Unit VII Assessment

Question 1Utilizing the reading for this unit, discuss juvenile justice or youth violence in China, Brazil, Indonesia, Ireland, or Russia. How are juveniles managed as compared to adults? Your response must be a minimum of 200 words in length.Question 2Discuss the issue of the supermax prison. What are some of the issues that these facilities face in their operation? What are some of the issues that staff members face who work in these institutions? Examine how contraband and riots are both issues for the facilities and their staff members. Are you in favor of this style of incarceration? Why, or why not?Your response must be at least 300 words in length.Question 3Identify and discuss the main reasons that prisons are overcrowded and the methods used to control overcrowding discussed in your textbook. Do you think the issue of prison overcrowding is one that can be fixed? Why, or why not?Your response must be at least 300 words in length.

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