Strategic HR Planning For ABC Service Agency

Organizational Goal

Describe about strategic HR planning for the ABC service agency?

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Strategic planning for an organization appears to be the most essential tool of development that focuses on strengthening the operation. It is rather considered to be a fundamental decision of adjusting the organizational factors (Han et al. 2006). Strategic plan documents essential approaches which targets in managing the market orientation. In this current research work the researcher is going to focus on the specific strategical planning and development by focusing on the HR planning process of ABC service Agency.

The main objective of ABC Service Agency is to provide extensive service to its designated customers and clients and helps them out to fight with the difficult problems. The main goal of the organization is to assist the client organizations with skilled manpower. Allowing these organizations to run with their goals and to develop the ethical attributes, the approach of The ABC Service Agency is literally effective (Lawler, 2008; Caldwell, 2008). The goal of the organization is to target of managing ethics and providing the children a proper care. In order to keep the parents tension free the organization wants to provide the parents better people. Permanent and interim staffing process appears to be helpful for the organization. Within next five years The ABC Service Agency targets to attain the significant market orientation.

The ABC Service Agency has set some of the specific objectives which need to be fulfilled. The basic attributes of objectives are:

  • To critically sketch the necessities of the customers and strategizing the best quality of service to be provided.
  • To expand the marketing strategy that may bring more intensity to the financial aspects of the organization.
  • To increase the total amount of profit within next five years.

The vision is focused on letting more people to be employed and thereby helping the client organizations to use the workforce intrinsically. The vision is developed prosperously to be achieved within the next five years.

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Within next 10 years the organization visions at improving their service intensively and providing a superficial service to the customers. As the customers are seeking more sophisticated services for their children, the company, by providing quality oriented service to the customers, visions at attracting more fancy of the customers.

The mission is to achieve the professional efficiency. The organization targets at situational and professional development which allows in engaging more efficiency. The mission of the organization is to expand its hemisphere which accosts in determining development. The target has been made fixed on the strategical development of the marketing hemisphere.

For HR management approach strategic planning appears to be one of the most sophisticated tool of HR management. Graham & Tarbell (2006) have critically stated that it HR management is directly linked with strategic planning of the organization. The organizational approaches are fruitfully managed and ensure the organization for managing a proficient work force. Development in staffing and future direction of the organization appears to be helpful from the budgetary point of view. The service approach for the organization is literally helpful in order to manage the congenial factors. The purpose of HR planning is human resource and process development.

The strategic planning manages the trendy impact on the human resource development. The flexibility in the areas of management is literally helpful. The HR management approach is literally helpful for managing the organizational ethics. Managing the current HR capacity for an organization is literally helpful that helps in managing the ethical approach.


Fombrun et al. (2008) is of this view that basic requirements of HR ethics that are needed to be focused on the involvement of a staff within the organizational perimeter and to bridge the gaps within the HR principles. For ABC Service Agency the basic duty of HR management is to develop the strategic attributes. Managing the employees and the clients is the main motto of the HR department to be followed. In order to achieve the goal and missions of the organization, it appears to be helpful for managing the strategic goals of the organization.

The main HR objective of ABC Service Agency is to let the current employees of the organization to be managed properly. The goals of the organization targets at managing more efficiency and indulging the HR attribute. Garavan et al. (2008) has critically pointed out that the main aim of the HR department is to handle both the clients and the employees of the organization. The approaches of organizational strategy are literally helpful for attaining more cohesion in the business attitude.

Within five years ABC Service Agency expects to reach to a significant point in consulting services. At the same time the organization also targets at attaining more financial benefit. In 2013, a report of Budhwar & Debrah (2010) project, ABC Service Agency has acquired a net profit of $13 billion which in the coming five years targets at to reach $20 billion. But it is needless to be pointed out that it is really a huge ambition which the organization may not always be able to achieve.

In order to recruit skilled personals the organizations generally prefers to hire people from ABC Service Agency. At the same time having huge placement offers being provided, ABC Service Agency is also becoming a favourite place for the job seekers as well (Bonache & Fernandez, 2008; Colbert, 2010; Farndale & Paauwe, 2010). In order to achieve the organizational goals, the approach of the organization is really essential. The organizations are having a specific development in their approaches.

As providing of the highest quality of service is the mandatory for the organization it leads to attain an immense advocacy. The gap is the main attribute which appears to be helpful in order to develop the structural ethics. The main gap of the business is of having intense difference between the aims of the organization and the policies those are being taken.

