Benefits Of Using Google Cloud Computing For Developing Distributed Applications
Google Cloud Computing
Describe about the Benefits of Using Google Cloud Computing for Developing Distributed Applications?
Assemblage in the contemporary computing is looked upon as an important aspect. Among all computing stories, cloud computing has gained a lot of attention by all the IT sectors. By Cloud computing, we mean that using the internet to store information in a third party device. Google cloud computing features also are easy to use and make work easier. The development of Actor Network Theory was mainly due to a sociology of technology and science. ANT helps to describe how actors form an alliance with the nonhuman factors and strengthen it. ANT has four translation processes. The four processes are problematization, Intersegment, enrollment and mobilization. We use the Actor Network Theory to analyze the cloud computing process of Google and ERP cloud based solution evolvement The two cloud computing story that is taken in the paper is Google, an internet firm service provider. The paper discusses how cloud computing of Google has evolved. In the next part of the paper, we learn how ERP cloud computing has made a remarkable place in many small and big firms.
Google is a US based company established in the year 1998. The primary aspect of Google is their search engine service. Google now happens to be the biggest search engines provider in the world. Google now offers a range of services like YouTube, Android Operating Systems, Google earth and cloud services. The Google API has caused the development of the Google cloud services. The main reason to develop Google API is to increase the traffic in the website so that the advertisers can advertise on the Google websites. The cloud-based services that are developed by Google are Google document, Google spreadsheet, Google Finance, Google APE
Evolution of Google’s Cloud Platform:
The developers they use the Google’s cloud platform to build and test their application. The Google’s infrastructure is highly reliable and scalable. It provides a host of services like computing, application services, backend solution and storage. The Google infrastructure is remarkable (Baun, 2011). The infrastructure helps in millions of searches, YouTube video streaming of more than 6 billion hours and storage facilities to the users of Gmail (Scheid et al., 2012).
Network: The network of Google is very advanced, and this is among one of the largest. The backbone network of Google has fiber optic cable that is spread over thousands of miles. Google uses advance networking software and new caching edge technology that help in the faster deliverability, scalable and consistent performance. It has also put fiber optic cable under the Pacific Ocean (Crookes, 2012).
Evolution of Google’s Cloud Platform
Redundancy: There is a strong redundancy due to the presence of multiple points across the globe. Data is available in storage devices that are easy to access from a multiple locations.
Google has not only involved in the innovation of hardware infrastructure but also involved in the development of the software infrastructure like the big table, map reduces and Dremel. On the cloud-based platform of Google, one can use the Google’s innovation technologies at very faster way (Isak Shabani and Amir Kovaçi and Agni Dika, 2015).
Products can be easily monitored: Without any hassle faced by the system administration, one can develop, deploy and iterate applications. For managing our database, storage servers and application we do not have to take that burden, it is Google that takes care of.
Better managed services:
While writing a code, one need not worry about the administration of the database, the configuration of the server, load balancing, and sharding, as all this is looked after Google. The company integrates with development tools like Eclipse and provides API to clients’ libraries so that they can build the way they want to. A single console may be used to manage and see all the applications that are being used. (Kim and Yoon, 2012) A very user-friendly interface helps in the management of the billing procedures and account’s performance.
Cloud platform of Google helps the user by letting them pay only to what they use. The applications scale up when the demand for the work is more and scales down when the traffic is low. The services like the App Engine or cloud data store help applications to grow with the increased number of users (Mahmood, 2013).
There are mixed bags of services that are provided by the Google cloud platform that are needed in our application architecture.. The services are virtual machines, database as MySQL, Data store as NoSQL, analytics such as big data analytics, etc (Vimalkumar, 2012).
Environment-Friendly Cloud Services:
Google provides the most environment-friendly storage of data in the world. The data are stored, and codes are run using the most efficient energy. The data centers of Google are built to save both electricity and water. The data centers they use only 50% of energy to process the data. This helps in lessening the impact on the environment. The company uses high certified standards like the ISO 14001, ISO 50001 and OHSAS 18001 to meet the energy and environment management standards. From the year 2007 Google happens to be carbon neutral. The company has made huge investment in the energy projects that are renewable (Marks and Lozano, 2010). It has been using renewable sources of energy to conduct their operations. The company is also thinking of investing in the solar and wind energy projects as well (Shroff, 2010)l.
