Report On The Role Of Line Managers In Human Resource Management In Tesco
Difference between personnel management and HR management
Discuss about a Report on the Role of Line Managers in Human Resource Management?
HR management in an organization influences different organizational activities ranging from strategic planning process to the process of improving brand image in market. As stated by Wright & McMahan, (2011) HR management in an organization improves bottom line using the knowledge on importance of workforce on performance of the company. The current report deals with analysis on the HR management process in Tesco. The report also contains discussion on the processes of recruitment and selection, cessation of employment and other HR activities. Impacts of laws and regulations on HR management process of Tesco are also discussed in the report (Mondy and Mondy, 2014). The report analysis is supported with in depth references to link the content of the context with the source full information derivation.
Personnel management |
HR management |
Personnel management gives importance on welfare of employees, maintenance of labour relations and personnel administration |
HR management is responsible for the activities such as acquisition of Human resources, development of integrated workforce, motivating and retaining staffs within an organization (Hoch and Dulebohn, 2013). |
Personnel managers design jobs on labor division |
The HR managers design job on basis of team work |
Under personnel management, the employees get less opportunity for training and development (Azmi and Mushtaq, 2014, p. 617). |
Under HR management the employees get sufficient chance for career growth |
All the decisions are developed by top management only according to rules and regulations of the organization |
Employees can take part in decision making process |
Personnel management can be considered as a routine function |
HR management can be considered as strategic function (Byars, 2015, p. 281). |
In Tesco, the HR management is responsible for
Developing a collaborative and inclusive human culture- Tesco develops a collaborative culture that reduces chances of conflict between the employees working in the organization helping the management to function smoothly. In addition, the coordination among the employees will result in maintaining a peaceful environment in the organization (Hoch and Dulebohn, 2013, p. 115). The human culture will enhance the productivity of the employees working in TESCO that helps in increasing the efficiency and productivity of the employees.
Ensuring that abilities of the staffs are utilized properly- Tesco ensures that the abilities of staff are utilized in a productive manner. It increases productivity of the workforce and quality of the work performed by the employees. In addition, the environment of Tesco will also be improved with the efficient working of the employees in the organization (Keating and Heslin, 2015). The abilities will be shaped and utilized effectively concerning the performance of the employees in the organization.
Ensuring that employees are following right processes for executing their tasks- Tesco ensures that employees are following rules and regulations of the organization. It also reduces chances of accidents. In this case the employees of the organizations are well trained before letting them perform the task in the organization (Lawler and Boudreau, 2015). Additionally, the working habits of the employees are also improved by making the employees following the right way to execute the task assigned to them.
To ensure flexibility in organizational process – Tesco ensures that staffs are able to maintain balance between personal and professional life (Ma and Ye, 2015). Therefore, the employees must be granted with certain flexibilities concerning the work habits and timing of the office in order to make the employee feel comfortable while performing the task effectively. In addition, the process of the organization must be made easy so that the employee do not feel the hectic about the task assigned to them (Ma and Ye, 2015, p. 73). In addition the employees must be granted with certain facilities regarding the workplace and the process of executing the task.
Assessing function of HRM in Tesco
Enabling people to develop new skills- It also improves the productivity of the organization and will result in the development of new skills while operating the organization. In addition, the new skills will enable the employees to work with specialized skills and the productivity of the work will increase due to development of the employee’s skill in the organization (Martocchio, 2015). Additionally, the development of the new skills is also encouraged by the organization by providing training to the existing employees of the organization.
Several roles and responsiblities of line managers were accounted when I visioted the job site at Tesco. As a primary research evidence, an appointment with HR was taken. The following roles and responsibilities of line managers were discussed-
Engaging employees in organizational activities for achieving the goals and objectives of the of the organization
Ensuring that employees are maintaining discipline in the workplace
Conducting performance appraisals to encourage the employees towards the work assigned to them
Determining pay structure of an employee on the basis of performance as per the capability and position of the employees
Creating a more social organisation by rolling a social network over 500,000 employees worldwide.
Designing and delivering training of employees that creates a warmer and frienlier environment.
Partnership with senior leaders who are responsible for organizational change.
Delivery of yearly People Plan.
Recognition of Personnel .
Sex Discrimination Act 1995/97- The law renders to indiscrimination between men and women. There must be equality between men and women at a workplace. The requirements and conditions for both men and women must be equally entertained. They must be treated accordingly as required by the circumstance .
Races Relations Act 1976- This act makes a provision with respect to people of different racial groups. They must not be put into any disadvantage and practices must be applied qually to all ethnic groups .
Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974- This act ensures that staffs are being provided with adequate safety measures. The welfare of people must be protected against risks to health. The unlawful acquisitions, use of hazardous substances and a control in the emissions into the atmosphere must be accounted for (, 2015).
