Personal Development Plan And Final Reflection
Importance of Final Reflection in Personal Development
Describe about personal development plan and final reflection?
The final reflection is important because it evaluates the learning process that had been undergone by the individual. The individual can analyze himself by the different of personal experiences (Beausaert, Segers and Gijselaers, 2011). It is necessary to assess the learning experiences that might have helped the individual to inculcate skills and knowledge. My learning outcomes are assessed in the form of questionnaire as depicted below:
Have Sufficient Knowledge |
Needs Improvement |
Skills necessary for Professional identity |
Yes |
Attitudes that are related to the develop professionalism |
Yes | |
Analytical skills and data interpretation skills |
Yes | |
Concentrated knowledge about the subject matter |
Yes |
Practical knowledge |
Yes | |
Skills related to communication through English language |
Yes | |
Enhancement in the time management skill |
Yes | |
Yes | ||
Ability to handle pressure |
Yes | |
Ability to adjust to changes |
Yes |
The skills that I have acquired have helped me to gain and enhance my knowledge. The knowledge is diverse in nature which means that I have gained understanding in various fields(Beausaert, Segers and Gijselaers, 2011). The major aspect that has been enhanced is my English language skill. The language English is considered to be the most common language of communication. In order to create a professional identity it is necessary for me to converse in English. The assessment has helped me to develop communication skills. (Beausaert et al., 2013) Through the operation of real life projects, I have developed several skills and attitudes that are necessary for establishing me as a professional. Apart from acquiring skills and developing attitudes, the importance of team work has been realized by me. In the near future this will help me to conduct business among team with dedication and patience. Also I have acquired practical knowledge from the operations of business activities. Another key element of a professional is managing time and delivery of tasks before the depicted deadline. One of the major characteristics of any professional is the ability to handle pressure and work under such tough conditions. Through the practical knowledge I have been able to develop the capability to handle and manage pressure. The business environment is continually changing which means that the organization and its workers and employees transform with the changing time. Through the assessment I have been able to develop change with the transformation of the environment. (Beausaert, Segers and Gijselaers, 2011)
The assessment has helped me to develop a wide variety of skills and knowledge but there are still scope for improvement in acquiring skills and knowledge. From the questionnaire it can be seen that most of the skills and aspects of creating a professional identity are developed but there are several other skills that need to be assessed and recommend certain improvement procedure. The skills that are required to become a perfect professional are diversified, so acquiring and implementing those skills might take time. So there is still space for improving the professional identity. In this regard there are several skill like leadership quality, ethical approach towards issues, and proper decision making etc. these are some of the skills that need to be developed and improved in order to be a perfect professional. The next skill that needs to be enhanced is the analytical and interpretation skills. These are required during the problem solving or resolving certain issues that need analytic aspects. Acquiring and developing the analytically skill is not enough, interpreting the results is also important in this respect. Hence, I must try to understand the interpretation of the analytical outcomes. Though through several real life experiences, I was able to acquire the practical knowledge, but this still needs improvement as the experiences are not limited hence to acquire practical knowledge I need to experience more of the real life actions which will then help me to make proper decision in the professional life. Punctuality is another feature of a perfect and efficient professional. I have developed certain time management skill yet I sometimes fail to deliver the tasks on time. So I must inculcate punctuality and time management skills that would help me to become an efficient professional. Since I have to enhance and improvement quite a lot of skills and attitudes, the assessment of the overall personality development is also underway and needs to be developed. The overall personality can be developed only when all the skills that require further improvement and development are achieved. (Cottrell, 2003)
Individuals can take charge and assess themselves through the personal development plan. The process of learning is considered to be proactive as well as reactive. So in order to judge oneself it is important to design and prioritize the skills acquired and those that need to be reviewed and improved in the form of a structure. (Druce, 2003)The personal development plan supports the urgent development needs as well as achievement of the long run ambitions. A Personal Development Plan (PDP) helps the individuals to recognize the areas of learning and activities of development that will support the development of skills and attitudes or acquiring new skills and attitudes. (Eisele et al., 2013) The purpose of the PDP is as follows: (Kneale, 2007)
- Improve the current performance.
- Identify the adjustment in the present role.
