10 Questions On CASP Checklists And Their Importance
- Yes, the research aims are not clearly stated though it represents the main purpose of conducting the research and to determine how it can be beneficial for successfully analyzing the research subject effectively. The goal or objective of the research is to evaluate the various cases associated with the cause of cardiovascular diseases due to consumption of food considering evidences from Kerala in India (Smith 2015). It was considered as important because cardiovascular diseases are prevalent nowadays, and the main causes are due to the diabetes and other health related issues along with high consumption of foods that cause obesity, high blood pressure, cholesterol, etc. The widespread of hypertension and high cholesterol are caused due to high consumption of fatty foods and exercising less, which could also be considered as major causes of cardiovascular disease. Due to this, the research has shed light on this, which can allow for assessing the causes and create scopes for preventable measures to reduce the occurrence of such diseases to the utmost level possible (Bryman 2016).
- The qualitative methodology almost seems appropriate and this looks like the data and information can be analyzed and interpreted quite easily. This would further determine the actions and represent the subjective experiences of the participants of the research, furthermore address the research goals in an efficiency way. The qualitative research methodology is though considered as true and appropriate, still the assessment of quantitative data and information would also assist in covering the research details in much more details and ensure accomplishment of research goals and objectives with ease and effectiveness (Bryman and Bell 2015). There is not much need of collecting numerical data and thus the qualitative research methodology could assist in obtaining relevant non-numeric data for enhancing the scopes of academic fields by analyzing the different research concepts and methods. The qualitative research methodology will consider the collection of data in the form of responses and opinions of the managers of the health care sectors where many people have been admitted due to cardiovascular diseases (Collis and Hussey 2013).
- There is no such mentionable research design, though it could be understood that the research design was focused on identifying the various medical practices associated with the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Being considered as a qualitative methodology in the research, the research design could be descriptive because of its convenience in illustrating the research aspects in a detailed manner. It should also help in conducting the observations of participants, furthermore reflect on the opinions and practices along with drawing on theoretical insights on the health and lifestyle management through analysis and interpretation of data (Lawrence and Murray 2013). Unlike the exploratory and explanatory research designs, the descriptive research should assist in researcher and cover the research components as it is research concerned with healthy eating habits to prevent cardiovascular diseases and thus it need proper analysis and interpretation of data in details too.
- The recruitment strategy means selecting the right respondents to gather useful data and information related to the research topic. The researcher has explained how the participants were selected and they even have been allowed to access necessary knowledge and information to make discussions about the research subject and generate positive outcomes. There were few people who decided not to take part in the research because of risks of exposure of their cardiovascular diseases or other illnesses to others, though the researcher assured them the confidentiality of their identity (Bowling 2014). The respondents were selected from the areas that experience high consumerism level due to migration, which has further helped in determining the recent trends associated with the study of heart diseases. The respondents included the patients who suffer from diabetes, cholesterol, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases and were conducted interviews with along with the managers and health care workers of the care homes (Greenfield and Greener 2016).
- The participants were engaged and it was a total of 200 men and women from every classes and age. The researcher also conducted interviews face to face by staying and consuming food at few of the families to gain accurate results in the form of their views and opinions. The collection of data included the qualitative data collection derived on the basis of responses provided by these participants during the research. The quantitative data could also be obtained by providing survey questionnaires to these participants where they could provide their views and opinions without any bias. The collected data and information mostly showed that the health issues including heart diseases, diabetes, etc. were mainly caused due to the consumption of excessive food and not maintaining a proper diet. The data were obtained through interviews and these had been clear for the purpose of conducting the research appropriately (Punch and Oancea 2014). The secondary data could be collected by assessing secondary sources like journals, articles, documents, internet websites, etc. The non-probability convenient sampling method was used to arrange suitable time for these participants to take part in the interview session and provide their useful views and opinions (Earley 2014).
- Though the researcher has shed light on the research aspects to find relevant solutions to the research issues through collection and analysis of data, still it had been done for accomplishment of the research. Thus, there were no such mentionable aspect related to the researcher’s relationship with the participants, through it was found that while collecting data, the researcher visited few families and had lunch and even participated in social functions where food were served. The researcher also was found to stay with a middle class Muslim family and had food where the family members were directly affected by cardiovascular diseases and diabetes (Cleary, Horsfall and Hayter 2014). Not only was the purpose to collect data, but also to console them and make them aware of healthy eating habits and precautionary measures, which could prevent occurrence of such kinds of health diseases in the future as well.
