Journal Of Marital And Family Therapy: Impact Of Bereavement

Impact of Bereavement

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Bereavement could influence any and every aspect of the life and well-being, right from physical as well as mental health till the feelings of the connectedness as well as ability to operate and function at work otherwise school.  Death generally means other alterations for those who are left behind, like taking on some novel responsibilities otherwise moving house and sometimes even adjusting to a very different life style and living standards.

Physical impact-

Things like Exhaustion and muscle tightness otherwise weakness or even body pains as well as fidgety restlessness might have been observed within George’s body as he faced a bereavement. Even lack of energy could have been observed in his physical appearance (Becvar, 2003). As an outcome of bereavement he might face insomnia or even tend to sleep extra, and might even get some disturbing dreams. Also George might face problems with his digestive system. Bereavement also cause the loss of the appetite and sometimes even results in overeating. It might also happen with him and he would tend towards indigestion, disorders in the intestine and problems like diarrhea, extra weight gain otherwise loss. Some symptoms of anxiety can also be seen like headaches and short of the breath, tightness and even heaviness in throat as well as chest pressure. But, fortunately, in case of Mr. George any of the above physical effects were not seen, it means that George was merely emotionally affected with whatever his mother’s death has caused to him and he might gradually improve with passing time (Williams and Hall, 2009).

Psychological impact- Grief of losing mother affected George emotionally and also mentally plus even affected the way he could relate himself to others. He expected his mother to die as she was suffering cancer yet, he was unable to make himself understand and accept the fact.

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Sense of depression as well as emptiness also could have hit him but no such symptom was seen within George (Blaxter, 2004)
People facing bereavement might at times feel the anger at injustice of the loss, or at lack of proper understanding in some others. But here in this case, people supported George and were very helpful towards him, thus no such scene occurred.

After sustaining the big loss which George faced as his mother dies, he felt some changes within. He was able to survive the grief, yet life, though he was not seen the same thereafter. This might impact his social life within coming time in some or other way. There are possibilities for him to either lose or gain, few friends. As seen in the case George gained some new friends and was fortunate enough to attain help from others. Social support was abundant for him soon after loss that he suffered. Friends plus many support teams gathered to provide the support (Weiss, 1985).

Losing a person or someone otherwise something one loves or cares deeply about actually seems to be very painful. Like George who lost her mother was in grief after the incident and remembered her every time. He experienced some types of difficulties in handling his emotions and also felt like pain plus sadness deep inside. These were just normal reactions towards the significant loss that he faced in his life merely few days back. Yet there is in fact no real right otherwise wrong towards the way to the grief, there are also some healthy ways towards cope with pain that, timely, can renew a person and permit him to move further in his life. After the natural death like what happened with Gary (George’s mother) most bereaved (and same was the case with George) find support as well as course their grief with help of all of their social members in the social network of the family plus friends. Also a majority of the bereaved people even say that they need help and support from the professionals as well as they have lost a very close person within some unnatural/traumatic condition of death, but such a traumatic condition was not the case with George. George like most of the bereaved persons has experienced a painful grief and also a very distressing as well as emotional, physical, plus social reaction for self. Friends, and family as well as other people close people also might have faced dementia  feelings of the grief, but teachers in the school did not react in this way and were actually happy about the death as they felt that Garry was suffering from long time.

Psychological Impact

Staffs of health care firms and other professionals like nurses, doctors and people who were part of the support groups also experienced majority of the grief related signs. As they worked day and night for such people, they felt the pain of George deep inside and helped him to cope up with the same. Due to their spending of time with Gary they developed a closer as well as longer relationship with her.  This hurt them drastically. There were several symptoms like the physical, emotional and also relationships with Gary that effected work and also performances of the professionals for some time. The majorly common reported impacts were feeling sad plus crying as well as thinking about the death and negative affect of death like ruining of the relation and also the affect that the death had on their performance both in the home and also at work. Even the staffs were seen losing capability to provide similar level of help, compassion and support to patients as well as their families like they have in the past done to Gary. Psychologists as well as social workers even faced pain as the difficult issue that disturbed the professionals. Their profession and work also were not to much extent but was seen a bit affected and even the staffs did not like to work extra. Nurses plus other healthcare labors also got affected and had some socio-cultural impacts and the personal life facts and experiences also got affected (Brady, 2014).

