Applied Business Research And Ethics – Case Study And Research Methodology

The unethical experiment

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In the following case study, as learned that after an alien object entered the earth’s surface, the human race is at risk. It had caused some  virus outbreak, which has caused the death of millions of human population, and as estimated that the human race will wipe out within the next 12 months. In this crisis, your company the XYZ Company has invented an antidote vaccine for this virus, and it can save millions of human life. Yet, the problem is that it is not human tested. There is not enough time to conduct the test. However, the your company claims it already has conducted a successful premedical test over animals. According to the management plan of XYZ organization, needs a large population sample before distributing the vaccine public. I am a part of a market research organization and has been asked to write an outline of a proposed bid focusing on the prospective sample population for the testing purpose of the vaccine. Our research organization, Perfect Sample Organization, is a large corporate with diversed experience in the field of market servey. We have a strong client base and we conduct surveys throughout the world. Our PSO is based on Sydney, Australia. Though we have 17 operational branches throughout the world. So, according to the need of the XYZ organization we are capible of collection, handling and analysing the large data of 16000 samle size. I will take this opportunity to present the research bid which will be the most effctive and speedy process in this alaming hour.

Sometimes to confirm certain test results, human experimentation is necessary. However, there are rising concerns over ethical issues related to these experiments as they create long-term psychological and biological effects on the tests subjects. There are several examples that entail abuse, ill-treatment, torture and cruelty of humans throughout collapse to reveal the reason of the experiments, failure to report to subjects of risks, oppression, hidden individual gain by researchers, unethical intentions of states and many other organizations that repeatedly engaged as violence against humanity (Baicker et al. 2013). Mostly, the tests subjects of human experimentation are slaves, prison inmates, orphans or the experimenter himself. However, human experimentation is conducted with the mere intention of curiosity or to find solutions for life threaten diseases (Bennett and Lumsdaine 2013). Some of the horrible experiments are:

Research Question

The most horrible instances of human experimentation were the ruthless, brutal and wicked experiments conducted out in Nazi concentration camps. The human experimentation comprises the experiments conducted underneath sponsorship of the Nazi regime from 1933 until 1945. It is regarded as the most horrific years in human history. Several shocking features characterized the experiments. Prison inmates were forced to turn out to be the test subjects in life taking studies against the will or desire; almost all subjects underwent unbelievable pain, damage, and inexpressible pain; the experiments frequently were intentionally planned to end in a mortal result for the victims.

Donald E Cameron was a renowned psychiatrist who conducted an experiment what claimed to cure Schizophrenia by brainwashing test subjects patients. However, the experiments faced much criticism, as the subjects were often not psychiatric patients and had long-term psychological problems.

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In 1971, Philip Zimbardo conducted a social psychological experiment what known as The Sanford Prison Experiment. It is regarded as one of the most notorious and interesting experiments in the recent field of psychology. The initial purpose of the experiment was to study the psychological effects of on prison have on the behavior of an individual. However, it is regarded important as how an individual’s behavior changes through the roles they participate.

The experiment raised questions regarding the ethics of human testing since of the tremendous disturbing pressure suffered by the subjects. The secondary data used in these mentioned experiments were mainly prisoners or unknown about the whole experiments. Therefore, the author has critically analyzed the ethical issues related to the participation and sample collection for the tests. Currently, experimentation on human behavior is collected by assuring secrecy and by restrictive the psychosomatic consequences to applicants. Quite a few behavioral experiments, which were conducted on participants at the foundation of human behavioral science, which these days would ethically question equally for the emotional consequences they may have on members and for the doubtful scientific results (, 2016).

Research questions in the experiential method set the point for a total study. For this cause, it is significantly vital that the study questions of any study are stated in a manner that allocates a researcher to respond the questions evidently and briefly. In this report, we are considering at wide-ranging guiding principle for developing research questions plus considering at three general formats, which are utilized when building research questions. A well-planned research question directs to a methodical development of scientific experimentation. The challenge in outlining a research question is not about the limited idea or knowledge about the experiment. The problem is to alter an original research question into an applicable study blueprint that is the next step in the refinement of a research question (Hague et al. 2013).

