Mental Health Services, Issues, And Professionals In Australia

Types of Mental Health Services in Australia


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1. List and briefly describe in a sentence for each, up to 10 mental health services in your location?

2. Which types of mental health issues are well provided for by services in your area? . Do you think there are gaps? Why do you think this is?

3. Compare the roles of clinical psychologists and psychiatrists in dealing with mental health patients?

4. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of group therapy?

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5. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of remote mental health services, such as online and telephone counselling?

 Mental health service represents a wide range of action which is indirectly or directly connected with the mental well being of a patient suffering from mental disorder.

The types of mental health services are as follows:

Outpatient counselling: It provides counselling in an office or other community setting. Teens, adults and children can take the benefit of this counselling. The duration of this counselling is less than one hour and its a one-to-one therapy. Family therapy and group therapy also comes under this (, 2015).

Intensive case management: It is a community based therapy. In this therapy people with mental problem seek help of the professionals for living in the community (, 2015).

Home based treatment services: It is an in-home service provided to the patients at their home rather than any healthcare or midwifery centre. The home plays a critical role for the patient.

Medical management: It is the management of psychological disorder by medication.

Partial Hospitalization or Day hospital: Here Patients will be provided with all kind of psychological therapy. In this therapy patients can go home every evening.

Inpatient Hospital treatment: Patients are provided with all range of psychiatric treatment. Here service is provided to patients for twenty four hours.

Therapeutic group homes or community residence: These are structured living situation where patients don’t need inpatient hospital service but need twenty four hour therapeutic service (, 2015).

Community support program: It offers skills and training for daily living. The skills include maintaining proper hygiene, budgeting, enhancing recreational skills, controlling mental health.

Consumer-run or peer programs: It runs by people who experience mental illness. It includes clubhouses, job clubs and drop -in centres. It offers supports groups, peer counselling, social opportunity and recreational activities.

Counsel alcohol and Drugs: In this program, the counsellor has special knowledge in alcohol and drug abuse. Counsellor provides individual or group counselling.

All of the above mentioned mental health services are provided in Australia (, 2015).

The types of mental health problems prevalent in Australia are anxiety, bipolar mood disorder, and schizophrenia. Mental illness is the third highest cause of disability in Australia. Each year around 4% people experience mental disorder, of which 5% are women and 3% are men. The prevalence of anxiety in Australia is 14% in each year and for schizophrenia the percentage is 3. Women are more prone to develop mood disorder than men. The percentage is 7.1% compared to 5.3%. The prevalence of drinking in Australia is 36.7% (, 2015)

Prevalent Mental Health Issues in Australia

The above mentioned health problems are well addressed in Australia. Both Government and healthcare centres are working together to reduce the prevalence of different mental disorders by the way of community therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy, counselling, etc.

Besides the initiative of Government and healthcares, the mental health care issue is not completely resolved (, 2015). The issues are as follow 

Only a quarter portions of patients get mental health support out of the total and the number is very low in villages where people don’t have accession of good facilities and education.

There is a scarcity of trained and specialized person in mental health care. Due to shortage the shortage many people left untreated.

Due to the shortage, most of the patients and their families do not pay any interest to go for treatment. It is one of the main reasons why most of patients remained untreated.

The confidence of public in health system has reduced to a significant level. It is because of the inability of the system to reach to public and looks after everyone who seeks help, when it is required.

Many reports have evidenced that there is lack of transparency and indiscipline has observed among mental health experts and other health professionals. Many patients are the victim of negligence and due to this negligence they are devoid of getting quality treatment.

Mental patients are stigmatized with different kinds of false stereotypical allegations. These include

They are aggressive in nature,

They can produce harm to anyone,

They do not maintain proper hygiene etc.

All this allegations lead to create a wrong image of mentally challenged people to the mind of common people. It is because of the image, a mental patient is always deprived of getting a good job, good life style, a good friend circle, a good relation with other people. Being neglected by everyone, the patients developed low esteem and lack of confidence about themselves. It makes the condition more critical and patients become irresponsive to treatment.

Clinical psychology is the branch of psychology which deals with the application of psychological techniques based on different theories and practical analysis based on scientific conditions. Clinical psychologist is the trained practitioner in counseling and psychotherapy and in the assessment of mental health conditions. Clinical psychologists adopt the scientist-practitioner model of mental health. The scientific tests employed by psychologists is used to assess personality traits, clinical syndromes combined with mental health disorders, intelligence levels, visuospatial abilities, cognitive deficits, depression, anxiety, behavioral problems, and many more.

Psychiatrists complete a residency program in psychiatry and diagnose, treat to prevent mental disorders. They are licensed to prescribe medication they may also provide psychotherapy, but mostly tend to prescribe medication. They treat people with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or chronic major depression

Psychology and Psychiatry are complementary professions, which identifies and treat the mental health issues. They cover the large area of human behavior both normal and abnormal conditions (Finkelman, 2014).


