Safety Management Systems – Discussion and two essays

Discussion Board Questions: How would you measure the safety culture of an organization? (10 pts)Two Assignments: 1.      Read the introduction in the textbook and the article “Myths of Zero Defects.”  Write a reflection paper about the application of Zero Defects in safety management answering the following question; Is Zero Defects a goal or is it an operational standard and what is the difference? (50 pts) (WK 2- A1). This assignment will be graded and per the feedback from the instructor, will be resubmitted in week 5 to reflect the changes required by the instructor. (You can write this on your own without article)2.      Read the article “COP Defined” and write an essay describing the overall operational elements of Community Oriented Policing and the application of its elements toward safety management. (50 pts) (WK 2 A2). This assignment will be graded and per the feedback from the instructor, will be resubmitted in week 5 to reflect the changes required by the instructor. Put lot of references in the essays and use the documents attached in the post  and others I want 0 Plagiarism.Grading Matrix 2 EssaysSLO: 1. Student will be able to discuss the application of Crosby’s Zero Defects Philosophy to safety               management.          2.  Students will be able to apply the elements of Community Oriented PolicingWritten CommunicationPROGRAM ASSESSMENT RUBRIC

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