Analysis Of Personal Selling: Role, Objectives, And Sales Activity Plan
1. Analysis of personal selling within the overall marketing strategy
1. Analysis of personal selling within the overall marketing strategy.
2. Apply the principles of selling process to the products
3. Role and objectives of sales management
4. Plan for sales activity for the product?
The sales team head of “Plastic Products Limited Company” has proposed to recruit new staffs to improve the quality of production activities. This has been intended to be done through personal selling method, which is intended to increase the sales. In this method, the business proposes to use skilled staffs who would contribute towards providing the best possible services to the clients. This would help in improving the sales and productivity for the company. Skilled staffs would meet the potential clients face-to-face and explain the benefits of the products. This is quite important for the successful business conduct. Through this method, it is possible for the company to offer personalised services, which is important to remain ahead in the competition. Also, the product promotional activities become quite easy and effective. Due to increase in the level of competition, it is imperative for the companies to provide maximum information to the clients. This will help the potential buyers to choose the best product that will take care of the needs and requirements. The company sells disposal plastic items, and it is quite important to explain the customers about the benefits associated with the same. Information related to the price, quality, and other features can be provided to the clients.
Marketing mix is an effective sales strategy through which the company attempts to approach maximum number of clients. In this method the product value, price, promotional activities, and people are analysed. With the help of personnel selling it is possible to adopt and implement the right type of sales strategies that will help in attracting maximum number of clients. In personnel selling, an attempt is made to identify the customers, who would be interested in the purchases of the goods manufactured by the company. Analysis is done on the basis of the price willingness that is intended to be paid by the customers. Based on the gathered information, the management can draft effective strategies for increasing the sales for the company. The sales person personally meets the clients, and explains the benefits of the products. This would help in increasing the sales of the products (Akkaya, 2002).
Buyer behaviour plays a key role in adopting an effective marketing strategy for the company. In the process of decision making, the consumer analyse the needs and preferences to buy a particular product. Based on the analysis, information about different options is analysed. This is done with an intention of finding the better option that would cater the needs of the potential buyers. The options are analysed, as this would help in selecting the better deal. Once, the quality and the price of the product have been confirmed the buyers would choose to invest in the purchases of the goods and services. Such factors are quite important and needs to be analysed. In order to improve the sales, the management of the company needs to gather maximum information about the changing buying behaviour of the clients. Every buyer follows different strategies to choose and purchase a particular product from the market. There are many factors that could influence the buying behaviour of the individual. The company needs to analyse the same, as this will help in selecting the better deal. Thus, it is imperative to introduce an effective strategy through which the value of the customer can be developed by the company. Also, it is essential to develop and implement the right type of strategies through which long term relationship with the clients can be developed. Through effective customer analysis, it is possible for developing positive customer relationship which is required for maintaining long term relationship with the clients.
1.1. Personal selling supports the marketing mix
Customer behaviour analysis can be done through black box model, which helps in developing consumer characteristics. This theory basically concentrates on analysing the relevance of the consumer behaviour on drafting policies for marketing strategies. Based on the information collected by the management, the company develops a reliable strategy through which the needs of the customers can be analysed n the right manner. It also analyse the consumer behaviour and the factors that can affect their buying ability. Some of the factors that can directly impact the decision includes price, quality of the products, varieties of products, and customer services (Anand et al., 2006).
The sales team of the company play an important role in developing and implementing an effective marketing strategy. With the help of qualified and experienced team members, the company can plan to approach maximum number of clients. Team members can explain the benefits and the features of the products. This is required for increasing the sales performance of the company. The marketing strategy of the company has been developed after analysing the abilities of the sales team. It is quite important to meet the objectives and target that has been set forth by the company. It is quite important to segment the market, as the sales team would be able to approach the clients and explain the benefits of the products. The expected task that needs to be performed by the members has to be communicated with the team, as this will help in increasing the proximity. The sales team can handle the strategic plan that has been developed by the company. In other words, the team members can be assigned particular market segments, through which the sales can be improved. The role of the team member is to develop and implement marketing strategy through which the needs of the targeted market can be easily catered by the company. This is quite an important task, and the plan thus needs to be prepared after analysing the needs and objectives of the company (Bhattacharya, 2006).
