Subhrodip Sengupta- Finance 100 (3) Problems
PROBLEMS1). The following three one-year “discount” loans are available toyou:Loan A: $120,000 at a 7 percent discount rateLoan B: $110,000 at a 6 percent discount rateLoan C: $130,000 at a 6.5 percent discount ratea. Determine the dollar amount of interest you would pay on each loan and indicate the amount of net proceeds each loan would provide. Which loan would provide you with the most upfront money when the loan takes place?b. Calculate the percent interest rate or effective cost of eachloan. Which one has the lowest cost?2) Following are selected balance sheet accounts for Third State Bank:vault cash _ $2 million; U.S. government securities _ million; demand deposits _ million; nontransactional accounts _ million; cash items in process of collection _$4 million; loans to individuals _$7 million; loans secured by real estate _ million; federal funds purchased _$4 million; and bank premises _ million.a. From these accounts, select only the asset accounts andcalculate the bank’s total assets.b. Calculate the total liabilities for Third State Bank.c. Based on the totals for assets and liabilities, determine theamount in the owners’ capital account.3). The Friendly National Bank holds $50 million in reserves atits Federal Reserve District Bank. The required reserves ratio is12 percent.a. If the bank has $600 million in deposits, what amount ofvault cash would be needed for the bank to be in compliancewith the required reserves ratio?b. If the bank holds $10 million in vault cash, determine therequired reserves ratio that would be needed for the bank toavoid a reserves deficit.