Project Management For Outlines Several Methods And Techniques: A Case Study
Disciplinary focused research
Discuss about the case study Project Management for Outlines Several Methods and Techniques.
This particular chapter outlines several methods and techniques which are considered in this research. Through this chapter, the most appropriate approaches, which are essential to conduct this specific study, are defined well. It is important to consider specific methods and approaches before start the research process. It helps to investigate more effectively and proceed to the right direction. Better analysis can be done by considering certain theories and concepts related to the research topic (Mackey and Gass 2015). Research methodology defines the way through which the outcome of the research problem can be found out (Taylor, Bogdan and DeVault 2015). The chapter describes the specific research philosophy, approach, and design which are considered in this study. Along with that, the processes of gathering all data and information are mentioned here. Apart from this, some ethics are highly considered throughout the research. However, some constraints are there that restrict the research to some extent. The time horizon of the entire research is demonstrated in this chapter.
The research helps to focus on the importance of intelligence management in the business. This particular study is a disciplinary focused research as it maintains some specific steps. Firstly, it gathers the basics knowledge of the topic in order to build a clear concept. Afterwards, it enters in the case study which is the center point of the research. The basic concept helps to understand the case scenario of the case study. Further, the study establishes an in-depth knowledge by gathering data and information from secondary sources. After that, the primary sources would help to gather more accurate data. The study would discuss about the secondary and primary sources in the later section of this chapter. Based on the gathered data, the analysis would be done. In this context, it is important to mention that the study would be conducted under some ethical considerations.
Certain research techniques and procedures are framed in order to analyze the intelligence management opportunities for the organizations in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Along with that, the study investigates what challenges the organizations confront in the economy of UAE. Several research philosophies, approaches, and designs have been studied to consider a specific one. In order to conduct this research, positivism research philosophy has been chosen. This particular philosophy helps to collect data and information that are based on proper logic and evaluation. The reason behind considering this research philosophy is elaborated more in the later section of this chapter. Along with that, other essential research philosophies are also illustrated here. It helps to compare and contrast between these methods. Besides, deductive research approach is considered in this research. This research approach helps to incorporate the concept of the topic in detain manner. The reason behind considering this approach over other research approaches is manifested in the later part. Along with that, the research will pursue descriptive research pattern as it helps to describe the study in more effective manner. Here, it is important to mention that secondary research has been considered to understand the business market of the UAE economy. Further, primary research will be done to support the research with more relevant information. Qualitative research technique would be used in this research process. The information of business intelligence management process will be collected by interviewing a number of managers of various sectors in UAE. The importance of sample and size of sample is manifested in the later section of this chapter. The methods and techniques will be pursued under some ethical considerations.
Method Outline
As opined by Flick (2015), one of the key tools of research methodology is research onion. Research onion defines the set of stages though which the research will be conducted. Through establishing the sets of stages, one can investigate as well as analyze certain studies more successfully (Panneerselvam 2014). Gast and Ledford (2014) added in this context that each stages of research onion helps to take suitable path in order to resolve the issues encountered in the research topic. As a result, the research can be done by adopting suitable method and design with philosophy, proper sampling and data collection process.
Saunders et al. (2009) developed six stages through the research onion. The stages are covered by several research strategies. The concept of research onion is utilized in this study as it provides effective progression through which entire methodology can be designed. As mentioned by Saunders et al. (2009), the six divisions of research onion are research philosophies, research approaches, strategies, choices, time horizons, techniques and procedures. The set of six division is demonstrated well in the blow figure:
Figure 1: Research Onion
(Source: Saunders et al. 2009)
First stage is research philosophy which defines the set of beliefs concerning the research topic (Saunders et al. 2009). Further. it helps to incorporate most appropriate approaches which is considered in the second stage of research onion. In the third stage, specific strategies are adopted and certain choices are made in the fourth layer. The fifth layer identifies the time horizon. As the research needs to be completed within limited time span, the entire process should be planned with a particular time frame. The sixth and last layer includes techniques and procedures. This stage defines how the data and information will be gathered. The process of collecting data is framed in this stage of research onion.
