Legalization Of Marijuana Drug And Public Health Policy And Management
Legalization of Marijuana and Public Health Policy and Management
Legalization of Marijuana and Public Health Policy and Management
Implications of legalization of Marijuana
Write an essay on Legalization of Marijuana drug and Public Health Policy and Management?
Marijuana is a popular drug, which is used by the people from many years ago. Some county use it in case of worship of their Gods. But it has a medico legal aspect. Medical science and law both the subject are connected with the use of this drug. If we consider the case of USA the federal law abolishes any kind of use of this drug. But some states under their own authority legalize the use of marijuana is certain aspects. Law basically wants to prohibit the use because it create lots of criminal activities like drug trafficking or breaking rule of committing crimes after the consumption. But in some medical case this drug is used as medicine so some state give their positive attitude towards the legalization.
Considering the medical aspects of marijuana, it can be given a thought of legalizing the drug for its immense productive effects on diseases as HIV for pain reduction, cancer for anorexia reduction and its spasticity with multiple sclerosis. However, there are large numbers of adverse effects that the legalization of marijuana has on the overall societal health (, 2015). This study thus intends to reflect the relevant facts and details about the drug relating to its effect on the public health. It also presents the unforeseen issues associated with marijuana. It presents sound knowledge of medical aspects of marijuana in relation to the public health and the legalization.
Marijuana is drug which is very common for almost all the states of the world. Marijuana consumption is very common practice in youths as well as in other people. In most of the countries marijuana is a drug which can be access easily. Marijuana is legalized in different states for the process of medical treatment. In some states they argue that marijuana will increase the revenue. But the main fact is that it will actually harm the health of the people. In Different research in America shows that the legalization of this drug for medical uses actually has the negative effect on the health. Government legalize it so know it is easily available everywhere. No authority can restrict its use fully. The state wants to implement the law in such a manner that will actually helps the citizen but this kind of steps actually have no good implications on the health of the citizen. By the legalization of the drug use criminal networks somehow get the benefits of it. They incurred money from the selling of the illegal drugs but if it became laegalise they will get it in more quantities and gained much more profit. Actually along with the health issues the legalization also includes the criminal aspects. So it can be state that the impacts are many like social impacts, health impacts or the criminal aspects etc.
In current times, there is a rising support of legalizing marijuana in UK. The support refers to US where marijuana is held legal in some states for medicinal and recreational purposes. Hickenlooper (2014) pointed out the view of a portion of UK population stating that tax on marijuana is beneficial to the country’s economy. Institute for Social and Economic Research supports it through the report depicting an expected generation of £900 million for exchequer of Cannabis licensing and tax revenue (Morgan, 2015).
Effects on public health
However, there are protesters who seem to reveal a view considering the marijuana legalization as immoral and fatous. They highlight the association of marijuana use with severe mental and physical health problems. Recently the European Drug Agency presented their annual report stating the declining number of youths using Cannabis, but the legalization of marijuana will reverse the phenomenon adversely (Morgan, 2015). As per the report of WHO, teen age Cannabis users are seen to perform poor in exams. Sudden increase in availability of marijuana will lead to increased use among the youths thus detrimentally affecting their future prospects as well.
According to Caulkins, Lee & Kasunic (2012), increase in marijuana consumption due to its legalization will decrease the alcohol consumption affecting the public health immensely. Since the incidence of death due to alcohol consumption is high, its replacement with marijuana can prove beneficial to public health. In long-term, the alcohol causes violence and injuries, increased risk of cancer and cirrhosis. Marijuana legalization decreasing the alcohol consumption among public thereby reducing the detrimental effects of alcohol on health can negate the adverse effects of marijuana consumption increase. The fewer number of acute deaths occurring due to overdose of marijuana makes it much less detrimental than alcohol.