Research Methodology

The research question:

What is the best possible data sample population to conduct the quantitaive research?

In the alarming hours of human race, the above research is very crucial to saving life on earth. To conduct the research collecting the accurate data is also indispensable and necessary to maintain the integrity and reliability of research. “Both the selection of accurate data collection instruments (existing or newly developed) and obviously delineated directions for their accurate applications decrease the probability of errors taking place.” (Weiss and Weiss 2012). Medical trials will be carried out to accumulate the data required to offer data for controllers to formulate assessments concerning the safety and efficiency of the vaccine in the account to combat the virus scourge. To guarantee the above our examiners  will follow the code of behavior, observing with strict regulatory and Good Clinical Practice (GCP) ethics, and collecting and reporting quality data, sponsors of clinical trials monitor the progress of clinical trials performed by the investigators during the clinical examination (Mackey and Gass 2015).

In this experimental research, I am proposing a quantitative research methodology, which will involve the use of the number to assess the results. That will enable the researcher to dig deeper into the information available and look for greater results. Even though it is comparatively rare in experimental medical research, qualitative research is currently receiving acknowledgment, response, and progressively more used in medical research with societal and cultural magnitude (McKee 2013). It is a type of empirical investigations. Which means the research focuses on provable observation as divergent to logic. By conducting quantitative research, the researcher will have numerical explanations on what been observed in the experiment and to appear at precise and observable conclusions. The approach of the above experiment will be of Casual Comparative Research methodology. That means the researcher will observe the cause and effect on the test subject.

In this scenario, the virus affected test subject will be injected with the antidote vaccination and the researcher will observe if the vaccine works to cure the affected test subject or it has some other unwanted results. The researcher will also have to note what are the possible up gradation and improvements needed in the antidote vaccine and if it is fit to make it publically available. The tests subjects should not be forced to take part which otherwise could be unethical. The sampling method would be opportunity sampling, i.e. uses groups from target population accessible and willing to take part as the research can result in life treating and even death convenience. The data samples must have some common grounds; in this case, the virus must affect them (Moreno 2013). Also, as mostly used in experimental medical studies, it is a group of research designs, which manage and control testing to recognize causal processes. Usually, one or more variables are influenced to conclude their consequence on a dependent variable. This type of medical experimentations carried out to be able to forecast observable fact. After the topic of interest, the examiner tries to define the research problem. Which then assess the examiner to concentrate on the research area for assessing the research problem and study objective. Understanding the research problem assess the researcher to plan a research hypothesis, which is tested against the null hypothesis.

In the following medical experimental study, the sample data is huge, and the main purpose is to find out the effects and consequences do humans have after injecting the antidote vaccine.

Statistical analysis is a necessary method for the purpose of an examiner tries to illustrate significant conclusion and assumptions commencing the data analysis. An inappropriate analysis of research design and analysis might turn into inadequate and reprehensible consequences and termination. “Adapting a medical problem into a statistical hypothesis with suitable methodological and logical design and then back-translating the statistical results into applicable medical knowledge is a real challenge faced by the medical researcher.” (Nunan and Domenico 2013). Here we are suggesting techniques in sample collection in the following study. In the given scenario, the clinical research can lead to the reseach question of best possible data sample. A strategically designed medical research will narrow the topic of interest into a solely focused research question. Which particularly consideration paid to the techniques utilized to respond the research question from revenue, practicability, and overall usefulness standpoint. In this research, the author is choosing the populations who are young and affected by the virus for the study. The reason behind, the young people aged between 10-35 years have a high immune system and life expectancy also the chances of survival is also high. Also I am bliefly catagorizing the data segrigation in the process:

Male :     8000

Female:  8000

Northe America: 1666 (M), 1666(F)  Asia: 1666 (M), 1666(F)        

South America:  1333 (M), 1333(F)  Africa: 1000 (M), 1000(F)     