Equality Act 2010- This act divides into various categories for socio-economic inequalitie, equality in terms of sex, maternity and pregnancy equality and disclosure of pay. There must not be differences in the work of people under the same division. The act also ensures that the maternity and pregnancy leave are given equally to all women and workload put on them must be just in nature (, 2015).
Evaluating roles and responsibilities of line manager
Development of integrated workforce for the achievement of goals and objectives of the organization
Arranging training programs so that skills of the staffs can be used effectively for increasing the productivity of the products or services manufactured or rendered
Development of reward and other benefit schemes to motivate employees and to encourage them to a proper work habits with higher standard of working
Managing organizational changes will enable the management to adapt the advanced working habit of the environment . The development of Human resource is significant to cope with the change connected with the external ecological factors. It helps evaluate the existing human resources through HR supply and becomes accustomed it to changing technical, socio-cultural, political, and monetary forces
Forecasting need of staffs and executing recruitment and selection process so that organizational activities can be conducted uninterruptedly. In addition, the working facilities provided by the company will enable the employees to operate through various hindrances that lead to changes in future recruitment and selection process (, 2015).
Assessment of HR resources- Forecasting need of HR demand- It is very necessary to rectify the exact need of the HR planning in the organization (Stone, 2014). It states the future requirement of the human resources for fulfilling the demand of the organization concerning the work load and methods of work in the organization.
Forecasting availability of human resources- Forecasting the requirement of the human resources may concern about the work and activities of the organization that leads to successful achievement of the goals and objectives of the organization (Psychogios and Wood, 2010). Therefore, the human resources are forecasted as per the condition and the nature of business carried out in the organization.
Executing the activities related with recruitment, selection and training- It is the major function of the human resources department of any organization concerning the recruitment and selection procedure of the right individual for the right designation to be performed (Balkin, Roussel and Werner, 2015).
Both the organizations give importance on workforce planning rather than giving importance in the activities and the operation that is needed to make the employees perform the task in the organization
Managements offer several rewards to staffs for motivating them and encouraging them towards productivity . Therefore, the motivating the employees will lead to increase the productivity and efficiency of the employees and render a better quality of the work performed by the employees
Impact of legal and regulatory framework of UK on HRM
The induction program of ASDA enables the staffs to gain qualification (, 2015). Tesco management does not have any such induction program. Therefore, in this case ASDA’s employees are more efficient and knowledgeable regarding the working habit in comparison to the employees of Tesco (Werner, 2014).
The recruitment and selection processes in Tesco are conducted in several stages.
Workforce planning: It helps Tesco management to plan how the HR needs can be managed. It also implements certain strategies in the working of the organization concerning the work habits of the organization (Thacker, 2012, p. 245). New ideas and innovations are included in the organization relating to the work habit of the organization.
Job description and person specification: Execution of this task is necessary for developing advertisements. Therefore, job description helps the employees to specify certain field of job and the person required for the job. Therefore, in order to place the right people for the right job is determined in the current section of the study (Weatherbee, 2010, p. 38).
Identifying desired skills and behaviors of new employees: Identification of the desired skills means to rectify the necessary skills by the management in order to ascertain the capability of the candidate of achieving the objectives of the organization. The assessment of the behavior of the employees will help to manage the work load and pressure of the organization (Thacker, 2012).
It enables the management to assess suitability of the new employees.
Attracting candidates and recruiting them: Tesco management conducts both internal and external recruitment. Some vacancies are filled by promoting employees. It enables Tesco management to motivate existing employees (Werner, 2014, p.129). External candidates are also hired for some positions. It is effective for including new talents in workforce.
Selecting suitable candidates: The management follows rules and regulations along with skills and abilities of candidates. It enables the management to develop skilled workforce without any interruption (Zafar, 2013, p. 112).
The management of Tesco implements Maslow’s hierarchy of need in their reward and motivation strategy. It enables the management to meet physical and psychological needs of employees (Zhang, 2012, p. 162). The employees get several monetary benefits as well as non monetary benefits such as promotion and recognition.
The process of job evaluation in Tesco is conducted in following stages.
The staffs are informed about their duties clearly so that they do not mislead their roles and responsibilities regarding the task they have been assigned.
A team for evaluating jobs is developed in order to assess the performance of the employees working in different department of the organization . In addition, the measurement of the job performance is also done at this stage.
Selecting jobs and evaluating them by the managers will enhance the productivity of the job done by the employees . On the other hand, the quality of the work performed by the employees is also ascertained and necessary measures are taken when needed by the employees of the organization.
In Tesco both analytical and non analytical methods are used for evaluating the jobs. It enables Tesco management to identify the areas which require being improved (Thacker, 2012). Therefore, these areas the significant areas that needs to be rectified and enhanced for function smoothly in the organization.