- Recognize the future aspiration regarding career. (Ellwood, 2011)
Below is my Personal Development Plan that will help to assess my current situation and the scope for development that will in turn help me to become a perfect and efficient professional. (Grainger, 2014)
What are my development Objectives? |
What activities do I need to achieve my objectives? |
What support/resources will I need? |
What are the successful criteria? |
Target date of achieving my objectives |
Developing skills for achieving professional identity
The desire to become the perfect professional depends on the skills that I must acquire. Since, I have a scope for improvement in acquiring the skills and attitudes of becoming a professional; I need to develop such skills. In doing so I need to undertake some management course that will help me to develop leadership skill, ethical sense and make proper decisions.(Grit, Guit and Sijde, 2008) |
The resources that I need to develop the professional skills are different management books, books on leadership skills and books on decision making and ethics. In this regard since I would enroll myself into a management course, thus I will need learning packages and career advisers to help me to become a professional.(Lumsden, 2005) |
The successful criteria would be able to work with a team depicting my leadership quality. Another criterion would be able to make proper decision in times of difficult. And thus, the main criteria is to enhance professional identity |
If I get myself enrolled in any management course then at the completion of the course the target of developing professional skill will be achieved. The target date is 2016. |
Enhancing Analytical and data interpretation skills
This skill can be achieved by participating in a variety of surveys where primary as well as secondary data. I must also learn the implementation of the analytical tools so that I am able to interpret them with proper reasoning. In this way the analytical as well as data interpretation skill must be developed. |
The resources or support that I need is an expert statistician that would guide me to commence surveys in a correct way. Statistical and analytical books are also an important source. For data interpretation, statistical software like SPSS, STATA and EVIEWS are required. A learner’s guide is required in order to learn the process and procedure to operate these softwares. |
The outcomes of the survey that would involve data collection and interpretation would serve as the successful criteria. The data interpretation requires the operation of the statistical tools. If the outcomes of the survey are correct then the successful criteria of development in analytical as well as data interpretation will be achieved. |
The period of the survey is around 6 months. Thus, this skill can be achieved after six months of the survey. |
The practical knowledge can be achieved by participating in the day-to-day experiences. Take part in problem solving session and participate in conversations that involve the real life experiences. For the development of practical knowledge it is necessary to commence field work. |
The resources that are required are discussion forum where the experiences of people are discussed through which the practical knowledge can be enhanced. Also in this section assistance of a professional is needed that would help me to acquire the practical knowledge. |
The successful criteria will be achieved if I am able to make proper decisions and correct problem solving with the help of the real life experiences that I would gather from the resources and support. |
There is no stipulated time as it is most of field work and discussion forum. |
Time management skills to be improved
I have always tried to complete and deliver the task on time but there are times when the punctuality of task delivery is not maintained. In order to achieve the punctuality in the work, I must practice the time management by splitting the task into divisible parts and assign time to each part. In this way the task can be assessed based on the time and this in turn will help me to deliver task on time with quality assurance.(Kneale, 2004) |
The resource that I need is practicing a wide range of work in a given period of time. Also I can develop my time management skills by acquiring knowledge through books on time management. This would help me to learn the different tricks that I can implement while commencing tasks.(Morgenstern, 2004) |
The successful criteria will be achieved when the record of all my tasks with its delivery time and date are made. This data sheet would help me to review the time taken to complete a task and whether the task was completed within the stipulated deadline. |
The duration of the task can be from 1 month to 2 months. |
English language skills to be improved
The English skill can be improved by continuous communication with people in English language. Practice of conversing in English language will improve the communication skill and the vocabulary of English words. Also reading English story books, news paper and watching English channels can enhance the English conversant power. |
The resources that are required in the development of the English language are by taking part in discussions and debates in which the medium of language is English. Several story books, English newspaper and English television channels are required in this regard. |
The successful criterion is achieved when I am able to converse in English fluently. This can be proved in the different discussion forums and debates where I will be able to express my English language skills. |
A spoken English course of 1 year will be the target period and the completion of the course will be the target date. |
Overall personality development
The overall personality can be developed only when the above skills are achieved. In doing so, it is highly necessary to enroll in a management crash course that will give the overall knowledge that is required to become an efficient professional. It is also necessary to achieve the analytical and data interpretation skills. To become an efficient professional I must inculcate the time management skills and proper communications. All these skills would add up to the feature of a professional and in this way my professional identity can be enhanced.(Ireland, Cure and Hopkins, 2009) |
For overall personality development, I require books on management that will help me to gain leadership qualities, time management skills, English communication skills and all other skills that are required to become an efficient professional. The possibility of the becoming a professional can be maximized if I continually practice my skills and develop behavioral attitudes. |
The successful criteria is depicted if I am able to enhance my professional identity. The professional identity can be enhancing only when I am promoted from the current role to a new and adventurous role that will enable me to assess my overall personality. |
The promotion date of the role to a new role will be the target date and will be the time of enhancing the professional identity. |
Beausaert, S., Segers, M. and Gijselaers, W. (2011). The Personal Development Plan Practice Questionnaire: the development and validation of an instrument to assess the employee’s perception of personal development plan practice. International Journal of Training and Development, 15(4), pp.249-270.
Beausaert, S., Segers, M. and Gijselaers, W. (2011). The use of a personal development plan and the undertaking of learning activities, expertise-growth, flexibility and performance: the role of supporting assessment conditions. Human Resource Development International, 14(5), pp.527-543.
Beausaert, S., Segers, M. and Gijselaers, W. (2011). Using a Personal Development Plan for Different Purposes: Its Influence on Undertaking Learning Activities and Job Performance. Vocations and Learning, 4(3), pp.231-252.
Beausaert, S., Segers, M., Fouarge, D. and Gijselaers, W. (2013). Effect of using a personal development plan on learning and development. Journal of Workplace Learning, 25(3), pp.145-158.
Cottrell, S. (2003). Skills for success. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Druce, H. (2003). Stay on course to meet your personal development plan. Early Years Educator, 5(6), p.ii-viii.
Eisele, L., Grohnert, T., Beausaert, S. and Segers, M. (2013). Employee motivation for personal development plan effectiveness. Euro J of Training and Dev, 37(6), pp.527-543.
Ellwood, F. (2011). Understanding the importance of a personal development plan. Dental Nursing, 7(3), pp.160-163.
Grainger, A. (2014). Your personal development plan. Br J Healthcare Assistants, 8(1), pp.6-6.
Grit, R., Guit, R. and Sijde, N. (2008). Managing your competencies. Groningen [etc.]: Wolters-Noordhoff.
Ireland, B., Cure, R. and Hopkins, L. (2009). Perfecting your personal development plan. Vital, 6(2), pp.40-41.
Kneale, P. (2004). Motivating Student Personal Development Planning by Making Links with Employability. Planet, (13), pp.20-21.
Kneale, P. (2007). Personal Development Planning (PDP) really happens at work. Planet, (18), pp.33-35.
Lumsden, P. (2005). Building Personal Development Planning (PDP) into the curriculum. Planet, (15), pp.33-35.
Morgenstern, J. (2004). Time management from the inside out. New York: Henry Holt/Owl Books.