Statutory organizations actually have a task and responsibility towards ensuring that data as well as information and all the practical as well as emotional support gets available to the individuals who are actually bereaved. Voluntary organizations plus the volunteers even offer some vital services to such people. This guidance in fact is to make them feel supported to develop services intended for the important group. The affects of the organizational policies could be as follows:

Confidentiality: Such services were there and they respected the confidentiality as well as privacy of George and also all the information which he needed from the school was shared and he was assured that the information will be safeguarded, consent as well as will remain under data protection.

Respect: Such services also respected individuality of George’s grief as well as needs, along with him getting treated with proper compassion as well as sensitivity (Davidsen-Nielsen and Leick, 1993).

Equality & Diversity: These services even were seen to be nondiscriminatory as well as were delivered without any prejudice, recognizing plus responding towards personal beliefs in addition to individual situations comprising of age, culture, sexuality, disability, gender, race and religion otherwise spirituality.

Quality: These principles even ensured that all the people delivering support and compassion to the bereaved people, have proper skills, knowledge and training, supervision as well as support pertinent to their job and role, and also assured that all these services work towards improving what they actually offer.

Safety: Such principles of the organizations have rousted procedures for recruitment which also included proper phases of clearance along with Disclosure as well as Barring Service plus some ongoing staff and volunteer growth plus development (Stewart, 1983).

Social Impact

These standards actually are suggested to be minimum level for the bereavement support that was also provided to Mr. George from the pupils, their parents and also the other staffs of the school where Gary worked as a teacher.

During the bereavement phase or crisis, bereaved person George was supported by the populace in the social network. It was not the material support like food, money, but was emotional support such as useful information, and advice along with solution to personal issues, some religious help, and making him spend some time with friends as well as making him visit families and friends that and also co-workers plus neighbors etc. Some sorts of support and actions which were undertaken to make him feel better was as follows:

Counseling him- Coping with the life events, and finally with some death, presented vast emotional challenge as well as risks toward George and also his families plus friends. He was counseled and was made feel relaxed. While few individuals favor to deal with such challenge all alone, several find it very helpful to discuss to someone. Thus he could have been supported by supplying proper interaction and counseling sessions as well (Devlin-Friend, 2006).

Spreading positivity- People tried to inculcate positivity all around George who faced bereavement. This made him feel better in the surrounding.

Discussion- Things were discussed and he was never left all alone.

Training and experience- well qualified Counselors undertook the task of offering support to George. They were properly trained ones.

While death of people one loves, like death of Mrs. Gary, George’s mother with whom his life was entwined can be linked with a phase of suffering, where every loss was unique as well as he needed immense support.

The justification for assessing and evaluating need for bereavement support might be summarized in following points:

Palliative care- This encompassed the requirements of family who was Gary’s son named George. He wanted to fulfill last dream of his mother and for this needed support from the pupils and teachers of school where Gary herself worked as a teacher (Dyregrov and Gjestad, 2012).  He being a son has very strong emotional as well as social bond with patient (Mrs. Gary) and thus seeks his active involvement within the decision making was necessary. The palliative care supplier was well placed and they assessed need as well as provided the continuity for care to Gary’s son after the bereavement that he faced.

There was duty of the care towards minimizing risks towards health associated along with bereavement through offering the support proactively for George who was at risk for developing the complicated grief.

There even was no evidence that the bereaved person named George would need help, as well as support was needed to be channeled towards George, and this was properly fulfilled.

Services also were needed to make best utilization of the limited resources. And this was properly done within the school were all relevant data and information were supplied to the bereaved person.

Analyzing Group Responses to Bereavement

Role of the palliative care and bereavement services, thus, prevented otherwise ameliorated detrimental health results linked with the bereavement. Support plans and strategies also included memorial services and social groups and also therapeutic groups as well as life events. The most general element was the help and support that the organization supplied to George (Eddy, 1994).

In the case of Mr. George also, loss of his mother and feeling of guilt spoiled him to vast extent and he was majorly affected with whatever happened. He was deeply upset with whatever happened and even felt worse as he could never bring her mother back. Though later he gained some experience and help from support group that he met in the hospital itself and also he got lot of support from the pupils and their parents and other teachers of the school where his mother was a teacher (Penson, 1990).

