Group Decision Making And Change Management At Myerstown Plant
Executive Summary
1. How effective was the use of group decision making processes in the change management initiatives at the Myerstown plant?
2. Discuss the techniques that effective managers at the plant could have used to deal with the resistance to change identified in the case.
3. Discuss the different stages of group development that the teams identified in the case go through.
This paper presented the several aspect of the Myerstown Pennsylvania plant. The purpose is to measure the group of employee in the Myerstown plant. Myerstown Pennsylvania plant is part of the Bayer Corporation. Bayer Corporation is a pharmaceutical firm that established in1863 in the Germany. It was founded by Friedrich Bayer and Johann Friedrich Weskott. Bayer Company first product was acetylsalicylic acid and now it produces various kinds of products such as veterinary drugs, women health products, diabetes care, plant biotechnology and polymers. It is instituted a team based changed program.
This paper enable to determine the effectiveness of group decision making in change management initiatives, techniques that effect managers when they deal with resistance and stages of group development. Orientation, power struggle, cooperation & integration, synergy and closure are the stages of group development. Education & communication, participation & involvement, facilitation & support, negotiation & agreement, manipulation, explicit and implicit coercion, social change, fairness and consistency are the main techniques that affect the manager when they deal with organization in resistance change situation.
This paper described the various aspects the Myerstown, Pennsylvania plant that is part of Bayer Corporation. The main objective of this paper is to evaluate the manager view about their employee in the Myerstown. This paper covers the group decision making in change management initiatives, technique of effective managers and different stages of group development. Indeed, Myerstown Pennsylvania plant is a part of Bayer Corporation. This institute created team based changed program. This team was working in various organizations. This plant was losing money from several years. Rick Higley was the operator of the pharmaceutical sector said that I really appreciated the group development process that managers listened their subordinate view in the organization.
1. Group decision making means a choice to select one from various alternative choices. Group decision making means a types of participatory process that analyze problem or condition, evaluate alternative courses of action, individual acting collectively and select from various alternatives a solutions. The group decisions are always different from those take decision from individual. Group decision making elements such as social influence, group dynamic and peer pressure. Group decision making should differentiate from teamwork, self managed team and concept of teams. (Herrera, Martınez & Sánchez 2005) Indeed, Myerstown Pennsylvania Pharmaceutical plant is part of the Care Division of German Bayer Corporation. Bayer Corporation is a pharmaceutical firm that established in1863 in the Germany. It was founded by Friedrich Bayer and Johann Friedrich Weskott. Marijin Dekkers was the CEO of the Bayer Company. After the World War I Bayer have lost their US business and its first well known product was aspirin. Bayer Company first product was acetylsalicylic acid and now it produces various kinds of products such as veterinary drugs, women health products, diabetes care, plant biotechnology and polymers. Bayer Company is listed in the Germany stock exchange that is called as BAYN. (Plunkett 2007) Further, group decision making are very effective in change management initiative at Myerstown plant that is described under the advantages of the group decision making.
- Group decision making is a decision of a group those have many member. So, it is rarely chance to take wrong decision in the Myerstown plant. Rick Higley says that I really appreciate the manager listened behavior that he listen all query of the employee that is only possible through group decision making. (Tindale Kameda & Hinsz 2003)
- Group decision making is helpful in diffusion of responsibility it is very effective in Myerstown because it is big pharmaceutical company that need to adopt responsibility from various source. So, group decision making is effective for the Bayer corporation growth and development. Further, group decision making supports the diffusion of responsibility as strength of group decision making.
- In the change management initiatives perspective, group decision making process plays significant role in the Myerstown plant because it accepted all kind of management change due to high skills of employees. (Chen 2000)
- In the Myerstown plant employees contribute to the decision making process. It is very effective in group decision making perspective because it includes the employees knowledge in their decision making process. These trends have good commitment to implementing a decision in the pharmaceutical sector.
