What is the balanced equation for ammonium carbonate is heated, it decomposes into ammonia gas, carbon dioxide gas, and water vapor?

The reactions that describe the decomposition of ammonium carbonate (##(NH_4)_2CO_3##) are:
##(NH_4)_2CO_3(s) -> NH_4HCO_(3(s)) + NH_(3(g))## (1)
##NH_4HCO_(3(s)) -> NH_(3(g)) + H_2O_((g)) + CO_(2(g))## (2)
##(NH_4)_2CO_3(s) -> 2NH_(3(g)) + CO_(2(g)) + H_2O_((g))## (3)
(1) – ammonium carbonate decomposes into ammonium bicarbonate and ammonia (##NH_3##);(2) – ammonium bicarbonate decomposes into carbon dioxide (##CO_2##), water, and ammonia;(3) – the decomposition of ammonium carbonate – total reaction;
Both reaction are – heat must be supplied in order for the reaction to take place.
Here’s a video of the reaction:

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