Group support: patients feel a sense of relief as they can relate to problem of others. They understand that they are not the only one having challenges whether its panic attacks or mental issues or stress (Vlasto, 2010).

Addressing Mental Health Issues in Australia

Sounding board: group may help as a sounding board which gives the client a broad perspective of his situation. Hearing from others has a great effect on mental stress and may help the patient to overcome his situation.

Pushing boundaries: group can propel the patient forward and help them to overcome their challenges easily by observing what others are doing.

Discover yourself: group help the patient to discover his abandoned sides to overcome his issues.


Unstable emotional state: group therapy should not be undertaken if the patient is going through some emotional break down as it can lead to clashes between group members and leads to harmful conditions (Oliha and Audu, 2010).

Privacy: It is not beneficial if someone is conserved or not likely to share their personal issues, emotions with strangers.

Social phobia: group therapy is complete failure if the patient is social phobic because they are focused to their fears but not to the flow of the topics (purehsan and saed, 2010).

Unfocussed or impersonal topics: sometimes the topics provided in groups are impersonal and unfocussed. No treatment to the problem is provided (Guilfoyle, 2015).

 Telephonic counseling


Accessibility: This process provides direct access for people who are living in remote areas where transport system is not developed.

Anonymity: Caller anonymity is another very strong point which favors this telephonic counseling process as the psychological barrier which prevents the client to seek help is not present. Less distraction and more concentration is the biggest advantage. They have the power to decide the process whenever they want, which makes this process easier (de Oliveira, 2013).

Physically disable: disabled people or have any kind of anxiety or social phobia can be helped through this process. Long term ill patients and people with no child care can apply for this session.

Twenty-four hour services: This service helps people to overcome the waiting list problems and go for the session anywhere anytime they want (Chavan, Garg and Bhargava, 2012).


Visual communication: it is the biggest limitation for clients as well as the counselors as the body language of client is not visible (de Oliveira, 2013).

Disabilities: Patients with hearing difficulties or those with special needs, severe personality disorders or drug, alcohol addicts cannot be treated with this procedure.

Suicidal condition: People who are suicidal or under eighteen are not appropriate for this kind of sessions.(Murray et al., 2015).

Confidentiality: cannot be guaranteed with this process because calls on cellular phones might be recorded in the centers.


No communication coverage: there may be some difficulties to attend the face to face and telephonic process like no communication coverage in the area (Anthony, 2014).

Privacy: Privacy is the biggest advantage to the client as they freely vocal to their problems.

Writing ability: if someone feels free to the written words, they may use this process. Clients may find that putting their thoughts, emotions, and problems in wilting may give them insight of their routine life and they can write in comfortably in their own surrounding.


Suicidal tendency: It is not suitable if the client is in crisis or have suicidal tendency.

Addiction: If the client is engaged in bad habits like addiction to drug and alcohol.

Competence: Client should have certain level of competence with technology as well as confidence communicating using the written word.

Language barrier: clients may face some problems if English is not your first language.

References, (2015). Kinds of Mental Health Services: Services: CHP. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Jul. 2015]., (2015). Intensive Case Management Program on Family Violence – Department of Human Services, Victoria, Australia. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Jul. 2015]., (2015). Department of Health | Quality, transparency and accountability in mental health. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Jul. 2015]., (2015). Choosing an Alcohol Treatment Program: What to Look for in Alcohol Rehab. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Jul. 2015]., (2015). Mental health services in Australia. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Jul. 2015]., (2015). Mindframe. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Jul. 2015].

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Chavan, B., Garg, R. and Bhargava, R. (2012). Role of 24 hour telephonic helpline in delivery of mental health services. Indian J Med Sci, 66(5), p.116.

de Oliveira, M. (2013). Emergency telephonic medical triage and counseling system: A new approach. Resuscitation, 84, p.S70.

 Finkelman, J. (2014). Psychologists and Psychiatrists as Leaders and Managers. Journal of Psychology & Clinical Psychiatry, 1(1).

Guilfoyle, M. (2015). Therapy and the aesthetics of the self. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, pp.1-11.

Murray, A., McKenzie, K., Murray, K. and Richelieu, M. (2015). Do close supportive relationships moderate the effect of depressive symptoms on suicidal ideation?. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, pp.1-9.

Oliha, J. and Audu, V. (2010). Effects of counselling techniques in rehabilitating emotional maladjustment problem among adolescents. ejoc, 3(1).

purehsan, S. and saed, O. (2010). Effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral group therapy (CBGT) on reduction of social phobia. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 5, pp.1694-1697.

Vlasto, C. (2010). Therapists’ views of the relative benefits and pitfalls of group work and one-to-one counselling for bereavement. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 10(1), pp.60-66.

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