Questions And Answers On Therapeutic Techniques

What is meant by ‘a limb of uncertainty and chaos’?

• What is meant by “a limb of uncertainty and chaos”?

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• What do we mean when we say a client has a “low bottom”?

• Give an example of how subtle changes in words or tone can profoundly alter what the client hears?

• What do recent psychological theories of emotion assume?

• Define the term “friend confident”

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• What did Alfred Adler say about the human relationships?

• Describe the relationship between client’s speech and his reaction to a situation

• Describe the relationship between client’s speech and his reaction to a situation

• Why should you “barrage” your client with feedback?

• How can you encourage your client to make changes using the mantra “The fastest way to change how you feel is to change the way you act”?

The term “a limb of uncertainty and chaos” is referred to the initial problem faced by the therapist in helping an individual or a family who is in a verge of mental collapse, to cross the bridge form the old to the new in the period of disorientation and disintegration (, 2015). However families who have already reached the lowest level of anxiety, depression, struggle and pressures of dysfunctional behavior should be ready to get back as their pain have reached the uppermost level that they have nowhere to go.

A “low bottom” refers o individuals who are devastatingly addicts and those who have lost all their things including home, family, cars, jobs, relationships. The “High Bottom” individuals are on the other hand is addicts who have not lost their things yet but they have met with some incidents in their lives which have served as a warning that they might lose everything if they continue having alcohol or drugs. In other words some serious consequences would not let them neglect the fact that they are in some serious conditions and have to change their way of life. If the therapist talks to the recovering addicts they would find an interesting mix of low bottoms and high bottoms. The low bottoms have to severely fall apart before they finally decide to get back on the right track. Many such people become demoralized and they sense that they have nowhere to go and they eventually become sick and depressed and finally they try to re think about their life. they just need a little push toward finding themselves again (, 2015) .

This has been proved in therapy that subtle changes in words or tones can alter the way client hears what is said. Like for example if a therapist ask a question such as the client’s voice sounds very sad when he talks about his wife rather than “I feel that your wife does not love you” then it would allow the client to wonder about what the therapist really mean by the statement (, 2015). Thus using empathy in your tone works wonder for the clients and t can change his entire thinking process and intuition.

Ans. The new and recent psychological theories of emotion assume that the way a person shall interpret and assume an emotional situation would shape his emotional reactions. Because a person’s emotions are physical and mental realities, the way they judge a situation is actually an intrinsic part of the emotion itself. As emotions are perceptual in nature, a person is actually exploring their deepest thoughts and convictions when they are goin through their deepest feelings (Marc and Angel Hack Life, 2015).

What do we mean when we say a client has a ‘low bottom’?

The term “friend-confidant” is a term which is used to describe the therapist within the therapeutic relationship between the therapist and the client where the individual suffering from depression or anxiety can open up or expose his feelings, his thoughts, his fears to the therapist without bothering whether he will also become emotionally weak after hearing his story and would cry or become excited (Myers, 2004). The relation that is shared by the client and the therapist is that which is based on mutual trust and belief which once the family recovers in transferred to one of the family members or a trusted close friend who becomes the friend-confidant after the therapist.

Ans. According to Alfred Adler a warm human relationship can give people the courage to face and understand their mistakes .Alfred Adler’s approach is called individual psychology as he takes a holistic view of individuals. It insisted that a whole person have lots of problems like family, social, biological issues, psychological attitudes and community ties. In his 1931 book he wrote that the cause of success or failure cannot be any particular experience in human lives (Psych, 2015). He said that a person understands himself in respect to the situations that he has faced in his lifetime. Experiences alone do not shape their destiny but people become self determined by the meaning that they give to those experiences. He also deeply appreciate the role played by religion in giving hope to his depressed patients .he once wrote that the idea of God has elevated the concept of humanity.

Ans. A client may express his feelings to the therapist but not acknowledge the fact that he is sad or depressed..In such a situation, the therapist should not care about his action and should show explicit empathy to the client. The therapist should cater to the inner beauty and positiveness of the client rather than his fears and anxiety. The client has to believe first that he is well in order to act well. Acting well leads to feeling well (, 2015).

Ans. The process of verbalization includes helping the challenged readers develop the sensory cognitive function of an imagery concept. Unlike both comprehension and reading program concept imagery applies to the development of difficult thinking skills, comprehension and expression of both written and oral language. Verbalization applies to the students of v/v who goes through a series of steps and finally integrates imagery with their comprehension learning skills and critical thinking (‘The healing process’, 2014). It is possible under intense instruction for students and adults t make comprehension in just few weeks after giving years to reading. Verbalization is usually learnt by children through the process of verbal talking by their parents. Verbalization of a therapist has immense impact on the mindset of their patients who learn to read and talk efficiently after the sessions with their therapist. They learn to “say it out loud” and communicate all their problems to their loved and close ones when they once go through the process of verbalization by their therapist.

Give an example of how subtle changes in words or tone can profoundly alter what the client hears?

Ans. It is overtly important for a therapist to barrage his clients because through that process of criticism he can really make him understand where he is going wrong. It is very important for a person who is in the verge of an emotional turmoil to find the right counselor for help. After that if a client keeps reiterating his problems except of everything that his therapist has done for him to reduce his agony, the therapist has to recognize that all his helps have become in vain for his client. The client can say that in spite of everything the therapist has done he has not being able to grasp the knowledge what he has been trying to tell him , so, in that case the therapist before providing feed back to him should make sure he has portrayed the view as vividly as possible. Good therapy is all about helping the client to feel good about himself. it is important for a therapist to give feed back to the clients so that the client can make healthy decisions about his life so that he can move from a poor weak emotional state of mind to a healthy state of mind and also to remove sadness, anxiety frustration, anger and cover them up with peace and tranquility. The client should also provide feedback to his therapist by saying what had worked for him so far and which are the aspects which have been helpful for him. A good therapist will always be eager to welcome such feedbacks from the client’s end and it will help to deal with further issues that might crop up in the process (, 2015).

Ans. If the client has been going through weird feelings or maybe he is going through a phase of disbelief that maybe he won’t ever get out of this mess, the therapist can encourage him with the mantra. The way to feel better is to try hard and harder the way you act. The first thing that I have to make my client understand is that there is nothing impossible in this world and if he tries real hard then he will be able to change the way he thinks by the way he acts. The mantra is positive frame of mind, and medicines should also help in healing but medicines alone cannot make a client feel better as he have to keep on trying to think positively and also be happy on every possible way. He should go out with friends and confide everything to his therapist to make things easier for himself. In this way I can encourage my client to make changes by using this very simple but very powerful mantra.

References:,. (2015). Classical Adlerian Quotes: Striving for Significance – Alfred Adler. Retrieved 13 February 2015, from,. (2015). Psychotherapy: How it Works and How it Can Help  – Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance. Retrieved 13 February 2015, from,. (2015). What do practicing psychologists do?. Retrieved 13 February 2015, from,. (2015). The Humanities Collection » Verbalization and Visualization Process: Its Applicability in EFL. Retrieved 13 February 2015, from

Marc and Angel Hack Life,. (2015). 9 Good Reminders that Will Change the Way You Think. Retrieved 13 February 2015, from

Myers, D. (2004). Psychology. New York: Worth Publishers.

Psych,. (2015). Therapists Spill: Delivering Difficult Feedback to Clients. Retrieved 13 February 2015, from

The healing process. (2014). Chemistry & Industry, 78(3), 32-35. doi:10.1002/cind.783_10.x,. (2015). Alfred Adler – A Psychology of Change. Retrieved 13 February 2015, from

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