What are some examples of transgenic organisms?

Here’s what I’ve got.
A transgenic organism is one that contains genes from other organisms. These genes usually add some special ability or function to the organism.
Soybeans have been engineered to contain Glyphosate-resistance genes, and other crops have been engineered to grow well in soil with high salt concentrations. Still other plants have been engineered to contain the gene for the Bacillus Thuringiensis (Bt) toxin, a bacterial toxin that kills insect pests that would otherwise feed on and destroy the crop.
Not all transgenic organisms represent such extreme genetic modifications, however. Some genetically modified organisms simply represent efforts to improve nutritional content (Plant crops) or to increase food yield (Bovine growth hormone)
Another example would be
Bacteria that contains human genes for the production of the human hormone insulin. The bacteria produces insulin which is then harvested and used to treat people with diabetes.

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