Billig and Waterman (2014) stated that the application of research philosophy helps to determine the research process more effectively. More specifically, one pursues specific research philosophy to understand the research process in a better way and conduct the studies in a proper manner. Pickard (2012) added in this context that the thinking procedure differs between several research topics and based on that the selection process of research philosophy is done. Reynolds et al. (2014) defined research philosophy as the underlying of the nature of knowledge. The assumption taken by research philosophy justifies how the research will be undertaken. The assumptions differ among several researches as different studies have different objectives.
Research Onion
Billig and Waterman (2014) indicated three crucial research philosophies that include positivism research philosophy, interpretivism research philosophy, and realism research philosophy. As per the viewpoint of Lushey and Munro (2014), positivism research philosophy defines positive knowledge which is based on natural phenomenon. Through pursuing this philosophy, the research topic can be interpreted with appropriate logic and reasons. Further, it defines that empirical evidences which is based on verified data are gathered through investigating specific studies. It operates according to the general laws and hold the society. It is important to mention that introspective and intuitive knowledge is rejected under positivism research philosophy.
As described by Farrokhyar et al. (2014), interpretivism research philosophy is mainly used in complex studies that involves social world of business and their operations. It is also known as interpretivist philosophy where one needs to interpret all the elements of the study in detail. Thus, it can be stated that interpretivism research philosophy integrates human interest in the study. On the other way, realism research philosophy is the mixed approach of positivism research philosophy and interpretivism research philosophy (Bauman 2013). As it is a mixed of other two approaches, it also provides the set of assumption that bring empirical evidences. However, it is assumed that the positivism research philosophy would be suitable for this particular research.
The positivism research philosophy is chosen based on some specific reasons. Bauman (2013) mentioned that the positivism research philosophy helps to conduct the study in a scientific manner. Further, it helps to bring out some important hidden facts and information. Through avoiding metaphysics, it gathers essential information and observe it in proper manner. In the present context, the study has chosen to apply the positivism philosophy so that it can bring out the real fact of the intelligence manage process of UAE business market. However, it is essential to mention that the realism research philosophy could have used in this research. As the research needs to be completed within limited time span, the realism research philosophy has been rejected. Under positivism research philosophy, the roles in conduction research are restricted. However, this particular research philosophy minimizes the data errors (Anfara Jr and Mertz 2014).
Following the viewpoint of Archer et al. (2015), two essential research approaches are there that include inductive research approach and deductive research approach. Archer et al. (2015) defined inductive research approach is a bottom to top approach. More specifically, it starts from the observation part. This particular research approach is time consuming in nature. At the same time it is expensive to conduct a study by pursuing inductive research approach. As the financial restriction is there, it is not possible always to conduct research under this research approach. Dumay and Cai (2015) added in this context that this specific approach is characterized as a move from specific to general. As it starts from the observation part, no framework of data collection process is established at the initial stage. The research focus is formed only after the data and information is collected (Gale et al. 2013). However, Green, Camilli and Elmore (2012) opined that sometime new theories are generated by applying the inductive research approach. However, it might be found to fit in existing theories (Green, Camilli and Elmore 2012).
Research Philosophy
According to Skinner (2015), deductive research approach is a top to bottom approach. Through incorporating this approach, proper application of some specific theories are studied. This helps to conduct the researches in more effective manner. The prime objective of deductive approach is to build a theory which will deliver an in-depth knowledge of the topic with the concept of data analysis. Jasti and Kodali (2014) stated that this particular research approach helps to develop hypothesis and hypotheses based on the existing theory. After developing the hypotheses, the research process is formulated to verify it. Following the viewpoint of Roberts (2013), deductive research approach is best suited to the studies which is conducted to examine whether the observed phenomenon fit with expectation or not. Here, it is important to mention that the research approach is based on the researches which were done previously. In the present research, the deductive research approach will be applied.
Figure 2: Process of Deductive approach
(Source: Kuada 2012)
The study concentrates on the concept of intelligence management process of the business in the UAE economy with the help of various data and information. As it is a top to bottom approach, it collects the data and information first and then analyses them carefully (Kuada 2012). The observation is entirely based on the theories considered at the beginning of the study. The selection approach of the topic intelligence management process helps to understand the importance of the study in more precise manner. More specifically, it helps to discuss all other factors related to the intelligence management (Mangal and Mangal 2013).
