Software Project Management For Retrieved

Outline specification of project implementation

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Project  business  direction

Project  goals- Development  of  a website 

Purpose- increasing  awareness and    providing  health  tips  for old  obese  people

Business opportunity- The website will be used by people of Pinner care home in Middlesex. As  the   website   provides  health tips  and  solves  health related issues,  number  of users  will be  high  

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Project background- The project is being undertaken to reduce health related problems   among   aged people of Middlesex.

Project scope  description

Project Outcome- successful development  of  the website

Quality  objectives- Successful  implementation of  the   features such as  online queries,  daily  health tips and awareness  programs  into the   website

Organizational  requirements –  The website will be able to  provide  solutions  for  health  problems  faced by  aged   people

Project  performance quality  objectives-  Development of  user friendly website   within estimated  time  and  budget

Project plans

Time schedule-  the  project will  start  from 01 /04/15 and  is  expected  to be  finished at 23  /08 /  15

Project  milestone definition-

Analyzing  requirements

Start   date- 02 /09 /14

End  date-22  /09 /14

Analyzing  feasibility   of  the  project

 Start  date- 02 /09 /14

End  date-03 /09  /14

 Developing   design of website

Start  date –04  /09 /14

End  date –24 /09 /14

Developing the  website

Start  date –02  /09 /14

End  date -31 / 10 /14

Testing  and  fixing issues

Start  date -02  /09 /14

End  date -05 /11 /14

Project Budget

·         Analysis  of requirements -$ 80,000

·         Feasibility  study-$ 1,600

·         Application design-$136,000

·         Application Development-$120,000

·         Installation -$84,000

Project  organization and stakeholders

Organization- Pinner care home

Stakeholders- project team, Pinner care home and  resident aged  people

Project quality  system

Total Quality  management


Table 1: Specification of project implementation

2. Project specification:

Name  of  the task

  Time span

Start   date

 Finish  date

 Initial meeting

 1  day

01 /09/14

01 /09/14

   Analyzing  requirements

 21 days

02 /09 /14

22  /09 /14

Meetings  among  members   of  project team

1  day

03 /09  /14

03 /09  /14

Identification  of  resources   required

 15  days

04  /09 /14

19 /04 / 14

 Documentation of  identified  resources

5  days

 24 /09 / 14

28 /09 /14

Analyzing  feasibility   of  the  project

 2  days

02 /09 /14

03 /09  /14

Assessing  the  requirements

1  days

02 /09 /14

02 /09 /14

Preparation  of   feasibility report

  1  day

03 /09  /14

03 /09  /14

 Developing   design of website

  20    days

04  /09 /14

 24 /09 /14

Deciding  user  interface  and  conducting  server  setting  activities

15  days

04  /09 /14

18 /09 /14

Designing  user interface

5  days

04  /09 /14

09  /09 /14

 Analyzing  infrastructure requirements

1  month

04  /09 /14

03  /10 /14

Developing the  website

2  Months

02  /09 /14

31 / 10 /14

 Development of functional units

 15 days

25  /09 /14

09 / 10 /14

 Integration of  functional   units

20 days

02  /09 /14

21  /09 /14

 Testing  and  fixing issues

 65  days

 02  /09 /14

05 /11 /14

Testing  of functional units

 15 days

02  /10  /14

 16  /10  /14

 Testing  of  integrated system

 15  days

23  /10  /14

06 /11 /14

 Installation of  infrastructure

 15   days

 01 /11 /14

15  /11 /14

 Fixing issues

 07  days

22 /11 /14

27  /11 /14


Table 2: Milestone chart

Table 1 describes the time scales for proposed website development project. According to the chart, the project will take more than two months for being completed. At  the first  stage  of  project financial  and  human resources  which are  required  for  developing  the  website will be    identified.  At this stage the identified resources will be documented. Next stage of the    project deals with analyzing feasibility of the project and preparing documents. At the next stage design of the website will be developed. Analysis of the mile stone chart reflects that the tasks of developing website and testing the new website will require maximum time. Both the tasks   include several sub tasks and the developers will require   about 2 months for completing those tasks successfully.

Analysis of the project scope enables the team to identify deliverables of the project. On successful   completion of the current project a new website will be delivered. The website will provide services for aged people who are suffering from obesity. Scope analysis also reflects that the services are designed for residents of Pinner care home in Middlesex. The website will be used by aged people for getting information about   health.  The   people also can use this   new website for changing their habit and leading healthier life. The features of  this  proposed  website  includes  free  consultation services, providing   tips  for healthy  lifestyle  and  creating awareness  about   obesity  among  people. 

