The War Against Boys: Reasons And Impact
War against Boys
Describe about the war against boys?
War against boys purports to be an idea that the success of boys and men is neglected in the society. The different studies and research reveal that we are not doing enough to ensure the success of boys in society. It has been argued that more focus on the rights of women and feminism have been the real problem for the males of the society. The others argue that the whole concept of war against boys is a male biased argument which aims to maintain the dominance of male in the society. The research shows that the boys have reached a point of crisis in the different aspects of their lives. Experts in child development say that the boys are losing ground and they have reached a point of crisis in education, physical and emotional health. The studies show that the males are not performing as compared to the level of the girls in education. The girls have been pushed to get into math and science, but there is no similar push for the boys. Today the boys are less educated than their fathers and the rates of graduation for males in the United States is 50.1% as compared to 56.4% of girls. So in this essay we shall study the reasons and impact of this war against boys in the society (Kimmel).
The article in the Deseret news states that the boys are losing ground in education, emotional and physical health and in a job. This article states that the boys are losing interest in education and their grades are falling. The boys are more attracted towards the video games, outdoor sports and girls. The boys are also not clear as to what is their goal in life. The experts in the child development say that the boys across America are losing ground. (Pollack) This is such a dire situation that about three dozen of national experts have formed a bipartisan commission to recommend their proposal before the President to establish a white house council on men and boys. There is already a council for females, which focuses on their education, health and career (Pullmann).
The research behind this proposal says that the boys are at a point of crisis in education, physical and emotional health, in the field of employment and even they face a lack of participation of their fathers in their lives. The boys are losing ground in schools as compared to girls that how girls learn and even they are growing up without male mentors in their homes or in their classrooms (Mead). The boys have a higher rate of suicide and a higher number of boys drop out of high school. It is not deliberate, but the society seems to have declared a war on the boys.
A teacher and consultant in Texas, Karen Rayne says that the boys are not performing at the level of girls. The girls have been focused and it has been successful in improving the position of the girls in the society but what about the boys. It has been said that we really need to look at the boys’ needs as a gender-specific dynamic. It has also been said that the boys have started losing their vision and drive to succeed (Middleton). In “Why boys fail” the author states various different disparities. The rates of graduation for males are just 50.1% as compared to 56.4% in girls. Females outpace boys on campus of colleges. The girls are pacing in the field of education because the big efforts to improve their education have worked, but the boys are rolling down from the hill of education (Sommers).
The Boys Crisis
Boys start to disengage from the education by the age of 12 when they are in middle school. The boys are twice apt as compared to girls to repeat a grade. From there itself, it gets tougher. The boys have more chances of getting suspended and expelled. Only a smaller percentage of boys graduate from high schools as compared to girls. As compared to 100 girls only 73 boys earn a bachelor degree (Collins and Askar). The experts suspect that the reason that why the boys have lost so much ground in education includes video games, homework. Male angst, feminization of the classrooms, lack of male role models which includes teachers and failure to adopt brain-based teaching (‘Evolution: Boys Against Girls’).
The boys and girls have different ways of learning. The boys learn the best with interactive teaching, physically active; project oriented and includes some competition. The experts in child development are of the view that even the development of the brain gives the girls an edge over boys in the school. The female brain reaches the stage of maturity earlier than the brains of boys. Reading is a particular area of concern for the boys. The teachers in the schools start to treat the boys as if they have been always failing.
The experts say that a father is essential for the healthy development of boys. The experts are of the view that the dads should put back into the families. Lack of male role models for boys is deteriorating child development. According to National Vital Statistics Reports in America almost 40 percent of children are born without a marriage which means little or no involvement of fathers in their development (Watkins et al.).
