Computer Information System For IT Help Desk System
IT Support Function
Describe about the Computer Information System for IT Help Desk System?
This report serve as a set of information to inform decision making within IT support service (Information technology support service). This report contents the IT support function and its role, responsibilities. Helpdesk procedure and the service level agreements in also include with this report. The clients and the user depend on the IT support service as a guidance of any service. In this context, the IT staff includes all of the personal that work directly with the user and the consumers and all of the individual that are working behind the scenes (Sharji, Mahruqi and Kumar, 2014).
The IT support team has got various functionalities in the organization. Some of the most important have been described below:
Services to the clients
Customer Services gives specialized backing to equipment, programming, system and establishments, and is the initial and essential issue of communication in between the DUT Community and the Department of ITSS (Bernard, 2012).
The goal of Services to the Clients is to give proficient, powerful and great data innovation support, guaranteeing our clients get data of advancements in the world of Information Technology and inside of the DUT Community. The service desk supports some of the most important functionality of these services, support to the desktop through an installation of the software, protecting from a virus, etc (Blake et al., 2012).
Information Services
The Information System Services is in charge of the data innovation parts of the ERP in the Organization and Academic data frameworks that incorporates framework organization, operations, base information organization, frameworks advancement, business investigation, venture administration, ITS client bolster and preparing for ITS clients. Likewise, in charge of server administration, reinforcements, access regulation, and safety all the servers of Information System could be considered (Blokdijk, 2012).
The Information System segment gives the ERP of the Organization and scholastic applications that backing the research in the Organizations, educating, and group administration exercises. We endeavor to give the Organization greater caliber, available, and solid administration (Bruton, 2012). Applications are conveyed on the Unix/Oracle figuring stages. Center ERP and scholarly applications gave to the Organization involve: Financial Systems, Human Resource System, System of Payroll, System for the Academic Student and Space Inventory.
Some of the typical functionalities in this type of services include training for the IT support, preparing the MCQs, information booth for the pupils, managing the database and operating system, etc (Chambers, 2013).
The systems administration division is in charge of the grounds wide PC system framework. The grounds wide system comprises of system cabling; Cisco switches store motors and switches, servers-Microsoft, Unix and Netware, firewalls, DNS/DHCP, facilitating of the servers of the web and the email frameworks. Along with this, the obligation of shielding the system from malignant assault, observing system execution, and getting ready for sufficient system limit arises (Chambers, 2013).
Few of the most significant functionalities that are generally covered under this type of services are providing services to the students and staffs through email or portals as and when required, preparing proper infrastructure for the cabling and then maintaining the same, rendering fast and secure access to the internet, preparing the hot spots like conference rooms and libraries where the wireless connection has to be provided, etc (, 2015). Other than all the above mentioned functionalities the support to the server that is acting in the background as the main driving force of the whole system is also considered as a part of the IT support service along with the provision and maintenance of IP telephony as well.
Help Desk Role
The help desk provides the solution to the end users. The customers and the user are depending on the information technology help desk for keeping the system available and updated. The help desk staffs or personnel work with the end user or customer for their support. These all personals or staffs are working in the background of the organization (Dudin and Dudina, 2013). They are working in background to serve their customer better, and the keep their network infrastructure available all the time. These help desk personnel are the main IT staffs that the customers or users are facing in the IT support service (Elliott, 2012). The user and the consumer are making the judgment about the entire organization based on their conversation with the IT support staffs. The help desk personal or staffs need to understand their role as an IT service staffs in an organization help desk service (Erskine, Beaumont and Asp, 2012). Also, they need to understand their responsibility to their user and customers. The help desk staffs need to learn the technical thing of the IT support system. They also need to have a good and strong skill in the IT support service (Gibson, 2015). The role of the IT helps desk personals are:
First line support: All type of organization has many layer or tire for their customer support. This IT help desk is the first level of the customer support of an organization. When the customer needs any help or facing any problem, they first contact the IT help desk (Kalhor and Wistuba, 2013). In the first time, if the IT help desks personal resolve the problem then the customers or users are satisfied. The help desk personnel should have a good and strong communication skill and better problem solving skill, which is required to communicate and solve the customer problems (, 2015).
Assessing the problem and find the solution: The vital reason customers contact with the IT help desk support for some assistance with the servicing zone that they have issues for resolve. IT help desk support some assistance with servicing specialists concentrating on assessing the issues and recognizing game plans in the midst of most of their workdays (Lovalekar, Pemde and Verma, 2013). This demonstrates their key aptitudes are specialized. However, this is not a large case. Allover, the IT help desk support individual, must to some assistance with having the best possible specialized learning and capacity
Recognizing required skillsets: Many customers think that the IT helpdesk staffs need only technical skill for resolve the issue of the customers. But another two type of skill also needs for assist the customer (White, 2013). One is heard skill and the other one is the soft skill. The heard skill is the problem solving power. The soft skill is the communication power to communicate effectively with the consumers or the users.