Controlled Substance Act, 1970 is the law of the state which helps to reduce, control the distribution and utilization of the drugs. If we consider the present trends in law of USA we can classify 3 major categories regarding the steps taken for the marijuana matters. First one is decriminalization, 2nd one is medical use of this specific drug (Porche, 2013) and the last one is legalization of the use in certain permitted quantities for entertainment purpose. Of the implementation of law it is essential to understand that decriminalization does not include the terms legalization. This step refers that the offender is now exempt from the criminal liability but civil liability remain the same. This provision restricts only to the small amount consumption or use of the drug. But some time the amount of penalty may conflict with the CSAct, 1970. In between USA, California became the first country which allows the medical use of this mentioned drug. Different other state also allows this kind o provisions. The mother Act that is CSAct, 1970 does not create any difference between the use of drug for medical purpose or for entertainment purpose. Prior to 2012 the use of drug for entertainment purpose is not at all allowed in the law of USA. But after that different states to some extent allow the use of drug to recreational purpose. But it restricts the amount to a prescribed limit (Deranek, 2014). But if any person exceeds the permitted limit ten they are liable for punishment or can be held legally accountable for the act. These measures are actually implemented for the better society. If the persons allowed for consuming this kind of drug basically it destroys the peace in the society.
Any kind of dealings with the marijuana like taking it into possession or sale it or cultivate it or transport the drug is and offence under the federal law USA (Finklea & Sacco, 2014). But the government gives the relaxation to the states to enact or amend their own drug laws if they want. But subject the condition is that they have to maintain a standard regulation for the use of drugs like marijuana (Finklea & Sacco, 2014). This mentioned drug is schedules as 1 under the federal legislation. According to this law there is no classification for medical use of marijuana because it is the highest related drug according to the federal laws. But in USA generally every state has their own laws and they implement and amend their laws according to their wish and needs. State level operation regarding the marijuana effect claims mixed success rate (Monte, Zane & Heard, 2015). Some sates like Colorado, Oregon, Alaska and Washington completely legalize the use of marijuana for the medical purpose (Monte, Zane & Heard, 2015). Some states like Portland legalize it for medical purpose as well as for the entertainment or recreational uses (Porche, 2013). The state of Colombia also recognizes the uses for both the purpose but commercial dealing are not allowed. Some states only recognize its medical use only. Stats of Virgin Island recognized only the decriminalization process of the use of this mentioned drug. But some state in USA is remaining in favor of not legalizing the use of scheduled drug (Hickenlooper, 2014). They maintain the federal of mother drug rule in this context. But no state allows any kind of drug transportation of trafficking. It’s an illegal act for more or less all the states.
Laws on Marijuana use currently
In the case of Gonzales v. Raich(Gonzales v. Raich, 2005)it was decided by the Supreme court of US the congress has no authority under commerce phrase of the federal law that is CSAct,1970. The federal law prevents the state law. In another land mark case Assenberg v. Anacortes Housing Authority (Assenberg v. Anacortes Housing Authority, 2015) Washington State Court of Appeals, 1st Div., 2007)) the court dismiss the eviction action by the landlord to his tenant for the use of marijuana.
Second hand smoke is an issue that seems to spread throughout the multi unit dwellings. It is same for marijuana and tobacco smoke too. Sarna & Bialous (2013) identifies the comprehensive smoke-free policies that are efficient in eliminating the problem. However, in executing the exception for the medical use of marijuana will lead to the recurrence of the problem of second hand smoke. Studies reveal the same level of danger to public health from secondhand smoke of marijuana as that from tobacco. The risks include heart and blood vessel damage, increased risk of heart attack due to hardening of arteries. Marijuana smoking also exposes the individual to atherosclerosis (Magill, 2011).
In several studies, even the concerns as developing cancer and other illness due to the secondhand smoke of marijuana are evident. A contact high is the most common experience of a second hand marijuana smoker. It is highlighted in many cases recently that marijuana smoke has same potentiality to produce cancer in the secondhand smoker as the cigarette smoke can (Mail Online, 2014). It is thus clear that the secondhand smoke of marijuana, cigarette and incense all are potential in causing throat and lung cancer.
Verdict from a federal district court depicts a negation of considering medical marijuana as a reasonable accommodation for patients with disability. Under the Fair Housing Act an individual is not entitled to a reasonable accommodation for medical marijuana since the drug is still a controlled substance under the federal law (Gold, 2012). It refers to the guidance from US department of Housing and Urban Development, 2011 considering individuals using medical marijuana and other illegal drugs as disqualified from relief pursuant to the FHA, section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act 1973 and the Disabilities Act as well.
