Caring For A Dependent Person: Needs, Assistance, Health & Safety, And Techniques For Privacy, Dignity, And Independence
The Needs of the Clients
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A dependent person is one that needs the care and the support either physically or financially from another person. It could range from the children, the spouse, parents, any other relative or anyone who is suffering and they need help in doing certain tasks. A dependent person, in this case, is who needs physical help and should be treated with care and some skills and procedures are recommended to give such a person the proper care that they require in their day to day lives.
The Needs of the Clients
The first need of a customer is the physical need. The client would need help physically if they cannot do some of the things on their own. Some of the physical needs would include washing, dressing, walking and eating. The stronger individuals would need help regarding being contributed to engaging in physical activities to maintain healthy bodies and also in boosting their health.
The other need is the emotional need. The client may want to feel that they are still loved and have not been neglected. Most are bound to feel lonely especially if they are not together with their family members (Forman, 2003). The others might suffer emotionally especially for the elderly when they are bereaved and have no one to comfort them or talk to about the loss.
The social need is among the needs of the client. The client may want to relate with other people and have friends around them. They do not want to spend their days alone and involving them in a few outdoor and indoor activities with other people will help them in feeling connected to the outside world.
The other need is intellectual. It is necessary to ensure the brains remain active even if the client cannot move from one place to another. This would be by involving them in brain games and puzzles to keep the mind active. One would also help them by exploring a lost interest. The brain needs to keep on learning new things and discovering new things for it to remain active at all times.
The other need is the spiritual need. The people might be feeling as if they have been the distance from God and their religion. The spiritual need is mainly for those individuals who are suffering from chronic disease and need to be strengthened spiritually because the medical part provides minimal help to the client. Through spiritual strengthening, they will feel the need to connect with their families and friends.
The Levels of Assistance Required By the Clients
The Levels of Assistance Required By the Clients
The customer’s needs should be satisfied according to the hierarchy of requirements. The customer needs physical, psychological and emotional needs. Assessment of the client’s needs must be done first before determination of the conditions. The assistance may vary differently according to the level the patient is at (Kunnamo, 2005). The first is the mobility aid. The client may require help in moving around, and this may involve the walking sticks, the ramps, and scooters to help them in moving around. The other would be the washing aid that would include the bath-chairs, bath rails, the push-on taps and the ramps (Timby, 2009). This would help the client in supporting themselves when they go to take a shower.
The others include the dressing aids. The dressing aid would cover the front opening clothes. These are the materials that can be opened from the front and the client does not require turning around to get to open some of the clothes they are wearing (Henderson & Pehoski, 2005). This helps in maintaining the dressing easier. The others are the cooking aids where they are provided with thick cutlery for a better grip. This helps them not slipping from their hands. The other would include the leisure aids such as pens that have a better grip they could use during their leisure time in either drawing or filling out puzzles.
Promotion of Health and Safety and Recommendations to Better Their Needs
The client should be placed in an environment where they feel safe and secure. This would involve a site they are free from physical, psychological and emotional danger (Taylor & Renpenning, 2011). The rooms or the houses should have the right temperatures of about 25 degrees, and they should be adjusted depending on the changes in the environment (Jochimsen, 2003). The doors should be well locked in the night, and the surrounding should be one that they can move around comfortably.
Close monitoring of the clients should be done to ensure their behavior does not disrupt the peace of the other customers. This helps in maintaining a healthy environment for all the clients. All the requirements should be put in place, and regular checking should be encouraged to ensure they have upgraded accordingly.
Techniques to Promote Privacy, Dignity, Independence
Privacy is very fundamental in the treatment of a client. The client trusts you and therefore one should not breach the trust by putting out information they get from the client to the other people. Practical training of the people handing the clients should be well educated on the importance of maintaining trust between them and the client they are assigned to (Marcinko, 2006). This is by ensuring they also do not walk in into their conversations and telephone calls.
