Fundamentals Of E-Business: Basic Elements Of Technology Infrastructure, Communication And Network Concepts, Marketing On The World Wide Web, And More
Technology Infrastructure for E-Business
• Identify the basic elements of the technology infrastructure used to conduct electronic business.
• Explain the basic communications and network concepts used in electronic commerce and the basic functioning of the Internet and the World Wide Web.
• Outline the considerations for marketing on the World Wide Web and creating an effective Web presence.
• Use technology and information resources to research issues in fundamentals of e-business.
• Write clearly and concisely about fundamentals of e-business using proper writing mechanics.?
The concept of e-commerce and e-retailing is the most hyped and trendiest business function in today’s era. It is particularly effective in reaching a global market and conduct a huge amount of business in a faster yet hassle free way. Our Company JSB Apparels is located at the Jersey Shore Boardwalk. It is a young fashion brand that is now available online to target the American market and consists of all the latest functions to provide the customers unique online shopping experience. It is now a question of ethical dilemma as Mr. X offered $ 1000 to buy the domain name that brings a lot of cyber ethics issues that might hamper the store reputation and the business in general. Also, a marketing strategy has to devise to achieve the greatest sales through the online portal and promote the web presence.
Internet and E-commerce provide the Company with a dynamic presence. The products are advertised, sold and paid electronically without their need for a human being to conduct the process. Since the World Wide Web is a large network, the website or e-commerce site is exposed to thousands of people around the world. This information is available at almost no cost, and it can update instantly. But this exposure and openness puts the company in a vulnerable position as people with knowledge of technologies could utilize the opportunity to commit crimes and use it for selfish reasons. Hence when considering the concept of selling the domain name to a person, the process comprises a whole lot of negative implications (Chen, 2009).
The Domain name signifies what the site is supposed to do. It is a short description of Company, and the company has already derived much success and recognition through the existing domain name. Selling it would mean providing an opportunity to use that domain name and the popularity of the site to drive success from one’s own business. Other ethical and moral implications are web spoofing, cybersquatting, privacy invasion, online piracy and email spamming (, 2015).
The unethical use of domain name to conduct fraudulent activities or extort money is a common practice. Trademark is infringed, and personal and financial detail of the customers is also obtained. Spamming degrades the company image. All of these amounts to a loss of reputation and huge financial loss. Hence, companies like JSB Apparels must take actions to prevent or protect the software from any kind of ethical harm (Hess, 2003).
Assigning of copyright, suing under the Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act (1999), generating hacking alerts or buying of new domain and changing of website names are some strategies to adopt prevention and protection. Also, companies must take a new marketing activity to promote the original website and remove any allegations through honest public relation activities.
Communications and Network Concepts for E-Commerce
The website provides some of functions that each possesses an inherent quality to provide the customers with a unique experience, ease of shopping and convenience. This function not only makes the software more usable and productive but also benefits and helps the customer and creates a reputation for the company (Laudon & Traver, 2002).
The catalogue display showcases all the products and variants that are available, and customers can check out the items and compare the prices. They can also see the description of design and material. These way customers do not have to visit a lot of stores and can easily understand what the company offers and can thus save their choices or directly buy it. Companies can exhibit a wide number of products to a wide number of people simultaneously. Hence, time and labour is to be saved by individuals who exhibits and helps out the customers in making their choices at the physical store (Kim, 2012).
The shopping cart is virtual, and one can add as much item as one wants to. It does not require the physical labour of dragging the cart and customers could easily visit the shopping card and remove items and add new ones or even replace. Also, as soon one add an item to the cart the price required to be paid is displayed which saves a lot of time and the customers could assess their budget easily. Hence, these companies are not burdened with customer queries and exchange of items or replacing of products. The traffic at the cash counter can also beavoided.
The transaction process is virtual, and the software does the calculation process. A receipt is automatically generated which is authentic and secures both the seller and the customer. It is easy for the company to count the sales keep tracks of the transactions.
Other features like verification mark make sure that the website is authentic customers feel it safe to shop from it. Saving options, tracking options are featured that help the customers to keep a tab on the product and buy the items only when they can afford it. Also, they could track the orders. This way the company gains consumer trust and can utilize it for market expansion and retaining sales.
