What are some examples of relative motion?

Examples of :
1) You are riding in the back of a pick up truck and heading north at 5 miles per hour. You are playing catch with a friend, who is also in the back of the pickup truck. The ball is traveling with a velocity of 2 mph north when your friend throws the ball to you and it has a velocity of 2 mph south when you are throwing it at him. In other words when you look st the ball, it seems like it is going 2 mph.
But if another friend is standing on the side of the road it looks like the ball is traveling 7 mph north when the ball is heading towards you and 3 miles per hour when it is traveling away from you.
2) If you have ever been in a car stopped at a red light and felt like your car was creeping forward, you have experienced relative motion. If your car is not moving at all, but you sense motion, it’s probably because the car next to you is creeping forward But it feels like, looks like, seems like you are creeping forward.

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