Principles Of Health And Social Care Practice: Reflection And Analysis

Principles of support

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The Principles of support is a guide for the development of the members of the social care workforce who support the dignity in the adult social care. It is composed of seven core principles, which can be easily used by all ancillary and care workers.

Among all the seven principles, the two principles which are related to the ABC care home are – supporting and promoting the rights of the individuals to independence, dignity, choice, empowerment and safety. It is because the ABC care home provides freedom to the patients, they care for their willingness and thus according to the wish of the patients the care workers provided them independence, choice and safety. On the other hand, this ABC care home also provides individualized care thus it provides care workers for each patient, to look after him. The CQC standards mainly focus on the quality and thus act swiftly to eliminate the poor quality care and secondly, the standard of CQC makes sure that the care is centered on the need of the people and also protects the rights of the people. Therefore, it can be critically analyzed that the principles are the main elements for regulating the heath care center.

Harm is defined as physical or mental injury or damage or it can also be said to cause harm or damage or wrong doing. In the ABC care home, well-wisher of a patient Mrs. Y advised or asked her care worker to do something, but through, she is not Mrs. Y’s relative, she got distinct impression. This negligence might cause harm to Mrs. Y. Again, Mrs. Z was annoyed for searching her every time for having a lighter or watches with her.

As a new manager, few safeguards should be implemented like regular training of care workers, feedback from family members and clients should be at regular interval, wearing of PPE, Data Protection Act, 1998 should be imposed. The main types of abuse in health and social care are – physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, financial abuse, neglect and acts of omission, discriminatory abuse, institutional abuse, neglect and poor practice, and self neglect. The problems regarding the CQC can be reduced by protecting the patients from maltreatment or various things that are bad for their health or development. This also makes sure that the patients who grow up in various circumstances would allow remaining under safe and effective care. The other safeguards for adults are – protecting their rights to live in safety and free from neglect and abuse, organization help to prevent the risk of abuse or neglect and also to stop them from happening. Wellbeing of the people are promoted by taking their views, feelings, wishes and beliefs.

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It is based on the philosophy and theory of Dr. Carl Rogers. It is a non-directive approach that believes in the ability and potential of the others to make the correct choices for an individual.

The benefits of this approach are – it helps in empowerment of the service user, also improves relationship between service provider and user, the patients enjoy independence, improves well-being of patients, develops user-focused service and also new services and operations. It also helps to identify the improvement area, creation of action plans for good practice and monitoring, encourage service provider, and also make the patients responsible to take their own life as part of decision-making.

In ABC care home, person centered approach should be practiced because more empowerment is required within the clients, relationship between the service provider and user should be developed, and improvement is required in some area of the care home.

But the care house has to face various barriers regarding implementation of this approach like- due to lack of financial resources, lack of recruitment of new skilled staffs and training of existing staffs took place, timing for training and its language all creates barrier.

An ethical dilemma indicates a complex situation which includes an apparent mental conflict between moral imperatives.

In case of Mrs. Y, her dislike about the straps, her refusal to use them, but compulsion of its use by the care workers brings a conflict. In case of Mrs. Z, several time personal searches annoyed her. Thus, ethical framework is related to the case study. The dilemma is that the staffs of the organization are not sure about their duty that is whether they should follow the instructions of the management only or they should also listen to the wishes and beliefs of the patients. In this case, lack of financial resources, lack of recruitment of new skilled staffs and training of existing staffs took place, timing for training and its language all created barrier. Thus dilemma regarding the training, communication language, and many more exist.

In the ABC care home, the legislations which can be implemented are Equality Act 2010 and The Health and Social Care Act 2008.

In ABC care home there was lack of diversity, equality and human rights. Thus, many patients like Mrs. Y and Mrs. Z were suffering from dependency, annoying behavior of the care workers. As Mrs. Z has mild learning disability, she is still capable of being involved in decisions regarding her life. But without her involvement all the decisions are taken regarding her life without her consent. All these can be claimed as inequality and lack of human rights. These took place due to negligence of the management department. The care home also violets the health and social care act 2008, as, this care home provides soiled bed sheets which might cause or spread diseases to both the family members of the patient and also the service provider. The management of the care home does not look properly about this, thus, the violation took place.

Person Centered – Approach

To implement the policies and the legislation, the management should perform a detailed survey in the care home and accordingly remedial steps should be taken to implement the legislations properly and also notice the violated policies for its replacement. The benefit of implementation of the legislation is that the organization would run in a systematic way and also smoothly. The patients would not suffer and also their wishes and beliefs would be considered.

