Communication Problem In Business
Communication has huge impact on the organizational objectives. Poor or improper communication techniques used by any organization or industry may cause serious problems within the business (Ceschi et al. 2014). The business goals and objectives are developed by the making proper decision making while consulting with the employees as well as with the employees. Therefore, is the communication techniques are not proper enough to deal with the employees and other members then it will harm the intellectual aspect of the organization (Hahn and Weiser 2014). There are several problems involved with the business structure. These problems should be analyses and resolved with proper initiatives; otherwise the organizational culture will be affected. Management plays a great role while analyzing the communication problems in the business world, as the management is responsible for the communication problems introduced with the organizations.
This literature review is reviewing the communication problems related to the business. In this review of the articles there are ten articles those are being reviewed with respect to the recent communication problems the business world is facing.
According to Martin and Nakayama (2013) each and every business have their own culture for setting up their base and developing their positional state. Therefore, for establishing intercultural business activities it is very important to understand the demands and feelings of the other culture. In addition to this, these crucial aspects of various business cultures are analyzed only by proper communication perspectives. Cultural identity changes the impact of business perspectives so proper communication skills helps the communicator to understand the beliefs, tradition, class, psychology and many other important aspects that may affect their business activities with their partners. The partnership is based on the trust developed by one entrepreneur on the other that may results into the success of their business activity and make improvement in their economic activity. These aspects get clarified by the essential communication skills. The article shows the communication problems in business due cultural mismatch.
According to Shrivastava (2014), the communication skills are crucial for analyzing the problems within a business. Therefore, the entrepreneur should learn these proper method of communication form the beginning of their course work, as the main problem is that the entrepreneurs don’t have the proper training facility about their communication skills. Therefore all the Business schools should provide proper guidance to their future entrepreneurs about the proper communication skills. This paper is presenting the conceptualized framework for understanding the proper business communication skills needed for developing the business structure properly. At the first stages of learning the student should gain the knowledge of the communication that is how to maintain the communication or how to resolve the problems while using the communication skills.
As argued by Bharadwaj (2016) this article is focusing on the impact of the organizational behavior with respect to the business communication skills. The collaborative effort of the human forms the proper cultural set for improving the business activity. This aspect makes the employee more effective and deliberate to their work. Therefore, they get more involved with their work. This aspect can only be realized by applying proper communication within the organization or with the business world. In addition to this, the human resource manager is responsible for this aspect to be employed with the organization or among the employees. The organizational functioning and capabilities are only can be recognized by the applying proper communication skills among the members. Therefore, this article is elaborating that the lack of collaborative behavior results develops the communication problem within the business.
According to Conra (2014), communication issues are becoming common while analyzing the effectiveness of any business or organization. Management plays a great role while considering the developmental perspective of the organization. this paper is highlighting the lack of interaction between the employees and leader makes them feel that their leader and authorities are unapproachable and as a result of this, they cannot share their view points with them at any critical situation. Contemporary study of the human behavior shows that they get easily affected by the rude and careless behavior of each other. Therefore management should properly communicate with their employees in order to maintain a balanced atmosphere in the organization or business world. This aspect makes the employees pleased.
According to McKenna et al. (2012) the caste system is another kind of problem or barrier for experiencing the effective communication within the organization. Caste related issues make the human uncomfortable and rigid about communicating each other. The opportunities and scopes are specified in case of the people having comparatively lower caste. This paper is showing that, in most of the cases where the candidate is judged with respect t their caste, the opportunities are generalized for them. As a result of this they are lagged behind in the race of success. These classifications on the basis of caste make communication hampered within the organization and also between employees that affects the organizational effectiveness. Communication problems can be resolved if caste problems are omitted from the organizational culture.
As stated by Hamranova et al. (2014) the communication process utilized by any organization or any business reveals the effectiveness of it. Communication processes are always influenced by the atmosphere of the organization or business world. Non-verbal cues in any meeting of any concerned organization or business make differentiation while analyzing the considered business environment. Their decisions and statements are influenced by the atmosphere. This is most effective and harmful problem considered among all the communication problems within business environment. The agendas of any business activities are set by the influences provided by the atmosphere that set the target orientation of the concerned business or organization. The paper highlights the need of perfect atmosphere for establishing the proper communication set up.