What is more, ABC Service Agency is short in managing the data and information of its clients. This is why, often it is seen the company barely is able to maintain its customers and its details. At the same time, mistakes are also natural in this case.

In order to identify the internal and external approaches of the management and to ensure a performance strategy, application of the tool like PESTEL is really helpful for the organizational development. The PESTEL analysis focuses on some of the specific attributes: political, economical, social, technical, environmental and legal. In the following section the researcher is going to focus on determining some of the specific approaches.


Political Issues: Managing of the political issues for ABC Service Agency is literally necessary which helps in developing the strategical attributes. It is quite sure although that ABC Service Agency has to face different political problems (Ball, 2007; Wright, 2008; Geppart & Williams, 2006). But it has a significant aspect of cultural development at the same time. Managing of the political attributes for ABC Service Agency stands to be really necessary that helps in avoiding the problems. Understanding of the environmental attributes is literally necessary form the organizational perspective.

Economical Issues: In the past few years ABC Service Agency has literally grown up significantly which has added in managing the economical issues sophistically. In the past few years, it is seen that the organization has gone through an economical problem. The economic problems are becoming more severe for the organization to cope up with (Bechet, 2008). The company needs to be detrimental in their approaches for deploying more genuineness. Economical issue is becoming a real problem for organizational development.

Social Issues: In these days the demand of caring of the children and adult is increasing in these days. As ABC Service Agency appears to be a more social organization its approaches are also sophisticated in nature (Becker, 2008; Batt, 2007; Bordia & Blau, 2008). People become very attracted to the social issues. The social issues are very much intrusive that helps in developing the organizational ethos at the same time.

Technological Issues: ABC Service Agency barely uses any upgraded technology. Digital database management system has not been installed so far which seems to have been creating problems. The technical issues are really congenial to their approaches. Therefore, application of the technical issues is becoming a problem for the organization.

Environmental Issues: ABC Service Agency follows the environmental issues essentially which helps in developing the organizational ethics. It seems to be essentially helpful for the organization to manage the essential environment issues.

Legal Issues: ABC Service Agency follows the legal attributes which seems to be helpful for the organization to manage the social and legal ethics.

SWOT analysis is the tool which helps the organization to ascertain the external and internal market prospects of an organization. In the following section the researcher is going to shed light on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of ABC Service Agency.


For ABC Service Agency the main strength is the staffs that are committed to their work. As the staffs are quite committed to their approaches, customer satisfaction is the most congenial factor helps in development. As quality oriented services are provided customers become intrinsic in their approaches to cherish them (Weeks, 2010; Saunders & Hunter, 2009). If any difficult problem appears before the organization while handling any problem, innovative approaches are literally undertaken. This can really be stated as one of the sophisticated strengths of the organization.


It is often said that proper monitoring is not conducted always which creates problems in the organizational development (Boxall & Purcell, 2007; Black & Gregersen, 2007; Bhatnagar & Sharma, 2007). Lack of proper coordination between different departments creates troubles. Rare use of technology and poor database management system has also created problem. Having poor management system stands to be a direct problem for the organization (Christensen, 2006; Kearns, 2009). The employees are often seemed not to be affluent in their approaches for managing the organizational ethics which also stands to be a problem for the organization.



Opportunities are the most specific factors which creates spaces for ABC Service Agency to be developed in the coming days. It seems that the demand of creating more opportunities in the market place is really essential for creating a strategical development of the market place (Florkowski & Schuler, 2008; Fey & Pavlovskaya, 2009; Ericksen & Dyer, 2008). This helps in managing the organizational ethics. Increase in the viability of the organizational approach is literally helpful to attain the potentiality of the market place. Social recreational approaches are getting high in these days creation and in the coming days it is expected to be hiked in the coming days.  With financial benefits it is expected that in the coming days ABC Service Agency will attain more financial benefit. With the increase of the consumer population, the company can expect to make growth (Doty, 2008; Budhwar, 2009; Budhwar & Boyne, 2004).


ABC Service Agency is literally suffering from funding approach. Financial drawback is the main threat for the organization. At the same time, staffing is a huge challenge for ABC Service Agency.  In order to give good care to the clients, proper staffing is really necessary. At the same time, people of same status seem to seek for the same caring people who are barely available for the organization (Kenton & Yarnall, 2010; Storey & Salaman, 2009; Withers, Williamson, & Reddington, 2010). On the other hand, the management is not so much bold in their approaches. People of disabilities always seek for intrinsic help which needs to be properly provided to the customers. Competition with the other organizations is becoming a challenge for ABC Service Agency to attain the market objectives.

