Outbreak, I am Legend, Contagion, or Quarantine, Movie Report help

Less than $10 i can afford!Due DateNo later than SaturdayStudents will be asked to watch a movie: Outbreak, I am Legend, Contagion, or Quarantine. Write a short report on the following:     1) How did the disease originate in humans and what was the disease agent?     2) What were the symptoms and how was it transmitted?     3) Could the epidemic have been prevented? If so, how? If not, why?     4) How did the epidemic affect the public?     5) Do you agree with the way the government worked to resolve the issue?     6) You can also provide a brief overview of the movie, in addition to answering the questions noted above (but the bulk of      your paper should address points 1-5).Please focus on concepts you used in the class.  I will grade based on how well you explain those concepts.  Administrative Requirements1. The paper must be a minimum two (2) double spaced pages (but no morethan five (5) pages in length), not including the title page andreference page(s).  Charts, graphs, photos, drawings, lists and extendedquotes* will not count against the two (2) pages of written textrequired. *Note: It is a rare instance that an extended quote isappropriate and most of the time they are considered non-academic. 2. References must follow the American Psychological Association (APA)guidelines for reference and bibliographic citation. If necessary, referto Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ED). 2009 Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association. (must reference the movie)3.  Use Times New Roman Font in a 12-point font.4.  Use 1 inch for the top, bottom, left and right margins.5. Use proper APA format as given to you in the attached example.Submission: Youmust submit your completed paper through this assignment link as itwill be subjected to TurnItIn. Save your file in the following formatbefore you submit: Last Name, First Initial Movie Name (i.e. Jones, L Outbreak). Failure to submit the file in the proper format will lead to point deductions.Grading your Paper. The rubric is a guidethat allows me to look at specific areas (Criteria) of your paper andassign a grade to each. I will then add the six criteria grades andarrive at an overall grade for your work. A rubric helps an instructorto evaluate each student’s work consistently and fairly, despitedifferences in topics and content.*PLAGIARISM:Your paper will go through TurnItIn, a plagiarism software.  If youreceive a high score in TurnItIn, it is likely that you have committedplagiarism whether intentional or not.   Review this website to insureyou do not commit plagiarism: http://www.plagiarism.org/.  If you receive a TurnItIn score that is high, I suggest that you revise and resubmit before the due date. Supporting Material Attached

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