What professions comprise your career field workplace? Discuss at least two ways that this profession cultural mix can be an advantage to the workplace environment.

CS204 Unit 7: Industry and Organizational Culture – Discussion “I found I was most effective when I did not rely on common understandings and was specific with my requests. Patience and respect are also critical to success. Amazing results are possible when people of different backgrounds and experiences pull together.” – Joni Norby, Advisory Board, Kaplan University School of Business J. Norby, Professional Questionnaire, November 28, 2012 In the workplace, many industry cultures may work in the same company or organization. Each of these groups may have different cultures based on the type of work that is done and experiences that they have. Each culture may have a different approach yet all of these cultures must work together for the good of the company or organization. Topic 1: What professions comprise your career field workplace? Discuss at least two ways that this profession cultural mix can be an advantage to the workplace environment.            Paper must be 300-350 words, on topic, original, well- detailed paper with atleast 1-2 scholar references APA format. NO PHARGIARISM!!!!!

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