Promotion of Health and Safety and Recommendations to Better Their Needs
Dignity is critical during the handling of a client. The caregiver should make sure they handle the client in a way that they do not feel disrespected in any way. They should also support and ensure they respect the client for them to feel their dignity has not been lowered in any way. This is when they are cleaning the client they should make sure they inform them of how they are going to do it for them to prepare themselves psychologically.
By providing the walking aids, washing and dressing aids, they can promote independence to the client when they are trying to develop themselves. A client would feel better when they get to do certain things by themselves without requiring help all the time. A positive self-image would be promoted when the customers can help themselves in conducting tasks (Koutoukidis, Lawrence & Tabbner, 2008). Confidentiality is critical and therefore the caregivers should undergo training on the different advantages of client confidentiality. The work experience has helped me interact with different clients and learn the various techniques of promoting clients health. Awareness is a major step in the caring of a dependent person. With the right information, one can know how to treat them and how to ensure they live a healthier life.
Section B
The care process applied different caring aids & equipment’s. The examples of aids provided include; Lifts and Hoists aid for the client include wheelchair. The client needs in such a case involves providing the ability to access different areas such as offices in story buildings. The aids required in this case can serve clients with disability problem where they use the wheelchair designed for the people with the similar condition. Using the aid, in this case, requires the assistance of pushing the client around; however, some wheelchairs are motorized reducing the need for assistance.
Mobility aids include crutches and wheelchair. The mobility aid is critical for a client in need for moving around and provides support to the client. The mobility aids are necessary primarily to clients with movement problems such as the disable thus using the aids to move. Using the support is less complex since it requires the client to sit in the wheelchair while another person moves them around. Clutches can be placed under the arms and assist clients with temporary movement problems such as broken legs.
Incontinence aids include products such as Pads for ladies and are commonly used for clients with moderate or substantial leakage thus common in women than in men. Some of the aids are suitable for bowel leakage and worn on the body. The client requires assistance in changing the aids and disposal. Personal Care aids include products shavers and washing materials. The personal care aid is necessary among all dependent persons and revolves around personal needs such as washing or shaving. Some of the personal care needs require extra support to the client and are applied based on the need such as washing materials that can be used to maintain the client’s hygiene. The level of assistance required is high since some of the clients have less or no ability to be independent.
Communication aids include computers, alphabet boards, and charts. The aids are necessary to clients with communication problem and are based on making communication easier and quicker. Some communication aids are simple to use such as charts displaying large letters while others are complex such as electronic devices. In this regard, the communication aids require high-level assistance to the client to enable them to have the ability to use the aids.
Effective actions in addressing the client needs require the identification of the client’s problems such as communication to determine the best aid to deal with the problem. More care should also be provided irrespective of the aids given to increase the feeling of self-dignity and respect among the clients. Using the aids plays a significant role in enhancing assistance to the customer needs. Some of the clients cannot be assisted without the aids suggesting that the aids improve the quality of care provided. Conclusively, the research provides the understanding the caring aids have a significant impact on dependent persons. They enhance the ability to address client’s needs, emotionally, physically, social and intellectually. The research provides the understanding that the client’s needs must be identified first before applying any intervention or caring aid.
Forman, W. B. 2003. Hospice and palliative care: concepts and practice. Sudbury, Mass, Jones and Bartlett.
Henderson, A., & Pehoski, C. 2005. Hand function in the child: foundations of remediation. St. Louis, MO, Mosby.
Jochimsen, M. A. 2003. Careful Economics Integrating Caring Activities and Economic Science. Boston, MA, Springer US.
Kunnamo, I. 2005. Evidence-based medicine guidelines. Chichester, Wiley
Koutoukidis, G., Lawrence, K., & Tabbner, A. R. 2008. Tabbner’s nursing care: theory and practice. Chatswood, N.S.W., Elsevier Australia.
Marcinko, D. E. 2006. Dictionary of health insurance and managed care. New York, Springer Pub. Co.
Taylor, S. G., & Renpenning, K. M. 2011. Self-care science, nursing theory, and evidence-based practice. New York, Springer Pub.
Timby, B. K. 2009. Fundamental nursing skills and concepts. Philadelphia, Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.