Introduction To Management For A Case Study On COST

Overview of the company

Discuss about the Introduction to Management for A case study on COST.

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The purpose of this paper is to excavate the role of the team leaders in managing the employees in the organization. There are several theories, which are helping the management of the organization; specially the leaders of the organization to, who motivate the employees. Employees can be motivated with the help of several theories. Here the researcher is trying to depict the issues between the employees and employers in the organization (Alexander et al., 2005). Employees are the key stakeholder of the organization and it is the sole responsibility of the management of the organization to motivate the employees so that they can put their best in accomplishing the goals. Several leadership styles are going to be discussed here and employees need help of the employers or the leaders. On the other hand, choosing right leadership style is also the discussion of the paper. Leadership style is entirely based on the situation of the organization. Conflict is the integral part of the organization in between the employees and employers (Blanchard, et al, 2005). To resume the conflict in the organization, it is necessary for the management or the leaders of the organization have to adopt strategies. Among the several other strategies, leadership strategies are the best one.

COST is the subsidiary of the international oilfield services company.  The organization is specialized in supplied technology. On the other hand, the organization is running their operations based on the data management system in the organization. Data management helps in optimizing the recovery of the price of oil in Alberta, Colordo and Utah (Casimir, 2001). Day by day, the price of the oil is skyrocketed. The supply is limited so the oil companies can increase the price of oil according to their wish. COST facilitates the energy organization to maintain the higher productivity and enhances the profit percentage of the oil companies. It helps in improving the productivity from oil shale production (Chen and Silverthorne, 2005).

Alike any other companies, the organizational structure of the COST is divided into two different groups one is trained staffs and other is low skilled staffs. The prime problem of the organization is lies in the clash between the employees. Often it is found that semi skilled or low skilled staffs are unable to execute the command of the leaders or highly skilled staffs or skilled employees. Highly trained staffs include geologists, geophysicists and engineers (Cook, 2009).  Due to the over power of the highly skilled staffs, often it is seen that semi-skilled employees are getting offended.  Highly skilled staffs or the experienced staffs are unable to dictate their staffs properly so that they cannot execute their work properly.

Problem of the organization

There are several proposed solutions to this; among several solutions, the management of the organization is mainly concentrated on the implementation of the leadership theory. Two types of leadership theories have been adopted to mitigate the challenges of the organization. There is a clash between the skilled and non-skilled staffs (Donnellon, 2006). Therefore, the management of the organization has engaged two different staffs from various categories for mitigating this issue. Organization has engaged one new employee and other skilled employees for solving this issue. Engaging two employees from different skill set helps the management to understand the perspective of the employees and perspective of the employers.

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Before going deep into the study, it is necessary to understand the definition of the cross-functional team. The meaning of the cross-functional team is there are several teams in the organization, which are working in different sectors of the organization but working for common set of goals. COST has implemented Carlos Debrito and Howard for managing the cross-functional activities in the organization. Howard is appointed in the organization for implementation of teamwork and Carlos Debrito is the experienced employee of the organization, who had served in every department of the organization (DuBrin, 2005).

In case of the Fireside Chats, Roosevelt in early 1933, the president of America was trying to motivate the people of nation so that they can fight back against the Great Depression of the 1930 and World War II (1939-45).  Roosevelt had depicted30 speeches and delivered those speeches through t broadcast via radio and television (Glanz, 2002).  The speeches had been delivered to the staffs from the banking and unemployment. Millions of people feel comfortable through the speeches and regain their energy to fight.

In case of the problems-busting team, often the leaders or managers facilitate the employees to choose their own leaders. It is the best way to engage the employees in the organizational work process (Kantharia, 2015). There are myriad of different scenarios ad teamwork is the only solution to this. Development of the problem-busting team is dependent on the participation of everyone in the team. On the other hand, development of temporary team is based on the identification of the problems in the Fireside Chats.

With the help of the Tuckman’s team development, the states of team development can be identified. There are four stages of team development,

Forming:  At this stage, employees are basically curious, so the leaders have to play a dominant role to move the employees towards organizational goals (Kendrick, 2012).

Solution to the problem

Storming: Conflict arises when the employers are trying to push to break the boundary of forming stage and the clash occurs. Leaders have to handle them with care.

Norming: In this stage, employees have started to adopt the strength and weakness of others. They state to mitigate their differences and appreciate each other.