All organizations actually are potentially vulnerable towards events that beyond control and that which can produce resulting situations like serious illness of a staff, or seeking support from families of the ill staffs and/ or losing a staff due to his death and many more. An organization’s capability to function just after any trauma otherwise tragedy is because of the tangible links and connections as well as networks that it has formed amid people that work there. Some basic reactions are:

The organization might tend to make and build up a team of experts who would deal with all the losses that have been done by the trauma to the firm. This team will have a proper representative right from Security and Safety, Risk Management as well as Legal Counsel and also Human Resources plus Health Office (Hemmings, 1999).

Organization might have a policy plus procedural manual which would details roles of the organization members towards responding to the incident. Vital concerns for crisis team must include:

Staff safety plus emergency operating processes

Emergency and medical procedures

Tragedy policies & procedures for personnel

Emergency economic procedures

An organization must train its staffs for management of any such incident occurring.  Critical Stress Management must also be designed to properly mitigate as well as, if possible, appropriately prevent development of the potentially immobilize post disturbing stress symptoms plus other stress-related mess (Henningfeld, 2009).

Bereavement Session – Organization might undertake some

meetings that will be used while a death generally usually death of an employee that has taken place outside of the workplace and is not witnessed. Such meetings are supportive as well as informational, along with staffs sharing reactions, plus EAP providing some coping skills additional to resources for the management of grief. Counselor might also facilitate proper discussion addressing all the helpful ideas intended for honoring staffs, attending funeral, dealing with work possessions as well as family of staffs, and also workload of the co-workers.

Many stressful life events could also have a very substantial affect on those that experience such events in life. For few, experience with some shocking life event could also leave them very confused, withdrawn, and depressed, as well as increasingly vulnerable towards next stressful condition that arises.  There are several contributions that could help me towards extending support to people who experience significant life events (Hoffman and Coffey, 2008).

Impact on Healthcare Professionals

Counseling- I tried to talk out things with the person facing the life event. It wore his shoes and tried to understand what he was feeling at the moment. Even while talking out things I was extra careful and was worried about not uttering anything that was unacceptable by the person in this condition.

Discussion- I discussed the facts with George and asked him what he was feeling with the situation he faced and was he emotionally disturbed with the incident that took place.

Extending support- I extended my support and helped George gather information about his mother and her willingness from the school children as well as from the teachers in the school his mother worked as a teacher and also other pupils plus their parents (Leckey, 1991).

Health promotion programs- The organization can arrange for health promotion program where the staffs could be taught to handle the situations carefully and calmly and also the importance of people’s health must be inculcated within minds of staffs of the firm (Parkes, 2014)

Cost saving- Staffs must be taught how to save cost and supply best services to people in less cost. This will help the organization to gain more and more profit with each passing day.

Training and development sessions- Some proper session must be organized for the employees and workers of the organization and they should be given all details about how to solve problems and how to understand people and their problems.

Promoting the firm- Initiatives must be undertaken to promote the organization to the extent possible. The organization must undertake tasks through which it could get into agreements with hospitals and trauma centers so that they can find more and more customers and can supply good benefit to all those seeking services from the organization (Kadushin and Egan, 2001).

Communication & Dissemination Activities- Activities related to discussion with the patients and handling them carefully must be enhanced by the organization and the firm must train its staffs in a way that they tend to talk out things and not just supply medicines to people.

Rewards and awards- the organization must undertake motivation actions that could promote its staffs and motivate them towards work. Some rewards and awards must be given to the employees working efficiently and effectively for the firm and also for them who have helped people in coping up process of the individuals facing traumas of life. This activity can motivate the employees towards putting extra effort and efficiency towards their task (Mansfield, 2012).


In a nutshell, there is actually no right otherwise wrong path in dealing and handling the grief as well as take it as a normal reaction towards loss. Several people cope up with the loss in the best way that they can. But many get abnormal. There are several different ways to handle traumas of life and each way differs from one another depending on the person who is facing the situation. No one at anytime gets over death of the child and few also experience yearning for child 20-30yrs later. Traumas adequately impact both organization as well as its staffs. In several cases critical incidents have been catastrophic events which have occurred with less or simply no warning, therefore allowing those affected people little otherwise no opportunity towards considering or planning for incident. Thus people facing traumas and those supporting him/her also must be very careful and concerned about the incident and should know proper ways to deal with them. George did not face much problem because he got tremendous support from all the social beings around him. Thus the case was seen les complicated.


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