The above mentioned policies Equality Act 2010 and The Health and Social Care Act 2008 should be developed in the ABC care home for the development of the organization and also to run the care home successfully. The management should fit CCTV to look and control both the service provider and the user. It would help the service providers to run immediately to the particular patient suffering at a certain time, and help the manager to look after the service providers, their job role and many more. A cleaned one on daily basis to keep the care home infection free should replace the soiled bed sheet. Personal independence should be provided to the patients, and the management should keep a notice that the care workers would not disturb or make the patients annoyed due to personal search a number of times. They should look after the patients from a distance such that they do not get annoyed. In this, CCTV would help the most. The patients having the power of decision taking should allow her or him to take decisions about her or his own life on her or his own. Management or even service providers can never violet the human rights acts by pressurizes the patient to listen to their decision only. The service providers should provide freedom and independency to its patients but that should be up to a limit such that they do not get injured for their independency.

The above mentioned policies Equality Act 2010 and The Health and Social Care Act 2008 have a great impact on the organization ABC care home.

Generally, policies, procedures and legislations are implemented or imposed in the workplace,  to ensure the design of safety and wellbeing of all employees, such that action of an individual could not affect other negatively. Especially in the health and social care sector, official policies are very important as it ensures its patients to treat with professionalism and care. It also shows that care home is efficiently operated, clarifies responsibilities and functions, and planned framework is provided. Thus, the policies are needed for ABC care home.

Ethical Dilemmas

Due to adherence to policies, the care home would operate efficiently, uniform operational procedures would be maintained, saves time, help to solve any problem quickly, a framework for any plan is provided, responsibilities and functions are clarified, assessment of performance is assisted and accountability is established. On the other hand, application of these various policies, regulations and legislations leads to additional expenses for the care home as the certain change of the policies leads to additional business costs. For example – re-training of staffs, re-designing of policies and many more.

However, if code of practice is not followed then the patients of the care home might suffer from   inequality, lack of diversity and independency. Thus, they might also get injured or annoyed. The evaluation of the legislation mainly consists of – diagnostic purpose and implementation. The diagnostic mainly provides the performance analysis of the health care which would also look after the conditions of the patients in the health care indirectly. And the implementation mainly signifies how the model works in the practice that is it is also indirectly related with the well being of the patients.

Humanistic Learning Theory and Behaviorist Learning Theory can be applied in ABC care home, because according to the Maslow’s Humanistic theory, the hierarchy of needs is clearly explained. A patient is also a human being thus he or she needs the basic survival needs like water, food and sleep. But in ABC care home, soiled bed sheet were provided which even did not satisfy the physiological needs. Secondly is safety that was also not provided by the care home thus bruises were seen on Mrs. Y’s legs. Thirdly is love and belonging, which was also absent in the organization. Lastly, there was lack of esteem and self-actualization. Thus these gaps compared to the theory are needed in ABC care home.  

Behaviorist learning theory mainly focuses on directly observable things. The stimulus and the responses are considered as the product. The learning process is simple as the insider feeling of an individual are ignored to bring changes by manipulating the environment. To modify responses and attitudes of peoples, behaviorists change environment after occurrence of response, which is also absent in ABC care home. The theories are important as all these are related with CQC that is with well being of the patients. Application of these theories would help the patients of the care home to get less annoyed due to the behavior of the care workers.

Implementations of Legislations

Social process is defined as the interaction between people about their actions, activities and operations.

In ABC care home, the family members, friends, students of patients visit the care home. Other than relatives of the patient when anyone advice the care workers, they ignore them. Again decision about a patient without involving her though having capability to make decision is violating the social process due to negligence of management. The evaluation of the social processes can be done through three ways – the theory of the change should be determined at first, then the logic model should be identified and determined and finally the evaluation of the process should be designed perfectly.

Inter-professional working is also termed as Inter-disciplinary collaboration which is occurred when individuals from various professions come together to fulfill the needs of a customer. Inter-professionals generally share similar mission, objectives and goals.

In ABC care home, there were lack of inter-professional working, thus, in need of any patient other professionals were not available to help the patient or to solve the problem. Thus, no one care for the bruises on the legs of Mrs. Y. This indicates that improvement in access to care is needed. Safety of the patient should also be look after. Services and care should be improved within the ABC care home.