However, the law of Compassionate Care Act in July 2014 paves the way to use of medical marijuana by employees at workplace legally. It led to the rising concerns among employers regarding maintenance of a drug-free environment at workplace that clash with the employee right as per this law (Smith & Harris, 2012).
As per the studies by Backus (2011), Marijuana or cannabis is found to be highly effective in benefiting the patients suffering from cancer, depression, AIDS, nausea and multiple sclerosis. It is particularly used in chemotherapy and other neurological disease interventions. It is assured by the Scottish long-term safety study. Sativex® is the currently most known and applicable [reparation of cannabis for medical use. Its license from GW pharma is guaranteed by the MHRA (Medicine and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency) (Knott, 2015).
Variation of the laws state wise
It is prescribed to the adult patients of multiple sclerosis to provide them relief from moderate to severe spasticity. Its prescription is executed when other anti-spasticity medications fails. It is prescribed to those patients demonstrating marked improvement to a trial therapy with Sativex®. The medicinal use of marijuana as Sativex® is also evident in treating cancer pain, non-PS neuropathic pain and MS bladder dysfunction (Knott, 2015). The developmental areas for medicinal use of marijuana involve peripheral neuropathy, spinal cord injury and rheumatoid arthritis. However, the patients below the age of 18 years are not prescribed marijuana. Its prescription strictly directs the initiation of use with 1 spray every 4 hours with a maximum of four sprays each day along with self-titrating as per response.
As stated by Berlatsky (2012), the dried flowers, seeds, stems and leaves of the hemp plant Cannabis sativa are referred to as the marijuana. The chemical delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the marihuana extract. It bears the property of mind altering. In US 2014, marijuana emerges as the most frequently used illegal drug. Use of marijuana extracts is evident in a variety of ways. These include smoking in hand rolled cigarettes, in water pipes, in emptied cigars, and taking the vapors only by using vaporizers. Newton (2013) highlights the marijuana consumption by mixing them in foods as candy, brownies or cookies and brewing it as tea. Nevertheless, the most recent method is consuming it in forms of THC-rich resins. This practice is widely known as dabbing.
Marijuana is a plant drug that is capable of affecting the brain in both long-term and short-term effects. The THC of the marijuana extract is able to pass through the lung to the bloodstream of an individual on smoking marijuana. Through blood, it moves to the brain and other organs of the body. Tashkin (2013) asserted that the effects are delayed if marijuana is consumed in foods or drinks due to slower absorption by the body. THC finally affects specific brain cell receptors playing a significant role in the brain development and function.
Some of the major and most frequently observed effects of marijuana smoking include mood changes, impaired memory, altered senses, and difficulty in problem-solving, thinking, and altered sense of time. The long-term effects include detrimental effect on brain development. Especially in teenagers consuming marijuana effects such as impaired thinking, learning and memory functions are evident. Magill (2011) identified the physical effects of marijuana smoking as breathing problems, increase in heart rate, and issues in pregnancy and child development. Along with the physical effects, marijuana also affects people mentally. Mental illnesses as schizophrenia, temporary hallucinations and temporary paranoia are evident in some users. Others include anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts in the teenagers (Newton, 2013).
In UK, the use or possession of cannabis under MDA seems to result in fine, caution or warning for repeat offenders. The sensible, efficient and effective governmental laws, constitutional principles of equality and human rights and rational evidence-based policies and laws reflecting public opinion for respect and credibility is seen to effectively control the use of marijuana. As per the view put forward by Magill (2011), in the current situation leadership rather than new knowledge is essential in controlling marijuana use.
The widespread acceptance of marijuana for medicinal and recreationary purposes, especially by the youths and patients is a major constraint in controlling the uses of marijuana in respect to the public health. However as opined by Knott (2015), the identification of the serious adverse effects of uncontrolled use of marijuana on health of the individuals drives the public towards implementing the strict cautionary rules for consuming marijuana. The public health therefore is an eminent factor playing a major role in controlling the use of marijuana effectively.
