Use Of E-commerce As A Marketing Tool For Organizations Starting Online Business

Executive Summary

Describe about the about use of e-commerce as marketing tool for those organizations, want to start online business?

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E-commerce or electronic commerce is defined as trading products online. The proposed report is about use of e-commerce as marketing tool for those organizations, want to start online business. The current market scenario demands for trustworthy, reliable online websites for purchasing goods. In following document we would be discussing about various marketing strategies using e-commerce and how to design website for users to attract them for business. Report would be consisting of social media participation, advantage of involving e-commerce into business. There are suggestions given in details to encourage people to engage with these websites. The discussion would be on developing business plan that includes E-commerce solutions. E-commerce websites are generally

Marketing is the key component of any organization to build its market image. The marketing people are responsible for how traffic is coming to store. E-commerce website gives this opportunity to propose online business to global platform (Beaker 2007). We all are aware about the fact that people like to use smartphones nowadays. Many of market dealers want to launch their business on online portal so that popularity of products can be increased. The proposed report is based on applying e-business as marketing tool so that we would be discussing different aspects of utilizing e-business and how it affects market. The discussion would start from defining model and switch to marketing role of website design; it will lead to application development according to requirement off business. There are specific findings discussed in following topic to give clear idea about it. The requirement specifications are considered before developing ERP model for business.

Enterprise system is a software application collection to support organization on different components like business process, data analysis, data warehousing and many other. It is implemented in organization for integrating all parts together and monitoring the working them simultaneously. E-business or electronic business is the application of information and architecture that is based on information system. The application is based on software implementation that business can be done using online transactions. The major purpose of this module to implement is to combine the group, organization and individual activities by internet support. The software application is comprised of database connectivity and online server support.

The agenda of this discussion is to provide proper information about utilizing e-commerce into business. For this we would be first analyze effective implementation of electronic business. E-business is used by local retailers as for this we would be discussing one of the example that is, this online portal provides facility to brand small scale retailers product online. The dealer can directly register to these online websites to get benefited and with this they can cover different zones market place people. Popularity would be increased. E-commerce solution is the best option for dealers to directly provide services to people. The matter of fact is that online shopping more far easier than market shopping. The increased internet users have made a large traffic on internet so that it is must for every organization to come with idea to apply e-business. The future aspect of online shopping is depend on its present impact of technology.

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Diagram 1: E-Commerce scenario

The above diagram is describing functionality of electronic business; both dealer and customers do their actions online as shown in above. Transaction would be done online and customer will pay form his home (Peterson 2012). Online implementation of business is to develop first website according to product line. Online business is applied according business specification. E-commerce website design components

  • Technology used to develop web pages play major role while implement business plan. There are different types of programing languages like Java, ASP.Net, PHP etc. But before selecting one of them there should be a prototype model developed. Prototype would be design outline to be developed.
  • The major issues are software and hardware requirement that used to develop website. Information technology set up is required.
  • Data base services are selected according to provide high security and authorization functionalities.
  • E-commerce solutions provide customers to place their order anytime and get products at home.
  • Cloud services are used for backing up data and virtualization is used for implementing different functionalities.

The organization does analysis on people interest and then according to that marketing team applies different ways to populate it online. There are different approaches used by organization for products marketing. The most popular approach is to advertise through social media, online advertisement, and other strategies. E-business modeling is applied according to business scenario like business to customer, customer to customer. The business goals are decided to achieve specific working model for organization. Business to consumer is very popular business model to be applied on online shopping system implementation. The burning issues in utilizing e-business are private data of users. There are different approaches to as would be discussed earlier for implementation.

Diagram 2: Concerns for Online Shopping

The above diagram is describing concerns for marketing any product. Advertisement campaigns are organized for advertising products at different level. The social media is used as environment to propagate products, the approach is applied that user age optimized or tracked and accordingly product pops up on the screen (Dong-Gil 2005). Shopping websites sometimes uses different portals to brand their products. Here we are concerned about only branding strategies. Search engine optimization is used to target and for increasing numbering on Google. There are major concerns about shopping websites to provide products at right place and in allocated time. User specifications are major concern while implementation e-business planning.

E-commerce provides platform to dealers and retailers to show their work online and get benefited by services. The impact on business and revenue of e-commerce is biggest advantage. First of all the market is available for you online, company does not need to sell their products in open market place, no infrastructure is requires to show products to client. Process of engaging with people through online website do help in future marketing plan for organization (Lankhorst 2012). The diagram below would blow your mind if you observe it closely because this shows growth rate of different field of businesses yearly. The percentage of E-commerce is highest if we review about 2010 to 2016 market statistics. E-commerce can be implemented in any type of business for branding and different websites nowadays giving buy option directly on popup. Inter-enterprise collaboration is achieved applying through proposed system so that within the organization activities would be done under monitoring of chain management. It will give benefit to other bodies to get their work done on time.

Organization Strategies

Diagram 3: Gain share of e-business

The integrated system would be working on the capture and manage demand process. It can be achieved with web browser by tracking the customer reviews and data analysis methods than applying chain management process for better customer producer relationship building. Web based application can work in a way that delivery of products to the customer would in no time and accurately also there would not be any issues occurred related to customer relation. The most efficient way is to fulfill customers demand and future supply so that cost can be reduced. E-commerce websites provide business to customer services. It benefits clients and also retailers to launch their product directly to customer. Same would be on customer side that products would be reached him/her directly.


E-commerce implementation in business increases product reachable to users and retailers as well. It can be concluded form above report that e-business strategies make business better. Discussion start from e-commerce definition and its role in business has been described in detailed. Analysis of document is about utilizing e-commerce into marketing (Imparato 2003). Organization need to start some new marketing strategies to apply e-business. There are some of the points described about concerns of consumers and also marketing manager to consider while developing methods. Specified features are discussed in above points meet the business requirement. This gives organization and users idea about salient features of project. While coming to its decision making capabilities and support through scope of project are mentioned as well that gives idea that how it can be beneficial to organization. There is a point covered which describes the importance of processes in organization and the customer centric environment. Customer relation management is done to ensure that product is produced and delivered according to customer need or not. Finally we would be analyzing the future aspects of this proposed scenario in business.


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