Understanding Perceptions Of Health, Disability, Illness, And Behaviour

Concepts of Disability, Illness, and Behaviour

LO 1. Understand perceptions of health, disability, illness and behaviour

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1.1 Analyse concepts of disability, illness and behaviour in relation to Health and social care service users.

1.2 Assess how perceptions of specific needs have changed over time.

1.3 Analyse the impact of legislation, social policy, society and culture on the ways that services are made available for individuals with Specific needs.

As a Health and Social Care practitioner, your responsibilities include, among others, assessing specific needs of people with disabilities, analyzing their care needs and also, evaluating strategies for giving support to people with challenging behaviours. Taking into consideration the on-going developments in Health and Social Care Policy, changes in perceptions of specific needs over time and the attached case study entitled Baby P Case study:

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Description of problem to be solved Use the assessment requirements shown against the Learning Outcomes 2, 3 and 4 in the table below to do the tasks for Part2 of your assessment. For further reading materials and learning resources, seeStopline

LO 2. Understand how health and social care services and systems support individuals with specific needs

2.1 Analyse the care needs of individuals with specific needs.

2.2 Explain current systems for supporting individuals with specific needs.

2.3 Evaluate the services available in a chosen locality for individuals with specific needs

LO 3. Understand approaches and intervention strategies that support individuals with specific needs

3.1 Explain the approaches and interventions available to support individuals with specific needs.

3.2 Evaluate the effectiveness of intervention strategies for an individual with specific need(s).

3.3 Discuss the potential impact of emerging developments on support for individuals with specific needs.

LO4. Understand strategies for coping with challenging behaviours associated with specific needs.

4.1 Explain different concepts of challenging behaviour.

4.2 Describe the potential impact of challenging behavior on health and social care organizations.

4.3 Analyse strategies for working with challenging behaviours.?

In present day social and healthcare sector, a clear understanding of about the care for specific needs of the people should be there in health and social care practitioner, and also they should be fully capable of to deliver the care needed. Specific needs changes according to the individual’s need or according to the problems faced by the individuals in their daily life, where some face mental disability, some face physical disability and some face physical abuse. This essay will help to understand the specific needs for the individual like baby Peter.

Perceptions of Specific Needs Have Changed Over Time

Health disability: It denotes the condition of health and unimpaired physical status that bars a person to lead a simple life and get the exact education, profession and recreation. It also restricts them from playing the daily activities.

Illness: It denotes to some particular disorders or disabilities that make the individual physically impaired for a short period or a long period. Such people get dependent on some other people and do not able to process the quality life.

Behavioural problems: It refers the significant modification in the behaviour of the individual. This often leads a person to significant mental depression an illness. Such persons became quite and withdrawn and sometimes gets very much aggressive as well as look unkempt (Beder, Postiglione and Strolin-Goltzman, 2012).

Disability can be been in case of vision problem, hearing problem, memory, like; if vision problem is there in an individual the respective one could feel irritating when he or she cannot see a thing properly as well as in case of hearing and memory problem.

Unimpaired body structure and function, limitations in human activity and physical or mental restriction in participation to any work are defined as disability of human as per ICHFD. Social disability is caused by the way the world rather than by an individual’s difference. In case of medical field the condition of disability may be of various pharmacological issues like psychological and physical.

These were the most common observation that I came to know from the interview with the family member. This information is valuable for the health and social care practitioner to understand the specific needs of an individual.

Specific need is generally required for the people having the learning disorder from the social care practitioner’s end. Those individuals who have learning disability appear to be a heterogeneous crowd in relation to associated problem, age and disability degree. Previously there were some big hospitals for the purpose to deliver give specific care. But the standard of the care provided degraded day by day for the huge amount of people with the needed care and the hospitals got closed.

Such situations now perhaps gone as per the social care organizations head as the case come to light, improvements are there in agencies of child protection. Also, they got many lesions from the case. According to the case, Children services at Haringey 620 children has been taken into care, 18 months ago which was 460. Specialist work communities, who are working for the individuals with specific need has been taken those professional staffs to work in better process.

