company should provide the raw materials on time. If any key raw material is missing during the production time it cause delayed in providing badges on time.
Task 3: Communication and Information Management
In order to make the stakeholders of this company engaged in the business, members should talk to the stakeholders about the scope of the projects and benefits of the project. The company should seek the inputs of the stakeholders during planning of the project (Matt et al. 2015). It is the most effective method of enhancing relation with the stakeholders. If any stakeholders raise any issues the company should clarify those issues as soon as possible.
The first step in preparing the communication plan with the stakeholder the company first need to prepare objective for the communication that will be should be specific, achievable, and realistic. It is expected that the company would provide right messages to the stakeholders for its reliability. The company should decide which stakeholder should be given priority first and should give them additional key messages (Ngai and Singh, 2015). In order to reduce complexity the company should allocate the responsibility to each stakeholder (Ruehl and Ingenhoff, 2015). The Company should asses the result of communication with the stakeholder in a regular basis.
The company should make the other stakeholder realize about the goal of the business then they can be more involved in the decision making process. One should be engage in talking with stakeholders and listen to what they say. Training for emotional intelligence and social style can help in enhancing in this process. Prior to go to any event one should research the venue and the people. He should indentify who will be interested in listening to his speak (Dumitru, 2015). Information Technology would be very much helpful in enhancing the networking skill of the team member and they should connect with the people through Linkedin and Twitter (Hafer and Jones, 2014). The team members, apart from getting information from others should also share information and should assess the network to ensure that the networking strategy in accordance to the goal of the organization.
The sports merchandise has a great demand in the market and the Company is meeting the demand of the people through their products. The company is an internet based brand who sells their merchandise through the online market. The mission of this company is to showcase the entertainment and also the adventure associated with the sports.
The communication in the Pipedream is neither diluted nor exaggerated or even distorted. The ideas are communicated in the organization, and the communication is a two way process here. The exact idea is being transmitted to the receiver who then provides feedback to the transmitter. Pipedream also takes into consideration the communication between the customer and the company. The customer response is something to which Pipedream provided utmost importance (Hafer, and Jones, 2014).
Task 4: Improving Information Collection, Storage, and Dissemination
3.2: Pitfall Existing in Current Process and the Ways to Improve It.
Pipedream has brought some new changes in the office administrative which the employees have not accepted willingly. The problem took place because the company failed to understand the culture of the office and also failed to have an effective communication with the employee. If the company had negotiated well, with the employees, along with having a conversation with the customers then such a problem could have easily being avoided. They could have a conversation with the employees, now also, so that they could easily come out from the problem (Ruehl, and Ingenhoff, 2015).
The improvement in communication in an organization will only be there if the administrative does not over-estimate the quality of their employee. The company at times over loads the employees with too much of information, and that create a communication problem between the management and the employee. The commitments from the part of the business director are needed, only then creative problems will be solved and deadlines will be met (Rast, 2013).
According to UENO (2015), the improvement of the personal communication depends largely on the improvement of the participatory skills of the employees. The participatory skills include creating healthy work relationship, as well as nurturing it. The employees should also be active participants of those social events which are related to their working environments. The employees should also readily involve themselves in both formal and informal group communication, as well as experiences.
The Pipedream Company to collect information as well as to store and format them used an effective and an extensive method. The method that was taken by the Company has numerous other methods too, such as the method of observation, survey, experiment, transaction processing, and publication as well as with the help of the government agencies, gathered information. The dissemination of the information has helped the target audience to be aware of the product and also helped them to understand it and also adopt the product for their use (Redmond, 2015).
Fei and Chung (2015), said that the company should have information that are content oriented; the content-oriented information are also index information. The main sources of index information are the libraries and the digital libraries, and also the web sources and the catalogues. After the information is gathered it should be stored in the database for the target audience.
4.3: Strategy Require For Having Better Access to the Information and Knowledge
The age is a technical age where the most important way to access information is through the web sources; and along with it you should also have the information on the print magazines and pamphlets. Another most important way of accessing information is through the help of the stylistic language; this is known as the intellectual way of accessing the information (Liu and Huang, 2015).
Reference List
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