Strategic Human Resource Management – Boston Consulting Group (BCG)

What is the Boston Consulting Group (BCG)?

Describe about the Strategic Human Resource Management– Boston Consulting Group (Bcg)?

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Boston consulting group (BCG) represents detailed information used for an organization to observe variety of business in its portfolio which is connected with the industry growth rates and market share (Tiwari, Patterson and Mabert, 2009). It is one of the most well-known business portfolio to analysis it. On the other hand, to estimate the environment and business prospective they can use it relatively (Lo, Macky and Pio, 2015). In this BCG matrix, business might be classified into two parts i.e. high or low as per their industry growth rate and relative market share (BCG-vaccine, 2015).

BCG has the approach base on panel for performing the work. Employees work in team play a key role in achieves the objectives of the business (Tiwari, Patterson and Mabert, 2009). Organizational culture workings as a team or a group, or employees are empower, so that they might experience and get motivated. Employees are also empowering for building the decision and recommend responsibilities in the team work. At the place of work, employee varies as per their surroundings and country; consequently, different performance of members, works mutually for achieving the goals (Bondarouk, Kees Looise and Lempsink, 2009).

In Human resource planning, require right records of people which assist the organization to execute their strategy in order to realize their object goal. Various HR groups resist preparing a talent management strategy that map out their goal and priority for the time and tie thesis to their organization’s strategic procedure and goal.

Few steps which mention the HR strategic under talent management planning process are:

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Step 1: Goal identification




Managing talent

Managing talent within the organizational environment. Recognize the organizational goals and their priority toward organization.

3 months

Step 2: Organizational drivers

Recognition of the organizational drivers and challenges might force the organization’s capability to accomplish their organizational goals. Under these steps the organization requires to identify both the internal and external challenge.  Under this the organization includes some effects like well competitive job market, result for an employee approval analysis etc. Here, drivers are as mentioned below:

1] Selection and recruitment;

2] Training and development;

3] Competency analysis;

Step 3: Gap analysis




Selecting best talent for better performance.

Needs to recruit appropriate candidate for specified position.

Quality of service will reduce significantly.

Development of skills, attitude.

Ineffective utilization of competency of the employee

Fail to identify the training and development needs.

Step 4: Priorities

Organization needs to describe their HR priority and goals, what are the HR goals for the day to sustain the organization in achieve its goal. Under this SMART analysis are incorporated to recognize the HR priorities.

Step 5: Functions

Register your talent management process and their purpose, which assist to decide the needs or to create any change to existing procedure or to insert new method to sustain the organization goals.

Step 6: Measuring results

Determine the consequences and communicate success and contribution, the organization HR goal and priority in place, it’s vital to evaluate and determine their success and communicate the outcome to the organization. If organization desire to accomplish their goal, for that organization require tracking their relevant template which will assist them to accomplish their goal and success.

This exacting segment help to decide the HR plan and the significance of HR management plan. Human resources management is a significant part of talent management processes.

How is the BCG matrix used in portfolio analysis?

Program Manager- the program manager roles and responsibilities under talent management, direct the development plan and track of incorporated development plans, adapt and apply the Sapient Approach to assemble project and program objectives and customer business drivers. Establish and maintain process to direct capacity more the project lifecycle.

Deputy heads- under this deputy heads are responsible and accountable for all aspect of community administration inside their organization, counting executive talent management. They guide to perform the talent management procedure.

Delegates- This delegate is accountable for creature the key contact for office of the chief Human resources officer on all the decision-making talent management initiatives. He or she is also accountable for development, organize, and coordinate managerial talent management behavior within the organization; liaise with OCHRO; update, create, and transfer decision-making financial records within the ETMS; and ensure that timelines are valued.

Executives- Executives are accountable for performing an dynamic role in the organization of their possess career and for ensure that they contain the essential skill to be strong and successful leaders in the community service. Organization with their manager, they will contribute in an managerial talent management conversation to discuss their person career aspiration, competencies, and their enthusiasm and willingness for transform.

Manager of executives- Managers of executives are accountable for successfully managing the community within their group. Managers participated in company role in which they have to offer an appraisal of their employees’ potential, willingness, and aptitude plan residency through the managerial talent management work out.

OCHRO (office of the chief Human resources officer)- under this they are accountable for enable them with device, process, scheme and leadership.

Under this human resource plan are representing graphically. The main purpose of this chart is to describe the roles and responsibilities of team members. Tools such as RACI (Responsible, accountable, consult and inform). The next RACI chart shows the connection among project tasks and team members.


Program manager

Deputy Head



Manager of executives


Identify organizational goals and objectives.







Identify organizational drivers and challenges





Identify gaps







Define HR priorities and goals






Inventory your talent management processes.





Measure the results and communication successes.