A company must possess web presences that it does not lose out on a large source of profit. With the advancement in the field of internet marketing and people flocking into the worldwide and conducting various searches it is essential that the website is popular and known among the people so that they can avail its service. This website must be attractive, productive and easy to use so that it generates more customer presence and eventually sales. Hence, there is a need for improvement of the website to achieve web presence (MacDonald, 2009).
The tactics that is to be applied is first buying an available, authentic, non-ambiguous domain name. Then one must purchase a hosting service. Next it is the task of assigning a web designer who will create a professional yet attractive website and add features. The usability of the websites should be ensured. This means that there should be neat and clean graphic and layout for easy navigation. A path must be provided to the visitors to follow. Next keywords are to be chosen to conduct Search Engine Optimization so that the link of the web address readily appears on search (Meng, 2010).
Marketing on the World Wide Web
Security and Privacy is another factor that must be kept in mind and hence the website must be verified and carry a verification mark (McAfee Secure or VeriSign) to convince visitors. Use of Google analytics will provide the number of website visits. Another essential factor is offering a clear checkout option so that customers find the whole process gradual simplified steps and can easily move out of options. This would ensure repeat visit and will create the desired web presence.
To gain an advantage of the website usability and ensure web presence, a web marketing strategy has to be applied. It will ensure that the potential and extent customers of the company are reached through the e-commerce site (Janoschka, 2004).
The target audience is the youth and the middle-aged. The two segments will have moderate disposable income and would love shopping. It would be bulk purchase and they might or might not be brand loyal.
Segment 1- they are between 14 to 30 years of age. Survives on pocket money or own earnings. Loves to shop and might or might not be brand loyal.
Segment 2- they are between 20 to 30 years of age. They have their disposable income. They also love to shop a verity of clothes. They do not believe in a bulk purchase but are quite brand loyal.
These segments are to be reached through direct mails on existing customers e-mail ids or advertising on the social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter. Advertisements can also be provided through Television as this are media options to which the segments are, most exposed for a long period.
The websites could be linked to other directories or with partner companies. Blogs, articles and social media are also sources of a link through which one can directly go to the website.
Submitting an online Press release is effective in letting the people know about the website or any changes.
Google ad words and pop ups or pop downs are relevant web advertisement options that can be widely used by JSB Apparels. This would also help in studying the number of visits or gain from the pay-per-clicks .
The e-commerce sector is one of the most beneficial sectors but one must be aware of the ethics and legal obligations of running an e-commerce website. Also the website must be developed with updated software that holds multiple features to provide usability to the customers. It is essential to build a web presence and create user-friendly functions to provide a unique experience and generate effective sales. Hence there is need of advertising the e-commerce store in TV and on the internet as well to foster the growth of JSB Apparel.
Chen, C. (2009). Information-oriented Online Shopping Behavior in Electronic Commerce Environment. JSW, 4(4). doi:10.4304/jsw.4.4.307-314
Hess, G. (2003). Combating Online Software Piracy. Journal Of Internet Commerce, 2(3), 3-10. doi:10.1300/j179v02n03_02,. (2015). Improving Your Company’s Web Presence | I.D. Images. Retrieved 4 August 2015, from
Janoschka, A. (2004). Web advertising. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Pub.
Kim, H. (2012). Advances in technology and management. Berlin: Springer.
Laudon, K., & Traver, C. (2002). E-commerce. Boston: Addison Wesley.
MacDonald, M. (2009). Creating a web site. Sebastopol, Calif.: O’Reilly Media.
Meng, X. (2010). Study on Combining of E-commerce and E-marketing. JSW, 5(5). doi:10.4304/jsw.5.5.546-553,. (2015). Internet Marketing Ethics and Web Ethical Issues » Professional Web Services – Internet Marketing, Website SEO, and Online Advertising Services. Retrieved 4 August 2015, from
Zheng, X. (2012). Information-based Study of E-Commerce Website Design Course. JSW, 7(12). doi:10.4304/jsw.7.12.2794-2799