Impact of Legislation and Culture on Healthcare Services

Health Act: Three flexible powers are there for there for the provider of social and healthcare service. Those are to pool the budget of the service provider, creation of integration of social and healthcare service provider and leading commission arrangements development (Husain, 2013).

Equality act:

Care trust: Ten organizations are there which are considered as the most similar model for a compact merger of health and social care in England.

Trust of children: children’s trust comparably a virtual thing from the adult care trust. It describes on assessing the general framework for children, working and sharing information with youth and children.

Budget for personal health: This thing is mainly for the adult’s personal care. Cash can be received from this policy in or to the services taken by the individual from the social and health care practitioner. A well mannered facility can be taken from the social care provider by the poor people.

These kinds if initiatives are forwarding the social and healthcare services to a new level to give more valuable services from the service providers. Government is also taking serious concern on this to come up with new better policies in near future.

Children and family Bill 2013: Among the formalised key recommendation in this bill, it states that vulnerable child and family must get protection in the family justice process. Also, a child’s needs come first in the process of court hearings when it matters to a child.

Such kinds of measures are taking the health and social care services to a new level. New policies are implemented and also modifications of old policies are done by the government. A major role has been played by the society on an individual for the betterment of the behavioural changes. The cultural issues include the inequity among the races. The inequity between colour, creed or caste makes an adult vulnerable and may be the premium reason behind the abuse (Fox, 2011).

 As study states that Peter’s general physician found bruised head and chest but not raised any concern; also nothing serious issue was there from the end of social workers and managers of them, and the evidence of poor parenting, suggested care for the individual with special needs as follows (Jones, LaLiberte and Piescher, 2015).

Felt need: As a child goes through the phases of transformation from infant to toddler to preschooler, the needs and requirements get more and more in number and fulfilment of that needed. A child with special need also has a requirement like a normal kid. They need a place where they can find the physical comfort as well as security and love.


Expressed need: Children with poor parenting need care towards his or her health issue from the social care service by working in particular way, like protecting the child from sexual exploitation. Routine assessments of health form the concerned general physician. Social workers should review of the risk to the life of the baby from his home continuously. Assessment of mental condition and affection of the parent or legal guardians in home towards the baby is also important (Beeby, 2014). Evaluation of living quality in home and the status of other siblings if available should be done. Finding personal background or life history of parents is also helpful.

Comparative need: Best cares may be provided through the improvement of the surrounding environment of the individual and eliminating the risk factors for which can an individual to be a vulnerable subject (Coren et al. 2012). Seeking history about the children and the parents are one of the ways to find the care needed for the individual. Betterment on the parenting is the best solution. Extra support from the social care provider’s end towards the subject should be good for the care of the child (Damashek, Nelson and Bonner, 2013).

Among the formalised key recommendation in this bill, it states that vulnerable child and family must get protection in the family justice process. Also, a child’s needs come first in the process of court hearings when it matters to a child, as per the children and family bill 2013.

Community engagement: The chief responsibility for appealing and consulting with the neighbouring communities on the health and health care needs is the liability of major trust care commissioner. Local authorities, voluntary organizations and agencies are expected to work together with commissioners in strategic collaboration for betterment of service. 

Protection from possible harm: Local Authority for the well-being of the child may ask for a separate accommodation according to the law and keep the child to a safe distance from the possible harm. Social service practitioner also asks for custody of a child if found any risk towards the child’s health (Osborn, 2014).

The registrar for documentation of issues: Governments use to keep a record book, where the issues associated with the problems are being registered for the purpose of future reference. After having an issue with a child’s well-being, it can give the information that if such or any other type of issues wares there in term of that particular child (Rigby, 2012).

