Role Of Celebrities In Sexualization Of Culture

Celebrities and their connection to the sexualisation of culture

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In this assignment, the question that will be discussed is about the celebrities and their connection to the sexualisation of culture. Celebrities are famous people, and they mainly belong from the entertainment and the sports industry. It has been seen that the social media make all their news be it normal news but due to the media hype that normal news also becomes popular and famous. Each and every thing done by the celebrities is under the scrutiny of the reporters and other media professionals. Celebrities are renowned people because of their profession the common public tries to follow their favorite celebrities from each angle be their dressing style or other important details.

Celebrities are those people who get public attention for their fame from the media and also from the common public. People appreciate their work when they give their 100 percent, and they get good result of their hard work by getting their feedback from their fans and critiques. These feedbacks gave to the celebrity’s acts as a motivation for them and for that they give more input into their work so that they can make everyone happy with their work. It has been seen that the celebrities especially who belongs from the entertainment world they have to go through a lot to portray the characters which is totally different from themselves and they have to portray those characters. When the celebrities acts which is totally different from their character then the best outcome of that role which is liked by the everyone and critically acclaimed by the viewers and then they give their best feedback which helps the celebrities to give more and more character like that and also helps them to improve a lot (Attwood 2015).

It has been seen many times the celebrities from the entertainment industry has to act or portray very difficult or intimate roles which becomes for the celebrities to portray those characters but after lot of difficulties they play their parts by giving their 100 % percentage. In a movie when the celebrities have to act many intimate moments and they are not at all compatible in playing those characters but to bring the life in the movie but it is not easy for them to bring that part within easily and for that they need to get full support from their female or male co-stars who is acting opposite of them (Attwood 2015). To perform the intimate scenes with their partners the celebrities had to act that they are really in love with that person and to bring more reality in their scenes they try to act in such a way that the person who is standing in front of them is their real life partner, and they are much is love. In the contemporary part of the female celebrity, it has been produced within the context of sexualized culture, neoliberalism, postfeminism, and consumerism. In the feminist analysis, it has been seen that that the figure of the female celebrities commodify the sexuality among the females, and there are a lot of issues regarding the sexual and the autonomy agency. Few contemporary celebrities produce a site so that it becomes less conventional for their sexual identities. In the newspaper, there were many talks related to these and a lot of analyzes has been numerous debates related to this issues. Interviews have also been taken from the group of women who mainly belongs to the age group between 23 to 58 years old.  In further studies, it has also been seen that female celebrities are very successful in presenting them as neoliberal entrepreneurial of themselves as they can make money by their bodies (Littler,2013).

The influence of social media on celebrities and their public image

In Hollywood movies the porn movies and doing roles in those movies is quite popular and there are both male and female actors who find it difficulties in the beginning but they adjust themselves to such roles and later by doing such roles when they gets into the mainstream of Hollywood movies then they do not find many difficulties when they have act in the intimate scenes with their co-stars. In the western countries, it is seen that the people who act in the in the porn movies they are also celebrities and common people treat them as normal celebrities because they also entertain people. In many countries, porn movies or the actors and the actress acts in those movies are seen as not normal people or celebrities. People or the government of those countries think those people who act in the porn movies are degraded people. To earn money they sell their body that gives satisfaction to other people, and it is not worthy and for that they try to ban those movies and also the actors working in those movies. According to those ill minded people, they think that these types of movies are not respectable people. But in the western countries people who act in these types of movies are given a lot of respect and they are not seen as hateful eyes whereas they are given huge respect as they have the capability to act in these types of movies and entertain people.

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In the contemporary field, it has been preoccupied with their sexual values, identities and practices that they are formed. According to (Littler,2013), “Sexed Up: Theorizing the Sexualization of Culture” it is a theory where it has been seen that there are lot of values related to sexualization and people have to practice those identities which has been preached there. It has been seen that the public has taken a major shift from the normal attitude to permissive sexual attitude (Jackson, 2015). The sexual attitude of the public has shifted and taken a major change in the views of the normal public. The public as started taking attention in these types of sexual attitude and also have started to give their views and along with that also started giving their important viewpoints on this topic that are related to sexual attitudes and now it is not that they people cannot talk about this matter openly. People can talk about these matters more openly without getting shy regarding these types of matters when their topic of discussion is related to this subject (Genz, 2014). 

