Human Brain To Brain Interface As An Emerging Technology In Artificial Intelligence
Reading of the brainwaves
1. Identify, critically analyse, and debate current issues in information technology?
2. Describe emergent technologies at various stages of development?
3. Compare and contrast existing and emergent technologies?
4. Make informed judgements regarding the directions taken by various aspects of computer systems design and application in the short, medium and long-term future?
From last three decades communication technology has been tremendously changed in the field of artificial intelligence study. Future studies or future technology can be termed as futurology which is a kind of study for determining several kinds of possible, preferable and the probable future and overviews of the future technology. This report mainly demonstrates on the emerging technology of human brain to brain interface and its several kinds of future prospect in artificial intelligence technology. Human brain to brain interface is a kind of communication channel that is connected between the brain to brain with computer and any kinds of electronic devices. The brain to brain interface is directly connected with the computer system. The communication between human brain and machine can be done in both directions. The human brain to brain interface is closely associated with the human nervous system. Human brain to brain direct interfacing has been recognized as an emerging technology in the field study of artificial intelligence. This particular research subject mainly consists of six different areas of interests which are combined with electroencephalography (EEG) that can be used for recording of the coming signal from brain with the help of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) that can be used for delivering of the system.
The several kinds of method can be used for interfacing brain between two human which helps to achieve several kinds of goals and objectives of the human brain interface. EEG system can be used to record the signal and also can be used to transmit between both directions such as brain to brain and computer to brain system. The various researchers of the University of Washington have successfully introduced the project of direct connection between the brains to brain human interface which can help to achieve several kinds of goals and objectives of the technology. The first experiment on brain to brain interface was introduced in the year of august, 2013 [8].
Brain to brain communication can possible by using the cells of brain as the human brain can communicate with each other. The human brain cell to cell communication process can be termed as synaptic transmission. In this particular communication process different kinds of chemical signals are carried out through transmission process which results the electrical spikes in the receiving end that can help to detect the signal [9]. The synaptic transmission consists of several kinds of brain activity which includes the controlling of the motor, emotion, perception and memory. The human cells are connected via a network which produces a number of synchronized pulses of the electrical activity that can be considered as the brain waves. The brain wave can change their signal in accordance with the time frequency activities of the network. Up and down states or oscillation process can be done though the process of brainwaves signal. The above diagram depicts the human brainwaves during the time of sleep. The different phases of brainwaves can be detected though a techniques which is known as the electroencephalography (EEG). In this process the swimming cap is worn over the scalp of human and the electrical spikes are detected through electrodes of the EEG. The activity pattern is then stored and interpreted for further analysis with the help of computer software.
Technical telepathy
The cells of the human brains are not only used for the transmitting of the signal but also used for receiving of the generating signal with the help of different di9fferent types of electric pulses or spikes. This kind of process can be done through the way of non invasive which can be termed as transcranial magnetic stimulation or TMS.
There are several kinds of TMS devices which are used for detecting the signal which are generated through the magnetic field in the cover of sculp. An electrical current is induced during the magnetic field of current. The motor pathways are activated when the TMS coil is introduced between the motor cortex. When the motor pathways are activated then it results to movement of the different p0arts of the motor such as limb, hand, and finger and foots. In accordance with the journal paper of different researchers about the brain to brain interface it can be understood that first a pair of rats was selected for configuration on the brain to brain interface with the help of computer software program. This kind of configuration can be done through the behavioral task of the interfacing. With the help of TMS and EEG various scientist and the researchers have introduced the brain to brain interfacing. This kind of experiments has been introduced for performing several kinds of computer game [11].
Brain is the vital part of Human body as well as it is the main working equipment of the entire body.
This type of brain to brain interface can be done with the basis of neural prosthesis technology that can be used for resorting of the brain function. By using neural prosthesis technology the brain can detect the signal coming from another brain interface.
This is a schematic diagram to show how brain system works in human body. The figure illustrates about an ECG recording brain activity. The first brain 1 is a sender and it is connecting with the ECG machine. This is known as hand motor imagery detector to detect the internet facility in between them. The brain can simulate the entire working simulation by using TMS efficiency. The brain system also moves right message through the right path by pressing the right key.
Neuroprothetics is such kind of area of the neuroscience which is closely associated with the neural prostheses. Several kinds of artificial devices can be used for detecting several; kinds of the brain detected problems. Cochlear implant is such kind of device that is used for detecting the human brain related problems. There are several kinds of devices that are associated with goals and objectives of the neuroprosthetics. The neuroprosthetics is mainly connected with the nervous system like peripheral nervous. In brain to brain human interface the accuracy can be varied from the 25 to the 83 percent. The prime objective of the human brain to brain interface restores vision with the help of various techniques and the different types of surgical techniques. From the different researches of the various researchers’ it can be understood that brain computer interface is closely associated with the brain to computer interface. The brain to brain interface process includes several kinds of technology process such as electroencephalography (EEG), MRI, magneto encephalography and the focus ultrasound. These kinds of elements are used in collaboration with the brain to brain interface services that can be beneficial for efficiently handling of the process[1].