Australasia: 1000 (M), 1000(F)       Antarctica: 0

Europe: 1333 (M), 1333(F)

As presumed, the total sample size would be 16000 individuals. I would suggest to select the age group to be from 10-35 years. Our research team would consider in population segregation according to gender, i.e. 8000 males and 8000 females. The sample population needs to cover the whole world population, so approximately 1333 males and 1333 females  would choose from the seven continents equally divided keeping in mind the gender excluding Antartica as there is no human population. Also, North America and Asia has larger population compaired to Africa nad Austalasia so we would distribute the population in accordance with the population size also. The small team of researchers would be sent around the globe to collect the sample data according to the convenience of the participant, and the test results would be sent through online in one centrally located experimental laboratory which can station anywhere on the earth. We have gathered the sample data from the popular website by opting Confidence Level 99% and Confidence Interval 1.

Additional concerns in experimental medical research, such as the experimental setting, study plan, selection criteria, sample collection and analysis, time availability, affected by the diseased character, pervasiveness, proficiency, and other factors. It is extremely essential for the examiner to invest sufficient time taking into consideration of all the characteristics of the experiment and employ in discussion with biostatisticians before conducting the examination. Scientific research usually needs to make use of available test and instrument. These instruments should well validate from authorized person or department, though the populations in which such validations would conduct may differ (Pan et al. 2016). Therefore, local validation is required.

Evaluating the research question is a more testing analysis purpose in context to ensuring the quality of the information to analyze. Launching a practicable research analysis purpose needs a superior equivalent among the vision the researcher desires to produce, the superiority of the data existing to create that analysis, and the resources and availability of time.  In the given scenario, I am suggesting a qualitative research analysis as that will enable to cover a maximum sample population to conduct the study (Percival 2014). A significant additional concern in planning and conducting an experimental analysis is the approach wherein the outcome would circulate. To achieve effectiveness, the research plan needs adequately strategic receive the requirements of the mainly challenging objectives. That means to facilitate some features of the study are precise enough for peer-review publication and improvement of strategy recommendations. An advance reflection in the progress of an analysis plan is that openly associated with the goals of the experimental research. Each factor that the author is considering and how would he consider that is the way to code the data.

The combination of the ability of curing with the process of scientific analysis for the medicinal study on humans resulted in several thoughtful, ethical concerns to raise among the social activists and authorities also individuals associated with autonomous and spiritual institutions. Several medicinal examiners associated with carrying out research in human have tried to explain the professional-ethical circumstances in which the issues should be resolved. Experiments in medical studies could intend to experiment a common circumstance, which the test subjects presents, but the manner of the experiment would not benefit the patient directly. Contained by the multifarious of troubles related to human experimentation, there are numerous factors to wrap up that the approval condition needs to be the main concern of the mainly the ethical and moral dilemmas (Rabinow and Bennett 2012).

Sufficient moral reflection is ingrained in the actual rises out of reasons of genuine variance and involves itself using the validation, which individuals in the world formulate their particular decisions. A genuine public interest serves to protect in the act of experimentation on humans (Schuler 2013). They would bring to participate as the virus already infects them. The physical, societal, and emotional situation, every an element of individual and public survival, brings themselves to participate in the experiment. Participants who are already infected would choose as they are on the way to die due to the epidemic.


In the above report, I  was asked to draft a bid for the medical research program. To stop the epidemic and the end of human race, XYZ Company has developed a vaccination, and they want to study it over a large sample before making it publically available. There is a rising question of ethical practice regarding the proposed scientific study and XYZ Company wants a perfect sample population to carry out the study. According to me this report has proposed the sample population also has detailed the outline of the research design and the sample data collection technique and recommendations conducting the test.

However, there is an ethical concern related to human experimentation but here in the given scenario the human race will be ended, so the question of survival is more important than ethics. If the experiment fails, it will result in the death of 16000 people, but the researchers can observe for prospective improvements and come up with the more improved antidote. On the other hand, if the test results come positive, then the antidote vaccination can save millions of lives and the human race as well.


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