Through the celebrities, it has been seen that there is emergence of a lot of new sexual experience in the daily life of the common public, and there is prolification of sexual texts. It has increased in large amount, and all these have changed the thinking style of the public. Before people used to shy whenever this types of topics used to arise. But now people talks about regarding these matters very openly without any hesitation. Sexual texts are increasing among the public like a mushroom i.e. in many numbers of an amount, and as there is the sexual difference among the public, so there are differences between their sexual texts and sexual attitudes. As it has already been discussed that pornography is entering the mainstream movies along with that the actors and the actress who are working in the porn movies they are also entering in the mainstream movies for acting. As the pornographic movies are entering in the mainstream movies and for that reason the view of the common public as also changing towards these types of movies. Before they used to think that common people who are of normal mindset or more specifically it can be said that they used to think that decent people of good mindset does not watch these types of movies but now the views are changing it is also helping other people to change their mindset and for that it also helping to change the mindset of the environment to change (Schwartz, 2015). If the mindset of the people started changing then automatically the viewpoint and seeing these types of matters normally will also change and then it will bring a lot of positive changes in the society (Evans, and Riley, 2013). As people used to think that people who watch porn movies are not good or decent people and they are segregated from the society as there thinking style is different, so they do not belong from this society, and they are also regarded as brat. But everything has changed a lot as and the thinking process of the common public is also changing a lot and this are bringing positivity in the thinking process of the public and also changing the thinking process of the common public that is one of the great news for the society. But it has already been seen that as people who are seen all these are getting scandalized and people are also getting affected with these types of issues (Paccione, 2014). Due to these factors the mindset of some people are not changing and they things that if they discuss these types of matters and then it is not good, but they secretly involve themselves in sexual matters which is harming the society in a very negative way and many people are getting effected and lives of many people are getting affected (Genz, 2014). People who thinks that discussing sex-related topic is shame and also watching porn movies is very bad they are mainly affecting the society in the bad way and they are mainly committing the crime by targeting young boys and gals and they are spoiling their lives (Schwartz, 2015). After harming them, they are not at all affected also. People having these types of mentality are not only harming the young generation but also they are harming people who belong from any age group and the people who belong from this sick mentality also destroying the life of these innocent people and they are not at all affected. But these are creating a more bad impact on the lives of the public and for that reason they think that these types of issues. Porn movies are affecting the mindset of the public and seeing all these they are getting affected more so the governments is thinking to ban all these sites (Evans, and Riley, 2013). The governments are thinking that if they ban these sites then the nature of these sick mentality people can change and they will stop these types of crimes. But that is not happening because people are getting more frustrated, and they involve themselves more into these types of crimes (Vares, and Jackson, 2015).

The challenges faced by celebrities in portraying intimate roles

On the other hand, it has also been seen that the power of gender, sex, race, class and age are playing an important role in the sexualization process. Some sick mentalities people are affecting by these are they are committing these types of crimes by destroying the life of the innocent people which they are thinking as they are having enjoyment. Due to these people the crime is increasing in the society. In the western countries, it has been seen that people are enjoying are they are keeping those things up to their enjoyment only. They are not destroying the life of innocent people and not spreading negativity in the society that is one of the positive sides of the western side of the world (Jackson, 2015). People living on the western side of the world acts more maturely, and this is one of the positive sides of their thinking process. In the music videos which are being made in the Hollywood side gives wrong impression to the people who are having negative mindset as they do not watch those videos normally because they tries to find out the sexual side in that video especially seen the female actress who are working in that music video but people having the positive mindset watch those videos normally though the videos also make an impact on their mindset but they do not act in that way that will create a bad impression (Paccione, 2014).

So, it can be said that these types of sexual attitudes and videos acts on the people according to their thinking style and also depends on their environment and their society status. These things vary from people to people and act accordingly (Vares, and Jackson, 2015).


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