The author of the war against the boys, Christina Hoff Sommers writes that as the people think that the American schools favor boys and grind the girls but the truth is very much opposite. It is the girls who are leading and the boys have become a second sex (Collins). The author states that for many years, it has been complained by the women that the school system benefits the boys and it is biased against the girls. In the view which has prevailed in the educational system of America for the past decades, boys are resented, both as a restriction on the way to gender justice for females and unfairly privileged sex. This thought is promoted in schools and now many teachers feel that female students need special and indemnifying consideration. The idea that society and schools grind the females down it has given birth to an array of policies and law which intends to restrict the advantage of boys and reduce the harm caused to the females (Hoff Sommers). The research mainly relates to support the claims of male privilege. A review of the facts in modern time reflects the boys on the weak side and not the females. According to the research a typical male is one and a half year behind as compared to a typical female in education and is less determined to attend college and get a job. In 1997 enrollments in college were 55 percent of girls and only 45 percent of males (The Atlantic). This proportion is expected to shrink further in coming years. According to the data from the U.S. department of Education and other universities show that the females are more active in academics and they outshine boys. Boys are leading only in sports and in sports also boys are facing stiff competition nowadays (Balee and Sommers).
The author of the article the war against boys, Michael Kimmel writes that the signs of crisis of boys are everywhere. They drop out of school at an early age, diagnosed for emotional disorder and are disturbed emotionally. The boys are four times more likely to commit suicide as compared to girls. The college campuses constitute of majority of girls now. According to research of Christina Hoff Sommers the misguided feminism that has been spreading such things about place of girls. In reality it is the boys who are facing problems and issues in classrooms (Tikkun Magazine).
Now it appears like that the war on boys has succeeded. Gavin McInnes writes in his article; let’s not let Boys be boys that the root of this American dilemma lies within the American psyche. He states that 75 percent of the teachers are females. The author of this article is of the view that it is necessary to keep a check on the boys. He is of the opinion that the society is machismo-addled culture. It is an era of shooting in schools, rape and ceaseless war. Earlier bad behavior in school called a visit to the principal or even a suspension, but now every violation is reported to police. This is effective also because the government can keep an eye on suspected bad boys and they can be monitored. The author says that they need to get women out of the kitchen and get them into the workforce (McInnes).
In this essay we have discussed that how the boys have become the second sex in the schools and colleges across America. The boys are losing ground and have reached a point of crisis in education, health and work. The girls are far ahead of the boys in education, health and jobs as well. The classrooms have been feminized and the policies for improvement of status of girls have succeeded. This all has to be led like a war on boys. The recommendation has been made to the president by the experts to make a council for the development of boys in the white house as there is already one for the girls.
- Kimmel, Michael. ‘A War Against Boys?’. Dissent4 (2006): 65-70. Web.
- Pollack, William S. ‘The “War” For Boys: Hearing “Real Boys'” Voices, Healing Their Pain.’ Professional Psychology: Research and Practice2 (2006): 190-195. Web.
- Pullmann, Joy. ‘A Review of Christina Hoff Sommers’ the War against Boys’. Journal of School Choice2 (2014): 337-339. Web.
- Mead, Sara. ‘A Second Opinion on Christina Hoff Sommers’ The War against Boys’. Journal of School Choice2 (2014): 340-343. Web.
- Middleton, Arthur. ‘The War Against Boys: How Misguided Feminism Is Harming Our Young Men’. PS9 (2001): 1266-1266. Web.
- Sommers, Christina Hoff. ‘The War Against Boys: Has It Ended?’. Thymos: Journal of Boyhood Studies2 (2009): 189-193. Web.
- Collins, Lois, and Jamshid Askar. ‘The War On Boys: Young Men Losing Ground In Education, Emotional Health And Jobs’. com. N.p., 2012. Web.
- ‘Evolution: Boys Against Girls’. Nature7265 (2009): 700-700. Web.
- Watkins, F. et al. ”I Think Boys Would Rather Be Alpha Male’: Being Male And Sexual Health Experiences Of Young Men From A Deprived Area In The UK’. Health Education Journal5 (2012): 635-643. Web.
- Collins, Martha. ‘War War’. Prairie Schooner4 (2014): 64-65. Web.
- Hoff Sommers, Christina. ‘Where The Boys Are’. European Business Review1 (2001): n. page. Web.
- The Atlantic,. ‘The War against Boys’. N.P., 2000. Web.
- Balee, Susan, and Christina Hoff Sommers. ‘Misandry in the Classroom’. The Hudson Review1 (2001): 148. Web.
- Tikkun Magazine,. ‘A War Against Boys?’. N.p., 2015. Web.
- McInnes, Gavin. ‘Let’S Not Let Boys Be Boys’. Taki’s Magazine. N.p., 2013. Web.