Ways To Improve Business Practices And Ethical Values For Companies Sourcing From Rana Plaza & McDonald’s CSR Analysis

Executive summary

Task 1: Discuss the ways in which companies that sourced clothes from the Rana plaza can help improve business practices to prevent recurrence of events of this nature, focus stakeholder the employes,how they need threat people, look for responsibility,and what need to change, what company need internally improvement?

Task 2: Discuss about the research and evidence how they operate ethically taking into account their approach to consumerism, values, responsibility, customers policy and environmental friendliness of McDonald’s CSR?

The paper analyses Rana Plaza a firm within textile industry. First section of study has tried to evaluate all firms that sourced from Rana plaza could help themselves in improvement of their business practices towards preventing any recurrence of such events further. Research has also aimed to evaluate the ethical issues involved in firm and all the actions that related companies need to undertake for further smooth survival (Carmody, n.d.). Analysis of the ethical and social as well as companywide issues would ensure that firms proper understands things that went wrong within Rana Plaza and effectively avoid any such activities or actions that could harm the others in same way. In second part a firm named Mc. Donald’s has been considered and all the activities of this firm regarding basic ethical concern like CSR has been identified as these actions would propel the  business goals and aims into future. The report even has identified all the actual business ethics which McDonalds varies and practices since past time and even the impact of such ethics upon its strategic partners as well as customers.

The major disaster at firm named Rana Plaza situated in Bangladesh took place in last year April, where eight story constructions housing about six textile factories fell akin to house of the cards, killing about 1,134 labors (Eckersall, 2011). This case has put an attention on the health plus safety concerns in textile industry. Also as an outcome, media, government and consumers as well as some other stakeholders also are progressively holding the clothing firms accountable for all the health & safety contravention in the supply chains.

As shareholders belonging to the textile as well as apparel firms, investors also are exposed towards financial plus reputational risks and danger coming out of the incidents linked to the dangerous working situations at such firms’ production sites. Thus, investors now need to have an important wager in encouraging firms to implement proper health plus safety practices all through their self as well as their suppliers’ functions. Several actors really share liability of tragedy which took place within Rana Plaza (Hossain et al., 2013). Bangladesh which is even considered as state having weak governance also faces many structural issues and problems such as lack of genuine rule as well as regulation of law, inadequate plus scarce examination procedures, as well as generally unproductive admittance towards the justice for victims of work-connected accidents.

Nonetheless, in instant consequences of factory tragedy, some companies amazingly spoke bewilderment related to whether factories in reality shaped their goods or not. Certainly, as a result of multinational firms that outsourced every production to nations such as Bangladesh, self-prevailing contractors frequently took decisions within complex as well as vital supply chains. Firms here must try to understood that cost as well as their differentials, actually were real reasons of the outsourcing in initial place, amid fully developed plus some developing nations that showed situations within factories which were possibly substandard, as well as merely were empirical proof that could also disprove such things (PLAZA and MCGINTY, 2005). The firms that sourced from the Rana Plaza actually had many duties, in their own factories plus also in contract firms as well as all of their duties require making sure that dignity of workers is always being respected and that the workers are being provided with proper as well as safe working conditions and that no single point in the premises is left unstructured and in non operating condition.  Such duties for the firms are of supreme importance because of the power that these duties carry over the owners plus the managers of all such factories as well as even as of considerable resources immediately after their disposal (Plaza and Gilbert-Barness, 2000). Firms should thus; in fact accountable for every form of sourcing of transparent dealers plus for rapidly identifying issues in each of the supply chains that they carry.

Task 1: Discussion on Rana Plaza and company improvement

There are many standards to be adopted and followed by these firms to prevent any future Rana Plaza case:

  • Working conditions for the workers must be improved.
  • Proper ecological plus environmental standards need to be fulfilled and abide by
  • Some energy saving measures must be improved (Pramanik, Hossain and Azad, 2015)
  • Employee health and safety standards need to be maintained and proper arrangements for the health and safety of staffs must be made
  • Firms sourcing from Rana Plaza must try to build in better relations with Rana Plaza and support their partners in their bad times.
  • The brands and firms can sign Accord upon Fire plus Building Safety in the Bangladesh that would also allows staffs to stop work if through any means they feel their safety is under threat.
  • The textile industry has not yet forgotten the Rana Plaza collapse, and neither have the consumers. It is actually vital to constantly ask questions as well as seek out brands plus firms that are keenly trying to enhance worker situations .


The vital responsibility in fact fell upon the Bangladeshi authorities as they in realism failed in properly fulfilling all of their compulsions towards shielding the labors. State of Bangladesh, as per national plus international law must also try to protect all human rights in the authority as they also failed in their duty which was to grant rights plus safety to all textile industry staffs.

The report will assume varied factors. Initially, it would emphasize upon the McDonald’s CSR and will later move on to all other ethical practices and carry outs in the firm. This report will also how the CSR as well as business ethics which McDonalds has actually implemented plus will later implement have attained general acceptance amongst all the business partners and customers plus public in common (Betz, 1998).