Figure 3: Kinds of Research design
(Source: Snyder 2012)
As stated by Snyder (2012), research design helps to demonstrate the framework of the research topic. In research methodology, it is essential to form specific research design as it helps to select the data collection process and analysis pattern. As mentioned by Taylor, Bogdan and DeVault (2015), specific research design needs to be applied data collection process. Green, Camilli and Elmore (2012) added in this context that three specific types of research designs are there that include descriptive research design, exploratory research design and explanatory research design. Gale et al. (2013) defines descriptive academic research pattern as the process of gaining the details of the information which is available with proper description. In research process, the descriptive research design helps to depict the responses of the participants in more accurate way. Further, it helps to describe the participants as they play a key role in the research process.
Following the viewpoint of Archer et al. (2015), exploratory academic research pattern is the process that helps to acknowledge several ideas and thoughts to conduct specific studies. Exploratory research design is one of the most crucial tools used in research to analyze the issues more thoroughly. It is essential to understand the research issue well before attempting to quantify mass responses into statistically inferable data. As stated by Farrokhyar et al. (2014), the prime objective of this research design is to collect preliminary data and information which will help to elaborate the research design and suggest hypothesis. According to Green, Camilli and Elmore (2012), explanatory academic research pattern helps to illustrate the research issues and its effects. It is used mainly in analytical and experimental studies. Further, it is used for hypothesis testing and explain why any specific phenomenon is going on. Taylor, Bogdan and DeVault (2015) opined that this particular research pattern gives support to the concept of longitudinal study which is not appropriate in the current research. Both the exploratory and explanatory research pattern are rejected in this study. However, in this present study, the descriptive academic research pattern will be pursued.
Through analyzing three research designs, it is found that descriptive academic research pattern is the most appropriate for this present study. Descriptive research design helps to define the detail process which involves the application of intelligence management in the business of UAE economy. Descriptive research design helps to describe the research in more detail manner. It explores and explains all the additional information and their importance in this research. Further, it fills the missing part of the research and expand the understanding about the topic. In descriptive research pattern, three stages are incorporated that includes ‘observational’, ‘case study’, and ‘survey’ (Green, Camilli and Elmore 2012). Green, Camilli and Elmore (2012) explained that in observational part, the methods of viewing the entire research is defined. The observation of this research will be done in two different ways. One will be done in naturalistic way that means after gathering data from survey or interview process the outcome will be observed. Other one will be based on the researches that were done previously. Both the process helps to obtain in-depth knowledge of the research topic and fulfill the research objectives as well. The case study defines that the outcome will help to study specific case which is the central point of the research. Moreover, the survey is the process of gathering data and information which is more relevant (Taylor, Bogdan and DeVault 2015).
As explained by Gale et al. (2013), data collection process is one of the essential parts of research as it helps to derive the accurate outcome. Besides, it helps to provide standard format of the research work. Through pursuing data collection process, required information and essential facts are gathered to study the research topic. Here, it is important to mention that data collection method includes data sources and data analysis plan. Data sources are the origins from where all the required as well as relevant data are gathered (Farrokhyar et al. 2014). On the other way, data analysis is the process through which the collected data and information are observed (Archer et al. 2015). Following the discussion of Taylor, Bogdan and DeVault (2015), the process helps to create the backbone of the research. The process starts with determining the type of data. Before collecting the information, it is essential to identify which type of data is required in specific researches. Afterwards, the sources and pattern of data collection is decided (Farrokhyar et al. 2014).
The data and information are gathered from various data sources in order to conduct the study in a way that is more realistic. The gathered data helps to go through the research topic and its objectives. Through applying this process, the information in according to the requirement is exerted in order to analyze the research (Dumay and Cai 2015). Green, Camilli and Elmore (2012) opined that two specific types of data sources are there that include primary data source and secondary data source. This particular research is conducted by considering help of both the data sources. It is essential to mention that the secondary data helps to support only the literature review part. In order to establish clear concept of intelligence management along with other related factors, the secondary sources are considered. The secondary sources include various academic books, journals, and relevant websites (Archer et al. 2015). The first three chapters are based on the data and information which were collected from secondary sources. Number of researches have been done on the same topic by other researchers. These help to emphasize on the present research topic.