Brain to brain interface versus the neuroprosthetics
Here in the above diagram two brain diagram s are shown where one is refers as sender and other is known a s receiver. The message is delivered with the help of brain communication that shows how a computer system sends and receives a message.
Brain to brain interface technology can be achieved through the transmission of the conscious between the two brains. This research was published in the year of august, 2013 which is collaborated with three kinds of technologies such as internet, EEG and the TMS. The team of the researchers have been established a transmission path for communicating between the France and the India. The words which coded for decoding of the signal is basically the binary notation that represents 0 and 1 where 0 denotes cinao and 1 represents hola [12]. This binary notation is basically used for transmitting of the signal. The TMS devices are introduced in the in the visual cortex of the brain that can receive the signal from transmitter or any kinds of the devices. The TMS pulse shows the blown of the flash light of the receiver end. This information can be decoded by the users and which termed as the original words such as hola or ciao. The various kinds of the latest technologies have several kinds of potential impacts on the reality which helps to interact with the other humans. The brain to brain interface can also help to communicate with the brain of the animals though the direct transmission. These kinds of technologies have several legal and ethical implications. It can be observed from various past researches of the different researchers that BBI closely depends upon the coupling of these subjects. The potential of this kind of technology have increased day by day which is closely associated with the psychotherapies, learning of the motor skills, fantastical situations of the remote control and the various cognitive behavioral therapies.
This figure illustrate about the working capability of a brain system. Here in the diagram it is observed that how a analog signal or message can transferred into digital message or output also the vice versa. The ECG system can triggers in between the brain system and the analog output.
In accordance with the journal paper of direct brain to brain interface in humans it can be observed that six participants have taken part for the experiment of the direct brain to brain interface. This part of the report depicts the several kinds of procedures, risk assessment and the benefits of the methodology process. The entire project team was divided into three parts for efficiently handling of the project. The participants of the experiment play an effective role for conducting several kinds of procedures o the brain to brain interface process. EEG procedures have been basically taken into considered as the TMS procedures can be recognized more the more risky than any other procedures of the brain to brain direct interface. The University of Washington has hired different expertise for efficiently conducting of the procedure. The PLOS manuscript has been introduced by the researchers of the UW.
Thinking about the technology
The overall experiment task has been classified into several series of the consecutive trials for the computer game. The game was designed in such manner so that the two participants can only cooperate with the help of brain to brain direct communication. The game was designed for defending an enemy city. Gamming rocket was used in the game with arc trajectory and the traversing elements of the rocket. The traversing and the arc trajectory were shown in the screen. The canon has been introduced in the lower position on the screen [11].
The above diagram showcases the schematic diagram of the experiment which has been used in UW for conducting direct brain to human interface. The entire experiment model consists of EEG, TMS machine, computer and the screen. The EEG system helps to record the transmitted signal coming from the human brain interface. The imagination movement of the hand was detected by the computer system. Fire command was used fir transmitting of the signal to the TMS machine which results the upward movement of the parts that result to press on the touch screen. The press triggered is used for firing of the process which is seen by the use of the screen. The sender sends the motor imaginary sense which is seen in the screen [6].
The total experiment of the direct brain to brain interface was held in the experiments laboratory of UW which helps to provide several kinds of psychology building with the help of different kinds of game. Two participants were used for communicating between through the brain to brain interface with the help of proper communication channel. Two technologies were basically introduced EEG and TMS. During the rocket trails the fire is engaged with the imaginary of the right hand motor. The activity of the electrical brain was recorded by the EEG which helps to record the information from scalp of the human brain. The fire target has been received by the receiver with the help of computer. The two computer system was communicated through the standard hypertext transfer protocol or HTTP [10]. The receiver computer of the experiment received the coming signal with the help of fire command that can be helpful to communicate with the two different brain interfaces. The stimulation was used to interpret the result with the help of computer interface. The receiver is connected with the TMS machine which helps to detect the pulse wave.
In the above diagram it can be seen that the brain system can collaborate with two participants. The brain system can imagine with one or more participants at a given time. Thus the brain is the main part of human body.