For ABC Service Agency some specific HR strategy is needed to be developed which needs to target at attaining the organizational benefits. In the following section the researcher is going to discus some of the strategies and its perpetual benefits. At the same time, how much the organization has to cost for this approach will also be discussed.

Development of the Human Resource Information System (HRIS) for ABC Service Agency is really essential. It appears that the organization has to face severe problems only because of not maintaining the database properly. Once the organization becomes able to manage the data and information of the clients, it will really be fruitful for the development of the organizational ethics (Beckers. & Bsat, 2009; Becker & Gerhart, 2009). With application of proper information technology system client management will also be helpful for the organization. It can be developed from two different perspectives: first, keeping the data of the clients and second, managing the data of the applicants. On one hand, HRIS helps the organization to maintain a sophisticated communication with the market place and to ascertain the actual demand of the customers of the market place.

The second strategy that ABC Service Agency can target to be fulfilled is the cost saving. As it is seen the company targets at acquiring $20 billion within 5 years, for achieving this target, the organization has to curtail up its cost. Smith (2007) can be pointed by saying that by curtailing down of the cost only does not let the company feel benefitted, it at the same time ascertains less expend from the customers end as well. Application of the cost saving is literally a significant approach which paves way for savings. Rothwell & Kazanas (2004) has critically stated that with more savings the company can use it for serving the customers in a better way. It seems to be a natural approach which helps in achieving the organizational ethos at the same time.

Strategic HR Planning for ABC Service Agency

In some of the cases it is seen that ABC Service Agency fails to take proper decisions. Management is not always sophisticated to understand the actual demand of the market place which fails them to serve the market place properly. If the management can understand the proper demand of the market place a proper decision to control the market can be taken. If ABC Service Agency is able to take proper decisions for the market place, it will also be able to control and achieve the competitive advantages of the market place. It also enables the organization to understand what types of employees are needed to be hired.

Finally, time saving is the approach that ABC Service Agency is needed to be implemented specifically. If the clients can be served with their demands essentially within a short time span it is able to make them feel happy. This also results the clients to be faithful towards the organization. Adamik (2008) mentions once a client gets benefitted from a product or service it let the other acquaintances to be attracted as well. This also appears to be beneficial for the market development.

The aforesaid strategies are essentially needed to be successfully attempted to be fulfilled which ascertains the organizational development.

In this section of the research work the researcher is going to narrate the cost and benefits analysis for this research study.

Option 1 (HRIS development)

Option 2 (Cost Saving)

Option 3 (Decision Making)

Option 4 (Time Saving)

Appraisal period (years)





Capital Costs





Whole of Life Costs





Cost-benefit analysis of monetary costs and benefits at the Public Sector Discount Rate           

Present Value of Benefits





Present Value of Costs





Benefit Cost Ratio





Net Present Value





Multi-Criteria Analysis ranking of intangible costs and benefits (if any)                                   

Criteria 1





Criteria 2




Criteria 3





Criteria 4





Weighted Score





Table 1: Cost Benefit Analysis

For HRIS Development it projects that if the organization spends a specific amount it seems to get more benefits. It is expected that with the application of HRIS may seem to be successful. With cost saving approach the organization can gain more sophistication. With the application of the proper decision making process it is expected that ABC Service Agency can gain more benefits of the market place. Finally the time saving approach also casts a detrimental effect to appease the necessities of the customers and can let them attracted to visit the company ()refer to appendix).

For ABC Service Agency the basic stakeholders are the customers and the employees who stand responsible of organizing. The stakeholders for ABC Service Agency are managed sophistically. Disabled persons and children who are completely or partially dependent on the others help, ABC Service Agency is committed to extend their complete support to those people. Rather, employees are also significantly managed as well which adds more intensity in the working structure. Black & Gregersen (2007) have stated that all the employees of ABC Service Agency is seriously committed to their work. In order to render good services to those clients they are intrinsically trained and directed. The necessities of the customers are intrinsically managed. On the other hand, as to run the organization, financial flow is the most necessary attribute. ABC Service Agency seems to patronize the shareholders and investors who maintain the finance flow in the organization. In order to attain the faith of the targeted group, the stakeholder management is the chief attribute managed by the organization.

Gap Analysis

9. Conclusion:

Throughout this research work the researcher mentions the HR policies and the HR activities that ABC Service Agency needs to attain. The researcher has stated all these attributes with an intense prodigality which accosts in managing the organizational strategies as well.

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