Members of the team are held responsible for developing and implementing an effective marketing plan that would be suitable for different areas of market. In this case, the responsibilities are assigned to the members, and this is done with an intention of developing and implements the best possible strategies that would help in the business development. In this case, the manager or the team member ensures that there is no inconsistency in the pricing method. Such a factor can drastically impact the business performance for the company. Apart from this, it is necessary to develop strategies through which team work can be motivated. This will help the members to enter into different markets and target maximum number of clients.
It is quite important to define the roles of the marketing and sales team for the company. This will help in increasing the sales for the management. Defined roles of different teams and departments will avoid any sort of cohesion of the tasks. This would increase the sales and production activities for the company. At the time of presenting details for the sales report, the management of the company need to highlight the exclusive features that have been intended to be communicated with the members of the company. The below mentioned factors has to be included at the time of preparing and presenting an effective strategy sales presentation (Hines, 2003)
- The present performance and the future goals of the company
- Analysis of the steps that would have to be followed for improving the performance of the company
- Expected tasks from each members working with different departments of the company.
1.2. Compare the buyer behaviour and decision making process in various situations
The presentation has been prepared to highlight the expectations of the company, and draft the best possible strategies through which the sales performance can be increased. In this case, is it quite important to communicate with the members, as this will help in addressing some of the major issues faced by the members? Also, the step that needs to be followed for increasing the performance of the company has to be developed and implemented in the right manner. The sales presentation has been prepared to set the right expectations with the sales and marketing team of the company. This has been done with an intention of improving the sales performance and goodwill for the company. The presentation has to be simple and effective, as this would help in attracting the attention of the staffs. In this process, the expectations and queries has to be analysed and sorted out in the right manner. The detail of the sales figure, features of the products and services that have been rendered to the clients and other factors has to be informed to the members. This would help in improving the understanding about the product (Howard, 2006).
The below mentioned presentation has been carried out for plastic cups that is meant to reduce the human efforts. Important details and other factors that are considered to be necessary for the presentation have been included in the task.
Sales presentation
Objective – Strategy to increase sales for the company for the financial year.
Product details – The Company intends to sell high quality and reliable plastic cups that are available at a reasonably lower price. The cups are disposable and thus are meant to reduce human efforts. Quality of the product has been tested and it is meant to resist hot and cold drinks. The product is quite durable and this makes it quite unique from the other products. It is available in different sizes and colours, and thus can be used for various occasions.
Sales strategy – In order to increase the sales, the company intends to promote the products through different channels. Attempt has been made to approach different clients from various markets. For this, the market segmentation has been conducted to find the potential market. This would help in increasing the sales and productivity for the products.
Tasks to be performed by the team members – The Company focus on personnel selling. For this, the sales team would be provided with enough resources that would help in targeting maximum number of clients from various markets. Also, the process that needs to be followed for increasing the sales has to be drafted by the sales team. The target would be communicated with the members, as this will help in approaching maximum number of clients. A strategy that needs to be adopted for marketing purposes has to be adopted and implemented in the right manner.
Marketing process – At the time of approaching the clients, the personal sales authority needs to explain the benefits of the products and services rendered by the company. This will help in reaching out to maximum number of clients, and answer their queries. The strategy adopted by the sales team has to be effective and feasible.
1.3. Analysis of the role of the sales team in marketing strategy
Sales strategies are prepared to highlight the steps that would be followed by the company in achieving the task that has been set forth by the company. In this process, the strategies have to develop after analysing the future goals of the company. For this, the present situation and the steps that would have to be followed for achieving the set target have to be analysed. This will help in increasing the sales and performance for the company. Sales strategies includes the below mentioned steps –
- The sales target that needs to be achieved
- Hiring new and experienced staffs for handling the needs of the existing and potential clients (Iizuka et al, 2003).