- Organizations have changed management initiative at the Myerstown plant. On that time, group decision making process is very effective due to handle contingency changes that occur in the organization. If one manager are not available in the organization then group of member can take decision about the organization to handle the contingency situation of the organization. However, those companies take view of their employees in their decision making that means they are adopted group decision making process in their organization. (Chen 2000)
- If organization changed their management leadership then it require group decision making process to handle their complicated decision in their organization because it could be handled by group of team. There would be lack of chance take wrong decision due to efforts of many team members. (Herrera, Martınez & Sánchez 2005)
- Myerstown is the part of pharmaceutical sector that require decision from a group because individual decision can harm the people because it produces the health care product. In the health care product, group decision marking is essential because it takes view of several people before start the project or plant. So, there will be lack of chance to error in the organization. (Tindale Kameda & Hinsz 2003)
Group Decision Making
2. Manager plays an important role in the Myerstown Pennsylvania plant. Manager has potential to resistance to change identified in the case of pharmaceutical industry. Managers have varisou techniques to handle resistance situation in the organization. These are main techniques that affect the managers when they deal with resistance to change identified in this case that is described below:
Education & communication: It is significant technique that affects the manager to reduce the conflict in the Myerstown Pennsylvania plant. It is pharmaceutical based organization that requires high educated people to handle their pharma work. They created many groups that require well education people to survive in the market. So, they need to communicate with them and solve with proper communication within pharmaceutical sectors. Education level should be higher in the requirement process of the organization that protect from harmful circumstances of the firm. (Anderson & Davis 2013) Further, communication reduce the conflict the among the organization employees. So, they should follow good communication skills in the firm to fulfill their objectives.
Participation & involvement: This is another important technique that affects the managers of the Myerstown Pennsylvania plant. Employees are attached in the change effort they are like to purchase into change rather than resist it. If employees will participate in the organization activities then it would beneficial for organization to reduce resistance in the case. Employees should work with fully dedication and involvement that helps to reduce conflict in the organization. (Wang & John 2013) However, employee’s participation is necessary in the organization and operator said that I really appreciate that managers are adopting view of their subordinates that would help to fulfill the commitment of the managers.
Facilitation & support: Managers help is important for employee to deal with fear and anxiety during a transition period. This approach is related with provision of training, time off work and counseling. It is important technique that affects the manger when they could reduce the resistance in the provided case. (Suri & Chhabra 2009) Further, Manager requires the support of their subordinates in the group development process. This group development approach will help to achieve the objective of the organization. However, support is necessary part of everyone life. Organization would get support of their employees that would develop quickly in the corporate world, especially in the pharmaceutical sector. (Wang & John 2013)
Negotiation & agreement: It is significant technique that affects the manager when they deal with resistance of provided case in this paper. Managers can fight when they are offering incentive to their employees. Only managers and top management have right to decide that how much incentive they would pay to their employees. It is negotiable and can be discuss with the employee before allotting the incentive to their employees. If we would negotiate with employee before allotting the incentive to their employee that would raise employee morale and help to work with efficiently and effectively. (Wang & John 2013) Indeed, negotiation is the taking between two person that exchange their thought, idea, view, knowledge, experience and opinion.
Techniques for Effective Managers
Manipulation: Manipulation is main technique that affects the managers when they deal with resistance in the provided case of the Myerstown Pennsylvania plant. In the organization, managers need to take some contingency decision to manage their routine work that is possible through managerial skills and attributes. So, manager should be skillful handle pharmaceutical sector organization. (Wang & John 2013) Further, Manager should be clever in decision making that is essential for the Myerstown Pennsylvania plant growth and development which is based on team group change program. Bayer Corporation is expended their business in all over the world so their manager should adopt manipulation skills to established in the abroad new market and put footmark in the pharmaceutical sector. (Suri & Chhabra 2009)
Explicit and implicit coercion: It is significant force of the Myerstown Pennsylvania plant that affects the manager when they deal with resistance of the organization. Managers have pressure from inside or outside of the organization. So, manager needs to fulfill the requirement of the insider or outsider person of the firm. Bayer Corporation is big scale organization that has lot of pressure from in and outside of the organization. So, manager can deal with them.