The benefits of inter-professional collaboration are – exchange of skills, ideas and knowledge takes place, workload can be managed easily, support from colleague is also available, improved quality of health care can be provided to patients, professionals are more respected, and also wide range of services can be provided to the patients. But there also lies some consequences like – conflict might occur, issue regarding liability might arise, organizing meeting between various professionals of various department might create a complex situation, dissatisfaction might occur between different professionals for their different view point. But all these barriers can be overcome by – regular contact between the professionals, sharing of knowledge, effective leadership, setting of a goal, universal documentation, by educating all professionals about other professions, communication and trust should be facilitated and by dividing the responsibilities between each team.

The failings found out by CQC regarding ABC care home are – the centre did not compliant with all the ten essential standards according to the norms of law. The managers of the care home did not ensure about the major incidents of the center to the Care Quality Commission. The individual needs of the people were not delivered by the care home. Even the centre did not have robust systems to monitor and assess the service quality. Thus, as a new efficient manager of the care home, he should look after all the norms of the law to be followed in the organization, should abide by the rules of Care Quality Commission and individual needs of the patients should be fulfilled. The managers of the ABC care home should be more responsible as various complain or negativities regarding the care workers, their behavior have reduced the popularity of the organization. Thus to sustain in the competitive market the managers should look after the various policies of CQC. The policies which are applicable to the people of the ABC care home are – protection of patients from harm and risk and also to provide standard social care services. The other one is to hold registered providers and managers.

Development of Policies in ABC Care Home

 The contribution of the manager is most important as he is the personnel who is responsible for the betterment and development of the care home. He had to look after the norms, rules and regulations of the law. According to the regulations and policies the care centre should run such that it can provide all the services properly.  The processes which are used for best practices in the organization are – the protection of the patients, like falling of the patients from their bed and to get wound on their knees and some of the patients also get annoyed due to the behavior of the care worker. Thus, the patients should be protected from the annoyance and any injury.

Therefore, by analyzing the present situation of the organization ABC care home, it can be recommended by the new manager that a CCTV should be used to notice every movement of the patients from a distance and thus it would not make them annoying. The proper duties of the care workers would also be notified. More service providers would be recruited for better service. The activists are the frontline care professionals who are working in the health and social care. This innovation is added to ABC homes because this would help the managers to supervise regarding the duty of the workers and they would be able to look after the patients properly. The additional benefits the organization would gain are the popularity, goodwill for the systematic process of the organization.

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Healey B and Marchese M, Foundations Of Health Care Management (Jossey-Bass 2012)

Kamat D and Fischer P, Textbook Of Global Adult Health (American Academy of Pediatrics 2012)

McSherry W, McSherry R and Watson R, Care In Nursing (Oxford University Press 2012)

Minkler M, Community Organizing And Community Building For Health And Welfare (Rutgers University Press 2012)

Moreira T, The Transformation Of Contemporary Health Care (Routledge 2012)

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Rhodes R, Battin M and Silvers A, Medicine And Social Justice (Oxford University Press 2012)

SCHULTZ D, Theories Of Personality (Wadsworth 2013)

Webb J and Lee D, ‘Medicare Home Infusion Therapy Reimbursement Gap’ (2012) 31 Home Health Care Services Quarterly

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(2015) accessed 24 August 2015

Sarah Carr and Peter Beresford, Social Care, Service Users And User Involvement (Jessica Kingsley Publishers 2012).

M. Harden and others, ‘Health Care Commissioning’ (2012) 17 Journal of Health Services Research & Policy.

Bernard J Healey and Marc C Marchese, Foundations Of Health Care Management (Jossey-Bass 2012).

Deepak M Kamat and Philip R Fischer, Textbook Of Global Adult Health (American Academy of Pediatrics 2012).

Wilfred McSherry, Robert McSherry and Roger Watson, Care In Nursing (Oxford University Press 2012).

Meredith Minkler, Community Organizing And Community Building For Health And Welfare(Rutgers University Press 2012).

DUANE P SCHULTZ, Theories Of Personality (Wadsworth 2013).

Tiago Moreira, The Transformation Of Contemporary Health Care (Routledge 2012).

Krishna Regmi, ‘Effective Health Services: Perspectives And Perceptions Of Health Service Users And Healthcare Practitioners’ (2012) 02 Primary Health Care.

Rosamond Rhodes, M. Pabst Battin and Anita Silvers, Medicine And Social Justice (Oxford University Press 2012).

N. Hawkes, ‘CQC Chairman Admits To Organisational Failings’ (2013) 346 BMJ.

J. Wise, ‘CQC Produces Guidance On Using Hidden Cameras To Identify Abuse’ (2015) 350 BMJ.

Joshua Webb and Doohee Lee, ‘Medicare Home Infusion Therapy Reimbursement Gap’ (2012) 31 Home Health Care Services Quarterly.

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