An Instructional Design For Building Information Modeling (BIM) In An Elementary School Setting
Identification of the instructional problem within the setting
Describe about An Instructional Design for Building Information Modeling (BIM)?
As an elementary school setting, the students face some problems regarding the learning process within the school. Learning has been shifted from the basic educational circumstances to the interactive technological instruction. However, Elementary School the little students are facing problems regarding descriptive nature of learning. The learning processes of the teachers are more descriptive that the students cannot be able to understand those descriptions of the learning.
Teachers only prefer descriptive story telling process to the children. They tell story of social or cultural value to the students through descriptive manner. On the other hand, students of 3rd and 4th grade cannot find any interests in order to learn those stories of social value and other types of learning elements. Therefore, they need different photos and other types of illustration for understanding those lessons. Most of the teachers are lacking from the actual knowledge of photos and other types of illustrations. They do not know how to present the idea of an educational content with an illustrative material or photos. Various typesof charts, diagram will not help the elementary children to understand the proper topic of the learning. Therefore, the teachers will be able to know the process of incorporation with different types of photos and other types of illustrative documents.
On the other hand, different types of communication skills should be incorporated with the teachers in order to provide effective knowledge and learning to the students of elementary setting. Teachers should know the disciplinary skills or process skills in order to obtain feedback from the students. They should develop awareness of different strategies in order to evaluate own analysis or learning process.
We have found that the children have the demand for the photos, drawing and other illustrations while learning a lesson. The central theme or idea of the lesson should be incorporated with different types of illustrations. Students of this school have demanded inputs that are more illustrativein order to learn a lesson.
Therefore, Using illustrative informational text is very effective for the students. Every teacher should put illustrative content in order to provide effective lesson of a social or natural content to the children of the elementary school.
Current condition:
Students have some problems in order to understand the technical texts and informational text. Students of elementary school are very small to capture the technical text. For this issue, students are not being able to deliver the desired outcome of education. Elementary refers to the primary education process of child. A child firstly takes elementary education for developing his/her learning effectively. For this case, informational text has become the obstacle for delivering the proper learning and knowledge about learning of a definite subject.
Teachers of this school has also lacked from doing effective drawing and sticking photos for delivering the proper information to the children. Therefore, the teachers of elementary school setting have a little idea about different types of informational text to the children.
Discussing the difference between current condition and desired condition
Desired condition:
All Teachers will be able touse illustrative informational text is very effective for the students.Every teacher will put illustrative content in order to provide effective lesson of a social or natural content to the children of the elementary school. Therefore, the students should be able to pass the exam with proper learning and knowledge of a definite subject.
Teachers of elementary school have been asked three questions regarding the informational text and other instructional process of teaching. First two questions have asked about the performance of the students within the classroom while delivering the learning lesson through informational text and other technical texts. Last onequestionhas asked the process of learning of the teachers. These questions have asked to explain how they provide learning to the students.
Students of 3rd grade and 4th grade have also been asked three questions about the assessment process of those students. Students have been asked to give answers about the informational text and other technical texts of their teachers. Students have been asked to rank different skills in accordance with the importance.
The researcher has taken survey method for both the teachers and students to complete the whole survey analysis. Students of 3rd and 4th grade also have been asked to complete assessment test about their learning process and the issues they have faced while learning with informational text.
The result of survey has shown thatthe students have faced problems for various types of technical text. Process of learning with the help of informational text has been remained as problem within the learning process of the students in our elementary school.
However, teachers use the instructional design for providing effective learning to the students.The students have not learnt properly the desired process of learning through informational text. The teacher also have faced problem during providing learning to the students of the elementary education setting.
The students have asked to provide proper answers through survey questionnaires. Wehas asked four questions to the students.
On the other hand, teachers of the school have been asked four questions in a survey sheet. Two questions have been remained close ended and other two have been remained open-ended questions for the students.
From the assessment of students, it has been analyzed that, eighty percent students can be able to understand informational text. As this is an elementary education,the children of 3rd and 4th grade have stated that they mostly prefer the photos, drawing, magnification of an idea etc. However, rest of the students has not the ability to understand the central idea of a story or other elements. Therefore, it can be analyzed that, many student also have the ability to understand the central idea of an article or story for understanding the real meaning of the article or story. However, there is a gap between the ability to utilize the understanding of central theme of a text. Therefore, the students mostly prefer the illustration as well as instructional design of the article or story. The presence of drawing, photos, magnification of the text can be helpful for the students in order to understand the central idea of the given article or the story. They do not prefer graphical presentation of data.
Explaining the data collection process
On the other hand, teachers have been asked about the process of learning to the students of elementary classes of the school. Teachers have faced some issues while delivering some informational texts, like graphics, chart to the students. The teachers have poor responses from the students.
Presentation of some data that has been gathered from the students and teachers of the school:
Table 1: Is it important to understand the informational text while using photos and illustrations
Response |
Mean |
Yes |
10 |
100 |
No |
0 |
0 |
10% students among 100 think that the informational text includes photos and illustrations are very important in order to understand the central theme or the idea. Children can understand the lesson through photos and different types of illustrations etc.
Table 2: Regularity of reading various types of informational text:
Frequency |
Number of Responses |
Mean |
Every Day |
5 |
35 |
Often |
4 |
35 |
Hardly Ever |
2 |
24 |
Five students among thirty-fivehave stated that they read various types of informational text every day. On the other hand, four students among thirty-five students have often read informational text. Two students out of twenty-four students have read informational text hardly ever. From this analysis, it can bestated that most of the students read different types of informational texts.
Are photos, drawing provide extra advantage to understand informational text?
Response |
Mean |
Yes |
82 |
100 |
No |
0 |
0 |
Therefore, eighty-twostudents among 100 students have stated that they found it very easy to understand informational text with added photos and drawing. From this particular analysis, it can be stated by the researcher that most of the students prefer informational text that is included with photos, drawing etc.
Strategies to improve the learning procedure:
Question |
Summary Of Responses |
What are some ways you believe will help students to be understood the learning with effective use of informational text? |
Photos and drawing (4) |
Power point presentation of all subjects (3) |
More related information (2) |
In this case, majority of teacher explains that, the explaining with photos and drawing are very effective as well as important for delivering the learning process to the students of elementary education.
From the above analysis, it can be stated that, the teachers of this elementary school should provide effective learning experience with the help of photos, drawing and illustrations. Students of 3rd and 4th grade can be able to learn the lesson with the use of various types of informational texts of photos, drawing etc. The informational text that involves the photos, drawing and same sort of illustration will help the students to learn the central theme of learning. Therefore, teacher should provide advanced photos, drawing materials for the students. These will help the students for understanding the learning process. Teacher should reject the old technique of descriptive learning. They should incorporate different attractive as well as relevant photos, illustrations to the learning procedure.
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