- There could be various ethical issues such as exposure of data confidentiality along with the participants’ personal details, which could create ethical issues. Thus, the researcher had considered rte ethical issues bearing in mind that the research should be conducted for academic purpose only and not for gaining any kinds of commercial benefits (Ritchie et al. 2013). None of the respondents were forced to take part in the research while the data and information provided from them were kept confidential to prevent any kinds of unauthorized access. The knowledge of the research topic or subject was provided to the respondents to maintain the ethical standards while the research materials were destroyed so that it does not fall in wrong hands and any research replication of data redundancy takes place in the future while conducting research on the similar topic. Approval from the ethics committee was also taken to maintain the ethical standards (Sutton and Austin 2015).
- The analysis of data was not done properly done though, as found in the document presented. The thematic analysis could though be helpful for examining the data and information obtained and evaluate the patterns used to describe the entire phenomenon considering the eating habits and consumerism resulting in heart related diseases. The researcher had selected the samples and acquired data from the original samples and most of those were the responses of participants during the research. There were sufficient data obtained from the large sample size of 200, while the secondary sources of data further contributed to the obtaining of relevant data (Smith 2015). The research has also been benefitted through better knowledge and skills to manage data analysis along with remaining present in real world situations to assess the research subject in a much more detailed manner.
- There have been clear statement of findings and it shows that the findings are authenticated and genuine, which addressed the research questions. The questions were associated with the causes of such kinds of diseases due to consumption habits and behaviors while it was also aimed at determining possible approaches to prevent such occurrence of diseases again. The answers to the questions were derived such as the ill effects of eating more and eating oily and fatty foods while it was also found that dietary controls could facilitate limited consumption of food and ensure keeping these kinds of cardiovascular diseases and other heath illnesses like obesity, hypertension away with much ease (Bryman 2016). The public health interventions could spread awareness among people while the participation or engagement in social life could improve the emotional health, thereby contribute to excellent health and prosperity in the future.
- The research has been valuable, according to the researcher, because it has assisted him in discussing about the existing knowledge and use the present policies and practices to manage research based literature with ease and effectiveness,. The new areas were identified to explore the additional components of research whereas the missing gaps were filled that remained explored previously. The findings of the research should be suitable for determining the causes of the illnesses and also evaluated the measures to be undertaken for preventing such illnesses to occur again (Greenfield and Greener 2016). The population considered here provided their support and help and this contributed hugely to the success while accomplishing the research goals and objectives too.
Bowling, A., 2014. Research methods in health: investigating health and health services. McGraw-Hill Education (UK).
Bryman, A. and Bell, E., 2015. Business research methods. Oxford University Press, USA.
Bryman, A., 2016. Social research methods. Oxford university press.
Cleary, M., Horsfall, J. and Hayter, M., 2014. Data collection and sampling in qualitative research: does size matter?. Journal of advanced nursing, 70(3), pp.473-475.
Collis, J. and Hussey, R., 2013. Business research: A practical guide for undergraduate and postgraduate students. Macmillan International Higher Education.
Earley, M.A., 2014. A synthesis of the literature on research methods education. Teaching in Higher Education, 19(3), pp.242-253.
Greenfield, T. and Greener, S. eds., 2016. Research methods for postgraduates. John Wiley & Sons.
Lawrence, B. and Murray, L., 2013. Practitioner-Based Enquiry: Principles and Practices for Postgraduate Research. Routledge.
Punch, K.F. and Oancea, A., 2014. Introduction to research methods in education. Sage.
Ritchie, J., Lewis, J., Nicholls, C.M. and Ormston, R. eds., 2013. Qualitative research practice: A guide for social science students and researchers. sage.
Smith, J.A. ed., 2015. Qualitative psychology: A practical guide to research methods. Sage.
Sutton, J. and Austin, Z., 2015. Qualitative research: data collection, analysis, and management. The Canadian journal of hospital pharmacy, 68(3), p.226.