Social changes: Changes is part of daily business life. These changes can be positive or negative. A positive change affects the manager when they deal with resistance in the provided case. Human is a part of society so social changes are also affects the manager when they deal with complicated situation. Complication is the part of pharmaceutical sector organization because it is related to health care product that has high uncertainty. Through health care product producer, they are contributing in society. So, they should accept social change that occurs in the organization. (Suri & Chhabra 2009) Further, social factor also affect the manager decision when they deal with tough decision. They need to focus on the society welfare also so it is only possible through society oriented decision. (Anderson & Davis 2013)
Fairness: It is another significant technique that affects the manager when they deal with resistance of the Myerstown Pennsylvania plant. Fairness should be necessary when manager deal with conflict of the organization. Because of it raise the trust of the firm employees. Managers are the gatekeeper to handle the conflict of the Bayer Corporation. However, fairness is essential part in business success. If manager would deal with fairness then it would attract their dealer to connect with them. (Suri & Chhabra 2009)
Consistency: The consistence growths of the business affect the manager to deal with resistance in the organization. Because of it would help to reduce the dispute between organization employees. Consistent growth raises the profit margin of the organization in the long term perspective, especially in the pharmaceutical industry. However, consistency is main part of business success. If organization is getting good profit from their business model then they would continue their business in the corporate world.
Workforce development: Workforce mean handling staffs before you hire in their organization. So, organization should focus on workforce development to provide training program for newly hired employees of the organization. It is significant technique that affects the manager to deal with resistance situation in provided case of the Myerstown Pennsylvania plant. This plants is created several groups that require high level efforts to handle the newly hire employees. (Anderson & Davis 2013) However, workforce affects the manager through their predication handling approach of them.
Stages of Group Development
3. Groups are general arrangement of current organization environment. Group is a collection of several members for fulfill specific objectives. Development is the growth level in the organization. Group development is a term which shows patterns in group of people over time and makes decision. Group development process happens in several stages such as beginning, middle and ending. It is not fixed process but it is a dynamic process. Each process has individual challenges and opportunities. Ninety-three groups of employees were selected randomly to participate in seven focus groups that is good example of group development in the Myerstown Pennsylvania plant. A several theoretical models have created to determine how particular groups change over time in the future. Out of them, some groups are changing constantly by a series of stages. In the Myerstown Pennsylvania plant case, many groups are developed that we would explain in this paper. (O’Connell & Cuthbertson 2009) Further, these are different stages of the group development in the provided case that of the Myerstown Pennsylvania plant is described below:
Orientation (Forming): This is first stage of group development that identifies unclear objective, uncommitted members, low morale and poor listening in the Myerstown Pennsylvania plant. It is very significant stage of group development because it helps to determine the future assumption of the organization on the basis of their experience. They identified that factory is losing money from several years that is harmful for the Myerstown growth and development. They have changed their team based program recently. So, they need to manage their updated team based approach due to compete with their competitors. They should control the rumors when supervisor provides critical information. (O’Connell & Cuthbertson 2009) In this stage, team member behave independently. They are motivated their team group members to work efficiently and effectively. This stages of the group development helps to get information and make new friends. It is helpful to look how each member of team of Myerstown plant works as individual and how they react to pressure them for good work. The Myerstown should listen their employee view that would help to group development because employees would explain their view if they have listening skills and attributes. (Forsyth 2009) However, Myerstown Pennsylvania plant is part of the Bayer Corporation that recently started to works in seven focus groups that brainstorm the employee mind in the organization.