Available measures are there from the governments end as well as various social care service organizations are there to give support to those individuals. Social workers and managers can assess the risk factors towards those vulnerable subjects like baby Peter. He is a vulnerable subject, as unable to judge the well-being of own for immaturity and also for the insufficient self-defence (Fairbrother, 2012). Children’s ministry is there by the government to watch and giving prevention to any mishap towards the child’s health and well-being. Day by revised day approaches can give greater transparency on child protection. Support from the social services practitioner according to the child protection register can be done in following manner (Slettebo, 2011).

Many organizations including government and non-government are there for the well-being and safeguard of a child.

NHS centre: People got quick access from them. Every favourable location almost got a centre as over sixty centres are there in all over England.

Haringey local safeguard children board:  Protection of a child is the main concern of this organization. They have their contact number open for 24 hours for reporting about any negligence or abuse towards any child. As per their record, they have taken care of 620 babies, who have faced some issues with their wellbeing.

Beside this, there are several non-governmental, non-profit organizations who offer a healthy environment for the children who are unable to live a healthy life as well as facing difficulty in the case of health and illness (Magnuson, Patten and Looysen, 2011). Science 1869 General physicians are also there who can get a direct contact after any mishap happened to the child and can relate that with any abuse may contact to the services (van Bijleveld, Dedding and Bunders-Aelen, 2013). A ministry for children is there to watch the wellbeing of all children and taking constitutional measurements if required for any child, who has already faced some incident in opposite of him/her. The cases are being record in the government registrar and analysed further by the government body.  

Several acts are there by the government to solve such problems that are more often used by the other organizations to keep safe those individuals from harm or abuse.

Self help: This emphasizes about the self approach on the way to creativeness of the situation.

Advocacy: It encompasses a total variety of technique and approaches used to renovate practices and policies that function as barriers to the advancement and discrimination beside disabled.

Treatment: Psychologist, speech therapist, doctors/surgeons, community mental health teams are there for the individuals with specific need. The mental illness or disorder can be supported by psychologist and doctor and surgeons can give the solution for the physical disability. 

Care order: Child Act 1989, section 31 applied when a review in child protection refers to take a child into care until the age of 18 years but with certain allowance to contact with parents for valid reasons.

Arrangement of voluntary accommodation: Children Act 1989; Section 20 gives the authority to give voluntary accommodation with their parents concern. Here local authority does not get the parental authorization but acts as a parent for the period.

Action to deal with physical assault or abuse should be proactive, intervention and early identification, focusing on prevention, as well as in prosecuting perpetrators. Safeguard of potential future casualty, management of the important cases and their interventions are required. Evidence-based practice for the social worker makes the approach strong (Pölkki et al. 2012). Sometimes social support to the family member in case of rude behaviour towards the children can be minimized by the counselling of the parents to improve their behaviour and lifestyle (Kulnik and Nikoletou, 2014). Awareness among people about the ways to safeguard children from any sexual abuse, emotional cruelty or the victim of parent’s violence or negligence should get an increase. As like in baby Peter case the general physician can intimate any of the social care services about the injuries faced by Peter in a short period. Brief information collection by the individual assigned for social care service could evaluate the seriousness of the situation and assay the risk of the child (Werner, 2012).

Benefit of medical care: psychological disorder or disability can be treated or managed through the treatment from the psychiatrist. Those who are already addicted in drug or alcohol can be taken care through the medical intervention. Physical disability is also managed by the medical practitioner. 

Taking care of children and his or her total authority by a local child safeguard agency has the most effective outcome in the case of the well-being of a child. It usually has the best response when the problems associated with child’s well-being, comes from the poor parenting issue or physical abuse at home is noted. In a case like baby Peter if the option of accommodation outside of his home could have been done after the early stage of the abuse, then it could be a different scenario for baby Peter (Furness and Gilligan, 2012).  Healthcare persons including a general physician’s active support can identify this kind of situation and become effective for the protection (Aguiniga, Madden and Hawley, 2015). A much higher effective communication of social care providers should have the effectiveness. In terms to helping a child, early precautions and measurements are very much fruitful than taking it at a serious and unavoidable stage.

