Assignment 2: Discrimination in EmploymentThere are numerous ways discrimination can occur in the workplace. Choose one type of discrimination covered by the US EEOC as listed below:AgeDisabilityGenetic informationNational originPregnancyRace and colorReligionSexTasks:Address the following in a 3–5-page paper:Explain the type of discrimination you selected, including relevant laws. Discuss the implications and consequences of a violation.Cite at least two court cases that involve this type of discrimination in employment. Analyze the cases to determine whether and where illegal behavior occurred.Discuss ways employers can prevent or reduce the risk of this type of discrimination in the workplace.Discuss the law in the current and future employment context. Many laws covering discrimination are decades old. Are these laws still applicable? Do they still accomplish what they are intended to do? What modifications may be necessary or appropriate in the future?Include reference to the original text of the law, court cases, and other scholarly resources in the APA format.USE THE PREGNANCY WORKPLACE DISCRIMINATION.This paper will allow students to explore discrimination in the workplace in more detail. As they choose their specific topics, they will draw from their own experience and explore specific types of discrimination that they find of most interest. Papers should focus on application of the law and include specific examples of violations and suggestions of viable methods of preventing future issues. Students should come up with practical solutions for employers to prevent the selected category of discrimination.Students should cite scholarly references to support their ideas, examples, and suggestions. They should cite the original text of the law as well. Papers should be scholarly and analytical and reflect understanding of the content as well as critical thinking.

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