USGS daily earthquake list , science homework help

Go to the USGS daily earthquake list (using the link below) and note the day and time you looked up the following information. In the upper, right-hand corner of the page, you will see an icon that looks like a wheel or gear. Click on it and select 7 days, All Magnitudes, Worldwide. Answer the following questions in complete sentences and paragraphs. Your responses should demonstrate critical thinking. Provide justification for your analysis:How many earthquakes exceed a magnitude of 6.0 over the week? How many are between 4.5 and 6.0 over the week? Where was the largest one?Which country outside the U.S. had the most earthquakes during this time? Provide details.Where was the most recent earthquake over 4.5? What magnitude was it? How deep was it? Is this considered shallow, intermediate, or deep? Explain the type of plate boundary it was near. Why are earthquakes common in this area?Where was the deepest earthquake during the week? Where was the shallowest? On what type of boundary did these occur?Where was the most recent earthquake closest to you? Include the name of the city and state where you reside (or country if outside of the United States). Was it associated with a boundary?Was there any relationship between the plate boundary(ies) where the largest, most numerous, and deepest earthquakes occurred? Based on your knowledge of earthquakes, is this what you would have expected from the type of boundary(ies)? Be sure to explain your answer fully.USGS Earthquake page

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