McDonalds being world’s biggest fast food chain restaurant owes environment to vast extent regarding its ethical concern as Corporate Social Responsibility. Environment in such case actually implies to all its customers and also business partners plus public unconfined (Bird, Smucker and Velasquez, 2009). The company has till date played a vast role in past towards preserving the environment and ecology all around.

The method here used for data collection is the secondary data collection. Information from several secondary resources has been used collected like from magazines, journals, company website and even books.

In every nation where McDonalds operates it has carried thrive towards development of a menu which fits tastes as well as culture of people in all those countries. This even has made the firm unique in all its supply and delivery of good quality and proper fast food goods. It’s the CSR strategies and tactic has also helped the firm to recognize needs of people in such goals plus development of fast food answers that actually fit all of their needs and requirements. Thus the firm is very mindful of all its consumer’s diverse requirements and demands (Castro, 1994). The company also has won numerous awards within ecology conservation plus also employment sensitivity. Even McDonalds has no sex inequality whilst staffing its employees from regions where this has also expanded. The firm even hopes to carry all properly trained as well as retrained employees in every aspect and each field. As per a staff at fast food restaurant within Europe, McDonalds also is perhaps amongst list of best employer plus always lends ears to needs as well as demands of staff.

Core values of McDonald’s are all targeted at promoting firm’s CSR. This is also attained through giving proper value to customers, supply chain plus all other business stakeholders and partners with (De George, 1982). McDonalds certainly acknowledges reality that all its customers are reasons at the back of its success as well as existence. Thus, customers are extra valued by the firm. Secondly, McDonalds also values its staffs and demonstrates that the firm is totally committed towards growth as well as development of career of employees via a complete training plan and strategy. This is possibly the maximum CSR which McDonalds carries. McDonalds also believes in authorizing and valuing staffs for enhanced obligation from them plus also their sustained success (Han, 2009).

Task 2: Analysis of McDonald’s CSR based on values, responsibility, customer policy and environmental friendliness

McDonalds even maintains very high ethics within its business and therefore conducts all its business and trade with higher ethical benchmarks. The firm conducts all its business along with high uprightness, honesty as well as fairness intended for all the buyers plus suppliers. It even values community where it operates plus strives to supply back to society via sponsoring several society initiatives like education and hospitality. The firm being a proper public company tends to perform profitable business along with its stakeholders and for this follows all the required ethics and concerns (Hartman, Wolfe and Werhane, 2008). The firm thus lays extra emphasis upon gainful business while implementing ethics in the business across all the subsidiaries and branches of the firm. McDonalds forever strives to properly excel in anything and any field that it undertakes to function. McDonalds undertakes all its actual and real social responsibility regarding the environment and also the society where it operates. The firm even established its own International ecology commitment and thereby proves to be very ethical in all aspects. The firm has sustained to focus upon enhancing its total commitment towards environment (Kelly, 2000). So far as the firm McDonalds is concerned CSR regarding environment in the past has been focused upon three vital areas like; energy efficiency and sustainable packaging as well as waste management plus even design of green restaurant. McDonalds also has arranged to utilize extra energy efficient tactics like use of the natural gas within the restaurants and also continues to hunt for different ways of enhancing energy efficiency. Additionally, the firm even seeks to decrease impact of all its operations upon environmental impact.

Besides all this McDonalds even continues to discover ways through which it could package consumer’s goods in packages which are simple to recycle as well as could be reused effectively without hampering the environment. The firm has even banned use of any kind of plastics within the packaging and making of fast food goods and items (Leder, 2012)

  • McDonalds can make us of all the solar energy that is actually renewable type of energy. This would also go a very long way to ensure that there exists very low carbon emission. EPA would therefore be pleased along with efforts broadcasted by the firm McDonalds.
  • McDonalds can even aim to run advertisements within media towards promoting its impartial healthy and beneficial diet. These advertisements must also hold nutrition advice upon several ways of consuming healthy and advantageous diets of fast food.
  • The firm can also diversify all its diets towards ensuring that it properly meets all needs and requirements several dissimilar ages (Moon, 2001).
  • As the firm constantly uses paper-oriented packages yet it has been condemned for using the paper-oriented packages in wake of global warming fright. Paper actually comes from the trees and therefore by using such packages, the firm might have been departing against ecological preservation needs thus the firm needs to act upon this and convince people on its part.
  • Majority of restaurants belonging to McDonalds actually have adopted design of green restaurant which supports in properly saving energy to vast extent. This might also give the firm opportunity to contribute in reduction of the carbon emission via investing within energy efficient blocks and buildings.
  • Majority of the restaurants of the McDonalds can be supplied bigger open space that would allow abundance of light and air to enter in the building therefore saving utilization of electricity at the time of day (Williams-Lee, 2008).


McDonald’s CSR in reality supports conservation of ecology via reduction of all the carbon emission plus indulgement of design for green restaurant. McDonalds also has been capable of to attaining higher success via its recognition of elements which makes it achieve something to the vast extent. These factors include all its staffs, customers as well as suppliers. McDonalds even values its staffs and has several training plus development programs to hold and support as well as retain staffs for longer period of time. The firm draws its victory mostly from the staffs. McDonalds even hires good quality as well as highly valuable staffs and thus ensures continued victory for the firm.


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