12 Week Learning Course And Its Contribution To Research Process
Selection of Research Topic
My 12 week learning course has facilitated me to select the most contemporary and useful research topic. The literature review conducted in assignment 1 is highly significant to frame appropriate research question in assignment 2. In this reflective journal, I will discuss about my 12 week learning courses and their contribution in research process.
In the 1st week, I have become aware of various research aspects for conducting effective research on a particular research topic. I have properly learned the things like research reasoning, research aspect and research structure. Apart from that, I have also learned about several research methodologies for gathering most authentic information about the research areas. My intension was to conduction an effective research on any contemporary issue in business. Hence, I have gone through several research topics for choosing most attractive research topic. After reading several research topic, I considered the research topic “Challenges in Cyber Security for Business”, which used to be the most challenging issue in contemporary business.
In 2nd week, I have come across several concepts and theories regarding the cyber security in the context of business. I became able to frame effective research objectives and questions through being aware of various theories and concepts. I have also become aware of the significance of cyber security in maintaining the privacy of the business. Apart from that, such theoretical concepts have enhanced my knowledge regarding the research process. Moreover, the knowledge of theoretical concepts has facilitated me to write effective literature review in Assignment 1.
In this week, I have actually written the literature review on the challenges of cyber security in business. I have acquired huge knowledge on the literature review concept for this research topic. Such knowledge about the theoretical concepts from the previous week has helped me a lot in writing this literature review. On the other hand, I have also accessed several secondary sources for gathering more authentic and in-depth information regarding the cyber security challenge in business. Apart from that, the previous studies regarding the research topic facilitated me to incorporate highly valuable information in writing the research. Huge knowledge collected from the secondary sources has enhanced my ability to deal with contemporary issues of cyber security.
In this week, I have understood the importance research objectives and research questions to be incorporated in the research paper. I have realized that both primary question and secondary question set is equally significant for collecting valuable information regarding the topic of the research. Both types of research questions serve different purpose in conducting the research process. In have learned that primary research question serves the needs of fundamental and authentic information in conducting the research. On the other hand, secondary question serves to the needs of detailed information. Hence, I have considered both primary as well as secondary research for gathering more accurate research information.
Literature Review and Research Methodology
In 5th week, I have learned about different types of research methodologies to collect authentic research information. I have also realized the significant difference between qualitative and quantitative methods of research. In this way, such knowledge about different research methodologies has assisted me to choose the most appropriate research method in assignment 2.
In this week, I have learned about the significance of sampling and sample size to collect most accurate research information. Sampling and sample size are extremely important for collecting most accurate qualitative and quantitative information. However, sampling and sample size was not much important for my research project, as it was actually based on secondary method of data collection.
The huge information collected about the research methodologies in the previous week has boosted up my confidence to choose the most important research method. Based on the knowledge, I selected most appropriate research method for gathering most valuable information. Moreover, based on the type of research topic, I chose secondary method of data collection. Such method had the ability to provide me wide access to several authentic secondary sources like journals, books, websites and others for accumulating most accurate information concerning the research topic. Such secondary sources were also useful in providing detailed and in-depth information regarding the research topic. Hence, I found secondary method to be quite useful for conducting this research paper successfully.
In this week, I finally started to search for most valuable and authentic information for reaching at accurate research outcome. Moreover, I gradually started to get access to most accurate secondary sources for collecting appropriate research information. It was quite tough for me to get access to most authentic secondary sources. However, I got help from my supervisors and academic guides in this regards, where they have directed me to our university libraries for getting access to most authentic secondary sources. The huge knowledge collected from the secondary sources would definitely help me to research out to most appropriate research result. The knowledge gathered from the secondary sources can also make me prepared to resolve the challenges of cyber security in my organization, where I can join after my studies.
In this week, I realized the significance of data analysis techniques in completing the research process and reaching at most accurate research result. I understood that the method of data analysis facilitates in extracting the right meaning of collected from secondary sources for reaching at appropriate research result. I have learned about several data analysis techniques to be incorporated in analyzing the collected data.
Data Collection and Analysis
In 10th week, I finally chose an appropriate data analysis method for extracting accurate meaning of the secondary information. Moreover, I have selected qualitative method of data analysis for analyzing the collected secondary information appropriately. The selection this appropriate data analysis method would facilitate me in achieving best research result in future. Apart from that, the practical knowledge about data analysis method would help me in being a proper research analyst in my future career. Hence, it can be an effective and proper way of building my future career.
In this week, I realized the significance of time schedule for completing the research paper with it time bound. Accurate formulation of time schedule helped in planning the whole research properly and conducting the research in step by step way. It was also helpful for me to make progress on the research as per its time requirements. Moreover, time schedule would be highly beneficial for me to complete the final research paper within its strict time boundaries.
In 12th week, I properly evaluated the expected outcome to be extracted from the final research paper. The empirical evidences and secondary sources were the ground of formulating an effective research outcome. Expected outcome has given me a solid direction towards the final research outcome. Moreover, such expected out has given me an appropriate assumption concerning the final outcome of the overall research paper.
While concluding this reflective journal of my business research, learning courses provided from my supervisors have helped me a lot for writing an effective literature review and research proposal. Proper selection of research approach, research purpose, method of data collection and data analysis has assisted me to gather more valuable and accurate research information. Moreover, such selection of appropriate research method would be helpful for me to research out to accurate research result. It would facilitate me to complete the final research paper in most authentic way. On the other hand, the knowledge gathered from conducting business research can also enhance my career scope in research area.
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