- Deciding upon the time line that would be required for accomplishing the task related to target setting.
Based on the collected information the company can analyse the steps that would have to be followed for accomplishing the task. The business strategy has to be defined and communicated with the sales and marketing team. Business objectives are meant to help the company to move forth in the desired direction. The goals are defined to accomplish the mission of the company. In this process, the marketing strategies and the steps that would be followed for accomplishing the task has to be clearly defined. The sales strategies are drafted with an intention of adopting different steps through which the sales for the company can be increased. This has to be done with effective planning and implementation of the steps that has been intended to be followed by the company. The strategy needs to be mentioning the type of task that would be carried out, and the time line that would be required for performing the task. The strategies are drafted with an intention of improving the client loyalty and in reducing the sales cycle. Both the factors are quite important for the successful business operational activities. One of the prime objectives of the company is to venture into different markets, and attract the clients. This can be done by preparing a well-defined and feasible sales strategy. Also, the strategy would help the management in maximising the competitive advantage that will help in product differentiation. This has been done to increase the sales margin for the company (Johnson, & Weinstein, 2004).
In order to attract the efficient staffs, it is essential for the company the best candidates. For this, it is necessary to adopt and implement the right type of selection method. In this method, the job description needs to mention the requirements of the company. It would also state the type of tasks that needs to be performed by the recruited staffs. The criteria’s for shortlisting the best candidate needs to be defined, as this will help the human resource managers of the Plastic Company to select the suitable candidate.
Recruitment process is usually a crucial method, and thus needs to be planned before being implemented by the management. In this process, the company needs to understand the number of staffs that would be required to work in different departments. In this method, the qualifications and other experience of the staffs needs to be understood. This will help in selecting the best candidate who would be able to handle the challenges that exists at the workplace. The interview process needs to be defined in an effective manner. Manager of the human resource department would be responsible for selecting the process for conducting the interview. In this method, the steps that would be followed along with the dates when the interview would be conducted have to be decided (Frampton, 2012).
2: Apply the principles of selling process to the products
In the selection method, the management of the company needs to select an effective selection test process. It is quite necessary to select an effective and valid method for selection, as this will help in hiring get right type of candidate for the company. In this process, it is recommended to use the right type of tools that would be useful in selecting the best suitable candidates. In the screening test, the company ensures to follow the right steps through which the quality and the ability of the candidates can be tested. This will help in analysing the potentiality of the candidate.
The staffs from the sales department team usually have to work under lots of stress and challenges. This is one of the reasons, it is quite important to adopt the right strategies through which the members would be motivated to perform better at the workplace. It is the responsibility of the sales managers to ensure that the staffs are highly motivated. This will help in increasing the sales and productivity for the company. In this process, it is essential to set forth the right type of sales expectations from the staffs. This will help in analysing the challenges and handle the crucial situation in the best possible manner. The members have to be motivated to take the right steps and this is possible through effective action plans.
Remuneration is another factor that can positively motivate the staffs of the company. In this case, the management of the company has to select the best pay package that would satisfy the new members. At the time of deciding the pay package for the staffs, it is essential to analyse the below mentioned factors –
- Is the package decided to be paid by the company good enough for the staffs
- Would it take care of the basic requirements of the staffs (Ghemawat P, & Reiche S, 2011).
- Does it motivate the staffs who have been planned to be recruited by the company.
For this, it is essential to analyse the challenges that are involved in the performance of the job. This will help in analysing the challenges that can impact the performance of the members. Based on the information collected, it would be possible for the staffs to decide upon the best pay that will take care of staffs need. Highly motivated staffs would be encouraged to perform better at the workplace. The team members will be able to handle the queries of the clients and provide the best possible services.
The management needs to introduce effective training program through which the staffs would be able to perform better at the workplace. Training program needs to be developed after analysing the needs of the clients, and the ability of the staffs to apprehend the same. On the job and off the job training programs play a key role in upgrading the skills of the staffs.
