Role Of HR In Ensuring Equal Opportunity And Respect For Diversity In The Workplace
Equal opportunity and workplace diversity
Describe about the Role of HR to ensure Equal Opportunity and respect for diversity in work place?
As per the viewpoint of Byars and Rue (2008), equal opportunity means that all the people are required to be equally or similarity and at the same time not disadvantaged by any kind of discrimination or bias. This seems that the best individual for a job as well as promotion is the right person, who has the capacity to earn that the position depending on the qualification, expectation as well as knowledge. On the other hand, workplace diversity aims to value the difference among everyone. Citkin and Spielman (2012) have opined that diversity is all about learning from each other in spite of the several enlightening backgrounds and accumulating all the differences into the specified workplace in order to widen experiences as well as information. It has been found that diversity not only takes into account race, but also gender, ethnicity, personality, age, education along with the background (Dessler, 2008).
It has been found that in the U.K., practices and the procedures are in the position to make certain that all the workers are treated uniformly as well as given same importance, chances and facilities, regardless of their age, gender, race, gender, disability and traditions or certainly anything else that could be differentiated against (Dessler, 2013). Therefore, it can be easily said all the employees in the workplace must get access to equal opportunities and the value of workplace diversity. All the companies in U.K. are legally bound to follow a clear set of practices for ensuring favouritism is entirely eradicated as well as expectations of equality are met in the place of work accurately (Holosko and Feit, 2012).
A HR in any company is responsible to ensure that no employees are treated differently in the place of work. The legislation is wide ranging and all-inclusive, essentially making confident that the companies remain to the smallest amount standards set out by a variety of discrimination acts. Equality Act, Race Relations Act, Sex Discrimination Act, Disability Discrimination Act and Human Rights Act are some of the acts that ensure the rights of the employees in the work field. All the employees in their respective work areas are required to learn more about their employment rights. Jackson et al. (2012) has said that it is unlawful for the employers to distinguish against workers because of their age. HR of every organization is responsible to look after this fact, as it hampers the employer-employee relation as well as the growth of the company (Mathis and Jackson, 2008).
It has been found that the U.K. is a multicultural society and obviously, this is reflected in the workplace. Michielsens et al. (2013) has said that acceptance and considerate are very crucial to the multicultural communication. Therefore, it is no doubt to say that it is prohibited for any manager to distinguish against an worker depending on their colour, population and the racial origin. If it can be found that any employee in the work place become victim of ethnical and race discrimination, HR of the company is required to implement strict policies at the work place to handle the situation immediately (Mondy and Mondy, 2012).
Relevant laws and discrimination acts
In the year 1975, Sex Discrimination Act states that any employer is not authorized to categorize alongside any employees due to their married status. In totalling to this, the 1970 Equal Pay Act ensures that the employers must supply the same pay as well as the work conditions regardless of gender. Apart from this, Disability Discrimination Act helps all the managers to act sensibly when dealing with the employees with disabilities (Ryan, 2011). The Disability Discrimination Act helps the employers in the work place to act responsibly at the time of dealing with the employees with any kind of difficulties. These regulations successfully sketch the rights of the workers to the particular workplace alterations along with the dissimilar functioning conditions to defend their welfare. Romanenko (2012) has stated that employers are allowed to consider a disability in the entire employment and selection process if that disability precludes the ability of the applicant to carry out the major duties of the role (Thacker, 2012).
In the present day scenario, work force diversity is considered as a global work place and market place topic. Torrington et al. (2008) has stated that any business or organization that intends to be winning, must have a borderless vision as well as fundamental assurance for ensuring that the work force diversity is one of the part of its day-to-day business conduct. In this regards, it is obvious to say that to be victorious, worldwide companies must carry on to look towards the future and CEOs, senior line and HR management and diversity leaders play a key role in this entire procedure. Although it can be said that HR team plays the major role, total delegation from the top, without proper vigorous attachment, is one of the recipes of failure (Van Den Bergh, 2011).
Werbel and Balkin (2010) has stated that diverse workforce demands balanced HR leadership in any of the organizations. Therefore, the human resource department of a company is often called upon to lead the way when the businesses perform to manage as well as value diversity. It is no doubt to say that organizations come in all sizes and shapes along with the staffs ranging from mainly harmonized to entirely assort. Additionally, the impressions involved in the assortment administration are new sufficient that even its practitioners do not always have agreement. Over the last few times, some of the guiding principle have emerged, however, depending upon what has and what has not worked for many of these types of the organizations. The human resources subdivision of the companies can be catalyst that finds as well as develops several occasions along with many resources that tends to support the multiplicity program of the organizations (Werner et al. 2012).