Users of this website will be able to post their query regarding any problem online. These posted queries will be answered using help of doctors. The service providers can hire doctors for providing consultation services to the target user group  As  the  project aims  to   encourage  aged  people  for leading  healthy  life,  it will provide    tips  for  leading  healthy  life  on daily  basis. The website will also work for increasing  awareness  among  its  users  regarding  various  diseases such  as  asthma , cancer  and diabetes. Although the website will provide free health services to aged people, it will be ensured that the confidentiality about the patient’s identify will be maintained. Although the doctors will work for the website for charity, they require maintaining code of conducts.   The website will also provide information on the negative effects of treatment policies before starting the treatment.

As the project primarily aims at increasing health consciousness among aged people, quality of the deliverables is important for enhancing its effectiveness. Quality of the deliverables of each stage in a project requires being checked for maintaining quality of the final deliverable (Xu, 2013).  However in this project quality of the website will be checked at every stage of its development. The project management team can implement total quality management techniques for ensuring that the final product is able to meet requirements of target user group (Schwalbe, 2014). Implementation  of  total  quality  management  techniques also enable  the   management  to monitor  quality   of  the   deliverables  after each stage (Randolph, 2014).

Project specification

Quality plans:  The strategies of quality management will be implemented from the first stage of website development. At  the first stage  of  design development, all requirements of the  target  user  group  will be analyzed  for   deciding  on   the  features  of  proposed site. As the website will be used by aged people, it is important to develop it as user friendly.  Ponnappa (2014) stated that developing user friendly interface increases the   acceptability of a website. The developers will create different units of the website so that identification and fixation of errors becomes easier.  Sufficient time is allocated for developing the website. It will also improve quality of   the tasks.  After being integrated the site will be tested in several stages. Analysis of the milestone chart indicates that the testing will take about 60 days. It also ensures that the project team will be able to   identify and fix all the issues.

As the project deals with development of a heath related website quality of the services is also important for improving quality of the final product. The  project  management team  is aiming  at   hiring  doctors  for providing  effective  solutions  to the  queries asked  by  users. Apart from this, the project management team will also implement proper code of conducts for dealing with patients.

Ong, Chang & Lee (2013) stated that communication among team members is important for completing a project successfully. Miesenberger (2012) also opined that communication among team members improves quality of the tasks.

Topic  of communication

Description of  communication


 Medium   of communication



Organizer   of communication

 Indentifying  the  requirements 

Communication  for   preparation  of  documents regarding  resource   requirement