The sales management process is quite an important factor and needs to be planned and implemented in the right manner. Through an effective sales management system, the company would be able to develop and implement the best methods through which the sales can be increased. In the control of output method, the outputs are manually calculated and recorded in the sales document. In case of automatic recording, the output condition is recorded in the best possible manner. In this method, the print program methods along with the layouts are analysed. This is done to analyse the best output determination method that can be used for recording the outputs.
2.1. Sales presentation for the product
In this process, it is important to select and implement the right type of techniques through which the sales document type includes sales order process and billing method can be determined. It is essential to determine the right type of sales process, as this will help the management in analysing the sales that has been done by the company. at the time of recording the information, it is recommended to use simple language as this will help others to understand the criteria’s that has been considered for recording the sales. Also, the company would be able to determine the flexible method through which the key control method that can be adopted in recording the sales documents. Such factors will help in analysing and recording the right type of sales strategies that is required for improving the performance of the company.
The database system helps in the analysing the performance of the company. In this case, it is essential to determine the type of information that would be required for analysing the data that would be required for recording the sales. In this process, the database would be used to stare in the data that is considered to be necessary for conducting the research for sales management. Thus, it is quite imprint to adopt and implement an effective strategy through which the sales process can be analysed, and the right type of strategies can be adopted for increasing the performance. The challenges that are involved in the process have to be analysed, as this will help in collecting the required data that would be useful for the company. Data collected by the management will have to be analysed as this will help in selecting the best option or details that will be useful for the company. Apart from this, the right type of information needs to be stored in by the Plastic Company, as this will help in increasing the performance (Globalization thrust, 2009).
The sales plan for the company has been prepared with an intention of finding different means through which the sales for the company can be increased. This is one of the most important tasks that need to be followed by the company. The plan needs to specific the process that would be followed for increasing the sales for the management. In this method, the number of employees required for execution of the work, and the process that would be followed for accomplishing the work needs to be specified. The plan can be prepared for short or on long term basis. Both the factors are quite important, and the management needs to adopt an effective method through which the steps involved in the process can be evaluated. In this method, the strategies have to be analysed, as this will help the management in taking the corrective steps for achieving the set goals. Also, the challenges that can impact the performance of the company have to be analysed, as it would be useful in accomplishing the task. The plan needs to be communicated with the concerned department and the members. This will help in finding the challenges that can affect the performance of the company. Apart from this, the steps that would have to be followed for execution of the work, can be analysed and worked upon. In this case, the issues have to be discussed with the concerned members, and the corrective steps needs to be taken for handling the challenges (Grehalva, 2004).
The company sells quality products at reasonably lower price. This is one of the reasons; the demand for the products has been tremendously increasing. In this case, the management has proposals to approach international clients. This would help in achieving the target of increased sales, which is required for approaching maximum number of clients. In this case, it is essential to draft an effective strategy through which the sales can be improved. In order to analyse the opportunities available for the company in the international market, it is essential to develop the right strategies. For this, accurate information needs to be collected as this would help in reaching out maximum number of clients. In this case, the price and the expectations of the clients will have to be analysed. This will help in developing the best strategies that would be useful in reaching out maximum number of clients from different markets. The strategies needs to be adopted after analysing the future goals of the company, as this will help in drafting the best methods for approaching the clients.
Fair trade is quite an important factor through which the sales for the company can be increased. In this case, the fair trade method and the process have to be analysed as this will help in drafting the best policies that will help in reaching out to maximum number of clients. Through fair trade it is possible to communicate with the clients about the features of the products and services that are being sold by the company. This is one of the most important factors, as the clients would get an opportunity to understand the features and benefits of the products and services that is being sold by the company. The process for organizing fair trade has to be analysed, as it involves price. In this case, the process needs to be simplified as this will help in attracting maximum number of clients. Besides this, it is also possible for the company to explain the features of the products, which will help in selecting the better option. Such factors are considered to be one of the best methods for advertising the products that has been sold by the company (KAUFMAN, 2010).
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