However, the raw data will be gathered from primary data sources. In the present study, the investigation is majorly based on the primary data sources. The rest of the study will be conducted by considering the information which will be gathered from primary data sources. It helps to justify as well as support the information collected from secondary data sources. Besides, primary data and information establish the link between the research objectives and literature review (Gale et al. 2013).
Neuman and Robson (2012) described that two types of data techniques are used in data collection and analysis process that include quantitative data technique and qualitative data technique. Walter and Andersen (2013) defined quantitative data technique as the process which is based statistical data. This helps to record and analyze the data of a huge sample size which is not applicable in the present study. The data technique of the present study involve the qualitative data solely. As per the statement of Smith (2015), qualitative research techniques helps to record narrative form of data so that more importance can be added for better description. Silverman (2016) added in this context that the qualitative data analysis helps to support the theoretical concept of intelligence management. Further, it helps to establish the knowledge of the research topic more effectively.
As stated by Gast and Ledford (2014), population defines the people who participate in the investigations. The people are affected directly or indirectly by the process of research. In this process, the managers of various sectors of UAE economy are considered as the population of the research. Other people are not considered in this research and hence smaller representation is considered as the sample. Dumay and Cai (2015) added in this context that the sampling process makes the research easier. It is impossible to gather information from every single person. Besides, as the research needs to be completed within limited time period, it is essential to choose the population and sample size effectively (Neuman and Robson 2012).
Sample of small size is considered in this research as it suits the research objectives as well as the study on the topic of intelligence management in UAE economy. In this study, the managers of various sectors of UAE economy are considered for non-probability sampling technique. Simple random probability sampling techniques will not be appropriate as other people are considered in this study. The interviews with the managers will be considered with flexible timing and schedule.
The investigation will be done with the help of the sample size based on the qualitative technique. Primary data will be gathered by interviewing 10 managers from 5 sectors of UAE economy. More specifically, 2 managers will be considered from each sector. These five sectors include finance sector, health sector, manufacturing sector, tourism sector, and IT (Information Technology) sector. The sample size helps to plan and manage the study more effectively.
In this study, some ethics will be considered for analyzing the intelligence management process in UAE economy that helps to standardize the specific research topic. The ethical consideration includes data application, respondents’ involvement and respondents’ anonymity (Miller et al. 2012). Data application describes the information that is gathered from the research topic to understand the intelligence management process in UAE economy. Respondents’ involvement defines that participants are encouraged to participate in the research. Besides, respondents’ anonymity explains that no verbal or physical harassment is involved during collecting the data.
During the research study, some constraints and restrictions have been confronted. These limitations are both avoidable and non-avoidable in nature. It is important to mention that the managers can be biased towards their company. It might affect the proper gaining of information. Besides, two major constraints are there that includes time constraint and budget constraint. Time is the major constraint as the research needs to be completed within limited time span. Moreover, the financial constraint is another major limitation that restricts the research to reach to the largest possible extent.
Main activities |
1st week |
2nd week |
3rd week |
4th+5th week |
6th week |
7th week |
Selection of research topic |
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Composition of the literature review |
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Research methodology |
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Collection of primary data |
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Analysis and interpretation of data |
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Findings |
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Conclusion and Recommendation |
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Final submission |
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Figure 4: Gantt Chart
(Source: Created By Author)
Some specific and appropriate research methods and techniques are considered in this research. This chapter demonstrates the research tools, selection and analysis process with proper justification. Before starting the investigation, the research onion has been framed. In this study, the positivism research philosophy has been considered. The chapter concludes that the deductive research approach stands over the inductive research approach for this particular research. Apart from this, descriptive research design will be considered during the research. It is expected that the tools and techniques will be appropriate to analyze the concept of intelligence management process in business. The research methodology is framed with proper research methods and technique.
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