Power struggle (Storming): It is second steps of the group development in the Myerstown Pennsylvania plant. In this process, group members work constantly. This company related to health care product that require the constant supply of the product or service that supported by the storming stage of the Myerstown. This stage includes the conflicts, volatility, anger, and failure, lack of cohesion and hidden agendas of the pharmaceutical sectors. Operator of the pharmaceutical sector said that I really appreciate the managers view that they have listening skills in the organization that reduce the conflict among manager and subordinates in the pharmaceutical organization. Myerstown Pennsylvania plant conducted many cross-functional team to improve their skills in the organization. (Zastrow 2008) Bayer Corporation is expended in worldwide so conflict and competition are greatest in this organization. It is helpful for the organization growth and development because conflict raise the employee production quality with small scale competition. Storming stages raise the leadership, rules, structures, authority, responsibility and evaluation criteria of the Bayer Corporation. CEO of the Bayer Corporation considers the team based techniques that were developed through their own facilities. Myerstown should decide their limitation that helps to work effectively and efficiently in the pharmaceutical sector. (O’Connell & Cuthbertson 2009)
Cooperation and integration (Norming): It is third steps of the group development in the Myerstown Pennsylvania plant that maintain cooperation among various group of employees. It will present that how to achieve their objectives. It involves opening risky issues, listening, identifying strengths and weakness, changing roles and clarifying objectives. Pharmaceutical sector needs to maintain cooperation between organization groups that gather for fulfill organization objectives. Manager listen the subordinate opinion that raise the cooperation between them. If group of member have cooperative behavior that would beneficial for group development perspective in the Bayer Corporation subsidiary company. Further, it has target to work for the success of the team vision. It is essential stage of the group development because cooperation require in all types of organization, especially in the pharmaceutical sector. Chairman of the Bayer Corporation control and maintain cooperation in the difficult time of the organization. This company was restructuring its divisional firm that requires cooperation to compete with their closest competitors. (Zastrow 2008) However, cooperation is main part of the organization that reduces the conflict among employees. Cooperation is beneficial for the organization development because it reduce dispute that helps to produce high quality product or service that would raise sales volume and profit margin in the long term perspective.
Synergy (Performing): This is significant stages of the group development that reach the conclusion. Myerstown Pennsylvania plant includes creativity, flexible, pride, open relationships, learning, success, high morale and confidence. After making cooperation in the Myerstown Pennsylvania, they need to implement in the organization to get solution of it. If organizations have cooperative nature then it would perform well in the market that would be beneficial for organization growth and succeed. They are motivated then they are able to compete with their competitors and handle the contingency decision in the organization. In the Bayer Corporation, they created eighteen members cross functional team that need to perform well in the organization. (Forsyth 2009) Further, organization group helps to raise employee’s performance because it was generated with desire of all member of group. If organization groups have lot of conflict then it would harm the growth and development of the Myerstown Pennsylvania plan that is part of the Bayer Corporation. However, performance is significant things in the organization that evaluate the employee’s efforts in the working style. If employees are performing well then they would rewarded by the organization top management. Constant performance require for organization growth that is only possible by top management motivation and evaluation of the work style. If top management found that employees are performing well that would be beneficial for pharmaceutical sector prosperity. (Zastrow 2008)
Closure (Adjourning): This is ending stage of group development in the Myerstown Pennsylvania plant. Myerstown Pennsylvania plant needs to finish the program after evaluation of performance of it. It is significant stage of group development process of the Myerstown Pennsylvania plant. When organization successfully evaluated the performance of the Myerstown Pennsylvania plant performance and find appropriate then they can close the steps of the group development process. (Forsyth 2009) However, if project is completed then organization should finish it with the top management consult.
From the above discussion, it can be concluded that clear group decision power, various techniques that affect manager when they deal with resistance situation and stages of group development as well as high ability to adopt new approach in Myerstown Pennsylvania plant helps it to maintain its competitive position in all over the pharmaceutical sectors. Myerstown Pennsylvania plant is part of the Bayer Corporation that require high attention to gather group of employees.
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