According to Guffey and Loewy (2012) the political influences has huge impact on the business communication within any concerned business or any organization. There are various people within the organization or among business activities those are involved in nurturing the political aspects that harm not only the organization goals but also the internal relationships of the employees and authority. The ambience gets hampered by the political assumptions. This aspect influences the communication perspective of the employees. This paper provides so many examples that show the isolation of people and their thoughts from the organizational objectives. The concerned political aspects creates imbalance among the conventional organizational objectives. Some people within the organization play the political games just to satisfy their own needs. This aspect makes the other employees uncomfortable and they cannot work properly.
According to Podnar and Balmer (2013) this paper is describing about the lack of listening skills among the organizational heads. This paper provides so many examples about the incidents the employees face due to lack of communication in between the employee and the higher authority of their organization. This happens due to the lack of listening skills of the higher authority. The management always represents the overall perspective of the organization that is what objectives the organization comprised of. The employees easily get distracted in the organizational culture, as they are not getting their demands approved by the organizational heads. Lack of listening skills blocks the scope of improvements as well as the scope of scope of having proper communication with everyone.
According to Keyton et al. (2013) leadership qualities satisfies the goal orientation of the any business. This article is discussing about the problems the small scale industries are facing due to the lack of leadership qualities that is resulting into the lack of communication between the employee and higher authority. This paper shows that the leaders of the small scale industries are not capable of communicating with their employees and they are satisfying their own needs. This is blocking the economic development as well as the interrelationships between the organizational members are getting hampered. As a result of these aspects the functionality of several small scale organizations is getting reduced. In a broader point of view, these small scale industries are hampering the growth of the large scale industries only because of the lack of communication capability among the organizational leaders.
According to Mihaela (2015) the transfer of the crucial information varies in the organizational structure. This aspect makes the communication process more complex to be understood. This paper shows that the flow of information provides an individual perspective to every individual. They get an specific overview about the information, these information gets manipulated as a result of which the communicational disorders takes place, that hampers the work culture and overall performance of the industry.
Communication has great impact on the organizational development. The developmental perspective and objectives of any industry is set up by having a proper communication with the employees. This review provides an outline for understanding the crucial problems regarding the communication within business. Each article is highlighting a specific issue related to communication problem in business. These impacts and explanations shows that lack of communication within business may result into the degradation of industry. The business will have many crises as shown these article reviews.
Bharadwaj, A. 2016. Planning Internal Communication Profile for Organizational Effectiveness. IIM Kozhikode Society & Management Review, [online] 3(2), pp.183-192. Available at: [Accessed 18 Aug. 2016].
Ceschi, A., Dorofeeva, K. and Sartori, R., 2014. Studying teamwork and team climate by using a business simulation: How communication and innovation can improve group learning and decision-making performance.European Journal of Training and Development, 38(3), pp.211-230.
Conrad, D., 2014. Workplace communication problems: Inquiries by employees and applicable solutions. Journal of Business Studies Quarterly,5(4), p.105.
Guffey, M.E. and Loewy, D., 2012. Essentials of business communication. Cengage Learning.
Hahn, J. and Weiser, P., 2014, June. A quantum formalization for communication coordination problems. In International Symposium on Quantum Interaction (pp. 177-188). Springer International Publishing.
Hamranova, A., Marsina, S., Molnar, P. and Okruhlica, F., 2014, September. Development of Information and Communication Systems within the Building of Project-Oriented Manufacturing Organization. In IFIP International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems (pp. 241-248). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Keyton, J., Caputo, J.M., Ford, E.A., Fu, R., Leibowitz, S.A., Liu, T., Polasik, S.S., Ghosh, P. and Wu, C., 2013. Investigating verbal workplace communication behaviors. Journal of Business Communication, p.0021943612474990.
Martin, J.N. and Nakayama, T.K., 2013. Experiencing intercultural communication. McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
McKenna, B., Callan, V.J. and Gallois, C., 2012. Comparing organizational and business communication. Handbook of comparative communication research, pp.415-429.
Mihaela, B., 2015. A Study on Business Communication on Corporate Social Responsibility in Romania. Procedia Technology, 19, pp.996-1003.
Podnar, K. and Balmer, J., 2013. Contemplating corporate marketing, identity and communication. Routledge.
Shrivastava, S., 2014. The compatible modelling of teaching business communication in Indian B-schools: a framework. International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, 9(4), pp.389-408.