Responsibility for First line of support: The organization will have separate sections for different roles as the First line support, problem assessment and required expertise. The first line of support helps the customers with normal functional descriptions and frequent queries (Vogelgesang et al., 2012). The frequently asked questions are mainly handled with the first line of support. The First line of support has to make the user understand about the functionality as connecting the wires, checking the compatibility, software installation guide and other equivalent and general queries (V and Baskaran, 2012). First line of support will be responsible to resolve the frequent issues from the client side. The frequent issues are the main problem for every IT based solution. The customers are not informed properly about the general functionalities of the systems. Therefore, the first line of support will need to be knowledgeable and to be well informed with the situations (Thompson, 2011).
Help Desk Responsibilities
Responsibility for problem assessor: Next, first line of support is followed by second-level stakeholders. The second-level stakeholders act here with responsibility of problem assessment. The first level of support will be hampered if they have to assess the problem as well as the answer the frequent questions (, 2015). The problem assessor will need to understand about the situation of the problem and as well as the customer requirement specification. In most of the cases, the provided solution may not match with the required criteria. Therefore, the problem assessor plays a major role in selecting the proper issue, noting them and checking duration needed for the complete solution. Problem issue will need to be identified with detailed interaction with customer (Renshaw and Gould, 2014). The detailed interaction may be face-to-face meeting, online live chat, Skype calling or any meeting process where the customer can have the opportunity of explaining the issues. The problem assessor will then inform the individual expertise for the proper solution.
Responsibility for experts: Finally, there must an expertise group for different individual solutions. The domains may be networking troubleshooting, system formatting, cloud maintenance issue, network device re-connecting, hardware malfunctioning or hardware replacing, software upgrading and others (Mortensen and Hazel, 2014). These are the main service issues for any IT organization support for customers. Sometimes, the customer may face complicated problems rather than the above-mentioned common issues (Lovalekar, Pemde and Verma, 2013). The complicated issues may be malicious user attacks, phishing attack, brute-force vulnerability, Denial of service attacks and other network vulnerabilities. In those cases, the solution should be provided with maintained standards and guidelines (, 2015). The guidelines will include the firewall setting, malware installation and device security settings. The firewall may be secured with filtering, malwares will need to be updated in an interval of two weeks and routers will contain customized passwords. However, individual experts will require proper information about the problem handling and resolving issues (Kalhor and Wistuba, 2013).
Help desk is as essential system for every organization. The help desk has several procedure for their customers. These procedure are:
General procedure: The consumers call their respective customer support or help desk for their problems. The help desk personals receive these call and helping their consumers to solve their problems. If the problem is solved then, the call is closed. If the IT help desk expert field to resolve the consumer problems, then the expert transfer this call to the management team. This is the general procedure of help desk (Gibson, 2015).
Email Procedure: It is also like general procedure. The customers send an email to the help desk email address for their problem. Nowadays many organization provide 24 hours support. The help desk personals check their respective emails and take an immediate step to solving this problem. In email procedure, the help desks personal assist the customers and users via the email system (Erskine, Beaumont and Asp, 2012).
Walk-in consumer procedure: The help desk experts received the customer calls or email to assist them. If the problem can be solved by email or call then, the helpdesk personals inform the customers and solve the problems. If the problem is not possible to solve over the phone call or email, then the help desk personnel inform the customers (Elliott, 2012). Then the help desks personal to send a technician to the customer address who can solve the problem. This is the walk in the procedure.
Customer call back procedure: This process applies to the help desk prosomal and the walk in a technician. The helpdesk specialist exchanges the client’s call to the event chosen one. If he/she is not accessible, the call will go to the appointee’s phone message. There are no exemptions. The helpdesk specialist redesigns the remarks field on the Service Center event to demonstrate that the client called, including a particular inquiries/concerns they might have (Dudin and Dudina, 2013). There are no special cases. The CSS expert is in charge of notifying the client of the occurrence status. There are no special cases (, 2015).
Routing Procedure: This process applies to the help desk prosomal and the walk in the technician. The helpdesk professional allocates a preparatory seriousness level to every occurrence in light of the technician Best Practices. If the event is appointed as Critical, send an email to email support center and telling them about it. There are no special cases.
A Service Level Agreement (or SLA) is the some portion of an agreement, which characterizes precisely what product or service serve by a supplier and the level of the supplier product or service. The SLA is, for the most part, some portion of an outsourcing or oversaw administration’s assertion, or can be utilized as a part of offices administration understandings and different assertions for the procurement of administrations (Chambers, 2013).
