The Importance Of Avoiding Plagiarism

Importance of Avoiding Plagiarism

Discuss about the Important to Avoid Plagiarism.

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Plagiarism is well known as where an individual takes another person’s work or ideas and later on pass them as their own. It often occurs when individuals are writing articles and they copy the original work of another author and then present it as theirs. The ideas, language, thoughts and expressions of a particular author should be respected. However, a person who intends to use them should use appropriate citation so as to acknowledge the author. The lack of citing the work done is a serious offence and against the law, if it’s not an individual’s original task. The persons taking place in the writing sector should ensure that they write their original work. On the other hand, they should cite whenever they borrow another author’s ideas or thoughts. It is a violation of the writing ethical standards when plagiarizing another person’s work. The standard of writing should be high and people should bring more ideas and thoughts so as to develop themselves without copy pasting previous authors’ tasks.

It is advisable for the students or other upcoming authors cite other people’s words they use in the paragraphs when they paraphrase or summarize them. However, without doing so is considered theft known as plagiarism. Most of the students have been faced with the challenge of copying other colleague’s assignments and presenting them as their own. In addition to that, individuals highly risk plagiarizing when they do not understand the materials they are using well enough for their benefit. Moreover, many persons rely heavily on the ideas of other people and mostly use them as their own. They should also learn the correct methods of citation so as to incorporate them in their article writing or assignments to be presented to their lecturers. On the other hand, one should give credit when using other author’s ideas, opinions or theories. Secondly, quoting another individual’s actual spoken words or other written words should be credited. Thirdly, paraphrasing other peoples written work and also summarizing the concepts, facts, graphs or any drawings should be given the credit they deserve (Neville, 2010).

Contributing Something New to the Society

It is highly recommended and important for one to write various articles in their words so as to bring something new other than the one the people have been used to. Reading the same content all the time is boring and no time the society will ever advance. However, so as to make changes in the society and make it grow there should be new ideas and content every time.  Moreover, writing a particular topic in another way will help a particular individual understand it more than they previously did. Explaining a certain topic on various angles help the people grasp a particular concept better. The individuals should contribute new content from time to time so as to entertain the people and also develop themselves in their career of writing. The persons who major in writing novels should come up with the content that will attract the audience and make people read their books more and more. It is also important for the student to compose their own words without copying from their colleagues or any online content (Neville, 2010).

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Contributing Something New to the Society

The writing in ones words as a student helps one achieve higher grades as the lecturers will be contented with their work. Plagiarizing another person’s work in the learning institution only lowers the grades one can achieve and afterwards no good progress. The low grade one gets demotivates an individual and one is unable to study. The best thing is a student to write the assignments given in their own words and submit them directly without other colleagues copy their work. It will ensure that one gets higher grades that are essential for one to pass in a test and also get a good certificate at the end. The employers require a clean certificate for one to be offered a job or seek employment from any place. In addition to that, it enables a student to study the information properly and it helps one to pass the tests in various subjects. The teachers and the lecturers while teaching need students who can manage their work on their own and interpret in their own words. It reduces the embarrassment when being announced in front of the colleagues and also when the parents are notified (Lipson, 2008).

It is important to avoid plagiarism so as help build ones career in writing and also be able to come up with the right content that will attract the readers while reading. Composing one’s own words is highly important and ensures that one is perfect in writing. Moreover, plagiarizing is like stealing another person’s work which is an offence. It is punishable in a court of law and one can face a serious fine as it is termed as a theft. The individuals should ensure that they come up with good content that will motivate the persons reading. Plagiarizing the content demotivates an individual if caught and also lacks the people attention. It is therefore advisable for any person to ensure that they focus on writing their own content and establish ones ideas and thoughts. On the other hand, for one to be a good writer the initial content is important and also acknowledging other authors through citations and quotations. It gives an individual the confidence to present ones work to others (Menager and Paulos, 2010). Moreover, it ensures that the books and articles that an individual writes gets market for other persons to read. The attractive content that one writes motivates the readers and helps one to build their career from day to day.

It Saves Embarrassment and Low Grades among Students

There Is No Progress in Learning

On the other hand, if an individual keeps on plagiarizing other peoples work in the learning institutions one does not learn anything. It ensures a person does not utilize their brains in the right manner as they depend on other persons for survival. A student should utilize their brain effectively and think to their level best as they handle the assignments given. It is important for one to deliver their original work and be honest as it improves ones learning. The research skills are vital as they help an individual to be able to handle their assignments. The lecturers do a great job in teaching the students on how to be able to research regarding various tasks. Moreover, when one does their own work it ensures that one progresses and gains more knowledge and experience. It also gives an individual the courage and confidence to undertake to present their books, articles or assignments. However, copying other students work is not essential as one ends up not learning anything. It also makes an individual not to be independent as they will always depend on others. The lecturers and other teachers have ensured that the students present their original work. After they deliver their work, it is scrutinized through various software’s so as to certify that it has no plagiarism cases. The current sophisticated technology has made things easier and one just check submitting the document online and then it is analyzed (Lipson, 2008).

In addition to that, it leads to the violation of the academic honor of a particular institution. There are severe consequences that one risks if one plagiarizes another person’s work. Various organizations punish the students involved in the plagiarism cases. First of all, it destroys ones reputation as a student and no lecturer will value the work written. The teachers lose faith in you and term you as thief of other peoples work. Secondly, one is given a formal warning by the management so as to repeat the mistake again and if it happens it may lead one from being expelled from the school or being awarded low grades. It is therefore the duty of the student to focus and present their original work as instructed by the lecturers or professors. Thirdly, there is rejection of the assignment by the teachers and one may lack an opportunity to resubmit the task. It demoralizes an individual as one loses marks and hence failing in a particular subject. Fourthly, there is public shaming as one is demoralized before his or her colleagues by the professors as they never followed the instructions. It is required one to follow the instructions given and present clean work that will motivate even the reader for one to achieve higher grades. Lastly, it reduces ones qualifications and hence failing in a particular course. An individual wastes their time in the learning institutions as they end up with no certificates to show their qualifications (Pecorari, 2008).

The individuals who engage in the plagiarism activities often break the law and is punishable in a court of law. It may lead to one facing serious fines or either jail sentence for the mistakes done and cannot be tolerated. The authors who specialize in writing books risk their articles being banned or losing their licenses to undertake the writing tasks. On the other hand, the books publishers should be aware and not publish a book that has plagiarized contents as they will end up getting fined. The laziness of an individual to compose their own content may lead them to a lot of consequences that will have a great impact in their life. The best thing to do is to come up with the original work or else cite the paragraphs where you have borrowed the ideas from another author. It increases the chances of an individual’s work being accepted by the society at large. In addition to that, it endangers a person success in a particular career and it should be protected and developed in the right manner. Among the learning institutions it ones records of plagiarism are recorded against one’s profile. It reduces the chances of an individual to get a job in a particular organization or else advance learning in a certain institution. The student should at all costs avoid plagiarizing other person’s tasks and be on their own while tackling the assignments.


In conclusion, plagiarism is not recommended and should be highly avoided at all costs. While using other people’s ideas, thoughts or concepts they should be cited always. It violates the ethical standards of writing when one engages in plagiarism offences. The lecturers should teach the students the research skills that will help them write their own articles or complete the assignments given. The individuals who do not engage in plagiarism develop their career and also attain high grades at the learning institutions.

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