Cloud ERP Software
Google offers support for all the services that it provides. There is also community based support that is provided at free of cost. The customers they can access the resources, the contents of training and the documentation.Google can be reached using the social media platforms like Twitter and Google+.
The cloud ERP software uses the third party storage of information in providing flexibility to the business. The ERP facility helps in business to manage the purchases and inventories. It can also hold modules for the management of finances and human capital of a business. The ERP system helps assimilating the information that is internal and external to the company. The assimilation of information means sales, customer relationship management, processes of manufacturing and accounting (Weinman, 2012). The system of ERP leads to the flow of information between the business functions that are performed outside as well as inside. In case of a cloud-based model the vendor of the software manages the software and the buyers they pay a subscription fee to use the software. This may be used on a monthly or an annual basis. The business owner so does not face the difficulty of maintaining and hosting the software in the system. There should not be any confusion made with the web-based software (Rountree and Castrillo, 2014). The system can access the data online through the online capable devices. According the experts in the industry, it will provide business an opportunity change the way the technology uses and pays. An ERP solution causes the operational expenditures of a business to lessen. According to research conducted by Forrester it was expected that the expenditure on the ERP solution would be increased by 21% in the year 2015.
1. Low initial investments: The old ERP solutions required purchasing, housing and maintenance of the server. The cloud ERP solutions have no initial cost of investment. The solution provider handles the maintenance and keeping the solution up to date (Sarna, 2011).
2. Low technical staff requirement: The ERP solution has easy installation procedure, so the company using it does not need to hire a technical staff to show the installation process.
3. The return on investment is higher: In case of the day to day activity the cloud ERP system helps in easy integration and implementation.
4. Enhance scalability: The business requirements are met by the easy scalability of the cloud-based ERP. The seasonal activity entrepreneurs they benefit quickly with the functions of this systems.
Facilities that a Cloud ERP solution provides
5. Benefits of subscription: There are no costs that are unexpected because all SaaS services are given on subscription. In this way the customer knows the amount they need to pay on monthly basis. This will also help the small firms because they have the limited amount of funds for investment in IT. The prices if they increase they do not do by a greater amount (Singh, 2013).
6. Quick Implementation: The vendor does all the installation processing. There are some parts in the system that is already pre-configured in the system. This leads to the faster processing and higher returns on the investments.
7. Less cost for initialization: The maintenance cost of SaaS system is very low. The vendors of ERP can use more users to the system without any additional usage of technology.
8. Less responsibility on the customers: When there is an in-house system there may arise a problem of trouble shooting but in case of cloud ERP solution it is only the responsibility of the vendors to cater all the problems of the may accrue to the customer.
9. Focus on the business: As the vendors they provide all the back up for the customers so that the customer does not face any difficulty. This has helped the customers to focus on their business that will help them earn the profit.
An organization implements the modules that are technically feasible and economical for the organization:
Module for Finance: All sizes of organization require the use of financial module of ERP. Among the entire ERP systems financial module happens to be the core one. It helps in generating the financial reports of many functional departments.
Module for Production: A planning in the production will help in the optimizing the process of production. ERP solutions help in the smooth production planning (Sosinsky, 2011).
Module for Human Resource: ERP solutions helps in maintain the employee database, details of salary, attendance etc.
Module for Purchase: This module helps in keeping the records of raw material purchases, inventory of the firm.
Module for Inventory: This module helps in keeping a check on the stocks that are in the ware houses.
Module for CRM: customers form an integral part of any business. The system helps in the maintenance the customers data for the present as well as the past.
In this modern technology where the contemporary computing is seen as an assemblage in many of the IT companies. The services of cloud computing is helping the IT companies to overcome their complexities and also helping in meeting the technology requirements of the present generation. The cloud computing vendors are Plex systems, Epicor, ORACLE, Infor, SAP, Microsoft etc. There is an immense competition among these vendors to provide the best ERP solutions. To lessen the limitations and to provide more assemblage computing technological services need to be improved.
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