The main elements of an SLA
The SLA must set out the general destinations for the administrations to be provided. For instance, if the reason for having an outer supplier is to enhance performance, save costs or give access to abilities and innovations.
Representation of the Services
The SLA must be incorporating a specific description of the administrations. Every individual administration has to be characterized there should be a depiction of what the administration is the place it is to be given, to whom it is to be given and when it is required (Bruton, 2012).
Completing Standards
At that point, taking every individual administration like this, the client has to express the normal benchmarks of production. This will change contingent upon the administration. Utilizing the “reporting” illustration referred to over, a conceivable administration level could be 99.5%. However, this must consider carefully (Blokdijk, 2012). Regularly a client will need performance measures at the largest amount. The administration supplier might well contend that administration levels have to be set intentionally low so as to ensure that the administration can be given at an aggressive cost (Blake et al., 2012). It is every one of the matter of judgment, and the client should consider every administration level thoroughly – it is regularly the case that person administrations will be weighted distinctively relying upon their business significance. Execution guidelines for accessibility of an on-line administration are for the most part high as it is essential for the client to guarantee steady accessibility of the administration (Bernard, 2012).
Pay/Service Credits
All together for the SLA to have any “bite”, inability to accomplish the administration levels needs a money related result for the administration supplier. This regularly accomplished through the incorporation of a credit service administration. Where the administration supplier failure to accomplish the concurred implementation principles, the administration supplier will pay or credit the client an amount that motivates the product or service execution. The vital thing is to guarantee that the administration credits are sensible and incentivize the administration supplier to improve and that they kick in early enough to have any difference (Sharji, Mahruqi and Kumar, 2014).
Basic Failure
Administration credits are helpful in getting the administration supplier to enhance its execution; however, what happens when administration process fall below the normal level. If the SLA just included an administration credit regime then, unless the administration provided was so terrible as to constitute a material breach of the agreement, all in all, the client could wind up in the position of paying for an unacceptable general performance (White, 2013). For instance, if administration credits kick in if a level administration disappointment has happened twice in a specific period, the SLA could express that the client has the right to end the assertion for material breach if the administration level has not been accomplished, say, eight times in the same period (Vogelgesang et al., 2012).
Managing users
In the IT support helpdesk, the user can directly contract with the IT support executive. In every company, it is mandatory to ensure that their ITSM is working properly, and the basic operations are works smoothly. The IT helpdesk area intended for clients to reach IT administrations at whatever point any issue emerges (V and Baskaran, 2012). Keeping in mind the end goal to make this procedure more straightforward, they require a framework that can deal with their clients and convey the solicitation with a legitimate work process.
Figure: User Management
(Source : Thompson, 2011, pp290)
The service desk area in Service Operations, adequately being the window into IT, anything that affects the SD is an issue. On the off chance that the relationship between the improvement groups and the operations groups is bad, this can be a major issue, particularly if the advancement group throws new administrations over the divider to IT and leaves it to operations to keep running with. These groups need to impart exceptionally well and ensure that each is completely included with onboarding new or changed administrations (Thompson, 2011).
IT industrial lifecycle and is normally the area where the basic needs in IT associations. Most associations today focus on the changeover and Operations frames, remembering these do offer preferences to the service or commerce, especially as to maintenance, these are truly doubtlessly acknowledged shapes (Ozay and Demiralp, 2012). Perhaps, there should be an increase to considering passing on worth to the business, and this quality creation starts with organization philosophy. Frequently, IT puts lacking strength in configuration and winds up building and process rather that does not address trade issues. In case the trade, IT Enterprise design, growth and Operations bunches contributed more energy participating at this stage, the association would save money. It is extensively keener to decide an issue perceived in plan than holding up until evolution or Operations (, 2015). Organization process is about maintenance a consistent IT situation through open and proactive means. An impressive measure of its money related arrangement. Organization Operation arranges and executes the methodology required to pass on and manage the end-to-end organizations agreed with the business.
This report demonstrate the IT help desk support system. The IT help desk support system is an essential part for every organization. The researcher include many important things about the IT help desk support. This report include the functionality of the IT help desk and support center. Also the researcher include the role of help desk, responsibility of the help desk to their client. A details procedure and part of the procedure are describe in this report. For every IT help desk support has a service level agreement that they need to follow or maintain. The clients and the user are depend on the IT support service as a guidance of any service. In this context, the IT staff includes all of the personal that work directly with the user and the consumers, and all of the individual that are working behind the scenes. Finally, the report is all about the demonstration of IT help desk support system and their procedure.
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