Compare And Contrast The Research Methodology Of Business Journals
Qualitative Research Methodology
Compare and Contrast the Research Methodology of Business Journals?
Qualitative research is recognized as a particular research approach, through which, it is possible to identify the behaviours of the human index in terms of business context. In this context, it can be stated that qualitative research technique is usually used in the academic studies with an aim of analyzing as well as identifying the appropriate outcomes of a research. On the other hand, quantitative research signifies numerical explanations/ statistical measures, which is usually applied to investigate the evidences of the research by incorporating hypotheses relations in case of business research papers. At the same time, through the assistance of this particular research method, it is possible to identify and evaluate the assumptions of the research.
In this particular assignment, the objective is to compare and contrast the methodology of business research papers, for identifying the chosen samples, implemented sampling strategy and hypothesis/ statistical test related aspects. Moreover, the study will emphasise to identify the similarities and differences between the business research papers by identify the rules and implementation procedure. Moreover, the study will also emphasise towards identifying rational on the basis of evidences of the research. In this regard, the selected business research papers are depicted below:
“Business Statistics and Management Science Online: Teaching Strategies and Assessment of Student Learning” of Sebastianelli and Tamimi (2011)
“Improving Employees’ Interpersonal Communication Competencies: A Qualitative Study” of Hynes (2012)
“Innovative Teaching: An Empirical Study of Computer-Aided Instruction in Quantitative Business Courses” of Gonul and Solano (2013)
In order to do the research study, the process of sampling plays an important role specially in order to collect the data for conducting the research study. In article “Business Statistics and Management Science Online: Teaching Strategies and Assessment of Student Learning” of Sebastianelli and Tamimi (2011), we did the investigation of various undergraduate mathematic courses depending on various environment of the online assignment. Moreover, in this particular article we use the estimation techniques by doing the proper use of least square method. Moreover, we also use the process of bias estimation in the terms of resulting different techniques of doing the collection of different information about the heterogeneity impacts among the students. Moreover, in article “Improving Employees’ Interpersonal Communication Competencies: A Qualitative Study” of Hynes (2012), it mainly discussed about the relationship between the ranges of business success as well as employee engagement. Apart from this, in this particular article it uses the collection of primary data in order to analysis different information regarding the development of the effective relationship among employee engagement as well as range of business success. Furthermore, this study also focuses on different implications regarding the development of the business communications. In order to get the results of the analysis, the researcher evaluates all learning outcomes based on all results that are derived by doing the primary research study as well as survey. On the other side, in the article 3, the researcher mainly used the quantitative process of analysis in the terms of doing the analysis of business statistics as well as management science. Moreover, the researcher also focuses on various suitability of the online criteria delivery regarding various quantitative business criteria. Moreover, on the other side, the researcher also illustrates all the online questions that are mainly related with the different learning outcomes as well as assessment regarding the development of various teaching strategies. Moreover, in this article the researcher also used multiple types of approaches in the terms of doing the assessment of student learning (Hynes 466-475).
Quantitative Research Methodology
The most important aspect of the research strategy is the collection of the sample through quantitative data collection. The sampling technique is to know about the perception of the respondents. There have been different types of answers, which has been derived in order to make the research paper concrete. The respondents have answered to the homework and the time that they consume in their homework. This is done in the research through the effective collection of the quantitative data. This also includes the class attendance and the amount of time, which is spent by the students in case of the completion of their school work. The strategy of the sampling includes the use of the quantitative process, which helps in the statistical analysis (Balnaves and Caputi 1-272).
The major method which has been used is qualitative data collection. This helps in the collection of the data through the method of asking the respondents. This has helped in deriving the ideas along with the implementation of the proper project ideas. The ideas, which are used in the business methods, could be used along with the incorporation of the basic ideas of the employees. The engagement of the employees in the training process has been analyzed in the current scenario effectively. The strategy of the study is to know about the perception through interview.
The inclusion criteria of the sampling are through the method of online analysis of the quantitative dat. In such case, the major aspect of the study includes the management of the quality, which is through the strategy of data collection. This helps in the empirical study. The researcher makes use of the survey strategy, which helps in dealing with the analysis through interpretation of statistical data. The strategy analysis helps in the channelling of the research method effectively (Sebastianelli & Tamimi 317-325).
In order to evaluate the validity, reliability and ethnicity of the provided qualitative based article, it can be asserted that this particular study is highly dependent on secondary research approach for gathering relevant and valued data. At the same time, in order to highlight the validity of this particular research study, it can be claimed that the qualitative research study largely rely on determining the reliability of the data collected. Therefore, the reliability of data compiled will be duly ensured. The expected outcomes in relation to the provided qualitative article can be ascertained as finding out the exact relationship prevailing between employee involvement and business success and confirming that this particular approach facilitates in promoting the emotional well-being of the workers at large (Hynes 466-475).
The main purpose of this research is informed in the action. These must be seek to the finding contextualize within the body larger of that research. The research must be always quality high in order to the knowledge of the produce that is outside applicable of that particular research implementation with setting that beyond to go the group that already participated into the research. In the near future the result of the study may have the policy implementation and the implementation of the project (Sebastianelli & Tamimi 317-325).
In the above mentioned projects the process of iterative research ultimately the successful key to the project research lies in the iteration: the returning process of the again remaining and research again to the questions, data and the methods that to leads to the brand new ideas improvements and the revisions. This is much easier to think of the research as the one step after one step, in general it is also called step by step process, in the same hand this is most important to be filled and change to open. Designing by the oftentimes the project of the research to be open and field to changed. The discussing by oftentimes by the research discussing of the project with the peers and advisers one that will find the research new questions that definitely need to be added, the needs of the variables to be omitted, and the changes to the other made changes. As the proposed studies is re-examined and examined from the perspective different, this also to begin to the shape. This is basically expected to the good component of a research study. In the addition of this is the most important one of the methods of examine the study. All the given three journals impose these similarities in terms of derivative rules as evaluated by the given researcher (Ockleford and Windridge 1-39).
From the above analysis and discussion, it can be asserted that the application of quantitative research is quite appropriate and the application of the qualitative method seems to be quite adequate. However, in this regard, it can be recommended that the application of a mixed approach will be more suitable for this particular study. This can be justified with reference to the fact that primary along with secondary data will be gathered in case of mixed approach with the intention of determining appropriate research findings.
Reference List
Balnaves, M., and Peter C., (2001) Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods: An Investigative Approach. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage, 2001. Print.
Bernard, H. Russell, and Gery W. R. (2010). Qualitative Data Analysis: Systematic Approaches. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Hancock, Beverley, Elizabeth Ockleford, and Kate Windridge. (2009) “An Introduction to Qualitative Research.” National Institute for Heath and Research, 1-39.
Hynes, Geraldine E. (2010) “Improving Employees’ Interpersonal Communication Competencies: A Qualitative Study.” Business Communication Quarterly 75(4), 466-475. Print.
Sebastianelli, R, and Nabil, T. (2011) “Business Statistics and Management Science Online: Teaching Strategies and Assessment of Student Learning.” Journal of Education for Business 86, 317–325.