Successful Team Building For Management
Lo1: Successful Business Team
Describe about the Successfull Team Building for Management?
A team is a group of people to perform certain task to accomplish common goals. A team conducts a series of complex task that are interdependent on each other. Team members have complementary skills and they co-ordinate their efforts to maximize their strength and to minimize their weakness (Baltzan et al., 2009).
The success of the business depends upon the work done by the teams involved in it. One can put more efforts working in a team then working alone. So, it is important to form a team to give fruitful results. The business team will respond to the changes in external environment and across the globe. It helps in decentralizing the task, redesigning the business processes and empowering the employees.
The structure of the team is an important feature. The selection of the right team to accomplish a certain task is necessary (Crispin and Gregory, 2009).
Successful team has certain characteristics to increase the chances of success.
The goal of the team should be very specific. This focuses of the activities of the team. This will help them to decide the way to move on.
The team members should be committed to achieve certain goals. Team members should shoulder the responsibility of the task.
On achievement, the rewards should be shared by the team members. No individual is responsible of the task. This is the result of the efforts of the full team.
Each and every member should be given a certain role. Members should be very clear about his role in the team. Without defining the roles, the employees will be frustrated and will not know about the activities they are responsible.
Mutual trusts among the members are essential. Lack of trust will misguide them towards protecting their personal position.
Respect for each member is essential. The task and views of each member should be respected by each other (Giddings, 2012).
A defined team role helps the individual to interact, behave and contribute in a specific way.
The success and the failure of team depend on the behaviour of the members. There are people who can perform the task in creative ways, they will try to solve problem arrived, by giving alternative solutions.
Recognizing different role allows a team to match job requirement with different skills.This will help them to create a balance team.
Mutual commitment and collective work with co-operation and co-ordination helps a team for go ahead to gain success. The feeling of belongingness helps the members to perform better.
Survival and growth depends on sharing common goals. The specification of the role and goal is essential for the success of the team (Interdisciplinary Symposium on Osteoporosis 2013 Patient-Centered Care: Developing Successful Bone Health Teams, 2013).
1.3 Models Of Successful Business Teams
The team designed to achieve organizational goal includes the formation of a proper team structures. The major primary responsibility of the manager is maintaining the work climate in the team.
Strategic model
The Characteristics Of Successful Business Team
A frame work is necessary to guide the activities of the team. The frame work should be easy to understand and apply. The framework involves the manager in day to day interaction with other and takes decision that leads to team development. The goal of the team is to work in organizational context. Team has to perform a number of activities that are interrelated to each other.
Forming storming performing team building model
This model explains that team develops maturity and abilities with the time. This leads to change in the leadership style. In beginning leaders follow directive style then coaching then goes on to the participation and then to delegation. In the end they almost detach themselves with the team. The authority enjoyed by the leader later changes into freedom given to the team.
Tannenbaum and Schmidt continuum model.
This model emphasizes on changing in the management style. The team becomes more self sufficient and self-directive. A group that can run itself without external control.
Johari windows model
This model is helpful in understanding the employees and employers relationship. It tells us that open communication system, delegating task and participation in decision making will help a team to work more efficiently (Lines and Scholes-Rhodes, 2013).
Team development involves wide range of activities to improve the team performance. A perfect team helps an organization to transform, to increase its performance and contribution to the organization (Lisa Haneberg., 2011).
A team passes through five stages of development. At each stage the team has different challenges for the people. The organization can take different actions to support team in attaining goal. At each stage the behavior of the leader should be adaptive to the changing needs. The stages are as follows:
The formation of the team is the first stage. It is when a group of people comes together to accomplish a task to achieve certain goal.
This stage tells us about the disagreement on the vision and mission. People emphasizing on different approaches and different ways to accomplish the task and then conflict arises between them.
At this stage people working in a team establish a relationship among themselves. This helps the workers to attain better results.
This stage tells us about the task performed by the members to attain a certain goal. This is the result of healthy relationship. This will lead to team progress and effectiveness (London and Morfopoulos, 2009).
People are the main resource of the company. For attainment of the goal leaders needs to have good motivational strategy to encourage the employees.
Collective vision helps in prosperity and success of the team. It motivates them to work in a team and encourage them to put more efforts.
People expect appreciation for their efforts at every level. Appreciation and rewards are more motivating than money.
Performing challenging task motivates people. People find challenging task more interesting.
Supervision is not only controlling each and every step but also making sure of the implementation of activities at all levels.
Importance Of Team Role
People need to encouragement to believe that they have great potential to work. A leader should always show confidence in the potential of his team.
Always support your team members. Give a person chance to work within its own frames of strength. This will develop confidence and motivate them to work hard.