 Before  starting  the project


All members of  the  project team

 Final   documentation  of required resources

Project  management  team

Developing  Human resource  management  technique and  monitoring performances

Indentifying  required  professionals

Before  starting  the project and   weekly

Meetings and e-mails

Project managers,  HR  manager

Report  of  requirement  on

Professionals  and performance  of   members   

HR   manager

 Progress  in  work

Details   of  work done  by  members

Each Week


Leaders   of  every team,   project  managers  and members  of each team

Report    on   current  status  of work

Project  manager and  team leaders

Periodic  report  on  expenditure

 Report  preparation  on  the expenditures   of   different teams

Each Week


Leaders   of  every team,   project  managers  and members  of each team

Report  on   financial  requirements  and  budget  allocation

Project  managers

Requirement  for  modifications  in  project

Identification   of  the required modifications  in  website  design

Whenever   required

Meeting  and e-mails

All  members,  team  leaders,  project  managers

Report  on  change  management strategies

Project  manages  and  team leaders

 Scheduling  communication   plans

Developing communication plans

Each week and   whenever   required


Management   team  of  the  project

Documentation  on  schedule  of meetings and  agendas

Project  manages  and  team leaders

Table 3:  Monitoring   plans

Table 2 describes the monitoring plans which are going to be implemented in the website development project. As the project managers are  planning  to check  quality  of the deliverables at every stage  of website development, tasks  conducted  by  the  members  at  every  stage  requires  being  monitored. Analysis on the communication plan indicates that the required resources will be identified before starting the project. The project management will communicate with other members to understand the need of resources. The management of project team will be responsible for assessing the performance of other members on regular basis. Close monitoring on team members leads to better utilization of the available human resources (Pinto, 2014). Table 2 also describes that the work status of the project will also be monitored on   each week. Lock (2014)  stated that getting  information  on   progress in  work  enables  management to understand whether  the  tasks will be completed  within  time  or  not. Lief (2013) also opined that regular communication with the   project team   regarding   expenditure   reduces the chance of   interruption in project execution. In this  project, the  management  will   conduct   meetings  on each week  to get  information  regarding  the expenditures  of   each  unit   in project.  Monitoring the performance of the developed product enables management team to understand   whether the existing design needs to be modified or not (Kodukula, 2014). Analysis on the project plan indicates that managers of the website development project are responsible for assessing performance of the developed website. It will enable the managers to understand the need of modification in existing design of the website.


Lane (2012) stated that successful completion of project depends on the effectiveness of its planning process. Kim & Jeong (2013) opined that the management team predicts the required resources by developing project plan. Development of project plan enables the management to identify scope of the   project. Project planning  deals  with  development  of   budget  allocation plan , human  resource  planning  and  communication  planning (Hans, 2013). However Eric Kirkland (2014) states that development of project plan also includes planning for testing and modifying the deliverables. In the   website  development  project  the  planning  process  includes  development  of  plan  for managing  schedule,  human  resource  allocation plans,  budget allocate and expenditure  plans  and  procure  management  plan.

Plan for managing schedule: Schedule management plan of a project deals with developing time scales and milestones for completing each task in the project (Dinsmore & Cabanis-Brewin, 2014). Plans for scope analysis, milestone development and estimation of required time for completion of the project will be developed as a part of schedule management plan in the website development project.

Human Resource plans:  Activities in HR plan include identification of the requirements for   professional. The plans also deal with allocation of HR resources for specific tasks. In this project, the managers will be responsible for developing plans for monitoring progress in work.

Budget allocation, expenditure plans and Procure management plan: Devedzic (2015) stated that    development of effective budget allocation plans leads to uninterrupted execution of project works.  Budget allocation plan of the website development project deals with estimation of required financial resources .Plan  for  managing expenditure  of  each   team will  be developed as  a part  of budget allocation  plan  of  this   project. However  the  managers   are also responsible for  ensuring  that  the   different units  of  project  team are  being  provided  with  sufficient  financial resources for  completing  their tasks  successfully.


Devedzic, V. (2015). Software Project Management. Retrieved 27 March 2015, from

Dinsmore, P., & Cabanis-Brewin, J. (2014). The AMA Handbook of Project Management. New York: AMACOM.

Eric Kirkland, C. (2014). Project Management: A Problem-Based Approach. Project Management Journal, 45(1), e3-e3. doi:10.1002/pmj.21388


Kim, Y., & Jeong, S. (2013). A Web Accessability Compliance Framework for Website Development: A Case of W Bank Internet Banking Project -. Journal Of Korean Society For Internet Information, 14(5), 87-99. doi:10.7472/jksii.2013.14.5.87

Kodukula, P. (2014). Enterprise Project Portfolio Management: Building Competencies for R&D and IT Investment Success. Project Management Journal, 45(1), e1-e1. doi:10.1002/pmj.21386

Lane, J. (2012). Foundation Website creation with HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. [Berkeley, Calif.]: friends of ED.

Lief, E. (2013). AAPM Website Development for International Information Exchange. Medical Physics, 40(6), 442. doi:10.1118/1.4815414

Lock, D. (2014). The essentials of project management. Surrey, England: Gower.

Miesenberger, K. (2012). Computers helping people with special needs. Berlin: Springer.

Ong, C., Chang, S., & Lee, S. (2013). Website satisfaction dimensions: factors between satisfaction and dissatisfaction. Information Development, 29(4), 299-308. doi:10.1177/0266666912466400

Pinto, J. (2014). Project management, governance, and the normalization of deviance. International Journal Of Project Management, 32(3), 376-387. doi:10.1016/j.ijproman.2013.06.004

Ponnappa, G. (2014). Project Stakeholder Management. Project Management Journal, 45(2), e3-e3. doi:10.1002/pmj.21400

Randolph, S. (2014). Maximizing Project Value: A Project Manager’s Guide. Project Management Journal, 45(2), e2-e2. doi:10.1002/pmj.21399

Schwalbe, K. (2014). Information technology project management. Boston, MA: Course Technology.

Xu, B. (2013). 2012 International Conference on Information Technology and Management Science (ICITMS 2012) proceedings. Berlin: Springer.

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