Both the monetary and non monetary benefits are effective to improve performance of staffs. These benefits increase productivity of the workforce (Strohmeier, 2013, p. 47). Retention rate of employees also improves. Motivation level of the employees also increases with the increase in the productivity of the employees. The achievement of the goals and objectives are easy for the organization and therefore may lead to long term business operation.
The factors that determine pay in Tesco indicates are-
Seniority- Seniority is the idea of an individual or group of people captivating priority over another individual or group because the previous is either elder than the later or has been unavailable at a particular position longer than the later (Stone, 2014). Therefore, seniority is present between the old employees and new employees working in the same organization and may be present in other universal relations, between the employees and their managers, employee and employers, etc (Strohmeier, 2013, p. 56).
Skills- Skill can be defined as the learning capability to carry out a job with prearranged results frequently within a given energy, amount of time, or may be both (Weatherbee, 2010, p. 36). In other words, the capabilities that one possesses are also ascertained in the section highlighting the significance upon the operation of the company. Skills can habitually be divided into several type of domains namely, domains – general and domain – detailed abilities (Stone and Stone, 2015). Just for instance, in the area of work, some universal skills would include management of time, collaboration and management between the higher rank people with the lower ranks, others and self motivation, whereas skills in specific areas would be useful only for a confident job (Psychogios and Wood, 2010). Ability of the employees frequently necessitates certain environmental motivation and circumstances to measure the point of skill being utilized in the achievement of the organizational goals and objectives.
Experience- Experience is the acquaintance of information or mastering of an organizational affair or theme gained through participation in or experience to it. Therefore, the terms in viewpoint, such as “experimental knowledge” or “a subsequent knowledge,” are used to downgrade to awareness based on the experience of an individual (Mondy and Mondy, 2014). A person with substantial experience in a particular field can achieve a reputation as specialist. Therefore, the concept of skill typically refers to know-how or practical knowledge, rather than knowledge of proposal: on-the-job preparation and vestibule training rather than book-learning and applying it in the organization (Murphy, 2015).
Contribution to the organization- The contribution towards the organization means the input of the productivity of work provided by the employees of the organization towards the organization. In addition, the skills and efficiency of the employees is ascertained in this case and handling the issues is also seen here (McDonnell, 2012). Furthermore, the contribution of the employees can also be measured by the progress of the company towards the achievement of its goals and objectives planned.
The reasons for cessation of employment are:
Changes in capacity of organization- If the profits of the company are down, or small company are short of funding from investors, and then the owners of small business may be incapable to have enough money keeping their jam-packed staffs (Martocchio, 2015). As a consequence, they begin terminating the existing employees to increase their funds for carrying out the business. Therefore, termination decisions taken by the management may be supported on how necessary an employee’s situation is to a corporation (Ma and Ye, 2015). If a group or specific person is identified as the reason for lowered income, then in this case the termination decisions may be supported on those issues.
Inappropriate behavior of employees- The employees are expected to preserve a level of esteem for the corporation they work for, their company, and staff of the organizations, clients and merchants (Lawler and Boudreau, 2015). Behaviors of the employees such as using vulgarity when speaking to the clients of the organization, burglary from the corporation, insulting the company, visiting forbidden websites in the place of work and even alcohol and drug abuse are negative behaviors towards the organization that may affect the sustainability of the employees in the organization (Hoch and Dulebohn, 2013).
Poor performance of employees- When workers are hired by the organization to labour for a corporation, they are given a post explanation that shows the duties they are going to perform in the organization (Dries, 2013). When workers fall short in acquiring their aims and goals, then managers face with the decision making process whether the organization have to terminate the employees or not. On the other hand, poor presentation can comprise everything from not beating objective sales goals and fail to notice the details about the project (Azmi and Mushtaq, 2014). Employees may also be fired because if they lack the knowledge of carrying out the task assigned to them according to the skills they committed to procure.
Low attendance of the employees- When the employees are not regular while attending the office, then in this case the company is not utilizing the employees they have hired (Byars, 2015). Therefore, the attendance of the employees is very much necessary to be covered by the company as company has certain plans and aims they need to cover in the near future.
The employees of Tesco are informed about all legal processes and payments while leaving the organization (Balkin, Roussel and Werner, 2015). Sometimes the staffs are also allowed to provide feedbacks on their experience in the organization.
Legal issues may arise if the company provides unethical termination of the employees
Size of work force will reduce due to less number of employees
Cost of workforce development may increase due to introduction of technologies and equipment in the company
The content of the study highlighted the differences between the personnel and human resource management linking the content with the significance of human resource management in the organization. The roles and responsibilities are also ascertained in the company relating the planning and process of human resources department in the organization. The context of the study highlighted the different theories to define certain theories concerning the motivation and job evaluation in the organization. There are certain procedures and regulatory that is also covered in the last section of the study highlighting the reasons of cessation of the employees from the organization.,. (2015). HR. Retrieved 25 July 2015, from
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