Organizational objectives- This objective will illustrate the whole function and vision and mission of a company that have been recognized by its organization and communicate to its human resources (Walton, 2004). Organization objective of the corporation usually center on its long term choice intention for working and in general, company viewpoint that can offer positive leadership quality for employees looking for the safety for their manager (Beugelsdijk, 2008).

Human resource requirement- HR planning is a vital part of strategic HR organization. It associates HR executive straight to the strategic plan of organization (Editorial Board, 2015). In few organization were only 10 staff are working they can build up a strategic plan to direct decision concerning the prospect. Human resource requirement help to identify the HR purpose of the organization, it help to identify the different approaches, methods, finding, limitation etc for the organization (Ryan and Wessel, 2015).

Human resource programs- Human resource program help in inspiring, developing, and retain capable employees and help them in situation, diverse, healthy and secure work surroundings. Exacting importance is site on maximize employee statement all through the multi-campus scheme, enhancing the place of work, and implement knowledge solution to modernize employment and recover the delivery of services (Peretz, Levi and Fried, 2014).

Organizational culture and teamwork at BCG

Feasibility Analysis- Feasibility analysis mostly focuses on answer the query. It will use to focus principally on purposed organization venture. It is one which help out the organization to produce cash flow and income, it stay feasible in the long phrase and meet up the goal of the founder (Baldi and Gabrielii, 2015). A feasibility study is frequently conducted after producer has discussed a sequence of business thoughts or scenario. A pre-feasibility learning may be conducting primary to assist variety of applicable scenario. After happening with a complete probability study, organization must do some pre-feasibility study of your possess (Baldi and Gabrielii, 2015).

After analyzing all the plans for an organization, they need to flow this:

                                                                        Figure: HRM Plan (Peretz, Levi and Fried, 2014)

On the other hand while to forecast the Human resource planning, the organization need to determine the objective first, then the demand forecast for each objectives, then aggregate demand forecast, does aggregate supply meet aggregate demand. On the other hand for supply forecasting the organization need to identify the internal and external program for the organization, aggregate supply forecast etc (Baldi and Gabrielii, 2015).

Recent developed countries are ever more relying on human resources to increase their competitive benefit. The skill and information of workers and the ability inherent in technology and equipment that is vital. The ability of an association to direct its aptitude is determination the set of part compare to other competitors (Tiwari, Patterson and Mabert, 2009).

The important of HRM purpose to an organization policy is underscore by review the whole functions of an organization’s (Bondarouk, Kees Looise and Lempsink, 2009). These comprise broken up onward scan, analysis base on longer instance outline, communication about goal and income allotment, structure for temporary plan evaluate and integrate, institutionalizing longer word time horizon essential for savings, and decisional criterion for temporary decision making. It is unworkable to deal with this significant issue with no bring in the human resources issue at every component of the procedure (Tiwari, Patterson and Mabert, 2009). Due to this significance of policy in the success of firm and the significant element of human resources in the planned process, human resource managers are judging themselves an also concerned in the strategic planning procedure. Since strategy is connected to the organizational goal, the crucial chance to demonstrate the payment of human resources begins in the planning procedure (Lertxundi, 2008).

With HR practitioners, the word “strategic human resource management (SHRM)” is use generally to sign the vision that human resource management behavior supposed to be causal to company efficiency (Peretz, Levi and Fried, 2014). This connection among HRM behavior, the wants of the business, and organizational efficiency is the center of the region called strategic human resource management. Assumption of SHRM (1) successful human resource management require an thoughtful of with combination of an organization’s strategic objectives, (Tiwari, Patterson and Mabert, 2009) (2) successful human resource management lead to enhanced organizational presentation. While HR policy and practice are associated with an organization’s planned objectives, the scheme can be describe as vertically integrated (Peretz, Levi and Fried, 2014). The principle of human resource management is to make sure that the organization is capable to accomplish achievement through community. HRM systems can be the basis of organizational capability that allows firm to study and benefit from an original opportunity. The significant of SHRM in a business cannot be overemphasizing due to the information that every human being is the dynamic force for the organization. A firm human resource strategy will permit their organization to contain a high-quality association with its workers and to do exist quietly and equally useful manner with its host society. SHRM can be helpful for the organization in which a appropriately implement strategic of human resources plan will help out a company to achieve its objectives (Tiwari, Patterson and Mabert, 2009). When an organization set their objectives and goals for their company to accomplish, it is the workers who will execute the essential duty geared in the direction of achievement of that objective (Bondarouk, Kees Looise and Lempsink, 2009). Wherever, the significance of SHRM in an organization can be see, while the human resources sector will recognize the explanation area in the business that need manpower. This section will moreover take out the essential steps on the way that are recruited and deal with the ideal candidates who cannot simply fill the vacancy, but also capable to help out the business to accomplish its idea in short as well as long term objectives (Bondarouk, Kees Looise and Lempsink, 2009).


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