Health care providers should the plan personalized care for individuals with lengthy conditions with their finest knowledge and expertise.The emerging development compiles all available advanced options taken up by the government as well as the local authority a non-profitable agency in terms of safeguarding the individuals. The granted strategies are easily achievable for the social care providers (Ojo, 2012). Typical plans and modifications on past plans done by local safeguarding children boards are active ways for the children protection (Ritchie, 2012). New regulations in the law defining the process and the requirement of children safeguard gave an elevation in the awareness among the social care providers, and the much more clarity came on their job responsibility of them (Appleton, 2011).  Lessons are taken from the past serious case issues by the agencies after review of data (Spilsbury and Korbin, 2013).

An individual with a challenging behaviour have self-harming, temper outburst, uncooperative and also have the tendency to display own anger on others. Such kind of problems occurs due to unhealthy physical or mental status, physical impairment, alcohol and drugs or for some brain injuries. Challenging behaviour is judged as abusive behaviour that comprises of destructive behaviour with others, physical abuse in form of assault, use of abusive languages like racist comments, threats and bullying, Self-harming mentality or personal safety at danger (Tarr et al. 2013), Illegal or objectionable manner. Challenging behaviour can be influenced by several factors like ill health condition (Zwahlen, 2012), mental disturbance, use of drugs and alcohols, past personal history, sexuality, fatigue and pain as well as Ethnicity, relationship and culture type factors.

There are several issues among the people undergoing through challenging behaviour like, memory problems are often associated with them. Financial constraints are a big issue for the health and social care industry. This industry need to employee with the particular knowledge over the problems faced by the individuals with specific need. Day by day the number of such kind of individual is rising and stall fall of member is rising and the pressure is mounting.  Addiction towards alcohol and drugs for them is very much higher in comparison to a regular individual. Communication with other people is very difficult for them as well as Emotional and financial supports needed for them. A person with such kind of behaviour is very much exposed to abuse due to the violent manner and mental disability (Regmi, 2012). Vulnerability near the abuse gets increased because they very much depend on other people. Such abusive situation gets escalation when need and demand stay at a higher level. In term of the senior persons, it is very difficult to take care of the needs and demands. Risk factors are also associated with challenging behaviour. Most common factors comprises of Small amount of support from the caregivers end, isolation on the social front, depression between the caregivers, earlier history over domestic violence, aggression on the verbal and physical front and substance abuse.

The code of practices, policies, legislations and the standard operating procedure set the duty of an employee in the instruction of social care worker. These principles are set at a national level. Social care employees should maintain those rules. The codes are important points in the introduction of a structure for social health care in UK (Brocklebank, Bedford and Griffiths, 2013). They have to make sure that understanding of role and responsibility is very much clear to those individual, who are assigned for the social care provider. Assisting the people, who are being considered as vulnerable is a hard task, and social service providers should get exact training to handle those vulnerable subjects. Service user’s rights must be respected by them and must ensure that their emotion should not get hurt by their behaviour. Some codes are considered by the general council for social care. Individual and respectful treatment should be provided to every patient. People with specific needs get extra care as a positive result of the legal partnership legislations. Time by time the social care efforts are becoming comprehensive and clear in the way of services provided to the individuals. This kind of collaboration has helped in various ways like, giving more attraction to mutual trust and attitude, setting standard to the agreed boundaries, steadiness in discovering the new opportunities for services, finding the pools of resources already been agreed, ensuring the valuable leadership, creating the shared principles and importance. Such policies and codes get useful when they have been done in a predefined manner. The activity must be according to the procedures and the policies as the dependence of those vulnerable individuals are on the providers of social care service. A total assessment of behaviour includes mental stability check, medical health check, factors from the side of society and environment. Working strategy should be made with the concern that states the measurements should prevent the development of challenging behaviour as well as preventing is from getting the condition worse. The government is vigorous looking for new ideas by which they can come up with new policies in future.


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