The state and central both took different initiatives and policies for the control of drug use. The ministry of justice announces different programs relating to the identification of the major drug trafficking areas because this kind of offence relates to larger criminal activities in the state. The federal government with collaboration with the other states tries to eradicate the trafficking of the drugs (Morgan, 2015). The criminal associations of the state generally undertake these activities. For this, different steps are taken. Identifying the highly probable drugs, trafficking area is one of the major programs. This program helps the law implementing agencies to enforce law in the vulnerable areas of the state. They help three level of government such as federal, state and local authorities. The main work of this policy is to promote the collaboration and gather information about the areas, create collaborates between all levels of government, give dependable solution to the law enforcing authorities. Along with that they also promote different strategies regarding the resources which aided he illegal trafficking of drugs.
Another important step is Organized Crime Drug Enforce Task Force Progra (Finklea & Sacco, 2014). This policy helps to eradicate the drug trafficking and black money transactions regarding the drug related issues. Domestic marijuana control program is also a great policy for the eradication of this scheduled drug.
Marijuana is illegal in different countries of the world. Some though legalize it for certain medical purpose. This drug has a greatest impact in human health. It affects the human in their future also. Different studies and enquiry proved that it affects the human brain also. It creates risk to the mental health to the children as well as to the adults (Joffe & Yancy, 2004). Short term memory loss, partial memory loss can be the side effects of this. If a person consumes it regularly in long run it will damage the activity of nervous system of the human. The medical associations describes that the consumption create the habit of more consumption. The person became addicted to it and cant lead his daily life without the use of this drug.
In long run ultimately it will harm the person severely. Though the medical researcher claim that it does not create any major mental disorder but to some extent it aided the process. It can be the cause of psychosis, sever anxiety, schizophrenia, depression, abnormal manias or suicidal tendencies (Musto, 1999). It affects the lungs, nervous system or other parts of the body as well. Some researches draw a line connection with the marijuana and some kinds of cancer. Thought it was not proved worldwide but a thin connection was present there.
Considering the aspect of using marijuana in recreation and drug treatments, it is vital to educate the people regarding the severe consequences of marijuana over dose. Since medical studies reveal the prospective beneficial effect of marijuana on patients suffering from cancer, Multiple sclerosis and AIDS, complete banning marijuana is not a valid option. Therefore, the laws and policies are framed in a way such that the use of marijuana is enforced in a controlled manner. Hickenlooper (2014) highlighted the prevalence of legislatures empowering the public the use marijuana for medical purposes legally. This may lead to severe difficulty for the employers to maintain a drug free environment at work place.
According to Gold (2012), spreading awareness among public about honest and controlled use of marijuana for the safety of their own health is highly significant in the current scenario. This will lead to a prospective and efficient use of marijuana for the greater benefits of public health. It will negate the adverse effects of marijuana largely. Although the current policies efficiently restrict the people from marijuana over dose, yet stricter policies are necessary to employ a proper use of marijuana by the public at their own will.
One of the major unforeseen problems of using marijuana is that of a massive detrimental effect on the quality of life of the public consuming the drug. Apart from the prominent physical health problems, the mental health of the public consuming marijuana can also be affected immensely. People using marijuana on a frequent or regular basic are seen to report psychological issues as poor mental health, lower life satisfaction relationship problems, poor academic results and career success (Caulkins, Lee & Kasunic, 2012). The legalization of marijuana use can drive the users towards an addiction of the drug. It is highly detrimental not only to the individual’s health but also for the overall health status of the country. It is a matter of high concern since it affects mainly the younger generation of the society who represents the country’s future health and prospect.
It can be concluded that the use of this drug can affect the human mind and body. Along with that it can be claimed that the drug consumption initiates other criminal activities too. Medical use is legalized it as to be kept in to the mind that the use of drug for amusement purpose is not necessary. It will somehow give the permission to break laws. The federal law of USA prohibits and controls the use of marijuana. The collaboration between the central, state and local authority will help to achieve proper goal in this aspect.
Going through the current study it is clear that although marijuana have some highly beneficial medical prospects in treatment of penitents suffering from serious diseases, yet it’s over use can lead to concerning health issues. Since it is an effective drug so it can not be banned completely. However, the study highlights the need the spreading awareness among the public regarding the adverse effects of marijuana in order to assure its controlled use. Thus it can be concluded that the relevant laws and policies along with education and health information’s can drive an optimum use of marijuana for the overall benefits of the society.
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