TO WHOM IS TO COMPLETE THIS ASSIGNMENT, I ONLY NEED YOU TO ADD 600 WORDS TO THE WRITTING THAT ALREADY EXIST.   I WILL ATTACH THE FIRST 600 WORDS AND YOU CAN GO FROM THEIR.DIRECTIONS:For this assignment, you will write a 1200-word critical analysis based on one of the following topics inspired by readings in our textbook, The McGraw-Hill Reader.  The paper will include quoting the text, as well as additional research from the library database or another approved and reliable source documented correctly in proper APA format.  This paper requires writing using Third Person Point of View and the persuasive mode. The abstract should be 100 words and the body (excluding the cover page and reference page) of the paper should be 1000 words, and provide direct support from your sources.  It would be best to use the readings from your textbook, but other reliable sources should also be used. At least four sources are required

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