The policies of the reward have to be disclosed to everyone. This will develop a healthy competition among them. Each and every contribution is important.
The workplace should be very beautiful. One should not feel forced to work.
Making work more interesting will maintain the enthusiasm of the workers. Allow people to discover and explore.
Organizing team after and during work will help in creating powerful team spirit at workplace. Mutual trust and understanding are very important qualities (Miller, 2011).A
Communication helps team to share ideas. Through open communication people can exchange their views, information and discuss the hurdles they are facing in attaining goal. Two ways communication among the members is essential to accomplish a task within a team. Through open communication people can understand each other in a better way (Rau, 2013).
Emotions are the main cause and the result of conflicts. Often negative emotions develop after conflicts. Maintaining the emotional control is the most difficult task while dealing with conflicts. Effective dealing on the conflicting situations is very essential. There are some ways:
When both parties are upset, there is no point to talk. In such situation one needs to give some time and let the temper cools off. Then come together to achieve some sort of equilibrium.
Keeping everyone talking and expressing themselves honestly and openly helps in solving problem. Make sure that no one is hiding any issues.
Everyone needs has to be taken care of. Finding out everyone needs and then finding out solutions. Sometimes this will focus on complaints rather than solutions.
Everyone has his vision for the ideal outcome. The challenge is to avoid the conflicting situation and finding the solutions by creative thinking.
The best way is to find a solution that makes everyone happy under some circumstances. The situation must be fair to every one.
Make plan in such a way that will help to keep emotions under control. The conflict should not take place again (Stone, 2010).
Team performance helps to gain objectives. Leaders are responsible for the performance efficiency and productivity of the teams. It is one of the important task of the leader to monitor the performance and do take remedies to improve the performance for better results
Monitor the performance of the team is a important task. Regular check on the activities is necessary.
Watching employees doing work is one of the effective ways to monitor performance. It will help leaders to find out, what is going wrong and how it can be corrected.
Another way is to ask for the account of the work done on regular bases. This will help you to keep regular check on employees.
Another way is the self monitoring tool. Activity log helps employee to monitor himself that his performance is going is the right direction or not. Activity log helps employer to find out what workers are doing the whole day.
Review work in progress on regular basis will help to find out the loopholes in the progress at a early stage.
Another way is to ask co-workers, customers and other vendors about the performance of the employees (Tuckman, 2010).
The main objective of any industry is to get maximum output by the employees to sustain in the competitions.
Organization should recruit the employees who are ready to work in team. They should be ready to co-ordinate and corporate with other members of the team.
The set goal should be achievable and clear to the employees. This will give them a proper direction to work.
The group involved should have norms and code of conduct. They should trust each other. They should follow the rules and regulations.
Regular support by the team members is necessary to improve the performance.
Accountability is also one of the factors to improve the performance.
People should believe that their contribution means a lot to the organizations. Regular appreciation is very important.
Periodical check is necessary. This will give a chance to improve and to grow (Levin, 2011).
Team performance helps the organization to grow. It can adopt the changes by external environment. It will always maintain the team spirit and enthusiasm among the team member. The leader should always motivate the employees to give their best. Open communication and good atmosphere plays a important role in the success of the team.
Baltzan, P., Phillips, A., Haag, S. and Haag, S. (2009). Business driven technology. Boston: McGraw-Hill Irwin.
Crispin, L. and Gregory, J. (2009). Agile testing. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Addison-Wesley.
Giddings, A. (2012). Preferred Coaching Behaviors of Successful Female Collegiate Teams. Gender Medicine, 9(1), p.S101.
Interdisciplinary Symposium on Osteoporosis 2013 Patient-Centered Care: Developing Successful Bone Health Teams. (2013). Osteoporos Int, 24(S2), pp.419-441.
Levin, R. (2011). Building better team morale. The Journal of the American Dental Association, 142(7), pp.855-856.
Lines, H. and Scholes-Rhodes, J. (2013). Touch point leadership. London: Kogan Page.
Lisa Haneberg., (2011). Connecting Top Managers. FT Press.
London, M. and Morfopoulos, R. (2009). Social entrepreneurship. New York: Routledge.
Miller, M. (2011). The secret of teams. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
Rau, P. (2013). Cross-cultural design. Berlin: Springer.
Stone, K. (2010). Kaizen Teams: Integrated HRD Practices for Successful Team Building. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 12(1), pp.61-77.
Tuckman, B. (2010). Leadership Teams: Developing and Sustaining High Performance2010G. Sheard, A. Kakabadse and N. Kakabadse. Leadership Teams: Developing and Sustaining High Performance . UK: Palgrave Macmillan 2009. 251 pp. Management Decision, 48(2), pp.340-344.