Performing: This step helps the employees to work hard

Besides Tuckman, COST is following Fireside Chats and Problem-Busting Teams for solving their issues in the organization. In case of Fireside Chats, the leaders engage every employee in the meeting so that they feel that they are the active part of the organization. In this meeting all the employees are invited and the place of the meeting can be cafeteria or restaurant (Marques, 2007). The objective of this meeting is to deliver a relax ambiance to the employees so that they can discuss their problems with the team leaders.

On the other hand, Problem Busting team is entirely based on the identified problems of the Fireside Chats. In this stage, leaders are trying to provide training to the employees and build team (Parker, 2009). Training assists the employees to understand that they should work in COST jointly.  

Debrito, as the senior employee of the organization is playing a significant role in the organization. He is entitled to manage success of COST in Alberta. By cumulating two types of theories, Debrito focuses on the productivity of the organization (Proehl, 2007). For managing the work-processes in the organization, Debrito has decided to focus on the Democratic leadership approach. This theory helps to manage the employees effectively, it provides chances to the employees so that they can take active part in the decision making process of the organization (Transformational Leadership: The Emerging Leadership Style of Successful Entrepreneurs, 2015). Taking part in the decision making process of the organization increase the chance of loyalty and decrease the chance of conflict between the labor and professionals.

When it came to develop the problem-busting teams, Howard though that the best idea is to let the employees choose their own leaders. it increases the chance of involvement and commitment among the worker of Colorado. The leaders of Colorado are going to provide same training, which have been provided in Alberta.  

There are five approaches regarding the conflict solution and the approaches are

  • Accommodating
  • Avoiding
  • Collaborating
  • Compromising and
  • Confrontation

Apart from all of these, to motivate the employees of the COST, leaders have taken help of the Fiedler Contigency Model.  According to this model, there is no exact leadership style; the style of leadership is entirely dependent on the situation of the organization (Williams, 2002). If the management of the cost has ample amount of time then they can involve their employees in the decision making process but if the management has to take quick decision then management should use Autocratic leadership style and the employees have to obey the leaders of COST.


From the above discussion of the paper, it can derive that employees are key stakeholder of the organization and management should maintain them effectively. As it is discussed above that, the organization is suffering hard due to the clash and it is affecting the performance of the organization (Kendrick, 2012). To sustain the position of the organization in the global competitive market, it is necessary for the management to adopt several theories, which are helping the organization to reduce the challenges. “Fireside Charts” and “Problem-busting team” are the two most effective theories for managing operation of the organization. Several stages are followed for the development of the team. Teamwork is the best way to manage the cross-functional activities of the team.


Alexander, J., Lichtenstein, R., Jinnett, K., Wells, R., Zazzali, J. and Liu, D. (2005). Cross-Functional Team Processes and Patient Functional Improvement. Health Services Research, 40(5p1), pp.1335-1355.

Blanchard, K., Zigarmi, P. and Zigarmi, D. (2005). Leadership and the one minute manager. New York: Morrow.

Casimir, G. (2001). Combinative aspects of leadership style. The Leadership Quarterly, 12(3), pp.245-278.

Chen, J. and Silverthorne, C. (2005). Leadership effectiveness, leadership style and employee readiness.Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 26(4), pp.280-288.

Cook, S. (2009). Building a High Performance Team. Ely: IT Governance Pub.

Donnellon, A. (2006). Team talk. Boston, Mass.: Harvard Business School Press.

DuBrin, A. (2005). The breakthrough team player. New York: AMACOM.

Glanz, J. (2002). Finding your leadership style. Alexandria, Va.: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

Kantharia, B. (2015). Servant Leadership: An Imperative Leadership Style for Leader Managers. SSRN Electronic Journal.

Kendrick, T. (2012). Results without authority. New York: AMACOM.

Marques, J. (2007). The awakened leader. Fawnskin, CA: Personhood Press.

Parker, G. (2009). Team communication. Amherst, MA: HRD Press.

Proehl, R. (2007). Enhancing the effectiveness of crossâ€Âfunctional teams. Team Performance Management, 3(3), pp.137-149.

Transformational Leadership: The Emerging Leadership Style of Successful Entrepreneurs. (2015). JLAS, 5(1).

Williams, J. (2002). Team development for high-tech project managers. Boston: Artech House.

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