The entire experiment process has been classified into two control block which used to random data generation. The basic part of the experiment is classified into two phases such as one is the EEG process and the other is TMS procedure. In accordance with the experiment of the procedure it can be understood that the non invasive channel which is basically used for brain to brain communication is fully operated by the TMS [2]
Human brain is the most complex parts of the body. Brain consists of various kinds of cells and organs that can help to every activity of the body parts. The average weight of the human brain is around 1400 gm. The cerebral co0rtex which is mainly associated with the brain to brain interface procedures. The entire cerebral cortex is totally separated into two hemispheres. The each of the hemisphere is also segmented into four lobs. The each hemisphere is closely connected with the corpus callosum. The four lobs are named respectively as temporal lobes, occipital lobes, frontal lobes and the parietal lobes. The cerebral cortex is fully responsible for conducting several kinds of the critical activities such as problem solving activities. The cerebral cortex is also divided into several parts that are used for doing several functions in the daily activities. For detection of the pattern recognition approach in brain to brain to communication process cerebral cortex is mostly responsible. Several kinds of psychological tasks are chosen in such manner so that they can help to use of the cerebral cortex of the human brain [5].
In early days several kinds of research have been done for communicating between the brain to brain interfaces. For efficiently carrying out the research the earlier researcher has used the cerebral cortices of rat and monkey. Money has been used to navigate the computer cursor on the computer screen. In accordance with the research of University of Pittsburgh Medical Center it can be stated that the feedback of the interpretation of the monkey was operated by the robotic arm of the system. The other research which has been done on cat showed the neural visual signal on the computer screen.
It can be seen in advances research analysis that different brain biology is directly addicted with sociology department in an environment. This system provides some compelling evidence by which it can support a medical perspective of a numerical problem. This development is combined with several development processes at the initial stage of Human brain computing system. With the help of brain computing system different implementation are characterized by compulsive engagement in human nature. Some neurobiological perspectives have different types of benefits along with brain addiction which cause several types of legal issues of brain system. Thus with the help of brain computing system different types of social, environmental issues can be prevented along with human activities.
Mind control is a thinking that is already compatible with human mind activities by attempting human daily activities. From this research it can be observed that the brain computing system can fill the gap among the automatic ethical situation in human life like a vacuum cleaner automatically clean room. Again it can be suitable for robotics operation to perform complex surgery where a rock steady hand is required. These instruments are working on moon in the department of research analysis. The brain computing system can work as a sensor and this provides several games which are operated in human sensors. In modern generation brain painting is a significant section that provide EPOC neuro headset to the gamers to provide or understand the read original electrical signals which are operated by human brains. Thus it can be seen that several future developments are initiated by brain computing system.
The other research which have been focused on the parameters of the kinetic and kinematic that can be used for movement of the limb. Several kinds of electromyography help to develop the electrical activity of the muscles. The new approaches used several kinds of the wireless approach with the help of light gated ion channels. The other several kinds of the principles of BBI are plasticity principle, mass principle and the neural degeneracy principle. The BBI is closely associated with the central nervous system and neural networks [3].
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and Magneto encephalography (MEG) have been introduced as the non invasive brain to brain to interface. fMRI plays an effective role in response to the hemodynamic in accordance with the bio feedback techniques. In accordance with the research of Advanced Telecommunication Research of 2008 it can be understood that Computational Neuroscience developed several kinds of technologies with the help of brain to brain interface [5].
Recently several kinds of latest technology has been adopted in the field of the neuro gaming which can help to improve the brain to brain interface. A multiple kinds of neuro gaming software helps top interact with the traditional controller for processing of the brain to brain interface.
There are several kinds of BBI controls strategies have been adopted by the neuro gaming for efficiently handling of the direct brain to brain interface of the human. Different kinds of strategies which are adopted by the neuro gaming has been depicted below;
This kind of technology includes the several kinds of movement of the body parts that helps to receive the signal coming from one brain. The sensori motor oscillation also is used to modulate the coming signal from the other interface. The motor imagery requires several kinds of training that can be beneficial for efficiently carrying out the brain to brain interface [8].
Visual evoked potential is such kind of recording process that is used to provide visual stimuli which helps to interpret the signal results coming from the brain to brain interface. The VEP can be classified into several types such as Steady-state visually evoked potentials or SSVEPs.
This report is basically highlights on the emerging technology of direct human brain to brain interface using several kinds of latest technology. Several kinds of the methods and procedures which have been adopted by the UW for conducting of the experiment have been critically analyzed in this report. The first part of the report focuses on a brief description of direct human brain to brain interface. Several kinds of technical telepathy and procedures of the brain to brain interface have been depicted in this report. A multiple kinds of strategies of the neuro gaming has been introduced in this report which help to understand the researcher about the concepts of the brain to brain interface [13].
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