Strategies For Building And Maintaining Trust In Online Shopping
Competitive advantage of organizations by utilizing e-commerce
Determine and Evaluate strategies that build and maintain trust in consumers towards online shopping so that they are attracted to purchase products and perform repeat purchase. Your report should include the following:
1. Assessing in which way organisations obtain competitive advantage by utilizing e-commerce
2. Analyse in which way organisations attract customers through social media to buy their products online and to promote sales.
3. Critically analyse the strategies that organisations use to build and maintain trust in consumers towards internet shopping
Ghandour (2015) commented on the essential fact that with the advent and modernization of technology and internet, the online marketing has become a social hype in the internet savvy world. E-commerce or rather online shopping has become a wide-spread marketing arena for the customers since it provides them with the availability of buying products and services at any time and from anywhere. As opined by Jayaprakash et al. (2014) it is seen in certain cases that ecommerce sites are somehow being hacked and mishandled leading to the loss of both customers as well as organization leading to the lack of trust and belief of the customers on the ecommerce sites. This assignment therefore deals with the competitive advantage that organizations have on utilizing e-commerce sites along with the ways organization use through social media for attracting the customers. Moreover the strategies used by organizations in building as well as maintaining trust of customers in online shopping are also discussed.
In this fast moving world, organizations have shifted its view to e-commerce sites in order to have competitive advantages over other organizations. As opined by Rad and Mirnabibaboli (2014) the consumers therefore find huge variety and diversity in products and services along with attractive and lucrative discounts in the ecommerce sites. Therefore the organizations such as Tesco and Sainsbury etc have adopted ecommerce sites that help in expanding their market to the maximum extent both nationally as well as internationally. This therefore helps in attracting the customers to the maximum extent and hence helps in increase in customer database extensively. Moreover as commented strategically by Mehta (2015) the ecommerce sites of the organizations have competitive advantage as it help in increasing the reputation and brand image of the organization through internet usage. This also improves the customer services that also help in having a good competitive advantage of the organization over its competitors.
In addition to this from the outlook and opinion of Agwan (2015) ecommerce sites also reduces the usage of paper to the maximum extent. This therefore gives a good competitive advantage over its competitors through their Corporate Social Responsibility strategy adaptation. The customers are provided 24*7 supports that facilitate the customers in knowing the details of the transactions and orders at any time. This leads to the increase in satisfaction level of the customers that help in having higher competitive advantage over its competitors. From the point of view of Flanagin et al. (2014) the ecommerce websites also ensures in timely delivery of the products and services to the customers extensively that can be considered to be as one of the competitive advantages that the organization have over their competitors. For the society also the e-commerce sites are much advantageous in nature. More will be the online shopping, the less the customers will go out for shopping that will reduce the traffic to the maximum extent. Moreover from the outlook of Jain et al. (2015) the e-commerce sites also enables the delivery of products and supply to the rural customers that helps in extending their customer database and therefore has a good competitive advantage over the competitors. The e-commerce sites also focuses on CSR responsibility such as it helps the Government in delivering the products and services such as education, health care and social services to the customers in the most improved and reduced cost. As opined strategically by Nnaji and Samual (2015) this therefore helps in reducing the price of the services sent to the rural customers having a good competitive advantage over other competitors.
Ways organizations adopt for utilizing the e-commerce through social media for promoting sales online
Wen et al. (2014) commented on the essential fact that there are various ways that the organizations utilize the e-commerce sites through social media that helps in promoting the sales online. Social media marketing is changing dynamically and hence social networks are also adopting technologies in order to shift the focus from the branding to generation of leads. The introduction of apps and the advertisement of apps in the social networking site such as Facebook, Twitter etc. help in attracting the customers extensively. As opined by Chiejina and Soremekun (2014) since the social media sites are a great hype and hence the maximum of the customers are on social media, customers tend to go for the online reviews and EWOM for accepting any ecommerce sites. Moreover the discounts, sale prices, quality of the products and services are also reviewed and mentioned in order to attract and customers and let them know about the online presence of the organization.
From the outlook and opinion of Rabbani and Moughari (2015) the social media therefore has became one of the most popular weapon and strategy of the ecommerce sites. Through the ecommerce sites is a successful strategy of social marketing, hence it attracts the customers extensively and hence the sales and profit of the organization increases to the maximum extent. Moreover through online social media, the customer data are also received to the maximum extent. From the opinion of Moran et al. (2014) this therefore helps in creating a good potentiality among the customers and also increases the customer satisfaction to the maximum extent for knowing the customers well by the organizations. Offers, discounts and sales are provided and advertised through the social media networking that helps in getting touch to the customers extensively at every corner of the world. Moreover as per commented by Jain et al. (2015) the digitalization of the organizations also helps in retrieving the data and information to the maximum extent that helps in analyzing of the business effectively. The online companies therefore analyze the customer behavior to the maximum extent and hence use this information in order to complete the sales through social media. Moreover the ecommerce sites also focuses towards the personalized as well as targeted marketing that help in making the customers feel more automated and personalized in nature. As commented strategically by Moran et al. (2014) this strategy of utilizing the social media as a part of marketing strategy helps in increasing the sales and profit margin of the customers extensively.
Strategies used by organizations for building and maintaining trust of the customers towards internet shopping
According to the outlook and opinion of Rabbani and Moughari (2015) the ecommerce sites need to be conscious and focused towards building as well as maintaining the trust of the customers towards internet shopping. The better the internet shopping will be safe and trust worthy, the more the customers will have a good knack towards online shopping. The ecommerce sites therefore take into account the strategies that help in building as well as maintenance of trust among the customers to enhance the internet shopping. From the point of view of Chiejina and Soremekun (2014) the strategies used are website security that includes CGI programming as well as user access control that helps in authentication, confidentiality, data integrity, access control as well as non-repudiation. This therefore helps in keeping the data and personal information and bank details of the customers in a better way so that it cannot be accessed or hacked by the 3rd party intruders.
Moreover as opined by Nnaji and Samual (2015) the password control is another method of maintaining and building trust of the customers. The customers need to use excellent passwords by using encryption in order to have data security to the maximum extent. This helps in users to use the online transaction safely and securely. As a result the organization has a safe transaction without the interruption of the intruders. From the outlook and opinion of Wen et al. (2014) the usage of the passwords helps in keeping the data safe as well as the introduction of payment on delivery also helps in building the relationship with the customers. The usage of original anti-viruses and updating it regularly also helps in maintaining the security of the user’s private data to the maximum extent. Other than this the regular checking of the system along with the web logs also help in keeping the system upgraded to the maximum extent. This also helps in checking the system as well as checks the logs that that long URLs.
This assignment deals with the organization deals with the evaluation as well as determination of the strategies that helps in building and maintenance of trust and belief of the customers. The online shopping attracts the customers and make the shopping at ease and hence also facilitates the customers in shopping from any place and time. The assignment also takes into account the ways the organizations take the help of the social media for increasing sales and profit margin of the organization. Even the organizations take help of the social media in order to promote sales as well as increase the customer database. Moreover the assignment also explains the strategies that organizations take for building trust of the customers and therefore maintain it. Security measures are therefore taken in order to increase the internet shopping and maintaining of the trust.
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