Mondy and Mondy (2012) in their research has stated that women in the work place is considered as one of the diversities, as today’s work force has the highest level of the employ contribution ever by the women. In the last few decades, the number of dual income families and single working mother has gradually increased. Change in the family structure has cleared the view that there are fewer men and women in the conventional family roles. Therefore, it is clear enough to say that diversity issues cut across both the races and genders (Dessler, 2008). These laws stipulate the rights and responsibilities of both the associates and employers in the work place and hold both the groups answerable (Byars and Rue, 2008).
HR’s responsibilities in promoting diversity and equality
Citkin and Spielman (2012) has found that equal opportunity is one of the principles that emphasizes equal opportunities in employment, particularly related to the legal frame work, which makes it illegitimate to differentiate adjacent to individuals because of the secluded description they have. Therefore, it is clear enough to say that human resources of any company are responsible to ensure that all the policies are applied properly in the work place. Some of these have been discussed here. HR is responsible to supply suitable diversity and equality awareness training for all the staffs, support the managers to implement the policies, make sure that the promotion, assortment and appointment events, presentation administration procedures and punitive accusation processes are fair enough and translucent as well as constantly functional (Dessler, 2008).
Dessler (2013) has opined that all the staffs in the organization, who believe that they have been subject to any kind of dissemination in the work field or annoyance, have the right to look for restore. Therefore, staffs may look for recommendation from their line managers, human resources or trade union representatives. In that case, grievances should be acquiescing in agreement with the service’s complaint method. It is no doubt to say that verbal and physical abuse by anybody in the organization is not tolerated and in that case, service may discipline the staffs who have been found to be abusive in the company (Holosko and Feit, 2012).
An example in this regard can be mentioned here for the easy understanding of the situation as well as research topic. Ford Motor Company is one of the leading companies that is highly committed towards the ideologies behind equivalent opportunities in service for a long time. Since 1967, the company has begun ethnic monitoring hourly personnel and since that time, it has been involved in several initiatives designed for improving equal opportunities in the work place. For ensuring equal opportunities in the work place, they have introduced Ford’s Equal Opportunities Policy. This policy is a statement of the commitment of the employees towards equal opportunities and tends to provide the underpinning for the optimistic proposals that are intended to hold up the key principles. Many cases have established the fact that understanding equal opportunities and the neighbouring issues might be complex, but organizations, especially the HR of the organization must supply a better position in which persons can work successfully to advance their efficiency (Mathis and Jackson, 2008).
It is no doubt to say that human capital is the greatest asset of any organizations and thus, the organizations makes an obvious effort to get people with different background, capabilities and skills to achieve the goal of the company. In order to get the desired level, all the employees in the organization must get the equal chance towards opportunities and in that regards, HR managers are responsible to focus at this part intensely. With consent from the higher management authority, the HR managers are responsible to implement policies of providing equal opportunities among the employees and making clear the policy to each of the employees. Ryan (2011) has found that diversity in experience, opinions, cultures, group identities are largely valued as well as appreciated, this is because of the fact that this diversity provides richness to the organization and without this, an organization could neither be loyal and faithful towards its values neither can achieve the goals successfully. Therefore, diversified work force is highly appreciable and the HR managers of the company are responsible to manage the diversified work force inside the organization (Romanenko, 2012).
Multicultural communication in the workplace
Accurately, Human Resources in the organization have drawn all the essential powers by placing itself at the core of the administrative activities by constructing a concrete bridge between the organization and the community of the employees. Therefore, providing equal opportunities to every employee in the organization and managing the diversified work force as well are the two major areas of concern from a HR perspective (Strachan et al. 2010). They are required to implement several required policies for the employees with consent of the higher management authority. Moreover, the HRs are required to monitor the implemented policies on a regular basis to understand that the implemented policies have justified the situation or not. Apart from monitoring, HRs must take feedback from the employees regarding the implemented policies and make a detailed analysis of the feedback. This might help the company to encourage the situation. Therefore, in this regard, the roles of the HR are to clearly interpret the legislative framework, develop as well as disseminate the policies to promote equal opportunity to every employee, monitor the implementation and gradually develop effectiveness (Thacker, 2012).
It has been seen that Lilian Faithfull Homes has a convenient recruitment and retention policy that has made the work place stable and they provide a high quality of customer care (Torrington et al. 2008). The International Labour Organization (ILO) has been working for decades to promote equal employment opportunities for the disabled persons through international labour standards, development of knowledge, advocacy and the technical advisory services to all the constituents. Therefore, it is no doubt to say that all the organizations have to respond to a vast range of legislation as well as policy initiatives in order to promote equal opportunities not only for men, but also for men as well. However, it can be said that support of employment equality for women and men at the highest level of government is one of the universal matters in the developed countries of the entire world (Werbel and Balkin, 2010).
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